Copy dependencies AND plugins with Maven - maven

As our customer wants to build the project at his environment we have to deliver (beside the sources) our dependencies and our used plugins both not available from MavenCentral.
How can I copy the used plugins (including their dependencies but without referring each) in a way like the dependencies plugin is doing it for "normal" libs?

The most reliable way would be to build your project against an empty Maven local repository and copy/enumerate the artifacts that find there afterwards.
Unfortunately, I never found a Maven plugin that lists you "everything you need to build a given project".


${session.executionRootDirectory} is not recognized by sonar-maven-plugin

I have several levels of nested Maven projects, where every module can participate in the global integration tests. To have a global, multi module coverage, I've configured jacoco to use and share the same file accross modules, using the Maven variable ${session.executionRootDirectory}:
This way, the same data file is used by each module, no matter how deep it is nested in the submodules. I've checked, a correct data file is generated by jacoco when launching "mvn clean install".
Now the problem appears when launching mvn sonar:sonar. It seems that the plugin can not replace that variable with the real path. I can see the following in the logs
[INFO] JaCoCoItSensor: JaCoCo IT report not found: /home/tomcat/.jenkins/jobs/MYJOB/workspace/${session.executionRootDirectory}/target/jacoco-it.exec
It doesn't work better when using #{session.executionRootDirectory}.
Any workaround?
Following a comment in this bug report at SonarSource, advising to use the following configuration:
sonar.jacoco.itReportPath = ${session.executionRootDirectory}/target/jacoco-it.exec
... which was unfortunately not compatible with Maven 3.1+, I've used and built from sources that fork, and then I was able to make everything work correctly with Maven 3.2.3.

Build a site zip with Maven

actually, I generate a maven site containing the documentation of my project. It works very well, in fact if works so well that my customers wants to get that site as a deliverable (for obvious documentation purpose).
How can I tell Maven to build a zip of the whole site and deploy it to my artifacts manager (Nexus)? I've tried several things, but if I understand correctly, deploying artifacts and generating the site are using different livecycle, and the site generation occurs after the deployment of the artifacts..
I could obviously get the generated site from the location it's deployed during site-deploy, but I would greatly appreciate an automatic and centralized way...
PS: giving access to the customer to our internal site is NOT an option.
Here is a working solution delegated to a Maven profile to isolate the behavior (and speed-up normal builds), but which could also be integrated in the default build if required (although not recommended).
What the profile is actually doing:
Configuring an execution of the Maven Site Plugin, attached to the prepare-package phase and running the site and jar goals (as also suggested by #khmarbaise).
Renaming the file from jar to zip via the Copy Rename Maven Plugin
Attaching the zip to the build via the Build Helper Maven Plugin and its attach-artifact goal
As such, running
mvn clean install -Psite-zip
Will also install in your local Maven cache the zipped site. The deploy phase would do the same on your target Maven repository then.
Note that the Maven Site Plugin and the Copy Plugin must be declared in the order above to follow the required flow within the same phase.
Also note that if zip is not a strong requirement, you can then just skip the Copy and Build Helper executions and only use the Maven Site execution. By default the jar created providing the site is already attached to the build (and hence it will be installed and deployed automatically). In order to have the zip, we had to disable this behavior (<attach>false</attach>) and re-attach it via the Build Helper plugin.
The generated zipped has automatically a classifier, which is site in this case.
You can use the maven-site-plugin.

Building a dependencies jar with Maven

Currently our maven build includes all the dependencies in the jar, using jar-with-dependencies.
We want to split this into two separate jars, one with the project application code and files, and one with the dependencies.
How is this done?
This is done using the maven Assembly plugin
Use the maven-shade-plugin instead with following configuration:
The trick is to define a specific final name. This avoids the replacement of the default jar, which is packaged by the maven-jar-plugin. The default name is ${project.artifactId}-${project.version}. So simply add a suffix like libs. Then exclude the artifact itself, because the classes should not be packaged twice.
The build will result in two jar files:
${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar, containing the classes and files of the project
${project.artifactId}-${project.version}-libs.jar, containing the content of all the dependencies

build dependency on shared JavaScript file

We use a third-party maven plugin to compile lesscss into css
We cannot modify or update this plugin.
We cannot switch to another plugin, use grunt, or any other build
The plugin allows us to specify a JS file as a workaround to
upgrading the plugin itself.
Currently we have to have a copy of the
file included with each and every project
How can the JS file be packaged and a build/compile time dependency defined in the POM so that the file can be shared across projects easily?
Is it possible to use a URL for the file path instead of the {project.basedir}?
Example POM Snippet:

Unpack an EAR file using maven

I have an EAR file from some build. I want to extract the contents of this EAR file into another folder. I am confused how to do this. I have looked and tried
but either maven is unable to find the file or it has dependency issues.
Since I am new to maven I don not understand how to set these plugins up.
I got the following error on using the below plugin.
Failure to find ECM:ECM:ear:1.0 in was cached in the local repository
You can do it using dependency:unpack-dependencies. I just modify my answer because according to your comments, your ear is generated by some other build. If you do not have an Enterprise repository that you can deploy your ear artifact, you have to use "system" scope, but please note that it is usually discouraged.
Add below dependency to your pom.xml
Add the below plugin to your postBuild module pom.xml
Have you looked at this example of Maven EAR plugin for Unpacking a module yet?
The Maven Dependency Plugin and its unpack goal can do this.
Sample configuration:
This takes the 'myear.ear' artifact and extracts it to the 'target/earoutput' directory. This also works with JARs, WARs and any other zip-like file. The phase this executes under is 'package' - this may be too late if you need to use these resources in other parts of the build. Change the phase to something earlier such as 'generate-resources' if needed.
You mentioned that you already tried using the dependency plugin. Is the EAR file from another Maven project, and has it been installed in the local Maven repository? If it still doesn't work post the plugin configuration you tried to use.
(edit: update information on dependencies and local repository)
For this to work, your EAR file needs to be put into your local Maven repository (this is just a directory on your disk). But if other people need to build your project as well, you have a few options:
import the EAR into your local repository, and also deploy to a remote repository so everyone can get it (recommended, but requires you to set up a corporate Maven repository)
give the EAR to everyone and have them put it into their local repository using a couple of Maven commands (might be OK for a few developers, less overhead than setting up a whole repository server)
check the dependent EAR into source control under your project and unpack it (not the recommended way of doing things) in a goal in your project
Importing into your local repository is easy. It's very similar to these instructions.
Use the following command:
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=<path-to-EAR-file-on-local-filesystem> -DgroupId=myear
-DartifactId=myear -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=ear
(modify path, groupId, artifactId and version as needed)
Group ID and artifact ID are there simply to uniquely identify artifacts.
Once you install this in the local repository, the dependency plugin should work and find the artifact.
