Bash: Adding the contents of a column to a variable - bash

So I have a file that contains some text, but there are some lines that contain only "Overall>5". (the number after > could be any number from 0 to 5).
The code I wrote:
let sumOfReviews=0
while read line; do awk -F ">" '{if($1=="Overall") ((sumOfReviews+=$2))}'; done<$file
echo $sumOfReviews
I tried splitting these lines into 2 columns at ">" and I want to add the number in the second column (5 in this case) to a variable. The problem is when I print out the value of the variable at the end it shows 0. Any thoughts? Thanks!

If called from the console, the following seems to do the job:
awk -F'>' '/Overall>[0-9]+/ { total += $2 } END { print total }' exampleData.txt
If you want to call it from inside bash, you have to enclose it in $( ... ):
total="$(awk -F'>' '/Overall>[0-9]+/ { total += $2 } END { print total }' exampleData.txt)"
# do something with `total` here.
You cannot simply use awk as some sort of syntax inside bash, awk is a separate programming language, it is invoked as a completely separate process. You can try to build in some bash parameters into awks source code though.

This can be done in a one line awk script.
awk 'BEGIN { FS=">"; sumOfReviews=0 } /^Overall>[0-5]/ { sumOfReviews+=$2 } END { print sumOfReviews }' < file
Explanation from Manpage:
An AWK program consists of a sequence of pattern-action statements and optional function definitions.
pattern { action statements }
In this case we have used the BEGIN pattern to set the file separator to ">" and the sumOfReviews variable to 0.
We use the /^Overall>[0-5]/ regular expression pattern to match lines beginning with "Overall>" followed by a number 0-5 and if true add the $2 field to the sumOfReviews variable.
Finally we use the END pattern to output the final sumOfReviews value.
Example solution in a bash shell script:
noAuthors=4 # set to 4 for example
sumOfReviews=$(awk 'BEGIN { FS=">"; sumOfReviews=0 } /^Overall>[0-5]/
{ sumOfReviews+=$2 } END { print sumOfReviews }' < file)
echo $(($sumOfReviews/$noAuthors))

awk and bash are two separate programs; they don't share variables. All you need is a single awk script:
awk -F '>' '$1 == "Overall" {reviews += $2}; END {print reviews}' "$file"


How to find content in a file and replace the adjecent value

Using bash how do I find a string and update the string next to it for example pass value|test2.spin:80 test2.spin:80 test.spin:8080;
Expected output is to update with test2.spin:80 test2.spin:80;
I tried using awk
awk '{gsub(/^my\.site\.com\s+[A-Za-z0-9]+\.spin:8080;$/,"my.site2.comtest2.spin:80"); print}'
but does not seem to work. Is there a better way to approch the problem. ?
One awk idea, assuming spacing needs to be maintained:
awk -v rep='|test2.spin:80' '
BEGIN { split(rep,a,"|") # split "rep" variable and store in
site[a[1]]=a[2] # associative array
$1 in site { line=$0 # if 1st field is in site[] array then make copy of current line
match(line,$1) # find where 1st field starts (in case 1st field does not start in column #1)
newline=substr(line,1,RSTART+RLENGTH-1) # save current line up through matching 1st field
line=substr(line,RSTART+RLENGTH) # strip off 1st field
match(line,/[^[:space:];]+/) # look for string that does not contain spaces or ";" and perform replacement, making sure to save everything after the match (";" in this case)
newline=newline substr(line,1,RSTART-1) site[$1] substr(line,RSTART+RLENGTH)
$0=newline # replace current line with newline
1 # print current line
This generates: test2.spin:80 test2.spin:80;
If the input looks like:
$ cat test2.spin:80 test.spin:8080;
This awk script generates: test2.spin:80 test2.spin:80;
if multiple replacements need to be performed I'd suggest placing them in a file and having awk process said file first
the 2nd match() is hardcoded based on OP's example; depending on actual file contents it may be necessary to expand on the regex used in the 2nd match()
once satisified with the result the original input file can be updated in a couple ways ... a) if using GNU awk then awk -i inplace -v rep.... or b) save result to a temp file and then mv the temp file to
If the number of spaces between the columns is not significant, a simple
awk '$1 == "" { $2 = "test2.spin:80;" } {print}' <$proxyf >$tmpf && mv $tmpf $proxyf
should do. If you need the columns to be lined up nicely, you can replace the print by a suitable printf .... statement.
With your shown samples and attempts please try following awk code. Creating shell variable named var where it stores value|test2.spin:80 in it. which further is being passed to awk program. In awk program creating variable named var1 which has shell variable var's value in it.
In BEGIN section of awk using split function to split value of var(shell variable's value container) into array named arr with separator as |. Where num is total number of values delimited by split function. Then using for loop to be running till value of num where it creates array named arr2 with index of current i value and making i+1 as its value(basically 1 is for key of array and next item is value of array).
In main block of awk program checking condition if $1 is in arr2 then print arr2's value else print $2 value as per requirement.
##Shell variable named var is being created here...
awk -v var1="$var" '
print $1,(($1 in arr2)?arr2[$1]:$2)
' Input_file
OR in case you want to maintain spaces between 1st and 2nd field(s) then try following code little tweak of Above code. Written and tested with your shown samples Only.
awk -v var1="$var" '
print $1 substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) (($1 in arr2)?arr2[$1]:$2)
' Input_file
NOTE: This program can take multiple values separated by | in shell variable to be passed and checked on in awk program. But it considers that it will be in format of key|value|key|value... only.
#!/bin/sh -x
f1=$(echo "|test2.spin:80" | cut -d'|' -f1)
f2=$(echo "|test2.spin:80" | cut -d'|' -f2)
echo "${f1}%${f2};" >>
tr '%' '\t' < >> p1
cat > ed1 <<EOF
ed -s p1 < ed1
mv -v p1
rm -v ed1
This might work for you (GNU sed):
<<<'|test2.spin:80' sed -E 's#\.#\\.#g;s#^(\S+)\|(\S+)#/^\1\\b/s/\\S+/\2/2#' |
sed -Ef - file
Build a sed script from the input arguments and apply it to the input file.
The input arguments are first prepared so that their metacharacters ( in this case the .'s are escaped.
Then the first argument is used to prepare a match command and the second is used as the value to be replaced in a substitution command.
The result is piped into a second sed invocation that takes the sed script and applies it the input file.

Appending result of function on another field into csv using shell script, awk

I have a csv file stored as a temporary variable in a shell script (*.sh).
Let's say the data looks like this:
100,AAPL US,200
102,SPY US,500
I want to add a fourth column, "Type", which is the result of a shell function "foobar". Run from the command line or a shell script itself:
$ foobar "AAPL US"
$ foobar "SPY US"
How do I add this column to my csv, and populate it with calls to foobar which take the second column as an argument? To clarify, this is my ideal result post-script:
100,AAPL US,200,Common Stock
102,SPY US,500,ETF
I see many examples online involving such a column addition using awk, and populating the new column with fixed values, conditional values, mathematical derivations from other columns, etc. - but nothing that calls a function on another field and stores its output.
You may use this awk:
export -f foobar
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} NR==1{print $0, "Type"; next} {
cmd = "foobar \"" $2 "\""; cmd | getline line; close(cmd);
print $0, line
}' file.csv
100,AAPL US,200,Common Stock
102,SPY US,500,ETF
#anubhavas answer is a good approach so please don't change the accepted answer as I'm only posting this as an answer as it's too big and in need of formatting to fit in a comment.
FWIW I'd write his awk script as:
awk '
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
NR==1 { type = "Type" }
NR > 1 {
cmd = "foobar \047" $2 "\047"
type = ((cmd | getline line) > 0 ? line : "ERROR")
{ print $0, type }
' file.csv
better protect $2 from shell expansion, and
protect from silently printing the previous value if/when cmd | getline fails, and
consolidate the print statements to 1 line so it's easy to change for all output lines if/when necessary
awk to the rescue!
$ echo "Account,Symbol,Price
100,AAPL US,200
102,SPY US,500" |
awk -F, 'NR>1{cmd="foobar "$2; cmd | getline type} {print $0 FS (NR==1?"Type":type)}'
Not sure you need to quote the input to foobar
Another way not using awk:
paste -d, input.csv <({ read; printf "Type\n"; while IFS=, read -r _ s _; do foobar "$s"; done; } < input.csv)

Turning multi-line string into single comma-separated list in Bash

I have this format:
host4... and so on.
I need it like this format:
I have tired this: awk -vORS=, '{ print $2 }' data | sed 's/,$/\n/'
and it gives me this:
app1,app2,app3 without the host in front.
I do not want to show duplicates.
I do not want this:
I want this format:
With input sorted on the first column (as in your example ; otherwise just pipe it to sort), you can use the following awk command :
awk -F, 'NR == 1 { currentHost=$1; currentApps=$2 }
NR > 1 && currentHost == $1 { currentApps=currentApps "," $2 }
NR > 1 && currentHost != $1 { print currentHost ";" currentApps; currentHost=$1; currentApps=$2 }
END { print currentHost ";" currentApps }'
It has the advantage over other solutions posted as of this edit to avoid holding the whole data in memory. This comes at the cost of needing the input to be sorted (which is what would need to put lots of data in memory if the input wasn't sorted already).
Explanation :
the first line initializes the currentHost and currentApps variables to the values of the first line of the input
the second line handles a line with the same host as the previous one : the app mentionned in the line is appended to the currentApps variable
the third line handles a line with a different host than the previous one : the infos for the previous host are printed, then we reinitialize the variables to the value of the current line of input
the last line prints the infos of the current host when we have reached the end of the input
It probably can be refined (so much redundancy !), but I'll leave that to someone more experienced with awk.
See it in action !
$ awk '
BEGIN { FS=","; ORS="" }
$1!=prev { print ors $1; prev=$1; ors=RS; OFS=";" }
{ print OFS $2; OFS=FS }
END { print ors }
' file
Maybe something like this:
declare -A hosts
while IFS=, read host app
[ -z "${hosts["$host"]}" ] && hosts["$host"]="$host;"
done < testfile
printf "%s\n" "${hosts[#]%,}" | sort
The script reads the sample data from testfile and outputs to stdout.
You could try this awk script:
awk -F, '{a[$1]=($1 in a?a[$1]",":"")$2}END{for(i in a) printf "%s;%s\n",i,a[i]}' file
The script creates entries in the array a for each unique element in the first column. It appends to that array entry all element from the second column.
When the file is parsed, the content of the array is printed.

setting the NR to 1 does not work (awk)

I have the following script in bash.
awk -F ":" '{if($1 ~ "^fall")
{ NR==1
{{printf "\t<course id=\"%s\">\n",$1} } } }' file1.txt > container.xml
So what I have a small file. If ANY line starts with fall, then I want the first field of the VERY first line.
So I did that in the code and set NR==1. However, it does not do the job!!!
Try this:
awk -F: 'NR==1 {id=$1} $1~/^fall/ {printf "\t<course id=\"%s\">\n",id}' file1.txt > container.xml
NR==1 {id=$1}
This saves the course ID from the first line
$1~/^fall/ {printf "\t<course id=\"%s\">\n",id}
If any line begins with fall, then the course ID is printed.
The above code illustrates that awk commands can be preceded by conditions. Thus, id=$1 is executed only if we are on the first line: NR==1. If this way, it is often unnecessary to have explicit if statements.
In awk, assignment with done with = while tests for equality are done with ==.
If this doesn't do what you want, then please add sample input and corresponding desired output to the question.
awk -F: 'NR==1{x=$1}/^fail/{printf "\t<course id=\"%s\">\n",x;exit}' file
if the file has any line beginning with fail, print the 1st field in very first line in certain format (xml tag).
no matter how many lines with fail as start, it outputs the xml tag only once.
if the file has no line starts with fail, it outputs nothing.
#!awk -f
FS = ":"
NR==1 {
foo = $1
/^fall/ {
printf "\t<course id=\"%s\">\n", foo
Also note
The -F option is not necessary given the command line variable assignment
feature; it remains only for backwards compatibility.
awk man page

Replace special characters in variable in awk shell command

I am currently executing the following command:
awk 'BEGIN { FS="," ; getline ; H=$0 } N != $3 { N=$3 ; print H > "/Directory/FILE_"$3"_DOWNLOAD.csv" } { print > "/Directory/FILE_"$3"_DOWNLOAD.csv" }' /Directory/FILE_ALL_DOWNLOAD.csv
This takes the value from the third position in the CSV file and creates a CSV for each distinct $3 value. Works as desired.
The input file looks as follows:
Name, Amount, ID
"ABC", "100.00", "0000001"
"DEF", "50.00", "0000001"
"GHI", "25.00", "0000002"
Unfortunately I have no control over the value in the source (CSV) sheet, the $3 value, but I would like to eliminate special (non-alphanumeric) characters from it. I tried the following to accomplish this but failed...
awk 'BEGIN { FS="," ; getline ; H=$0 } N != $3 { N=$3 ; name=${$3//[^a-zA-Z_0-9]/}; print H > "/Directory/FILE_"$name"_DOWNLOAD.csv" } { print > "/Directory/FILE_"$name"_DOWNLOAD.csv" }' /Directory/FILE_ALL_DOWNLOAD.csv
Suggestions? I'm hoping to do this in a single command but if anyone has a bash script answer that would work.
This is definitely not a job you should be using getline for, see
It looks like you just want to reproduce the first line of your input file in every $3-named file. That'd be:
awk -F, '
NR==1 { hdr=$0; next }
$3 != prev { prev=name=$3; gsub(/[^[:alnum:]_]/,"",name); $0 = hdr "\n" $0 }
{ print > ("/Directory/FILE_" name "_DOWNLOAD.csv") }
' /Directory/FILE_ALL_DOWNLOAD.csv
Note that you must always parenthesize expressions on the right side of output redirection (>) as it's ambiguous otherwise and different awks will behave differently if you don't.
Feel free to put it all back onto one line if you prefer.
If you always expect the number to be in the last field of your CSV and you know that each field is wrapped in quotes, you could use this awk to extract the value 456 from the input you have provided in the comment:
echo " 123.", "Company Name" " 456." | awk -F'[^a-zA-Z0-9]+' 'NF { print $(NF-1) }'
This defines the field separator as any number of non-alphanumeric characters and retrieves the second-last field.
If this is sufficient to reliably retrieve the value, you could construct your filename like this:
file = "/Directory/FILE_" $(NF-1) "_DOWNLOAD.csv"
and output to it as you're already doing.
bash variable expansions do not occur in single quotes.
They also cannot be performed on awk variables.
That being said you don't need that to work.
awk has string manipulation functions that can perform the same tasks. In this instance you likely want the gsub function.
Would this not work for what you asked ?
awk -F, 'a=NR==1{x=$0;next}
!a{gsub(/[^[:alnum:]]/,"",$3);print x"\n"$0 >> "/Directory/FILE_"$3"_DOWNLOAD.csv"}' file
