Handle Build-Number for Maven Release Plugin - maven

Say I have an artifact with version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT (in the SVN). When I call Maven Release Plugin, I want it to build version 1.0.0-1, but leave the SVN at 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT. The next release then should be 1.0.0-2 (still with 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT in the SVN) etc.
How can I achieve this behaviour?
PS: If the build number should better be determined by a build server as Jenkins, I would also be glad to hear about that.


should I use release:prepare before release:perform?

My regular CI build takes 1 hr and a release build takes 2 hrs. Can I skip the release:prepare and directly do a release:perform to save time? What will I miss?
Any other way to decrease the release build time if I cant skip this?
Nube to mvn
The short answer is no you can't skip the release:prepare goal. If you want more then read on.
From the maven release plugin documentation:
Prepare for a release in SCM. Steps through several phases to ensure the POM is ready to be released and then prepares SCM to eventually contain a tagged version of the release and a record in the local copy of the parameters used.
What this actually does is the following:
Modify all your x-SNAPSHOT versions to simply x. So 1.0-snapshot will turn into 1.0
Build everything to make sure this still compiles and tests after the version change
Commit the changes (And tag them in your SCM)
Upgrade all the versions to the next SNAPSHOT version, in our case 1.1-SNAPSHOT
Commit this new change
An intended by-product of this process are files with the poms to be built for the release:perform goal, so that's why you can't skip the release:prepare.
If you're still interested in shortening your build time, and do not care for all the commits to SCM you can implement your own release mechanism (which I do not recommend) using maven-versions-plugin and maven-deploy-plugin. See this for details.

The equivalent of a maven "promote" goal

Is there an equivalent to a mvn
goal, which will take an artifact from one repository and copy it to another ?
I call this "promote" because the typical use case would be promotion of a snapshot to a release.
I know that proprietary tools exist with UI's for doing this sort of thing.... But I'm assuming that the deploy plugin would handle it as well.
You cannot promote a snapshot to a release.
An snapshot has a version like 1-SNAPSHOT(.complextimestamp)
That version number is in your pom. It's in the metadata in META-INF in your jar or war file. So you can't just copy the artifact and declare that it has a different version.
You must rebuild with the release version and deploy that. The maven-release-plugin and the jgitflow-maven-plugin both automate this process.

Using maven, how can I deploy artifacts that I have already compiled with a different version?

I have a continuous integration build process where each change gets compiled and deployed as a Maven snapshot. When a version is compiled and tested that people are happy with, I want to be able to deploy this to our local Maven repository with a release version.
"The Maven way" to do this would be to take the source again, set a version (versions:set etc), compile and test it all over again then deploy the resulting artifacts. As this process takes some time, I would prefer not to go through all the steps again.
Is there a way of taking the artifacts produced by the first compile step, update the version and deploy them as is without recompiling?
What you believe to be "Maven Way" is not necessarily true. However if you do want to deploy an arbitrary jar as a maven artifact of a different group / name / version you can do so using maven deploy plugin:
mvn deploy:deploy-file -Durl=/path/to/remote/repository -Dfile=/path/to/myjar-1.22.jar -DgroupId=somegroup -DartifactId=yourjar -Dpackaging=jar -Dversion=1.23
The above example will deploy myjar-1.22 as yourjar-1.23 into remote repository.
However you should be cautious about this. Often the original version information is used inside the project itself (as a jar metadata etc)
In my opinion the best way is not to change the version number, but stick to it all the way into the software lifecycle. Utilize source control revision / build number so you always get a unique version label. For example, name your artifact myjar-1.0.3345.23.jar where 1.0 is your major/minor version, 3345 is your source control revision number, and 23 is the build number

Maven: change version properties in pom.xml

I have a Maven pom.xml, I build project and release project deploy with Jenkins.
But before and after build "release version" we need set my version in
For example:
I have in pom.xml
before release I need set like this
after release I need set like this
How can this be done?
If you don't have to use your own version property, consider the following that will operate on your <project><version>0.0.21-SNAPSHOT</version></project> element:
mvn versions:set versions:commit -DnewVersion="0.0.25"
That will modify your pom and adjust the version to your liking. You'll likely want to commit this change to your source code control repository, for this the scm plugin's scm:checkin goal works just fine (assuming you want this to be automated):
mvn scm:checkin -Dincludes=pom.xml -Dmessage="Setting version, preping for release."
Then you can perform your release (I recommend the maven-release-plugin), after which you can set your new version and commit it as above.
The versions plugin is your friend. Scripting the above would likely involve some parameterized build, or preferably the groovy plugin for jenkins which allows you to get the maven-specific build variables.
For starters, you can do it by hand. If your build follows maven conventions well, you could probably leverage one of a couple of maven plugins that exist for helping with the management of version numbers.
The maven-versions-plugin helps automate manual changes to version numbers. It has nice CLI commands to help tune up your poms before doing releases.
Then there's the maven-release-plugin that automates the whole process of cutting a release. It will change your snapshot to a release version, then roll it to the next snapshot after the release build. During all this process it commits discrete versions of the poms to source control.
Again, the secret to seeing success in the more automated bits of the maven community is whether your build is doing things the maven way or not. Hacked, highly tweaked, non-conventional builds usually have a lot of barriers to successful use of the release plugin.
There is one way to to that easily. With one command you can change whichever part you want:
For cut and paste:
mvn build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DbuildNumber=555 '-DnewVersion=${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.${parsedVersion.minorVersion}.${parsedVersion.incrementalVersion}-${buildNumber}'
For clarity:
mvn build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DbuildNumber=555
This is a concise example how to update versions in one go with build values
Build-helper plugin supports regex replacements, and can even parse version numbers if need be.
There is something like parsedVersion.nextIncrementalVersion
mvn build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DnewVersion=\${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.\${parsedVersion.minorVersion}.\${parsedVersion.nextIncrementalVersion} versions:commit
Looking at this comment you are describing that you are using this version to provide a dependency. maven-release-plugin should help you manage the versions for you. So provide that plugin in your pom.xml.
And for the step of manually providing the release and development version, create a job in jenkins which will have 2 string parameters:
Add "Invoke top-level Maven targets" build step to execute the releasing (for example):
clean release:clean release:prepare release:perform -DdevelopmentVersion=${developmentVersion} -DreleaseVersion=${releaseVersion}
When building the job, it will prompt you to insert both the developmentVersion and releaseVersion.

Maven install:? - how to create a release candidate?

Is it possible to create a release candidate from my current maven project without changing the version number in the pom.xml?
I just want to build a new maven artifact form my project with a specific version number.
For example: my current pom.xml has the version '0.0.1'. I have called mvn install to create the artifact in my local repository. Now I would like to create a second artifact with the version '0.0.1-RC1'
Is this possible from the mvn command line without changing the version number in my pom.xml?
I would advice against your suggestion of not changing the version number. One of the Maven's benefits is to keep your releases in sequence, i.e. after you have made your '0.0.1-RC1' candidate you will continue to work on the '0.0.1-RC2-SNAPSHOT' version (which may result in a '0.0.1-RELEASE').
That said, you don't have to change the version number manually. The Maven Release Plugin offers great help with this with commands such as mvn release:prepare and mvn release:perform. Also read the Maven build versions in the Maven reference manual. You may also find the discussion about Maven version scheme interesting.
As I see it you have two options:
Embrace the release plug-in. It's been designed to address this problem.
Use the versions plug-in and issue your own source code control commands.
