So Im sending this payload to my app :
"name" : "Matias Barrios",
"age" : 123
The problem I am facing is that when I test if name is a string it works perfectly. But test if age is an int is always returning false, no matter what I do.
if gjson.Get(spec, "name").Exists() {
if _, ok := gjson.Get(spec, "name").Value().(string); !ok {
n := validator_error{Path: "", Message: "should be a string"}
errors = append(errors,n)
if gjson.Get(spec, "age").Exists() {
if _, ok := gjson.Get(spec, "age").Value().(int); !ok {
n := validator_error{Path: "_.age", Message: "should be an int"}
errors = append(errors,n)
Could someone tell me where is the error here?
Note - I am using this to get the values out of the JSON.
It seems like this lib for json numbers it return float64
bool, for JSON booleans
float64, for JSON numbers
string, for JSON string literals
nil, for JSON null
As in result type can only hold float64 for json numbers.
Though you can use Int() instead of Value() to get an integer value.
fmt.Println(gjson.Get(spec, "age").Int()) // 123
You can use the result.Type field to check the type:
res := gjson.Get(spec, "age")
if res.Type != gjson.Number {
n := validator_error{Path: "_.age", Message: "should be an int"}
If you require that the value is a whole number 123 not 123.5:
res := gjson.Get(spec, "age")
if res.Type != gjson.Number || math.Floor(res.Num) != res.Num {
n := validator_error{Path: "_.age", Message: "should be an int"}
I'm making an http request in golang to an external api. It gives a general response of {"error":[]string, "result":changing interface{}}. depending on the function that is making the request, the Result field changes. Since I know the structure of the Result field for each function I run, I want to be able to change the value of Result before unmarshalling to json. I've tried to do this with the following code:
func GetAssets(output *Resp, resultType interface{}) error {
return publicRequest("/Assets", output, resultType)
func publicRequest(endPoint string, output *Resp, resultType interface{}) error {
url := Rest_url + Pub_rest_url + endPoint //" in this case
resp, err := http.Get(url)
if err != nil {
return err
defer resp.Body.Close()
output.Result = resultType
return json.NewDecoder(resp.Body).Decode(&output)
Here is how it's being ran in main
type Resp struct {
Error []string `json:"error"`
Result interface{} `json:"result"`
type AssetInfo struct {
Aclass string `json:"aclass"`
Altname string `json:"altname"`
Decimals int `json:"decimals"`
Display int `json:"display_decimals"`
func main() {
var result map[string]AssetInfo
jsonData := Resp{}
rest_api_client.GetAssets(&jsonData, result)
The issue is that it doesn't unmarshal correctly. A map is created for each asset, but the data contained inside of each asset is also being stored inside of a map. I'm not sure if I explained this well, but here is the current response after unmarshalling to understand what I mean.
Here is the data type of Resp.Result: map[string]interface {}
{[] map[1INCH:map[aclass:currency altname:1INCH decimals:10 display_decimals:5] AAVE:map[aclass:currency altname:AAVE decimals:10 display_decimals:5] ACA:map[aclass:currency altname:ACA decimals:10 display_decimals:5] ADA:map[aclass:currency altname:ADA decimals:8 display_decimals:6]...}
The response type I'm looking for is map[string]AssetInfo. Hopefully it could be unmarshalled like this:
{[] map[1INCH:{currency 1INCH 10 5} AAVE:{currency AAVE 10 5} ACA:{currency ACA 10 5} ADA:{currency ADA 8 6} ADA.S:{currency ADA.S 8 6}...}
Any help? I'd rather keep the Resp struct as generic as possible and just change the value of the Result field (if this is even possible to do correctly) since I plan to have multiple functions that call different endpoints of the api, and they'll all have the same underlying response type of the Resp struct with different Result types
You can view a working example in the following repo:
Basically, I've defined the following structure:
type Tickers struct {
Error []interface{} `json:"error"`
Result map[string]Ticker `json:"result"`
type Ticker struct {
Aclass string `json:"aclass"`
Altname string `json:"altname"`
Decimals int `json:"decimals"`
DisplayDecimals int `json:"display_decimals"`
Than I execute the request in the following way:
const KRAKEN_TICKERS_URL string = ``
type Kraken struct {
PairsNames []string `json:"pairs_name"`
Pairs map[string]datastructure.KrakenPair `json:"pairs"`
OrderBook map[string]datastructure.KrakenOrderBook `json:"orderbook"`
MakerFee float64 `json:"maker_fee"`
TakerFees float64 `json:"taker_fee"`
// FeePercent is delegated to save if the fee is in percent or in coin
FeePercent bool `json:"fee_percent"`
Tickers []string
// Init is delegated to initialize the maps for the kraken
func (k *Kraken) Init() {
k.Pairs = make(map[string]datastructure.KrakenPair)
k.OrderBook = make(map[string]datastructure.KrakenOrderBook)
// SetFees is delegated to initialize the fee type/amount for the given market
func (k *Kraken) SetFees() {
k.MakerFee = 0.16
k.TakerFees = 0.26
k.FeePercent = true
func (k *Kraken) GetTickers() error {
res := datastructure.Tickers{}
var err error
var request req.Request
var data []byte
var tickers []string
resp := request.SendRequest(KRAKEN_TICKERS_URL, "GET", nil, nil, false, 10*time.Second)
if resp.Error != nil {
zap.S().Debugw("Error during http request. Err: " + resp.Error.Error())
return resp.Error
if resp.StatusCode != 200 {
zap.S().Warnw("Received a non 200 status code: " + strconv.Itoa(resp.StatusCode))
return errors.New("NON_200_STATUS_CODE")
data = resp.Body
if err = json.Unmarshal(data, &res); err != nil {
zap.S().Warn("ERROR! :" + err.Error())
return err
zap.S().Infof("Data: %v", res.Result)
tickers = make([]string, len(res.Result))
i := 0
for key := range res.Result {
tickers[i] = res.Result[key].Altname
k.Tickers = tickers
return nil
I have this json that I convert to:
var leerCHAT []interface{}
but I am going through crazy hoops to get to any point on that map inside map and inside map crazyness, specially because some results are different content.
this is the Json
I need to get to profile then inside there is a "DisplayName" field.
so I been doing crazy hacks.. and even like this I got stuck half way...
First is an array so I can just do something[elementnumber]
then is when the tricky mapping starts...
SORRY about all the prints etc is to debug and see the number of elements I am getting back.
if leerCHAT[3] == "presence_diff" {
var id string
presence := leerCHAT[4].(map[string]interface{})
log.Printf("algo: %v", len(presence))
log.Printf("algo: %s", presence["joins"])
vamos := presence["joins"].(map[string]interface{})
for i := range vamos {
id = i
vamonos := vamos[id].(map[string]interface{})
metas := vamonos["profile"].(map[string]interface{}) \\\ I get error here..
so far I can see all the way to the meta:{...} but can't continue with my hacky code into what I need.
NOTICE: that since the id after Joins: and before metas: is dynamic I have to get it somehow since is always just one element I did the for range loop to grab it.
The array element at index 3 describes the type of the variant JSON at index 4.
Here's how to decode the JSON to Go values. First, declare Go types for each of the variant parts of the JSON:
type PrescenceDiff struct {
Joins map[string]*Presence // declaration of Presence type to be supplied
Leaves map[string]*Presence
type Message struct {
Body string
Declare a map associating the type string to the Go type:
var messageTypes = map[string]reflect.Type{
"presence_diff": reflect.TypeOf(&PresenceDiff{}),
"message": reflect.TypeOf(&Message{}),
// add more types here as needed
Decode the variant part to a raw message. Use use the name in the element at index 3 to create a value of the appropriate Go type and decode to that value:
func decode(data []byte) (interface{}, error) {
var messageType string
var raw json.RawMessage
v := []interface{}{nil, nil, nil, &messageType, &raw}
err := json.Unmarshal(data, &v)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(raw) == 0 {
return nil, errors.New("no message")
t := messageTypes[messageType]
if t == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown message type: %q", messageType)
result := reflect.New(t.Elem()).Interface()
err = json.Unmarshal(raw, result)
return result, err
Use type switches to access the variant part of the message:
defer ws.Close()
for {
_, data, err := ws.ReadMessage()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Read error: %v", err)
v, err := decode(data)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Decode error: %v", err)
switch v := v.(type) {
case *PresenceDiff:
fmt.Println(v.Joins, v.Leaves)
case *Message:
fmt.Printf("type %T not handled\n", v)
Run it on the playground.
I have a json response from a api as map[message:Login Success. userid:1]
c.JSON(200, gin.H{"message": "Login Success.", "userid": 1})
var result map[string]interface{}
msg, ok := result["message"].(string)
if !ok {
msg = "Something went wrong."
userID, ok := result["userid"].(int)
if !ok {
userID = 0
But userID, ok := result["userid"].(int) always fails. I've even tried using:
switch v := x.(type) {
case nil:
fmt.Println("x is nil")
case int:
fmt.Println("x is", v)
case bool, string:
fmt.Println("x is bool or string")
fmt.Println("type unknown")
And it just gave me unknown. Why is the integer not being taken as integer?
It looks like its treating the value as float64.
Here you can find the explanation why you are getting float64 and not int:
Check doc for Decode
See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about the conversion of JSON into a Go value.
And there see
To unmarshal JSON into an interface value, Unmarshal stores one of these in the interface value:
float64, for JSON numbers
I'm new to Go and I'm facing issues in accessing a struct with a variable
I have this function decodeUser. My task is to check whether the keys are present in the request. So this is what I did. I've added a comment where I got the error.
func decodeUser(r *http.Request) (root.User, []string, error) {
var u root.User
if r.Body == nil {
return u, []string{}, errors.New("no request body")
decoder := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
checks := []string{
emptyFields := []string{}
for _, check := range checks {
// i'm having problem over here `u[check]` it's showing (invalid
operation: u[check] (type root.User does not support
if u[check] == nil {
emptyFields = append(emptyFields, check)
err := decoder.Decode(&u)
return u, emptyFields, err
Just in case I added root.User here's structure for it
type User struct {
ID string
Username string
Password string
FirstName string
LastName string
Email string
PhoneNumber string
PhoneNumberExtension string
DOB time.Time
AboutMe string
The problem occurs as it doesn't allow me to access struct by a variable and I can't use this method which is u.check. So basically how should I make u[check] work?
I would suggest you manually check for zero values since it seems that you already know the fields that needs to be non-zero at compile time. However, if that is not the case, here is a simple function (using reflection) that will check for zero values in a struct.
func zeroFields(v interface{}, fields ...string) []string {
val := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(v))
if val.Kind() != reflect.Struct {
return nil
var zeroes []string
for _, name := range fields {
field := val.FieldByName(name)
if !field.IsValid() {
zero := reflect.Zero(field.Type())
// check for zero value
if reflect.DeepEqual(zero.Interface(), field.Interface()) {
zeroes = append(zeroes, name)
return zeroes
func main() {
x := User{
Email: "not#nil",
fmt.Println(zeroFields(&x, "ID", "Username", "Email", "Something", "DOB"))
Which would output:
[ID Username DOB]
This is what worked for me
for _, check := range checks {
temp := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(&u))
fieldValue := temp.FieldByName(string(check))
if (fieldValue.Type().String() == "string" && fieldValue.Len() == 0) || (fieldValue.Type().String() != "string" && fieldValue.IsNil()) {
fmt.Println("EMPTY->", check)
emptyFields = append(emptyFields, check)
I'm looking to iterate over the string fields of a struct so I can do some clean-up/validation (with strings.TrimSpace, strings.Trim, etc).
Right now I have a messy switch-case that's not really scalable, and as this isn't in a hot spot of my application (a web form) it seems leveraging reflect is a good choice here.
I'm at a bit of a roadblock for how to implement this however, and the reflect docs are a little confusing to me (I've been digging through some other validation packages, but they're way too heavyweight + I'm using gorilla/schema for the unmarshalling part already):
Iterate over the struct
For each field of type string, apply whatever I need to from the strings package i.e. field = strings.TrimSpace(field)
If there exists a field.Tag.Get("max"), we'll use that value (strconv.Atoi, then unicode.RuneCountInString)
Provide an error slice that's also compatible with the error interface type
type FormError []string
type Listing struct {
Title string `max:"50"`
Location string `max:"100"`
Description string `max:"10000"`
ExpiryDate time.Time
RenderedDesc template.HTML
Contact string `max:"255"`
// Iterate over our struct, fix whitespace/formatting where possible
// and return errors encountered
func (l *Listing) Validate() error {
typ := l.Elem().Type()
var invalid FormError
for i = 0; i < typ.NumField(); i++ {
// Iterate over fields
// For StructFields of type string, field = strings.TrimSpace(field)
// if field.Tag.Get("max") != "" {
// check max length/convert to int/utf8.RuneCountInString
if max length exceeded, invalid = append(invalid, "errormsg")
if len(invalid) > 0 {
return invalid
return nil
func (f FormError) Error() string {
var fullError string
for _, v := range f {
fullError =+ v + "\n"
return "Errors were encountered during form processing: " + fullError
Thanks in advance.
What you want is primarily the methods on reflect.Value called NumFields() int and Field(int). The only thing you're really missing is the string check and SetString method.
package main
import "fmt"
import "reflect"
import "strings"
type MyStruct struct {
A,B,C string
I int
D string
J int
func main() {
ms := MyStruct{"Green ", " Eggs", " and ", 2, " Ham ", 15}
// Print it out now so we can see the difference
fmt.Printf("%s%s%s%d%s%d\n", ms.A, ms.B, ms.C, ms.I, ms.D, ms.J)
// We need a pointer so that we can set the value via reflection
msValuePtr := reflect.ValueOf(&ms)
msValue := msValuePtr.Elem()
for i := 0; i < msValue.NumField(); i++ {
field := msValue.Field(i)
// Ignore fields that don't have the same type as a string
if field.Type() != reflect.TypeOf("") {
str := field.Interface().(string)
str = strings.TrimSpace(str)
fmt.Printf("%s%s%s%d%s%d\n", ms.A, ms.B, ms.C, ms.I, ms.D, ms.J)
(Playground link)
There are two caveats here:
You need a pointer to what you're going to change. If you have a value, you'll need to return the modified result.
Attempts to modify unexported fields generally will cause reflect to panic. If you plan on modifying unexported fields, make sure to do this trick inside the package.
This code is rather flexible, you can use switch statements or type switches (on the value returned by field.Interface()) if you need differing behavior depending on the type.
Edit: As for the tag behavior, you seem to already have that figured out. Once you have field and have checked that it's a string, you can just use field.Tag.Get("max") and parse it from there.
Edit2: I made a small error on the tag. Tags are part of the reflect.Type of a struct, so to get them you can use (this is a bit long-winded) msValue.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("max")
(Playground version of the code you posted in the comments with a working Tag get).
I got beat to the punch, but since I went to the work, here's a solution:
type FormError []*string
type Listing struct {
Title string `max:"50"`
Location string `max:"100"`
Description string `max:"10000"`
ExpiryDate time.Time
RenderedDesc template.HTML
Contact string `max:"255"`
// Iterate over our struct, fix whitespace/formatting where possible
// and return errors encountered
func (l *Listing) Validate() error {
listingType := reflect.TypeOf(*l)
listingValue := reflect.ValueOf(l)
listingElem := listingValue.Elem()
var invalid FormError = []*string{}
// Iterate over fields
for i := 0; i < listingElem.NumField(); i++ {
fieldValue := listingElem.Field(i)
// For StructFields of type string, field = strings.TrimSpace(field)
if fieldValue.Type().Name() == "string" {
newFieldValue := strings.TrimSpace(fieldValue.Interface().(string))
fieldType := listingType.Field(i)
maxLengthStr := fieldType.Tag.Get("max")
if maxLengthStr != "" {
maxLength, err := strconv.Atoi(maxLengthStr)
if err != nil {
panic("Field 'max' must be an integer")
// check max length/convert to int/utf8.RuneCountInString
if utf8.RuneCountInString(newFieldValue) > maxLength {
// if max length exceeded, invalid = append(invalid, "errormsg")
invalidMessage := `"`+fieldType.Name+`" is too long (max allowed: `+maxLengthStr+`)`
invalid = append(invalid, &invalidMessage)
if len(invalid) > 0 {
return invalid
return nil
func (f FormError) Error() string {
var fullError string
for _, v := range f {
fullError = *v + "\n"
return "Errors were encountered during form processing: " + fullError
I see you asked about how to do the tags. Reflection has two components: a type and a value. The tag is associated with the type, so you have to get it separately than the field: listingType := reflect.TypeOf(*l). Then you can get the indexed field and the tag from that.
I don't know if it's a good way, but I use it like this.
You can send the address of a struct to this function.
Sorry for My English is not very good.
func trimStruct(v interface{}) {
bytes, err := json.Marshal(v)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[trimStruct] Marshal Error :", err)
var mapSI map[string]interface{}
if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, &mapSI); err != nil {
fmt.Println("[trimStruct] Unmarshal to byte Error :", err)
mapSI = trimMapStringInterface(mapSI).(map[string]interface{})
bytes2, err := json.Marshal(mapSI)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("[trimStruct] Marshal Error :", err)
if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes2, v); err != nil {
fmt.Println("[trimStruct] Unmarshal to b Error :", err)
func trimMapStringInterface(data interface{}) interface{} {
if values, valid := data.([]interface{}); valid {
for i := range values {
data.([]interface{})[i] = trimMapStringInterface(values[i])
} else if values, valid := data.(map[string]interface{}); valid {
for k, v := range values {
data.(map[string]interface{})[k] = trimMapStringInterface(v)
} else if value, valid := data.(string); valid {
data = strings.TrimSpace(value)
return data