Apache Storm spout stops emitting messages from spout - apache-storm

We have been struggling with this issue for a long time now. In short, our storm topology stops emitting messages from spout after some time in a random fashion. We have an automated script which re-deploys the topology at 06:00 UTC everyday after the master data refresh activity is complete.
In the last 2 weeks, our topology stopped emitting the messages for 3 times in late UTC hours (between 22:00 and 02:00). It only comes online when we restart it which is around 06:00 UTC.
I've searched for many answers & blogs but couldn't find out what's happening here. We have an un-anchored topology which is a choice we have made like 3-4 years ago. We started with 0.9.2 and now we are on 1.1.0.
I've checked all kind of logs and I'm 100% sure that the nextTuple() method for the controller is not getting called and there are no exceptions happening in the system which may cause this. I've also checked all kind of logs we accumulate and there is not even a single ERROR or WARN logs explaining the abrupt stoppage. The INFO logs are also not that helpful. There is nothing which can be connected to this issue in worker logs or supervisor logs or nimbus logs.
This is how our spout class looks:
public class Controller implements IRichSpout {
SpoutOutputCollector _collector;
Calendar LAST_RUN = null;
List<ControllerMessage> msgList;
* It is to open the spout
public void open(Map conf, TopologyContext context, SpoutOutputCollector collector) {
_collector = collector;
msgList= new ArrayList<ControllerMessage>();
MongoIndexingHandler mongoIndexingHandler = new MongoIndexingHandler();
* It executes the next tuple
public void nextTuple() {
Map<String, Object> logMap = new HashMap<>();
logMap.put("BEGIN", new Date());
try {
TriggerHandler thandler = new TriggerHandler();
if (msgList.size() == 0) {
List<ControllerMessage> mList = thandler.getControllerMessage(new Date());
msgList = mList;
if (msgList.size() > 0) {
ControllerMessage message = msgList.get(0);
if(thandler.fire(message.getFireTime())) {
Util.log(message, "CONTROLLER_LOGS", message.getTime(), new Date());
_collector.emit(new Values(message));
} catch (Exception e) {
Util.exLog(e, "EXECUTOR_ERROR", new Date(), "nextTuple()",Controller.class);
* It acknowledges the messages
public void ack(Object id) {
* It tells failed messages
public void fail(Object id) {
* It declares the message name
public void declareOutputFields(OutputFieldsDeclarer declarer) {
declarer.declare(new Fields("SPOUT_MESSAGE"));
public void activate() {
public void close() {
public void deactivate() {
public Map<String, Object> getComponentConfiguration() {
return null;
and this is the topology class: DiagnosticTopology.java
public class DiagnosticTopology {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
int gSize = (null != args && args.length > 0) ? Integer.parseInt(args[0]) : 2;
int sSize = (null != args && args.length > 1) ? Integer.parseInt(args[1]) : 128;
int sMSize = (null != args && args.length > 2) ? Integer.parseInt(args[2]) : 16;
int aGSize = (null != args && args.length > 3) ? Integer.parseInt(args[3]) : 16;
int rSize = (null != args && args.length > 4) ? Integer.parseInt(args[4]) : 64;
int rMSize = (null != args && args.length > 5) ? Integer.parseInt(args[5]) : 16;
int dMSize = (null != args && args.length > 6) ? Integer.parseInt(args[6]) : 8;
int wSize = (null != args && args.length > 7) ? Integer.parseInt(args[7]) : 16;
String topologyName = (null != args && args.length > 8) ? args[8] : "DIAGNOSTIC";
TopologyBuilder builder = new TopologyBuilder();
builder.setSpout("controller", new Controller(), 1);
builder.setBolt("generator", new GeneratorBolt(), gSize).shuffleGrouping("controller");
builder.setBolt("scraping", new ScrapingBolt(), sSize).shuffleGrouping("generator");
builder.setBolt("smongo", new MongoBolt(), sMSize).shuffleGrouping("scraping");
builder.setBolt("aggregation", new AggregationBolt(), aGSize).shuffleGrouping("scraping");
builder.setBolt("rule", new RuleBolt(), rSize).shuffleGrouping("smongo");
builder.setBolt("rmongo", new RMongoBolt(), rMSize).shuffleGrouping("rule");
builder.setBolt("dstatus", new DeviceStatusBolt(), dMSize).shuffleGrouping("rule");
builder.setSpout("trigger", new TriggerSpout(), 1);
builder.setBolt("job", new JobTriggerBolt(), 4).shuffleGrouping("trigger");
Config conf = new Config();
StormSubmitter.submitTopologyWithProgressBar(topologyName, conf, builder.createTopology());
We have fairly good servers (Xeon, 8 core, 32 GB and flash drives) in place for the production as well as testing environment and there are not external factors which can cause this issue as exception handling is everywhere in the code.
When this thing happens, it seems like everything stopped all of a sudden and there are no traces of why it happened.
Any help is highly appreciated!

I don't know what is causing your issue, but I'd recommend that you start by checking if upgrading to the latest Storm version resolves the issue. I know of at least two issues related to worker threads dying and not coming back up https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STORM-1750 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STORM-2194. 1750 is fixed in 1.1.0, but 2194 is not fixed until 1.1.1.
In case upgrading doesn't fix the issue for you, you might be able to debug it by doing the following.
Next time your topology is hanging, go open Storm UI and find your spout. It'll show the list of executors running that spout, along with which workers are responsible for running them. Pick one of the workers where the spout executor isn't emitting anything. Open a shell on the machine running that worker, and find the worker JVM's process id. You can do this easily with jps -m.
Example output showing the worker JVM with port 6701 on my local machine, which has pid 7592:
7592 Worker test-2-1520361882 d24dc55d-76c7-4cc6-93fa-2663fcdcb1ba- 6701 f7b6f8e4-6c87-47ca-a7b7-655009b6c62a
Trigger a thread dump by doing kill -3 <pid>, or use jstack <pid> if you prefer.
In the thread dump, you should be able to find the executor thread that's hanging. For instance, when I do a thread dump for a topology with a spout called "word", where one of the spout executors has number 13, I see
edit: Stack overflow won't let me post the stack trace because the heuristic looking for unformatted code is bad. I've spent probably as long trying to post the stack trace as writing the original answer, so I can't be bothered to keep trying. Here's the trace that should have been here https://pastebin.com/2Sz5kkQ1
which shows me what executor 13 is currently doing. In this case it's sleeping during a call to nextTuple.
If you can find out what your hanging executor is doing, you should be much better equipped to solve the issue, or report a bug to Storm.

We have observed this with our application where we had very busy CPU and all other threads were waiting for their turn. When we tried to find root cause using JVisualVM to check resource usage, we found that some function in some bolts were causing lot of overhead and CPU time. Please check via. any profiling tool if there are blocked threads in CPU critical path of nextTuple() method or are you receiving any data for the same from upstream.


How to use HttpContext inside Task.Run

There is some posts explain how to tackle, but couldnt help me much..
Logging Request/Response in middleware, it works when use 'await' with Task.Run() but since its awaited current operation to complete there is performance issue.
When I remove await as below, it runs fast but not logging anything, since HttpContext instance not available to use inside parallel thread
public class LoggingHandlerMiddleware
private readonly RequestDelegate next;
private readonly ILoggerManager _loggerManager;
public LoggingHandlerMiddleware(RequestDelegate next, ILoggerManager loggerManager)
this.next = next;
_loggerManager = loggerManager;
public async Task Invoke(HttpContext context, ILoggerManager loggerManager, IWebHostEnvironment environment)
_ = Task.Run(() =>
AdvanceLoggingAsync(context, _loggerManager, environment);
private void AdvanceLoggingAsync(HttpContext context, ILoggerManager loggerManager, IWebHostEnvironment environment, bool IsResponse = false)
context.Request.EnableBuffering(); // Throws ExecutionContext.cs not found
result += $"ContentType:{context.Request.ContentType},";
using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8, true, 1024, true))
result += $"Body:{await reader.ReadToEndAsync()}";
context.Request.Body.Position = 0;
loggerManager.LogInfo($"Advance Logging Content(Request)-> {result}");
How can I leverage Task.Run() performance with accessing HttpContext?
Well, you can extract what you need from the context, build your string you want to log, and then pass that string to the task you run.
However, firing and forgetting a task is not good. If it throws an exception, you risk of bringing down the server, or at least you will have very hard time getting information about the error.
If you are concerned about the logging performance, better add what you need to log to a message queue, and have a process that responds to new messages in the queue and logs the message to the log file.

Kafka Streams - The state store may have migrated to another instance

I'm writing a basic application to test the Interactive Queries feature of Kafka Streams. Here is the code:
public static void main(String[] args) {
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier waypointsStoreSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore("test-store");
StoreBuilder waypointsStoreBuilder = Stores.keyValueStoreBuilder(waypointsStoreSupplier, Serdes.ByteArray(), Serdes.Integer());
final KStream<byte[], byte[]> waypointsStream = builder.stream("sample1");
final KStream<byte[], TruckDriverWaypoint> waypointsDeserialized = waypointsStream
.filter((k,v) -> v.isPresent())
() -> 1,
(aggKey, newWaypoint, aggValue) -> {
aggValue = aggValue + 1;
return aggValue;
}, Materialized.<byte[], Integer, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as("test-store").withKeySerde(Serdes.ByteArray()).withValueSerde(Serdes.Integer())
final KafkaStreams streams = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), new StreamsConfig(createStreamsProperties()));
ReadOnlyKeyValueStore<byte[], Integer> keyValueStore = streams.store("test-store", QueryableStoreTypes.keyValueStore());
KeyValueIterator<byte[], Integer> range = keyValueStore.all();
while (range.hasNext()) {
KeyValue<byte[], Integer> next = range.next();
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(streams::close));
protected static Properties createStreamsProperties() {
final Properties streamsConfiguration = new Properties();
streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.APPLICATION_ID_CONFIG, "random167");
streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.CLIENT_ID_CONFIG, "client-id");
streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "localhost:9092");
streamsConfiguration.put(ConsumerConfig.AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, "earliest");
streamsConfiguration.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.String().getClass().getName());
streamsConfiguration.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, Serdes.Integer().getClass().getName());
//streamsConfiguration.put(StreamsConfig.COMMIT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, 10000);
return streamsConfiguration;
So my problem is, every time I run this I get this same error:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.InvalidStateStoreException: the state store, test-store, may have migrated to another instance.
I'm running only 1 instance of the application, and the topic I'm consuming from has only 1 partition.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong ?
Looks like you have a race condition. From the kafka streams javadoc for KafkaStreams::start() it says:
Start the KafkaStreams instance by starting all its threads. This function is expected to be called only once during the life cycle of the client.
Because threads are started in the background, this method does not block.
You're calling streams.store() immediately after streams.start(), but I'd wager that you're in a state where it hasn't initialized fully yet.
Since this is code appears to be just for testing, add a Thread.sleep(5000) or something in there and give it a go. (This is not a solution for production) Depending on your input rate into the topic, that'll probably give a bit of time for the store to start filling up with events so that your KeyValueIterator actually has something to process/print.
Probably not applicable to OP but might help others:
In trying to retrieve a KTable's store, make sure the the KTable's topic exists first or you'll get this exception.
I failed to call Storebuilder before consuming the store.
Typically this happens for two reasons:
The local KafkaStreams instance is not yet ready (i.e., not yet in
runtime state RUNNING, see Run-time Status Information) and thus its
local state stores cannot be queried yet. The local KafkaStreams
instance is ready (e.g. in runtime state RUNNING), but the particular
state store was just migrated to another instance behind the scenes.
This may notably happen during the startup phase of a distributed
application or when you are adding/removing application instances.
The simplest approach is to guard against InvalidStateStoreException when calling KafkaStreams#store():
// Example: Wait until the store of type T is queryable. When it is, return a reference to the store.
public static <T> T waitUntilStoreIsQueryable(final String storeName,
final QueryableStoreType<T> queryableStoreType,
final KafkaStreams streams) throws InterruptedException {
while (true) {
try {
return streams.store(storeName, queryableStoreType);
} catch (InvalidStateStoreException ignored) {
// store not yet ready for querying

Spring State Machine task execution not firing

I am having issues with getting a runnable to run in the manner described in the following reference:
TasksHandler handler = TasksHandler.builder()
.task("1", sleepRunnable())
.task("2", sleepRunnable())
.task("3", sleepRunnable())
My implementation looks like this:
private Action<States, Events> getUnlockedAction() {
return new Action() {
public void execute(StateContext sc) {
System.out.println("in action..");
handler = new TasksHandler.Builder().taskExecutor(taskExecutor()).task("1", dp.runProcess(1)).build();
handler.addTasksListener(new MyTasksListener());
System.out.println("after action..");
The initialization for the TaskExecutor looks like this:
public TaskExecutor taskExecutor() {
ThreadPoolTaskExecutor te = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
return te;
My code for dp (DataProcessor) looks like this:
public class ADataProcessor {
public Runnable runProcess(final int i) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
long delay = (long) ((Math.random() * 10) + 1) * 1000;
System.out.println("In thread " + i + "... sleep for " + delay);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(FSMFactoryConfig.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
System.out.println("After thread " + i + "...");
When i execute my code, I see the messages for 'in action..' and 'after action..' with no delay..
When I use the following:
I get what I would expect from using the TasksHandler..
state changed to UNLOCKED
In thread 2... sleep for 10000
In thread 3... sleep for 5000
In thread 4... sleep for 8000
In thread 5... sleep for 4000
In thread 6... sleep for 4000
In thread 1... sleep for 9000
Jan 13, 2016 12:32:13 PM - org.springframework.scheduling.concurrent.ThreadPoolTaskExecutor initialize
INFO: Initializing ExecutorService
state changed to LOCKED
After thread 5...
After thread 6...
After thread 3...
After thread 4...
After thread 1...
After thread 2...
None of the messages before or after the delay in the sleep are displayed when using the TasksHandler. So my question, how do I actually execute my runnable?? If I'm doing it correctly, what should I check?
I think you've slightly misunderstood few things. First you're linking to tasks sample having the original idea which were turned into a tasks recipe. It's also worth to look unit tests for tasks.
You register runnables with taskhandler get a state machine from it to start it and then tell handler to run tasks.
I now realize that in docs I probably should be bit more clear of its usage.
After adding all tasks to the handler, I had to start the state machine before invoking runTasks().

Twitter crawler: why does the memory grow?

I have been trying to crawl Twitter via the Streaming API and by filtering the retrieved tweets by keywords/hashtags/users.
Here is my example using HBC (although the same problem happens with Twitter4J):
// After connection:
final BlockingQueue<String> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<String>(10000);
StatusesFilterEndpoint filterQuery = new StatusesFilterEndpoint();
final ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(4);
Runnable tweetAnalyzer = defineRunnable(queue);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
where the analyzer tweetAnalyzer is returned by:
private Runnable defineRunnable(final BlockingQueue<String> queue) {
return new Runnable() {
public void run() {
while (true)
try {
catch (InterruptedException e) {
However, the process continues to grow in memory.
Two questions:
How to design this crawler properly, so that it does not grow in memory and does not saturate the RAM?
How to select the best queue length (here set to 10000) so that it does not saturate? I have seen that using this length the queue continues to be full of tweets (it never goes empty) and I am able to crawl 700 tweets/min, which is huge)
Thank you in advance.
It's a bit hard to determine from the snippets that you provide. Do you register StatusesFilterEndpoint correctly?
I would recommend that you write a separate thread to monitor the size of the queue.
Obvious you are not able to proceed all the twitter messages you download. So you can only:
reduce the number of tweets you download by filtering more aggressively
Sample the input by throwing away every n message.
use a faster machine although for the tweetAnalyzer you display in the question this might not help.
deploy on a cluster

Non-Blocking Endpoint: Returning an operation ID to the caller - Would like to get your opinion on my implementation?

Boot Pros,
I recently started to program in spring-boot and I stumbled upon a question where I would like to get your opinion on.
What I try to achieve:
I created a Controller that exposes a GET endpoint, named nonBlockingEndpoint. This nonBlockingEndpoint executes a pretty long operation that is resource heavy and can run between 20 and 40 seconds.(in the attached code, it is mocked by a Thread.sleep())
Whenever the nonBlockingEndpoint is called, the spring application should register that call and immediatelly return an Operation ID to the caller.
The caller can then use this ID to query on another endpoint queryOpStatus the status of this operation. At the beginning it will be started, and once the controller is done serving the reuqest it will be to a code such as SERVICE_OK. The caller then knows that his request was successfully completed on the server.
The solution that I found:
I have the following controller (note that it is explicitely not tagged with #Async)
It uses an APIOperationsManager to register that a new operation was started
I use the CompletableFuture java construct to supply the long running code as a new asynch process by using CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {}
I immdiatelly return a response to the caller, telling that the operation is in progress
Once the Async Task has finished, i use cf.thenRun() to update the Operation status via the API Operations Manager
Here is the code:
public #ResponseBody ResponseOperation nonBlocking() {
// Register a new operation
APIOperationsManager apiOpsManager = APIOperationsManager.getInstance();
final int operationID = apiOpsManager.registerNewOperation(Constants.OpStatus.PROCESSING);
ResponseOperation response = new ResponseOperation();
response.setMessage("Triggered non-blocking call, use the operation id to check status");
CompletableFuture<Boolean> cf = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> {
try {
// Here we will
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
// whatever the return value was
return true;
cf.thenRun(() ->{
// We are done with the super long process, so update our Operations Manager
APIOperationsManager a = APIOperationsManager.getInstance();
boolean asyncSuccess = false;
try {asyncSuccess = cf.get();}
catch (Exception e) {}
if(true == asyncSuccess) {
a.updateOperationStatus(operationID, Constants.OpStatus.OK);
a.updateOperationMessage(operationID, "success: The long running process has finished and this is your result: SOME RESULT" );
else {
a.updateOperationStatus(operationID, Constants.OpStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR);
a.updateOperationMessage(operationID, "error: The long running process has failed.");
return response;
Here is also the APIOperationsManager.java for completness:
public class APIOperationsManager {
private static APIOperationsManager instance = null;
private Vector<Operation> operations;
private int currentOperationId;
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Application.class);
protected APIOperationsManager() {}
public static APIOperationsManager getInstance() {
if(instance == null) {
synchronized(APIOperationsManager.class) {
if(instance == null) {
instance = new APIOperationsManager();
instance.operations = new Vector<Operation>();
instance.currentOperationId = 1;
return instance;
public synchronized int registerNewOperation(OpStatus status) {
currentOperationId = currentOperationId + 1;
Operation newOperation = new Operation(currentOperationId, status);
log.info("Registered new Operation to watch: " + newOperation.toString());
return newOperation.getId();
public synchronized Operation getOperation(int id) {
for(Iterator<Operation> iterator = operations.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Operation op = iterator.next();
if(op.getId() == id) {
return op;
Operation notFound = new Operation(-1, OpStatus.INTERNAL_ERROR);
return notFound;
public synchronized void updateOperationStatus (int id, OpStatus newStatus) {
iteration : for(Iterator<Operation> iterator = operations.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Operation op = iterator.next();
if(op.getId() == id) {
log.info("Updated Operation status: " + op.toString());
break iteration;
public synchronized void updateOperationMessage (int id, String message) {
iteration : for(Iterator<Operation> iterator = operations.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Operation op = iterator.next();
if(op.getId() == id) {
log.info("Updated Operation status: " + op.toString());
break iteration;
private synchronized void cleanOperationsList() {
Date now = new Date();
for(Iterator<Operation> iterator = operations.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Operation op = iterator.next();
if((now.getTime() - op.getCrated().getTime()) >= Constants.MIN_HOLD_DURATION_OPERATIONS ) {
log.info("Removed operation from watchlist: " + op.toString());
The questions that I have
Is that concept a valid one that also scales? What could be improved?
Will i run into concurrency issues / race conditions?
Is there a better way to achieve the same in boot spring, but I just didn't find that yet? (maybe with the #Async directive?)
I would be very happy to get your feedback.
Thank you so much,
Peter P
It is a valid pattern to submit a long running task with one request, returning an id that allows the client to ask for the result later.
But there are some things I would suggest to reconsider :
do not use an Integer as id, as it allows an attacker to guess ids and to get the results for those ids. Instead use a random UUID.
if you need to restart your application, all ids and their results will be lost. You should persist them to a database.
Your solution will not work in a cluster with many instances of your application, as each instance would only know its 'own' ids and results. This could also be solved by persisting them to a database or Reddis store.
The way you are using CompletableFuture gives you no control over the number of threads used for the asynchronous operation. It is possible to do this with standard Java, but I would suggest to use Spring to configure the thread pool
Annotating the controller method with #Async is not an option, this does not work no way. Instead put all asynchronous operations into a simple service and annotate this with #Async. This has some advantages :
You can use this service also synchronously, which makes testing a lot easier
You can configure the thread pool with Spring
The /nonBlockingEndpoint should not return the id, but a complete link to the queryOpStatus, including id. The client than can directly use this link without any additional information.
Additionally there are some low level implementation issues which you may also want to change :
Do not use Vector, it synchronizes on every operation. Use a List instead. Iterating over a List is also much easier, you can use for-loops or streams.
If you need to lookup a value, do not iterate over a Vector or List, use a Map instead.
APIOperationsManager is a singleton. That makes no sense in a Spring application. Make it a normal PoJo and create a bean of it, get it autowired into the controller. Spring beans by default are singletons.
You should avoid to do complicated operations in a controller method. Instead move anything into a service (which may be annotated with #Async). This makes testing easier, as you can test this service without a web context
Hope this helps.
Do I need to make database access transactional ?
As long as you write/update only one row, there is no need to make this transactional as this is indeed 'atomic'.
If you write/update many rows at once you should make it transactional to guarantee, that either all rows are updated or none.
However, if two operations (may be from two clients) update the same row, always the last one will win.
