Square PoS API limit - square-connect

What is the actual limit per transaction for Square PoS API?
According to https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5079-best-practices-for-accepting-payment-cards#high-value-transactions it seems to be $50,000.00.
However using as PoC an Android app integrated with Square PoS API I was able to charge more than quantity.
Thanks in advance!

That is the documented limit for transactions. It can be possible to start a transaction for more but it should fail during authorization, or take more in a non card transaction.


How to retrieve last four card digits after successfull transaction using Square Point of Sale API?

I'm trying to use Square Point Of Sale API in my android app to deal with card payments utilizing square hardware. In order to generate valid customer receipt in my android app, I need to retrieve some information from Square about the card that was used to complete the transaction (such as four last digits).
I've tried to see what data com.squareup.sdk.pos.ChargeRequest.Success object returns, but as I understand - it only returns transactions ID's and metadata that was passed from my app to begin with.
Any ideas how can I solve this problem?
You would use the transactionId that is returned to you to pass it along to the BatchRetrieveOrders API endpoint (transaction_id == order_id), in order to find more information about the transaction including the last 4 digits of the card used. The last 4 would be available via Order->tenders[0]->card_details->card->last_4.

What is the max number of access tokens one can generate with Square?

How many access tokens can be generated per personal API token with Square SDK? A million at a time? Infinite? 100? It doesn't mention on the website, nor on any other Stripe documentation that I could find.
If you really mean Square, and you're solely talking about OAuthing other merchants (based on the link you provided) then our docs say:
By default, the OAuth API lets up to 500 Square accounts authorize your application.
It is possible to increase that number, but you would need to reach out to support and communicate the need with them.

Square Point of Sale API - Error code "amount_too_small", but card is charged?

i'm making calls to the square pos ios web api with charges of $1.00 for system integration testing.
the calls are successful, in that they switch control to the square app, the card gets charged $1.00, transactions show up in the dashboard, i can refund them, etc. so obviously i'm sending the minimum amount suggested in the documentation to test the api (https://docs.connect.squareup.com/articles/web-api-ios) due to the lack of a point of sale api sandbox?
why does the response return a status of "error" with an error_code of "amount_too_small" when it was processed successfully?
Make sure you are using an amount of at least 100 to represent $1 (or 100 cents). You should only get this error if you try to charge an amount lower than 100.
My guess is that you are seeing transactions that you made previously, or you are getting replayed responses by reusing idempotency keys. If you are in fact getting an error in response while a transaction is being created, it seems like there is something wrong with our system. Could you record a video of what you are doing, or some detailed logs of requests & responses with headers?

What is the minimum interval allowed for calling List Payment API

One of our cafes has a coffee station where the barista needs to see orders (payments) as they come in from the the registers. We are not able to use the Webhooks feature because it does not allow us to filter based on location and register and our volume is too high. So I am developing an iOS app which will periodically call the payments API for that specific location to get the latest transactions. It will use the begin_time parameter to get txns since the last query. The app will only be deployed only on one device and we would like to make the call in intervals of every 5-10 seconds. It will probablly pull down 1-3 txns for each call. Is there a minimum interval that is recommended or enforced?
The only minimum interval you would have to worry about would running into rate limits, but at that rate, you won't have any problems. You can read more about error codes (including rate limiting) on Square's official documentation

Square API: How to generate test orders without getting charged?

I am developing an app that uses the Orders endpoint.
As far as I can tell, there is no way to place an "order" without providing a credit card. Which means there are fees (because there is no square sandbox...)
Is there any way to test my integration without incurring fees??
Note: This stackoverflow answer gives a work around for the Payments endpoint, but that is not helpful in my case.
Square has sandbox where you can use the sandbox nonce and predefined credit cards. In this way you will not get charged for the orders. Check this link https://docs.connect.squareup.com/articles/using-sandbox/
