error in simple mac os , xcode web browser : NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1022 - xcode

I have created a simple web browser in xcode for macos, using this video :
but when i type
I get following error in xcode console : NSURLConnection finished with error - code -1022


"APPLICATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST" from Mobile first server in ionic 4 mfp application

when i launch the ionic mobile application we are checking with mfp it is giving below error not able to launch application in some times.
please find the response json from mfp
[ibm-mobilefirst] worklight
"Application doesn't exist"
"{"errorCode":"APPLICATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST","errorMsg":"Application doesn't exist"}"
enter image description here
You will see this error "APPLICATION_DOES_NOT_EXIST" when your application is not registered in the mobilefirst server console.
In root of you app run command > mfpdev app register
More details see here

NSURLSession from macos Sharing Extension

I'm getting this error in the func urlSession(_ session: URLSession, task: URLSessionTask, didCompleteWithError error: Error?) { URLSessionDataDelegate method:
error=Optional(Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1 “unknown error”
NSLocalizedDescription=unknown error,
Very similar code works perfectly from an application, but I'm trying to write an Sharing App Extension which uploads to a webserver.
I'm using URLSessionConfiguration.background(withIdentifier:"...") same as my desktop application.
Why do I get erorr -1?
I was missing the entitlement in the entitlements file.

Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.11.6) ERROR Uncaught Response with status: 404 Not Found for URL

I am using Jasmine and Karma for my front end unit tests. When running my tests I get the following errors:
Terminal Error
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.11.6) ERROR
Uncaught Response with status: 404 Not Found for URL: http://localhost:9876/api/volunteer
at http://localhost:9876/_karma_webpack_/polyfills.bundle.js:2604
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.11.6): Executed 4 of 6 ERROR (0 secs / 1.02 secs)
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.11.6) ERROR
Uncaught Response with status: 404 Not Found for URL: http://localhost:9876/api/volunteer
Chrome 59.0.3071 (Mac OS X 10.11.6): Executed 4 of 6 ERROR (1.433 secs / 1.02 secs)
Browser Errors
SignUpComponent should be created
[object ErrorEvent] thrown
SignUpComponent form should clear on submit
[object ErrorEvent] thrown
I cannot figure out why the terminal tells me I have a 404 error and the browser tells me I have an error within sign-up.component.spec.ts. sign-up.component.spec.ts does not make any http requests.
SignUpComponent can be found in client/app/sign-up/sign-up.component.spec.ts at the following repository:
Something I noticed when attempting to debug was if I commented out client/app/shared/volunteer.service.spec.ts all tests would pass even though the error points to client/app/sign-up/sign-up.component.spec.ts.
Any insights appreciated.
I believe I was receiving this error because the back end was not properly mocked. I did not use XHRBackend, so when other tests attempted to make an http call, the call was not intercepted and handled by the mock backend.
I was able to properly mock my backend by following this tutorial:
'The Rest' section of this tutorial was most relevant.

Xcode 7 beta 5 crashes when trying to sign Application

I have an Application that has a helper application made with node-webkit in in.
I can build and run the Application without problems but I cannot sign the whole Application. It seems that I am getting an error with the node-webkit application.
The strange part is, that it works with Xcode 6.3.2.
The error I am getting is:
2015-09-12 10:45:28 +0000 [MT] Failed to generate distribution items with error: Error Domain=DVTFoundationNSBundleAdditionsErrorDomain Code=1 "Couldn't load Info dictionary for <DVTFilePath:0x7fc7692dd460:'/Users/proslav/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-09-12/timeBro 12.09.15 12.45.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ Framework.framework'>" UserInfo=0x7fc76b385380 {NSLocalizedDescription=Couldn't load Info dictionary for <DVTFilePath:0x7fc7692dd460:'/Users/proslav/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-09-12/timeBro 12.09.15 12.45.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ Framework.framework'>}
2015-09-12 10:45:28 +0000 [MT] Presenting: Error Domain=DVTFoundationNSBundleAdditionsErrorDomain Code=1 "Couldn't load Info dictionary for <DVTFilePath:0x7fc7692dd460:'/Users/proslav/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-09-12/timeBro 12.09.15 12.45.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ Framework.framework'>" UserInfo=0x7fc76b385380 {NSLocalizedDescription=Couldn't load Info dictionary for <DVTFilePath:0x7fc7692dd460:'/Users/proslav/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2015-09-12/timeBro 12.09.15 12.45.xcarchive/Products/Applications/ Framework.framework'>}
I don't really understand what he is missing. What does he expect me to do?

sencha web start fails exception osx

I've installed sencha cmd on mac os x 10.7.5. When I try to start the web server with the command: "sencha web start" I receive the following error message:
14:28:03.274 [main] ERROR com.sencha.command.Sencha - org.slf4j.helpers.MessageFormatter.arrayFormat(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/slf4j/helpers/FormattingTuple;
at com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException.wrap(
at com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException.stealthify(
at com.sencha.exceptions.BasicException.raise(
at com.sencha.cli.Command.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(
at com.sencha.cli.Commands.dispatch(
at com.sencha.command.Sencha.dispatch(
at com.sencha.command.Sencha.main(
Is anyone has some idea what can be wrong ? I've tried both sencha cmd versions 5.0.0 and 4.0.4...and the error message is always the same. I'm absolutely beginner in sencha so maybe Im doing something completely wrong
