How to properly use prefetch instructions? - caching

I am trying to vectorize a loop, computing dot product of a large float vectors. I am computing it in parallel, utilizing the fact that CPU has large amount of XMM registers, like this:
__m128* A, B;
__m128 dot0, dot1, dot2, dot3 = _mm_set_ps1(0);
for(size_t i=0; i<1048576;i+=4) {
dot0 = _mm_add_ps( dot0, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+0], B[i+0]);
dot1 = _mm_add_ps( dot1, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+1], B[i+1]);
dot2 = _mm_add_ps( dot2, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+2], B[i+2]);
dot3 = _mm_add_ps( dot3, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+3], B[i+3]);
... // add dots, then shuffle/hadd result.
I heard that using prefetch instructions could help speedup things, as it could fetch further data "in background", while doing muls and adds on a data that is in cache. However i failed to find examples and explanations on how to use _mm_prefetch(), when, with what addresses, and what hits. Could you assist on this?

The short answer that probably works for perfectly linear streaming loops like yours is probably: don't use them at all, let the hardware prefetchers do the work.
Still, it's possible that you can speed things up with software prefetching, and here is the theory and some detail if you want to try...
Basically you call _mm_prefetch() on an address you'll need at some point in the future. It is similar in some respects to loading a value from memory and doing nothing with it: both bring the line into the L1 cache2, but the prefetch intrinsic, which under the covers is emitting specific prefetch instructions, has some advantages which make it suitable for prefetching.
It works at cache-line granularity1: you only need to issue one prefetch for each cache line: more is just a waste. That means that in general, you should try to unroll your loop enough so that you can issue only one prefetch per cache line. In the case of 16-byte __m128 values, that means unroll at least by 4 (which you've done, so you are good there).
Then simple prefetch each of your access streams by some PF_DIST distance ahead of the current calculation, something like:
for(size_t i=0; i<1048576;i+=4) {
dot0 = _mm_add_ps( dot0, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+0], B[i+0]);
dot1 = _mm_add_ps( dot1, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+1], B[i+1]);
dot2 = _mm_add_ps( dot2, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+2], B[i+2]);
dot3 = _mm_add_ps( dot3, _mm_mul_ps( A[i+3], B[i+3]);
_mm_prefetch(A + i + PF_A_DIST, HINT_A);
_mm_prefetch(B + i + PF_B_DIST, HINT_B);
Here PF_[A|B]_DIST is the distance to prefetch ahead of the current iteration and HINT_ is the temporal hint to use. Rather than try to calculate the right distance value from first principles, I would simply determine good values of PF_[A|B]_DIST experimentally4. To reduce the search space, you can start by setting them both equal, since logically a similar distance is likely to be ideal. You might find that only prefetching one of the two streams is ideal.
It is very important that the ideal PF_DIST depends on the hardware configuration. Not just on the CPU model, but also on the memory configuration, including details such as the snooping mode for multi-socket systems. For example, the best value could be wildly different on client and server chips of the same CPU family. So you should run your tuning experiment on the actual hardware you are a targeting, as much as possible. If you target a variety of hardware, you can test on all the hardware and hopefully find a value that's good on all of them, or even consider compile-time or runtime dispatching depending on CPU type (not always enough, as above) or based on a runtime test. Now just relying on hardware prefetching is starting to sound a lot better, isn't it?
You can use the same approach to find the best HINT since the search space is small (only 4 values to try) - but here you should be aware than the difference between the different hints (particularly _MM_HINT_NTA) might only show as a performance difference in code that runs after this loop, since they affect how much data unrelated to this kernel remain in the cache.
You might also find that this prefetching doesn't help at all, since your access patterns are perfectly linear and likely to be handled well by the L2 stream prefetchers. Still there are some additional, more hardcode things you could try or consider:
You might investigate whether prefetching only at the start of 4K page boundaries helps3. This will complicate your loop structure: you'll probably need a nested loop to separate the "near edge of page" and "deep inside the page" cases in order to only issue the prefetches near page boundaries. You'll also want to make your input arrays page-aligned too, or else it gets even more complicated.
You can try disabling some/all of the hardware prefetchers. This is usually terrible for overall performance, but on a highly tuned load with software prefetching, you might see better performance by eliminating interference from hardware prefetching. Selecting disabling prefetching also gives you an important a key tool to help understand what's going on, even if you ultimately leave all the prefetchers enabled.
Make sure you are using huge pages, since for large contiguous blocks like this they are idea.
There are problems with prefetching at the beginning and end of your main calculation loop: at the start, you'll miss prefetching all data at the start of each array (within the initial PF_DIST window), and at the end of the loop you'll prefetch additional and PF_DIST beyond the end of your array. At best these waste fetch and instruction bandwidth, but they may also cause (ultimately discarded) page faults which may affect performance. You can fix both by special intro and outro loops to handle these cases.
I also highly recommend the 5-part blog post Optimizing AMD Opteron Memory Bandwidth, which describes optimizing a problem very similar to yours, and which covers prefetching in some detail (it gave a large boost). Now this is totally different hardware (AMD Opteron) which likely behaves differently to more recent hardware (and especially to Intel hardware if that's what you're using) - but the process of improvement is key and the author is an expert in the field.
1 It may actually work at something like 2-cache-line granularity depending on how it interacts with the adjacent cache line prefetcher(s). In this case, you may be able to get away with issuing half the number of prefetches: one every 128 bytes.
2 In the case of software prefetch, you can also select some other level of cache, using the temporal hint.
3 There is some indication that even with perfect streaming loads, and despite the presence of "next page prefetchers" in modern Intel hardware, page boundaries are still a barrier to hardware prefetching that can be partially alleviated by software prefetching. Maybe because software prefetch serves as a stronger hint that "Yes, I'm going to read into this page", or because software prefetch works at the virtual address level and necessarily involves the translation machinery, while L2 prefetching works at the physical level.
4 Note that the "units" of the PF_DIST value is sizeof(__mm128), i.e., 16 bytes due to the way I calculated the address.


Most relevant performance indicators for C/C++

I am looking for relevant performance indicators to benchmark and optimize my C/C++ code. For example, virtual memory usage is a simple but efficient indicator, but I know some are more specialized and help in optimizing specific domains : cache hits/misses, context switches, and so on.
I believe here is a good place to have a list of performance indicators, what they measure, and how to measure them, in order to help people who want to start optimizing their programs know where to start.
Time is the most relevant indicator.
This is why most profilers default to measuring / sampling time or core clock cycles. Understanding where your code spends its time is an essential first step to looking for speedups. First find out what's slow, then find out why it's slow.
There are 2 fundamentally different kinds of speedups you can look for, and time will help you find both of them.
Algorithmic improvements: finding ways to do less work in the first place. This is often the most important kind, and the one Mike Dunlavey's answer focuses on. You should definitely not ignore this. Caching a result that's slow to recompute can be very worth it, especially if it's slow enough that loading from DRAM is still faster.
Using data structures / algorithms that can more efficiently solve your problem on real CPUs is somewhere between these two kinds of speedups. (e.g. linked lists are in practice often slower than arrays because pointer-chasing latency is a bottleneck, unless you end up copying large arrays too often...)
Applying brute force more efficiently to do the same work in fewer cycles. (And/or more friendly to the rest of the program with smaller cache footprint and/or less branching that takes up space in the branch predictors, or whatever.)
Often involves changing your data layout to be more cache friendly, and/or manually vectorizing with SIMD. Or doing so in a smarter way. Or writing a function that handles a common special case faster than your general-case function. Or even hand-holding the compiler into making better asm for your C source.
Consider summing an array of float on modern x86-64: Going from latency-bound scalar addition to AVX SIMD with multiple accumulators can give you a speedup of 8 (elements per vector) * 8 (latency / throughput on Skylake) = 64x for a medium-sized array (still on a single core/thread), in the theoretical best case where you don't run into another bottleneck (like memory bandwidth if your data isn't hot in L1d cache). Skylake vaddps / vaddss has 4 cycle latency, and 2-per-clock = 0.5c reciprocal throughput. ( Why does mulss take only 3 cycles on Haswell, different from Agner's instruction tables? for more about multiple accumulators to hide FP latency. But this still loses hard vs. storing the total somewhere, and maybe even updating the total with a delta when you change an element. (FP rounding error can accumulate that way, though, unlike integers.)
If you don't see an obvious algorithmic improvement, or want to know more before making changes, check whether the CPU is stalling on anything, or if it's efficiency chewing through all the work the compiler is making it do.
Instructions per clock (IPC) tells you whether the CPU is close to its max instruction throughput or not. (Or more accurately, fused-domain uops issued per clock on x86, because for example one rep movsb instruction is a whole big memcpy and decodes to many many uops. And cmp/jcc fuses from 2 instructions to 1 uop, increasing IPC but the pipeline width is still fixed.)
Work done per instruction is a factor, too, but isn't something you can measure with a profiler: if you have the expertise, look at compiler-generated asm to see if the same work with fewer instructions is possible. If the compiler didn't auto-vectorize, or did so inefficiently, you can maybe get a lot more work done per instruction by manually vectorizing with SIMD intrinsics, depending on the problem. Or by hand-holding the compiler into emitting better asm by tweaking your C source to compute things in a way that is natural for asm. e.g. What is the efficient way to count set bits at a position or lower?. And see also C++ code for testing the Collatz conjecture faster than hand-written assembly - why?
If you find low IPC, figure out why by considering possibilities like cache misses or branch misses, or long dependency chains (often a cause of low IPC when not bottlenecked on the front-end or memory).
Or you might find that it's already close to optimally applying the available brute force of the CPU (unlikely but possible for some problems). In that case your only hope is algorithmic improvements to do less work.
(CPU frequency isn't fixed, but core clock cycles is a good proxy. If your program doesn't spend time waiting for I/O, then core clock cycles is maybe more useful to measure.)
A mostly-serial portion of a multi-threaded program can be hard to detect; most tools don't have an easy way to find threads using cycles when other threads are blocked.
Time spent in a function isn't the only indicator, though. A function can make the rest of the program slow by touching a lot of memory, resulting in eviction of other useful data from cache. So that kind of effect is possible. Or having a lot of branches somewhere can maybe occupy some of the branch-prediction capacity of the CPU, resulting in more branch misses elsewhere.
But note that simply finding where the CPU is spending a lot of time executing is not the most useful, in a large codebase where functions containing hotspots can have multiple callers. e.g. lots of time spent in memcpy doesn't mean you need to speed up memcpy, it means you need to find which caller is calling memcpy a lot. And so on back up the call tree.
Use profilers that can record stack snapshots, or just hit control-C in a debugger and look at the call stack a few times. If a certain function usually appears in the call stack, it's making expensive calls.
Related: linux perf: how to interpret and find hotspots, especially Mike Dunlavey's answer there makes this point.
Algorithmic improvements to avoid doing work at all are often much more valuable than doing the same work more efficiently.
But if you find very low IPC for some work you haven't figured out how to avoid yet, then sure take a look at rearranging your data structures for better caching, or avoiding branch mispredicts.
Or if high IPC is still taking a long time, manually vectorizing a loop can help, doing 4x or more work per instruction.
#PeterCordes answers are always good. I can only add my own perspective, coming from about 40 years optimizing code:
If there is time to be saved (which there is), that time is spent doing something unnecessary, that you can get rid of if you know what it is.
So what is it? Since you don't know what it is, you also don't know how much time it takes, but it does take time. The more time it takes, the more worthwhile it is to find, and the easier it is to find it. Suppose it takes 30% of the time. That means a random-time snapshot has a 30% chance of showing you what it is.
I take 5-10 random snapshots of the call stack, using a debugger and the "pause" function.
If I see it doing something on more than one snapshot, and that thing can be done faster or not at all, I've got a substantial speedup, guaranteed.
Then the process can be repeated to find more speedups, until I hit diminishing returns.
The important thing about this method is - no "bottleneck" can hide from it. That sets it apart from profilers which, because they summarize, speedups can hide from them.

Suitability of parallel computation for comparisons over a large dataset

Suppose the following hypothetical task:
I am given a single integer A (say, 32 bit double) an a large array of integers B's (same type). The size of the integer array is fixed at runtime (doesn't grow mid-run) but of arbitrary size except it can always fit inside either RAM or VRAM (whichever is smallest). For the sake of this scenario, the integer array can sit in either RAM and VRAM; ignore any time cost in transferring this initial data set at start-up.
The task is to compare A against each B and to return true only if the test is true for against ALL B's, returning false otherwise. For the sake of this scenario, let is the greater than comparison (although I'd be interested if your answer is different for slightly more complex comparisons).
A naïve parallel implementation could involve slicing up the set B and distributing the comparison workload across multiple core. The core's workload would then be entirely independent save for when a failed comparison would interrupt all others as the result would immediately be false. Interrupts play a role in this implementation; although I'd imagine an ever decreasing one probabilistically as the array of integers gets larger.
My question is three-fold:
Would such a scenario be suitable for parallel-processing on GPU. If so, under what circumstances? Or is this a misleading case where the direct CPU implementation is actually the fastest?
Can you suggest an improved parallel algorithm over the naïve one?
Can you suggest any reading to gain intuition on deciding such problems?
If I understand your questions correctly, what you are trying to perform is a reductive operation. The operation in question is equivalent to a MATLAB/Numpy all(A[:] == B). To answer the three sections:
Yes. Reductions on GPUs/multicore CPUs can be faster than their sequential counterpart. See the presentation on GPU reductions here.
The presentation should provide a hierarchical approach for reduction. A more modern approach would be to use atomic operations on shared memory and global memory, as well as warp-aggregation. However, if you do not wish to deal with the intricate details of GPU implementations, you can use a highly-optimized library such as CUB.
See 1 and 2.
Good luck! Hope this helps.
I think this is a situation where you'll derive minimal benefit from the use of a GPU. I also think this is a situation where it'll be difficult to get good returns on any form of parallelism.
Comments on the speed of memory versus CPUs
Why do I believe this? Behold: the performance gap (in terrifyingly unclear units).
The point here is that CPUs have gotten very fast. And, with SIMD becoming a thing, they are poised to become even faster.
In the meantime, memory is getting faster slower. Not shown on the chart are memory buses, which ferry data to/from the CPU. Those are also getting faster, but at a slow rate.
Since RAM and hard drives are slow, CPUs try to store data in "little RAMs" known as the L1, L2, and L3 caches. These caches are super-fast, but super-small. However, if you can design an algorithm to repeatedly use the same memory, these caches can speed things up by an order of magnitude. For instance, this site discusses optimizing matrix multiplication for cache reuse. The speed-ups are dramatic:
The speed of the naive implementation (3Loop) drops precipitously for everything about a 350x350 matrix. Why is this? Because double-precision numbers (8 bytes each) are being used, this is the point at which the 1MB L2 cache on the test machine gets filled. All the speed gains you see in the other implementations come from strategically reusing memory so this cache doesn't empty as quickly.
Caching in your algorithm
Your algorithm, by definition, does not reuse memory. In fact, it has the lowest possible rate of memory reuse. That means you get no benefit from the L1, L2, and L3 caches. It's as though you've plugged your CPU directly into the RAM.
How do you get data from RAM?
Here's a simplified diagram of a CPU:
Note that each core has it's own, dedicated L1 cache. Core-pairs share L2 caches. RAM is shared between everyone and accessed via a bus.
This means that if two cores want to get something from RAM at the same time, only one of them is going to be successful. The other is going to be sitting there doing nothing. The more cores you have trying to get stuff from RAM, the worse this is.
For most code, the problem's not too bad since RAM is being accessed infrequently. However, for your code, the performance gap I talked about earlier, coupled your algorithm's un-cacheable design, means that most of your code's time is spent getting stuff from RAM. That means that cores are almost always in conflict with each other for limited memory bandwidth.
What about using a GPU?
A GPU doesn't really fix things: most of your time will still be spent pulling stuff from RAM. Except rather than having one slow bus (from the CPU to RAM), you have two (the other being the bus from the CPU to the GPU).
Whether you get a speed up is dependent on the relative speed of the CPU, the GPU-CPU bus, and the GPU. I suspect you won't get much of a speed up, though. GPUs are good for SIMD-type operations, or maps. The operation you describe is a reduction or fold: an inherently non-parallel operation. Since your mapped function (equality) is extremely simple, the GPU will spend most of its time on the reduction operation.
This is a memory-bound operation: more cores and GPUs are not going to fix that.
ignore any time cost in transferring this initial data set at
if there are only a few flase conditions in millions or billions of elements, you can try an opencl example:
// A=5 and B=arr
int id=get_global_id(0);
is as fast as it gets. arr[0] must be zero if all conditions are "true"
If you are not sure wheter there are only a few falses or millions(which makes atomic functions slow), you can have a single-pass preprocessing to decrease number of falses:
int id=get_global_id(0);
// get arr[id*128] to arr[id*128+128] into local/private mem
// check if a single false exists.
// if yes, set all cells true condition except one
// write results back to a temporary arr2 to be used
this copies whole array to another but if you can ignore time delta of transferring from host device, this should be also ignored. On top of this, only two kernels shouldn't take more than 1ms for the overhead(not including memory read writes)
If data fits in cache, the second kernel(one with the atomic function) will access it instead of global memory.
If time of transfers starts concerning, you can hide their latency using pipelined upload compute download operations if threads are separable from whole array.

Upper bound on speedup

My MPI experience showed that the speedup as does not increase linearly with the number of nodes we use (because of the costs of communication). My experience is similar to this:.
Today a speaker said: "Magically (smiles), in some occasions we can get more speedup than the ideal one!".
He meant that ideally, when we use 4 nodes, we would get a speedup of 4. But in some occasions we can get a speedup greater than 4, with 4 nodes! The topic was related to MPI.
Is this true? If so, can anyone provide a simple example on that? Or maybe he was thinking about adding multithreading to the application (he went out of time and then had to leave ASAP, thus we could not discuss)?
Parallel efficiency (speed-up / number of parallel execution units) over unity is not at all uncommon.
The main reason for that is the total cache size available to the parallel program. With more CPUs (or cores), one has access to more cache memory. At some point, a large portion of the data fits inside the cache and this speeds up the computation considerably. Another way to look at it is that the more CPUs/cores you use, the smaller the portion of the data each one gets, until that portion could actually fit inside the cache of the individual CPU. This is sooner or later cancelled by the communication overhead though.
Also, your data shows the speed-up compared to the execution on a single node. Using OpenMP could remove some of the overhead when using MPI for intranode data exchange and therefore result in better speed-up compared to the pure MPI code.
The problem comes from the incorrectly used term ideal speed-up. Ideally, one would account for cache effects. I would rather use linear instead.
Not too sure this is on-topic here, but here goes nothing...
This super-linearity in speed-up can typically occur when you parallelise your code while distributing the data in memory with MPI. In some cases, by distributing the data across several nodes / processes, you end-up having sufficiently small chunks of data to deal with for each individual process that it fits in the cache of the processor. This cache effect might have a huge impact on the code's performance, leading to great speed-ups and compensating for the increased need of MPI communications... This can be observed in many situations, but this isn't something you can really count for for compensating a poor scalability.
Another case where you can observe this sort of super-linear scalability is when you have an algorithm where you distribute the task of finding a specific element in a large collection: by distributing your work, you can end up in one of the processes/threads finding almost immediately the results, just because it happened to be given range of indexes starting very close to the answer. But this case is even less reliable than the aforementioned cache effect.
Hope that gives you a flavour of what super-linearity is.
Cache has been mentioned, but it's not the only possible reason. For instance you could imagine a parallel program which does not have sufficient memory to store all its data structures at low node counts, but foes at high. Thus at low node counts the programmer may have been forced to write intermediate values to disk and then read them back in again, or alternatively re-calculate the data when required. However at high node counts these games are no longer required and the program can store all its data in memory. Thus super-linear speed-up is a possibility because at higher node counts the code is just doing less work by using the extra memory to avoid I/O or calculations.
Really this is the same as the cache effects noted in the other answers, using extra resources as they become available. And this is really the trick - more nodes doesn't just mean more cores, it also means more of all your resources, so as speed up really measures your core use if you can also use those other extra resources to good effect you can achieve super-linear speed up.

How to compare two implementations of the same algorithm? (by examine their Assembly code)

Assume I have two implementations of the same algorithm in assembly. I would like to know by examining the two snippets codes which one is faster.
The parameters I thought one might take into account are: number of op-codes, number of branches, number of function frames.
My questions are:
Can I assume each opcode execution is one cycle ?
What is the overhead of branch which break the pipeline ?
What are the effects and overhead of calling a function ?
Is there a difference in the analysis between ARM and x86 ?
The question is theoretical since I have two implementations; one 130 instructions long and one is 184 instructions long.
And I would like to know if it is definitely true to say the 130 instructions long snippet is faster than the 184 instructions long implementation?
Without wanting to be flippant, the answers are
that depends on your hardware
that depends on your hardware
You would really need to test things on your target hardware, or have a simulator that understands your hardware fully, in order to answer your question the way you meant to...
For the last part of your question, you need to define "better"…better.
Since you asked about a Cortex A9, the data sheet has instruction cycle counts in appendix B. These counts generally assume that the memory bus is fast enough to keep the CPU busy. In reality this is rarely the case. Many video/audio algorithms will have a big win in how they access memory.
One cycle per op
Of course you can't assume this if you want an exact count. However, if you are deciding which algorithm to choose, you can get a feel for the best algorithm by looking at the instructions in the inner loop. Here, your cache should allow the code to execute as per the instruction counts in the data sheet. If the counts are close, then you probably need to look at each instruction. Load/stores are more expensive and usually multiples, etc. Some algorithms, especially crytographic, will have big wins by using assembler that doesn't map well to C. For example, clz, ror, using the carry for multi-word arithmetic, etc.
Branch overhead
Look in Appendix B, or whatever data sheet has cycle counts for your processor. For an ARM926 it is about 3 cycles. The compiler only generates two conditional opcodes in a row to avoid branching, otherwise, it branches. If the algorithm is large, the branch may disrupt the cache. A hard answer depends on your CPU, cache, and memory. According to the Cortex A9 datasheet (B.5), there is only one cycle overhead to a fixed branch.
Function overhead
This is much the same as the branch overhead. However, the compiler will also have an influence. noted by Jim Does it cache align functions. Does the compiler perform leaf function optimizations, etc. With modern gcc versions, if all the functions are static, the compiler will generally in-line when it is advantageous. If the algorithms are particularly large, a register spill may be advantageous. However, with your example of 130/184 instructions, this seems unlikely. The compiler options will obviously effect the overhead. You can use objdump -S to examine the prologue/epilogue and then determine the number of cycles for your hardware.
ARM verus x86
Of course there is a technical difference in the cycle counts. The CISC x86 also has variable instruction size. This complicates the analysis. It is slightly easier on the ARM.
Normally, you want to ball park things and then actually run them with a profiler. The estimates can help guide development of the algorithms. Loop/memory tuning, etc for your hardware. Something like instruction emulation, page or alignment faults, etc may be dominant and make all the cycle count analysis meaningless. If the algorithm is in user space, per-emption, may negate cache wins from run to run. It is possible that one algorithm will work better in a little loaded system and the other will work better under a higher load.
A note on cycle counts
See the post-process objdump for some complications in getting cycle counts. Basically a typical CPU is several phases (a pipe line) and different conditions can cause stalls. As CPU's become more complex, the pipe line typically gets longer, meaning there are more conditions or phases which can stall. However, cycle count estimates can be helpful in guiding development of an algorithm and evaluating them. Things like memory timing or branch prediction can be just as important, depending on the algorithm. Ie, cycle counts are not completely useless, but they are not complete either. Profiling should confirm actual algorithm times. If they diverge, instruction re-ordering, pre-fetching and other techniques may bring them closer. The fact that cycle counts and active profiling diverge can be helpful in itself.
It is definitely not true to say that the 130 instruction code is faster than the 184 instruction code. it is very easy to have 1000 instructions run faster than 100 and vice versa on either of these platforms.
1 Can I assume each opcode execution is one cycle ?
Start by looking at the advertised mips/mhz, although a marketing number it gives a rough idea of what is possible. If the number is greater than one then more than one instruction per clock is possible.
2 What is the overhead of branch which break the pipeline ?
Anywhere from absolutely no affect to a very dramatic affect, on either system. one clock to hundreds are the potential penalty.
3 What are the effects and overhead of calling a function ?
Depends heavily on the function, and the function calling the function. Depending on the calling convention you might have to save registers to the stack, or rearrange the contents of registers to prepare for the parameters for the function to be called. If passing a struct by value a copy of the struct may need to be made on the stack, the bigger the struct passed the bigger the copy. once in the function a stack frame may need to be prepared, etc, etc. There are many factors involved. This question and answer are also independent of platform.
4 Is there a difference in the analysis between ARM and x86 ?
yes and no, both systems use all the modern tricks of pipelining, branch prediction, etc to keep the mips/mhz up. ARM is going to give a better mips per mhz than x86, x86 being variable instruction length might give more instructions per unit cache. How you analyze the cache, and memory and peripheral systems in the systems side of the analysis is roughly the same. The comparison of the instructions and core are similar and different depending on what aspects you are analyzing. The arm is not microcoded, the x86 likely is so you dont really see how many registers there really are, things like that. at the same time the x86 you can get a better look at the memory system with the arm, since they are generally not system on a chip. Depending on what ARM chip you buy you may lose a lot of the visibility in the boundaries of the chip, might not see all the memory and peripheral busses, for example. (x86 is changing that by putting pcie on chip now for example) in the case of something in the cortex-a class you mentioned you would have similar edge of chip visibility as those would use larger/cheaper dram based memory off chip rather than microcontroller like on chip resources.
Bottom line your final question:
"And I would like to know if it is definitely true to say the 130 instructions long snippet is faster than the 184 instructions long implementation?"
It is definitely NOT TRUE to say the 130 instruction snippet is faster than the 184 instruction snippet. It might be faster it might be slower and it might be about the same. With a lot more information we might be able to make a pretty good statement or it may still be non-deterministic. it is easy to choose 100 instructions that execute faster than 1000 instructions and likewise easy to choose 1000 instructions that execute faster than 100 instructions (even if I were to add no branching and no loops, just linear execution)
Your question is almost entirely meaningless: It probably depends on your input.
Most CPUs have something resembling a branch misprediction penalty (e.g. traditional ARM which throws away an instruction fetch/decode on any taken branch, IIRC). ARM and x86 also allow conditional execution, which can be faster than branching. If either of these are dependent on input data, then different inputs will follow different code paths.
Perhaps one version heavily uses conditional execution, which is wasteful when the condition is false. Perhaps another was compiled using some profiling information that performs no branches (except the return at the end) for a specific case. There are many, many reason why a compiler can take the same source and produce an "optimized" output which is faster for one input and slower for another.
Many optimizations have this characteristic — for example, aligning the start of a loop to 16 bytes helps on some processors, but not when the loop is only executed once.
Some text book answer to this question from Cortex
-A Series Programmer’s Guide, chapter 17.
Although cycle timing information can be found in the Technical Reference Manual (TRM) for the processor that you are using, it is very difficult to work out how many cycles even a trivial piece of code will take to execute. The movement of instructions through the pipeline is dependent on the progress of the surrounding instructions and can be significantly affected by memory system
activity. Pending loads or instruction fetches which miss in the cache can stall code for tens of cycles. Standard data processing instructions (logical and arithmetic) will take only one or two cycles to execute, but this does not give the full picture. Instead, we must use profiling tools, or the system performance monitor built-in to the processor, to extract useful information about performance.
Also read under 17.4 Cortex-A9 micro-architecture optimizations which answers your question very very much.

How does one write code that best utilizes the CPU cache to improve performance?

This could sound like a subjective question, but what I am looking for are specific instances, which you could have encountered related to this.
How to make code, cache effective/cache friendly (more cache hits, as few cache misses as possible)? From both perspectives, data cache & program cache (instruction cache),
i.e. what things in one's code, related to data structures and code constructs, should one take care of to make it cache effective.
Are there any particular data structures one must use/avoid, or is there a particular way of accessing the members of that structure etc... to make code cache effective.
Are there any program constructs (if, for, switch, break, goto,...), code-flow (for inside an if, if inside a for, etc ...) one should follow/avoid in this matter?
I am looking forward to hearing individual experiences related to making cache efficient code in general. It can be any programming language (C, C++, Assembly, ...), any hardware target (ARM, Intel, PowerPC, ...), any OS (Windows, Linux,S ymbian, ...), etc..
The variety will help to better to understand it deeply.
The cache is there to reduce the number of times the CPU would stall waiting for a memory request to be fulfilled (avoiding the memory latency), and as a second effect, possibly to reduce the overall amount of data that needs to be transfered (preserving memory bandwidth).
Techniques for avoiding suffering from memory fetch latency is typically the first thing to consider, and sometimes helps a long way. The limited memory bandwidth is also a limiting factor, particularly for multicores and multithreaded applications where many threads wants to use the memory bus. A different set of techniques help addressing the latter issue.
Improving spatial locality means that you ensure that each cache line is used in full once it has been mapped to a cache. When we have looked at various standard benchmarks, we have seen that a surprising large fraction of those fail to use 100% of the fetched cache lines before the cache lines are evicted.
Improving cache line utilization helps in three respects:
It tends to fit more useful data in the cache, essentially increasing the effective cache size.
It tends to fit more useful data in the same cache line, increasing the likelyhood that requested data can be found in the cache.
It reduces the memory bandwidth requirements, as there will be fewer fetches.
Common techniques are:
Use smaller data types
Organize your data to avoid alignment holes (sorting your struct members by decreasing size is one way)
Beware of the standard dynamic memory allocator, which may introduce holes and spread your data around in memory as it warms up.
Make sure all adjacent data is actually used in the hot loops. Otherwise, consider breaking up data structures into hot and cold components, so that the hot loops use hot data.
avoid algorithms and datastructures that exhibit irregular access patterns, and favor linear datastructures.
We should also note that there are other ways to hide memory latency than using caches.
Modern CPU:s often have one or more hardware prefetchers. They train on the misses in a cache and try to spot regularities. For instance, after a few misses to subsequent cache lines, the hw prefetcher will start fetching cache lines into the cache, anticipating the application's needs. If you have a regular access pattern, the hardware prefetcher is usually doing a very good job. And if your program doesn't display regular access patterns, you may improve things by adding prefetch instructions yourself.
Regrouping instructions in such a way that those that always miss in the cache occur close to each other, the CPU can sometimes overlap these fetches so that the application only sustain one latency hit (Memory level parallelism).
To reduce the overall memory bus pressure, you have to start addressing what is called temporal locality. This means that you have to reuse data while it still hasn't been evicted from the cache.
Merging loops that touch the same data (loop fusion), and employing rewriting techniques known as tiling or blocking all strive to avoid those extra memory fetches.
While there are some rules of thumb for this rewrite exercise, you typically have to carefully consider loop carried data dependencies, to ensure that you don't affect the semantics of the program.
These things are what really pays off in the multicore world, where you typically wont see much of throughput improvements after adding the second thread.
I can't believe there aren't more answers to this. Anyway, one classic example is to iterate a multidimensional array "inside out":
for (i = 0 to size)
for (j = 0 to size)
do something with ary[j][i]
The reason this is cache inefficient is because modern CPUs will load the cache line with "near" memory addresses from main memory when you access a single memory address. We are iterating through the "j" (outer) rows in the array in the inner loop, so for each trip through the inner loop, the cache line will cause to be flushed and loaded with a line of addresses that are near to the [j][i] entry. If this is changed to the equivalent:
for (i = 0 to size)
for (j = 0 to size)
do something with ary[i][j]
It will run much faster.
The basic rules are actually fairly simple. Where it gets tricky is in how they apply to your code.
The cache works on two principles: Temporal locality and spatial locality.
The former is the idea that if you recently used a certain chunk of data, you'll probably need it again soon. The latter means that if you recently used the data at address X, you'll probably soon need address X+1.
The cache tries to accomodate this by remembering the most recently used chunks of data. It operates with cache lines, typically sized 128 byte or so, so even if you only need a single byte, the entire cache line that contains it gets pulled into the cache. So if you need the following byte afterwards, it'll already be in the cache.
And this means that you'll always want your own code to exploit these two forms of locality as much as possible. Don't jump all over memory. Do as much work as you can on one small area, and then move on to the next, and do as much work there as you can.
A simple example is the 2D array traversal that 1800's answer showed. If you traverse it a row at a time, you're reading the memory sequentially. If you do it column-wise, you'll read one entry, then jump to a completely different location (the start of the next row), read one entry, and jump again. And when you finally get back to the first row, it will no longer be in the cache.
The same applies to code. Jumps or branches mean less efficient cache usage (because you're not reading the instructions sequentially, but jumping to a different address). Of course, small if-statements probably won't change anything (you're only skipping a few bytes, so you'll still end up inside the cached region), but function calls typically imply that you're jumping to a completely different address that may not be cached. Unless it was called recently.
Instruction cache usage is usually far less of an issue though. What you usually need to worry about is the data cache.
In a struct or class, all members are laid out contiguously, which is good. In an array, all entries are laid out contiguously as well. In linked lists, each node is allocated at a completely different location, which is bad. Pointers in general tend to point to unrelated addresses, which will probably result in a cache miss if you dereference it.
And if you want to exploit multiple cores, it can get really interesting, as usually, only one CPU may have any given address in its L1 cache at a time. So if both cores constantly access the same address, it will result in constant cache misses, as they're fighting over the address.
I recommend reading the 9-part article What every programmer should know about memory by Ulrich Drepper if you're interested in how memory and software interact. It's also available as a 104-page PDF.
Sections especially relevant to this question might be Part 2 (CPU caches) and Part 5 (What programmers can do - cache optimization).
Apart from data access patterns, a major factor in cache-friendly code is data size. Less data means more of it fits into the cache.
This is mainly a factor with memory-aligned data structures. "Conventional" wisdom says data structures must be aligned at word boundaries because the CPU can only access entire words, and if a word contains more than one value, you have to do extra work (read-modify-write instead of a simple write). But caches can completely invalidate this argument.
Similarly, a Java boolean array uses an entire byte for each value in order to allow operating on individual values directly. You can reduce the data size by a factor of 8 if you use actual bits, but then access to individual values becomes much more complex, requiring bit shift and mask operations (the BitSet class does this for you). However, due to cache effects, this can still be considerably faster than using a boolean[] when the array is large. IIRC I once achieved a speedup by a factor of 2 or 3 this way.
The most effective data structure for a cache is an array. Caches work best, if your data structure is laid out sequentially as CPUs read entire cache lines (usually 32 bytes or more) at once from main memory.
Any algorithm which accesses memory in random order trashes the caches because it always needs new cache lines to accomodate the randomly accessed memory. On the other hand an algorithm, which runs sequentially through an array is best because:
It gives the CPU a chance to read-ahead, e.g. speculatively put more memory into the cache, which will be accessed later. This read-ahead gives a huge performance boost.
Running a tight loop over a large array also allows the CPU to cache the code executing in the loop and in most cases allows you to execute an algorithm entirely from cache memory without having to block for external memory access.
One example I saw used in a game engine was to move data out of objects and into their own arrays. A game object that was subject to physics might have a lot of other data attached to it as well. But during the physics update loop all the engine cared about was data about position, speed, mass, bounding box, etc. So all of that was placed into its own arrays and optimized as much as possible for SSE.
So during the physics loop the physics data was processed in array order using vector math. The game objects used their object ID as the index into the various arrays. It was not a pointer because pointers could become invalidated if the arrays had to be relocated.
In many ways this violated object-oriented design patterns but it made the code a lot faster by placing data close together that needed to be operated on in the same loops.
This example is probably out of date because I expect most modern games use a prebuilt physics engine like Havok.
A remark to the "classic example" by user 1800 INFORMATION (too long for a comment)
I wanted to check the time differences for two iteration orders ( "outter" and "inner"), so I made a simple experiment with a large 2D array:
for ( int y = 0; y < N; ++y )
for ( int x = 0; x < N; ++x )
sum += A[ x + y*N ];
and the second case with the for loops swapped.
The slower version ("x first") was 0.88sec and the faster one, was 0.06sec. That's the power of caching :)
I used gcc -O2 and still the loops were not optimized out. The comment by Ricardo that "most of the modern compilers can figure this out by itselves" does not hold
Only one post touched on it, but a big issue comes up when sharing data between processes. You want to avoid having multiple processes attempting to modify the same cache line simultaneously. Something to look out for here is "false" sharing, where two adjacent data structures share a cache line and modifications to one invalidates the cache line for the other. This can cause cache lines to unnecessarily move back and forth between processor caches sharing the data on a multiprocessor system. A way to avoid it is to align and pad data structures to put them on different lines.
I can answer (2) by saying that in the C++ world, linked lists can easily kill the CPU cache. Arrays are a better solution where possible. No experience on whether the same applies to other languages, but it's easy to imagine the same issues would arise.
Cache is arranged in "cache lines" and (real) memory is read from and written to in chunks of this size.
Data structures that are contained within a single cache-line are therefore more efficient.
Similarly, algorithms which access contiguous memory blocks will be more efficient than algorithms which jump through memory in a random order.
Unfortunately the cache line size varies dramatically between processors, so there's no way to guarantee that a data structure that's optimal on one processor will be efficient on any other.
To ask how to make a code, cache effective-cache friendly and most of the other questions , is usually to ask how to Optimize a program, that's because the cache has such a huge impact on performances that any optimized program is one that is cache effective-cache friendly.
I suggest reading about Optimization, there are some good answers on this site.
In terms of books, I recommend on Computer Systems: A Programmer's Perspective which has some fine text about the proper usage of the cache.
(b.t.w - as bad as a cache-miss can be, there is worse - if a program is paging from the hard-drive...)
There has been a lot of answers on general advices like data structure selection, access pattern, etc. Here I would like to add another code design pattern called software pipeline that makes use of active cache management.
The idea is borrow from other pipelining techniques, e.g. CPU instruction pipelining.
This type of pattern best applies to procedures that
could be broken down to reasonable multiple sub-steps, S[1], S[2], S[3], ... whose execution time is roughly comparable with RAM access time (~60-70ns).
takes a batch of input and do aforementioned multiple steps on them to get result.
Let's take a simple case where there is only one sub-procedure.
Normally the code would like:
def proc(input):
return sub-step(input))
To have better performance, you might want to pass multiple inputs to the function in a batch so you amortize function call overhead and also increases code cache locality.
def batch_proc(inputs):
results = []
for i in inputs:
// avoids code cache miss, but still suffer data(inputs) miss
return res
However, as said earlier, if the execution of the step is roughly the same as RAM access time you can further improve the code to something like this:
def batch_pipelined_proc(inputs):
for i in range(0, len(inputs)-1):
# work on current item while [i+1] is flying back from RAM
The execution flow would look like:
prefetch(1) ask CPU to prefetch input[1] into cache, where prefetch instruction takes P cycles itself and return, and in the background input[1] would arrive in cache after R cycles.
works_on(0) cold miss on 0 and works on it, which takes M
prefetch(2) issue another fetch
works_on(1) if P + R <= M, then inputs[1] should be in the cache already before this step, thus avoid a data cache miss
works_on(2) ...
There could be more steps involved, then you can design a multi-stage pipeline as long as the timing of the steps and memory access latency matches, you would suffer little code/data cache miss. However, this process needs to be tuned with many experiments to find out right grouping of steps and prefetch time. Due to its required effort, it sees more adoption in high performance data/packet stream processing. A good production code example could be found in DPDK QoS Enqueue pipeline design: Chapter Enqueue Pipeline.
More information could be found:
Besides aligning your structure and fields, if your structure if heap allocated you may want to use allocators that support aligned allocations; like _aligned_malloc(sizeof(DATA), SYSTEM_CACHE_LINE_SIZE); otherwise you may have random false sharing; remember that in Windows, the default heap has a 16 bytes alignment.
Write your program to take a minimal size. That is why it is not always a good idea to use -O3 optimisations for GCC. It takes up a larger size. Often, -Os is just as good as -O2. It all depends on the processor used though. YMMV.
Work with small chunks of data at a time. That is why a less efficient sorting algorithms can run faster than quicksort if the data set is large. Find ways to break up your larger data sets into smaller ones. Others have suggested this.
In order to help you better exploit instruction temporal/spatial locality, you may want to study how your code gets converted in to assembly. For example:
for(i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)
for(i = MAX; i > 0; --i)
The two loops produce different codes even though they are merely parsing through an array. In any case, your question is very architecture specific. So, your only way to tightly control cache use is by understanding how the hardware works and optimising your code for it.
