Error when accessing outlook emails that need SSO login, using javax mail - outlook

I am trying to read outlook emails within my organization using javax mail, but I keep getting the error - "javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password."
One thing to note is that there is a Single Sign On required while logging into outlook. So you have to enter the same credentials (emailID/password) twice.
The following is my code -
public static void main(String[] args) {
String host = "";
String mailStoreType = "pop3";
String username = "";
String password = "password";
check(host, mailStoreType, username, password);
public static void check(String host, String mailStoreType, String user, String password)
try {
//create properties field
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("mail.pop3.ssl.enable", "true");
props.setProperty("mail.pop3.auth.plain.disable", "true");
props.put("", host);
props.put("mail.pop3.port", "995");
props.setProperty("mail.pop3.starttls.enable", "true");
Session emailSession = Session.getDefaultInstance(props);
//create the POP3 store object and connect with the pop server
Store store = emailSession.getStore(mailStoreType);
store.connect(host, user, password);
//create the folder object and open it
Folder emailFolder = store.getFolder("INBOX");;
// retrieve the messages from the folder in an array and print it
Message[] messages = emailFolder.getMessages();
Logger.logConsoleMessage("messages.length---" + messages.length);
for (int i = 0, n = messages.length; i < n; i++) {
Message message = messages[i];
Logger.logConsoleMessage("Email Number " + (i + 1));
Logger.logConsoleMessage("Subject: " + message.getSubject());
Logger.logConsoleMessage("From: " + message.getFrom()[0]);
Logger.logConsoleMessage("Text: " + message.getContent().toString());
//close the store and folder objects
} catch (NoSuchProviderException e) {
} catch (MessagingException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
After tweaking the above code a little, i am able to access a gmail account, which leads me to believe that the error above is because of the extra authentication required by SSO. Has anyone encountered this ever ? Any inputs would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!


Configuring Skype for Business delegates using UCMA

I have been struggling to programatically add a delegate to a user (boss/admin scenario).
After running my test code in the boss sfb client the admin appears as a delegate however, in the admin's sfb client the boss does not appear under the section "people I manage calls for". I verified in the rtc frontend database that the delegation is configured, however the admin subscription record does not list the boss. Below is the code I used to achieve this.
Any ideas why the admin sfb client is not being notified of the new delegation?
1) add delegate-management
public void SendAddDelegate()
string body = string.Format($"<setDelegates xmlns=\"\" version=\"1\"><delegate uri=\"\" action=\"add\"/></setDelegates>");
byte[] encBody = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);
RealTimeAddress rta = new RealTimeAddress("");
System.Net.Mime.ContentType contentType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType("application/msrtc-setdelegate+xml")
endpoint.InnerEndpoint.BeginSendMessage(MessageType.Service, rta, contentType, encBody, SendAddDelegateManagementMessageComplete, null);
private void SendAddDelegateManagementMessageComplete(IAsyncResult result)
SipResponseData srd = endpoint.InnerEndpoint.EndSendMessage(result);
logger.Debug($"srd.ResponseCode - {srd.ResponseCode}");
catch (Exception exc)
logger.Error("Exception SendMessageComplete with message - {0}", exc.Message);
2) Publish presence
public void PublishRoutingCategory(string delegateUri)
//routes not created here for sample brevity
routes.DelegateRingEnabled = true;
routes.SimultaneousRingEnabled = true;
routes.SkipPrimaryEnabled = true;
routes.ForwardAudioAppInvitesEnabled = true;
userEndpoint.LocalOwnerPresence.BeginPublishPresence(new PresenceCategory[] { routes }, PublishComplete, null);
catch (Exception exc)
logger.Error("Unknown error - {0}", exc.Message);
private void PublishComplete(IAsyncResult result)
catch (Exception exc)
logger.Error("Error Publish Complete- {0}", exc.Message);

Google calendar get events

I am using this code and getting the events from the calendar and it is working fine but, I want to get the events from google accounts calendar .For example, I want to get the ( )google calendar accounts events also? I know it is possible but do not know how to implement it?
public static void readCalendarEvent(Context context) throws ParseException {
ContentResolver contentResolver = context.getContentResolver();
Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
String dtstart = "dtstart";
String dtend = "dtend";
SimpleDateFormat displayFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy");
SimpleDateFormat startFormatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yy");
String dateString = startFormatter.format(calendar.getTime());
long after = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
SimpleDateFormat formatterr = new SimpleDateFormat("hh:mm:ss MM/dd/yy");
Calendar endOfDay = Calendar.getInstance();
Date dateCCC = formatterr.parse("47:59:59 " + dateString);
cursor = contentResolver.query(Uri.parse("content://"), (new String[] { "calendar_id", "title", "description", "dtstart", "dtend", "eventLocation" }), "(" + dtstart + ">" + after + " and " + dtend + "<" + endOfDay.getTimeInMillis() + ")", null, "dtstart ASC");
gCalendar = new ArrayList<GoogleCalendar>();
try {
System.out.println("Count=" + cursor.getCount());
if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {
System.out.println("the control is just inside of the cursor.count loop");
while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
GoogleCalendar googleCalendar = new GoogleCalendar();
int calendar_id = cursor.getInt(0);
String title = cursor.getString(1);
String description = cursor.getString(2);
String dtstart1 = cursor.getString(3);
String dtend1 = cursor.getString(4);
String eventlocation = cursor.getString(5);
} catch (AssertionError ex) {
} catch (Exception e) {
You can try OAuth 2.0 service accounts to properly access the user accounts. Using a service account lets you impersonate users and perform operation on their behalf.
Accessing domain calendars as an app
An app can access domain-owned calendars without requiring user credentials if it authenticates using a service account. The service account must have the necessary access using domain-wide authority delegation. In order to impersonate a user account, specify the email address of the user account with the setServiceAccountUser method of the GoogleCredential factory.
I hope it helps. Goodluck :)

IBM SBT: CommunityService.updateCommunityLogo(file, communityUuid) triggers logout?

I (want to) use CommunityService.updateCommunityLogo(file, communityUuid) to set a logo for a freshly programmatically created community.
The call runs though without error, but the logo is not changed.
When I look into the apache.http.wire logs, it shows following conversation:
>> PUT /communities/service/html/image?communityUuid=6e700c5d-082c-497f-8657-d516a01f62e7 HTTP/1.1 (without data so far)
<< HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
>> (binary data of image)
apache.http.wire(78): << "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue[EOL]"
apache.http.wire(78): << "[EOL]"
impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection(229): Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
apache.http.headers(232): << HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
apache.http.wire(78): << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK[EOL]"
impl.conn.DefaultClientConnection(229): Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
apache.http.headers(232): << HTTP/1.1 200 OK
apache.http.wire(64): << "<script language="JavaScript1.2">[\n]"
apache.http.wire(64): << " document.cookie = "CommunitiesReqURL=" + location.href + "; expires=" +[\n]"
apache.http.wire(64): << " new Date(new Date().getTime() + 365*24*60*60*1000).toGMTString() + "; path=/communities";[\n]"
apache.http.wire(64): << " location.href = "/communities/service/html/login";[\n]"
apache.http.wire(64): << "</script>[\n]"
I have skipped some details like Date, Content fields etc. from header and wire, but this is what basically happens.
This in turn is part of a request processing from inside a web application which should automatically do some things on a Connections instance. Thus, as a result, this web application will present the answer to the original user request to the user as a web page. This in turn contains a frame with the community which was changed here -- but after this step the user is forced to login anew on Connections (although the LTPA token is "fresh") in full-window mode.
Thus I suspect that calling CommunityService.updateCommunityLogo(file, communityUuid) forces re-authentication and destroys/invalidates the current LTPA token or authenticated session.
What is happening here?
What can I do about it?
I have no access to any Connections logs actually.
The Connections instance is v4.5 and directly accessed using BasicAuth in IBM SBT, but uses form-based auth in the browser.
The SBT version is, included using maven 3.0.5, deployed on tomcat 7.0.53 on Java 7.
it's actually most likely related to the 100 continue for that API
I wrote an article on it
For J2EE Apps, navigate to your managed-beans.xml. Locate the Endpoint you want to disable it for, add a managed-property.
some sample code I wrote for this...
public static void main(String[] args){
URL url;
try {
String imageUrl = "";
String imageType = "image/png";
String folder = "/Users/paulbastide/Desktop/";
String fileName = "demo.png";
File file = new File(folder + fileName);
long fileLength = 0l;
String userAgent = "Apache-HttpClient/4.3.3 (java 1.5)";
String auth = "Basic =";
url = new URL(imageUrl);
HttpsURLConnection httpCon = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
// Create a trust manager that does not validate certificate chains
final TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {
public[] getAcceptedIssuers() {
return null;
public void checkClientTrusted([] arg0, String arg1)
throws CertificateException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void checkServerTrusted([] arg0, String arg1)
throws CertificateException {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
} };
// Install the all-trusting trust manager
final SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance( "SSL" );
sslContext.init( null, trustAllCerts, new );
// Create an ssl socket factory with our all-trusting manager
final SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory = sslContext.getSocketFactory();
httpCon.setSSLSocketFactory( sslSocketFactory );
* adds the cookies
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "");
// Responds to two operations PUT and DELETE
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", imageType );
httpCon.setRequestProperty("slug", fileName);
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Content-Length", "" + fileLength );
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Content-Encoding", "binary");
httpCon.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", userAgent);
httpCon.setRequestProperty("Authorization", auth);
byte[] fileBytes = FileUtils.readFileToByteArray( file);
DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(
System.out.println("The Response Code is " + httpCon.getResponseCode());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (ProtocolException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) {
} catch (KeyManagementException e) {
IBM SBT SDK 1.0.3 solves this problem: Tests with the same application code and 1.0.2 / 1.0.3 revealed that 1.0.2 is buggy here, but in 1.0.3 this issue is fixed.
Additionally however the server side has undergone an upgrade from IC 4.5 to IC 5.0, but with the 1.0.2 IBM SBT SDK also IC5 did not accept the logo. Thus it might be both: IC45 -> IC5 AND SBT 1.0.2 -> 1.0.3.

Using JavaMail reading from gmail issue

I am having problems reading mails from gmail (pop3) using javamail. I have a code that woks perfectly if the mail was sent from ubuntu's Thnderbird. How ever if the mail was originally sent from mac it fails.
This is the code I ham using:
private static final String UNKNOWN_BRAND_PATH = "UNKNOWN";
public static final String FOLDER_NAME = "INBOX";
private static Logger LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(LzMailRecieverService.class);
private String lzMailUserName;
private String lzMailPassword;
private String lzMailTmpFolder;
public Store connect() throws Exception {
String SSL_FACTORY = "";
Properties pop3Props = new Properties();
pop3Props.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY);
pop3Props.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
pop3Props.setProperty("mail.pop3.port", "995");
pop3Props.setProperty("mail.pop3.socketFactory.port", "995");
URLName url = new URLName("pop3", "", 995, "", lzMailUserName, lzMailPassword);
Session session = Session.getInstance(pop3Props, null);
Store store = new POP3SSLStore(session, url);
return store;
public Folder openFolder(Store store) throws MessagingException {
Folder folder = store.getDefaultFolder();
folder = folder.getFolder(FOLDER_NAME);;
return folder;
public List<MailDetails> readAttachement(Folder folder) throws IOException, MessagingException {
Message[] messages = folder.getMessages();
List<MailDetails> mailDetails = new ArrayList<MailDetails>();
for (Message message : messages) {
if (message.getContent() instanceof Multipart) {
Multipart multipart = (Multipart) message.getContent();
for (int i = 0; i < multipart.getCount(); i++) {
BodyPart bodyPart = multipart.getBodyPart(i);
if (!Part.ATTACHMENT.equalsIgnoreCase(bodyPart.getDisposition())) {
continue; // dealing with attachments only
InputStream is = bodyPart.getInputStream();
String uid = getUid(message);
String to = getTo(message);
String from = getFrom(message);
File d = new File(lzMailTmpFolder + File.separator + uid);
if (d.exists() == false) {
File f = new File(d, new DateTime().getMillis() + "-" + bodyPart.getFileName());
FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(f);
IOUtils.copy(is, fos);
MailDetails md = new MailDetails(to, from, f, uid);
else {
LOG.warn("Message conteant is not Multipart " + message.getContentType() + " skipping ...");
return mailDetails;
private String getFrom(Message message) throws MessagingException {
Address[] froms = message.getFrom();
return froms[0].toString();
private String getTo(Message message) throws MessagingException {
Address[] tos = message.getAllRecipients();
return tos[0].toString();
public void logMailDetails(Message m) throws MessagingException {
Address[] f = m.getFrom();
if (f != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < f.length; j++)
LOG.debug("FROM: " + f[j].toString());
Address[] r = m.getRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO);
if (r != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < r.length; j++) {
LOG.debug("TO: " + r[j].toString());
LOG.debug("SUBJECT: " + m.getSubject());
Date d = m.getSentDate();
LOG.debug("SendDate: " + d);
private String getUid(Message m) throws MessagingException {
try {
Address[] tos = m.getAllRecipients();
String to = tos[0].toString();
to = to.split("#")[0];
String[] parts = to.split("\\+");
return parts[parts.length - 1];
catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Failes to extract brand hash from email address " + Lists.newArrayList(m.getFrom()));
The problem is that for the mails originally created in mac bodyPart.getDisposition() always returns null. No matter what I have tried I could not understand which part is the attachment part (this is what I really need: extracting the attachment from the mail).
I have looked all over the web to find ewhat is the reason for that and I failed to find an answer. How ever I found the below note written by Juergen Hoeller that indicates that there might be an issue here (more details here:
Warning regarding multipart mails: Simple MIME messages that just contain HTML text but no inline elements or attachments will work on more or less any email client that is capable of HTML rendering. However, inline elements and attachments are still a major compatibility issue between email clients: It's virtually impossible to get inline elements and attachments working across Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes and Mac Mail. Consider choosing a specific multipart mode for your needs: The javadoc on the
MULTIPART_MODE constants contains more detailed information.
Is there any example or explnation regarding using JavaMail if the mails are sent from Mac??
The "disposition" is at best a hint; it's not required to be included.
These JavaMail FAQ entries might help:
How do I tell if a message has attachments?
How do I find the main message body in a message that has attachments?
What are some of the most common mistakes people make when using JavaMail?

Any hints for https form get and post parse html project android?

I'm creating an Android app that should do the following;
Use a form on a https (SSL!) page to login and receive a cookie
Issue httpGET actions to get html
parse that html and show it in a view, list or something.
I've been fooling around with Jsoup, httpUnit and HTMLUnit for quite some time now, but I'm running in to several problems;
A. Login is fine, works.. (I get the website's welcome page) but then, when I issue a GET statement (and include the cookie), I am redirected to the login form. So the response html is not what I expected. (might have something to do with a keepalivestrategy?)
B. InputBuffers are too small to receive entire HTML pages and set them up for parsing.
NB : I do not have control over the webserver
I'm totally new at this, so a tutorial or code snippets would be helpful.
For instance, this is what I use to login to the website :
public int checkLogin() throws Exception {
ArrayList<NameValuePair> data = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>();
data.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userid", getUsername()));
data.add(new BasicNameValuePair("password", getPassword()));
data.add(new BasicNameValuePair("submit_login", "Logmein"));
Log.d(TAG, "Cookie name : " + getCookieName());
Log.d(TAG, "Cookie cont : " + getCookie());
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(BASE_URL);
request.getParams().setBooleanParameter(CoreProtocolPNames.USE_EXPECT_CONTINUE, false);
request.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(data, "UTF-8"));
HttpResponse response;
List<Cookie> cookies = httpsclient.getCookieStore().getCookies();
Log.d(TAG, "Number of Cookies pre-login : " + cookies.size());
response = httpsclient.execute(request);
cookies = httpsclient.getCookieStore().getCookies();
Log.d(TAG, "Number of Cookies post-login : " + cookies.size());
String html = "";
// Problem : buffer is too small!
InputStream in = response.getEntity().getContent();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in));
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder();
String line = null;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
html = str.toString();
Document doc = Jsoup.parse(html);
Log.v(TAG, "Ik heb nu dit : " + doc.toString());
if (cookies.size() > 0){
storeCookie(cookies.get(0).getName(), cookies.get(0).getValue());
return MensaMobileActivity.REQUEST_SUCCESS;
} else {
return MensaMobileActivity.REQUEST_ERROR;
You don't handle the SSL certificate at all, that's at least a part of the problem. I struggled starting to learn this recently as well. This block of code will grab the SSL cert from the webpage you're accessing.
try {
HttpsURLConnection connect = (HttpsURLConnection)url.openConnection();
Certificate[] certs = connect.getServerCertificates();
if (certs.length > 0) {
cert = new File("YOUR_PATH_TO_THE_FILE");
//write the certificate obtained to the cert file.
OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(cert);
return true;
catch (SSLPeerUnverifiedException e) {
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
catch (IOException e) {
catch (CertificateEncodingException e) {
