what is the role of ibiblio in Maven? - maven

I am going through a Maven tutorial and it mentions that you can lookup information about a dependency on ibiblio.org:
Let's add another dependency to our project. Let's say we've added
some logging to the code and need to add log4j as a dependency. First,
we need to know what the groupId, artifactId, and version are for
log4j. We can browse ibiblio and look for it, or use Google to help by
searching for "site:www.ibiblio.org maven2 log4j". The search shows a
directory called /maven2/log4j/log4j (or
/pub/packages/maven2/log4j/log4j). In that directory is a file called
maven-metadata.xml. Here's what the maven-metadata.xml for log4j looks
Does ibiblio have some sort of special role in Maven? Or is it just a mirror?

ibiblio has no special role in maven. It's just a suggestion on how to search for Maven artifacts. Nowadays, most projects just have a page documenting how they should be used in a maven project - e.g., see log4j's documentation.

Ibiblio is a repository outside maven central.
See link to ibiblio
I would use mvnrepository to search dependencies
See mvnrepository
To learn a bit more about maven repositories you should look this link


Is there a way in Gradle to define what patterns of artifacts should, (or should not), be resolved via a repository?

Is there a way in Gradle to explicitly define where certain artifacts should be coming from?
We have a legacy project which is being on-boarded to use a proper artifact repository manager, instead of a network share. However, we have multiple repositories from which artifacts are being downloaded. We'd like to be able to fine-grain where certain artifacts should be coming from, until we can fully on-board to the artifact repository manager in question.
Is something like this possible?
Yes that is possible as of Gradle 5.1
Repository to dependency matching
It is now possible to match repositories to dependencies, so that Gradle doesn't search for a dependency in a repository if it's never going to be found there.
See the docs for more details: https://docs.gradle.org/5.6.2/userguide/declaring_repositories.html#sec::matching_repositories_to_dependencies

what is the javaagent.jar dependency from appD

I need to add this to the central repository. But appD does not give its details such as group id, artifact id etc to add in the proper path. What would that be?
AppDynamics doesn't provide it as a Maven dependency and I think it makes sense as well as it there is no application code which needs to call the java agent jars method.
But If you want to make it as a Maven dependency(Maybe so that in your organisation you have a same version of jar used everywhere and provide an easy way to get the jar, which IMO is a good practice), then you have to download java agent jar and put it in your private/public maven repository.
Please see this answer on how to place your own jars to Maven.

Gradle equivelant of maven repository management paramenter

When building with Gradle I would like to reuse the maven repository I created in the past for dependency management, it is basically working, but I cannot find out answers for below questions from Gralde official document:
Does Gradle reuse my settings.xml from default location (my home folder) during maven dependency resolution?
How could I specify a repository in Gradle instead of using the default one? I can do it in maven command with -Drepository parameter easily.
How to control the update policy? I mean always update snapshot dependency and update release dependency per week something like this, or is my setting in settings.xml takes effect to Gradle as well?
Thanks in advance.
My answers below are based on the following chapters from gradle user guide:
Now, to the specific answers:
According to DEPENDENCY MANAGEMENT BASICS (section 51.6.4. Local Maven repository), I guess the answer to this question would be yes:
Gradle uses the same logic as Maven to identify the location of your
local Maven cache. If a local repository location is defined in a
settings.xml, this location will be used. The settings.xml in
USER_HOME/.m2 takes precedence over the settings.xml in M2_HOME/conf.
If no settings.xml is available, Gradle uses the default location
This applies to local repository defined as:
repositories {
Sections 8.5. Repositories and 51.6. Repositories in gradle user guide describes a couple of ways to define the repositories you'd like to use. these includes using mavenCentral, specifying a remote custom Maven repository, e.g.: maven { url "http://repo.mycompany.com/maven2" }, etc. If you'd like to pass the repository via command line then you can use gradle system property for that.
I believe that section 51.9. THE DEPENDENCY CACHE contains the information you're looking for. In short, the default cache is for 24 hours. However, it can be overridden configuring the ResolutionStrategy, e.g.: resolutionStrategy.cacheDynamicVersionsFor 10, 'minutes'.
Regarding using the settings in settings.xml then I could not find a clear answer for that but you're welcome to give it a try :)

intellij idea specify repository for downloading sources

It seems that question can be related to How to automatically attach source code for dependency in Intellij? but it`s not in full manner.
In debug mode I'm getting into decompiled file and idea ask me to download or set the path to sources.
For resolving I'm using some nexus repository which aggregates different vendors public jars (proxy repositories,reuploaded jars and etc). Unfortunately it contains jars but very often it doesn't contain sources or javadocs.
But at the same time vendors' repositories contain sources. After clicking "download" button - I can see that idea try to find sources only in "oss.sonatype.org" repository.
So is any ability to set the list of repositories where Idea can search sources?
IntelliJ will respect your normal Maven configuration. You can define repositories in the actual pom.xml or in your maven user setting under ~/.m2/settings.xml. See https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-multiple-repositories.html
Check settings of IntelliJ IDEA "Settings-->Maven-->Repositories
There are two sections:
Index Maven Repositories
Artifactory or Nexus Service URLs

How to get artifact from maven repository without maven?

First, I am not a maven user. I need this library: https://github.com/ansell/JenaSesame but only the source code is available. The readme shows this information:
Group: org.openjena
Artifact: jena-sesame
But when I browse to that location I get a 404. How can I grab that artifact from that repository? I'm willing to install maven if I have to to get it; I just need the compiled library jars.
I have already searched the maven central repository at http://search.maven.org , and it is not there.
Any publicly-accessible repository should be viewable in a browser, and as such you should be able to download any JAR file contained within. The URL you've listed, openjena.org/repo-dev [1], looks more like a development repository. There are plenty of repositories around the world that are internal repositories, so this looks like one that hasn't been set up for public consumption.
It looks like they have binary releases available for download here: http://www.apache.org/dist/jena/ Have you looked there for what you're after?
[1]: Now a spam domain - visit https://jena.apache.org/ instead.
