selecting multiple files in CKFinder 3 integrated on CKEditor - ckeditor

I'm using CKFinder 3 integration with CKEditor. Now, I want to select multiple files on the CKFinder window and want them to get added on the CKEditor link dialog.
Currently, even if I'm selecting multiple files, only one file is getting added.
Can anyone know how to achieve this functionality?

First problem is the CKFinder which by default sends only a single URL to the CKEditor. You would need to try changing this behavior using below two events:!/api/CKFinder.Application-event-files_choose!/api/CKFinder.Application-event-file_choose_resizedImage
Another problem is CKEditor. Whenever you select an image or a file in CKFinder a corresponding link (anchor tag) or image (img tag) is being created and inserted into CKEditor. Both link and image plugins support single insertion so you would need to write new plugins which insert multiple links and images.
This is a lot of custom coding.


Image properties dialog in CKEditor 5

I recently upgraded from CKeditor 4 to CKeditor 5.
The old one used to have a very nice image properties dialog where you could configure borders etc.:
Unfortunately, CKeditor 5 only has a text field to paste the image URL, and nothing else. There's also a simple toolbar to change floating etc. of images, and the ckeditor image-styles documentation seems to suggest that they prefer people to use semantic styling instead of just setting borders, sizes, etc. directly.
However, this if a huge mess when you have an existing webapp where people were used to the flexibility the old editor gave them.
Is there a config option I missed (or a plugin that can be enabled) in CKeditor 5 to get these advanced image controls back?
There is a CKFinder plugin for CKEditor5, this should help you get back the functionality that has been lost, here's a link
Here's the features of this plugin
The CKFinder feature provides a bridge between the rich-text editor
and CKFinder, a browser-based commercial file uploader with its
server-side connectors (PHP, Java and ASP.NET).
There are two ways you can integrate CKEditor 5 with the CKFinder file
With the server-side connector only – In this scenario, images dropped
or pasted into the editor are uploaded to the CKFinder server-side
connector running on your server.
With both the server-side connector and the client-side file manager
(recommended) – Images dropped and pasted into the editor are uploaded
to the server (like in the first option).
But there are more cool features available, for instance:
uploading using the full user interface,
browsing previously uploaded images,
editing images (cropping, resizing, etc.),
organizing or deleting images.
I hope this helps :)

How to use url image inserting dialog instead of upload in CKEditor 5 Classic

I want to use CKEditor 5, insert image with URL dialog, instead of its default file upload dialog. how to do this in CKEditor 5 Classic?
There is, as far as I know, no such feature officially provided.
There is, however, a tutorial provided in the documentation on how to write such a feature:
There is also a separate project on github for the same purpose, which appears to be a bit more stylish:
Both approaches require to configure a modified build, and both appear to lack an important component: a button in the image's toolbar to edit that URL later on.
So, a more simple approach that does achieve practically the same is to just drag the images into the editor from some browser window.

Does TinyMCE image insert plugin have a way to see thumbnail preview?

I currently have tinymce 4.9.4.
It has a image insert plugin that allows me to load a local list of images and select from them with a dropdown. The dropdown isn't very usable as it shows no thumbnails or previews of the image that will be inserted, only the name.
Some people are saying there is an option that enables this but i can't find the documentation.
Another option would be to find a different image insert plugin but having trouble finding one that isn't subscription based.

how to get browse button in image upload form for ckeditor in fuelphp

I am a newbie in FuelPHP. I am using ckeditor for my content panel according to I am successful in installing and running ckeditor as pacakage but I am not able to get browse button for image upload. Any idea on how to get this?
Any help/suggestions are welcome.Thanks in advance.
I cannot be sure about the FuelPHP integration, but CKEditor itself does not come with a built-in file upload capability, you need to integrate a file manager for that (like CKFinder or one of the other plugins from the Addons Repository). You can also create your own file uploader and integrate it with CKEditor.

i want to select file from CKeditor from browse server button

I have browae server button
I am working in c#.
I want to select image from my imagefolder
it means when i click on Browse Server button, my imagefolder must open and when i click any of the image. it must be selected and selected image path mustbe copied on url textbox..
If I understood correctly your question, basically you need two things:
make sure that the filebrowser plugin is available in your CKEditor package - this plugin makes it possible to attach external file managers to CKEditor
...and you need some file manager.
There is an official ajax file manager for CKEditor created by CKSource and it is called CKFinder. If you decide to give it a try make sure to check the documentation
