While loop through a string in Ruby - ruby

I am entering "901000" as an argument to the following method, and I expect it to remove the last three zeros and return "901".
def zeros(x)
str = x.to_s
i = str.length-1
while str[i] == "0"
str = str.delete(str[i])
i = i-1
return str
But it returns "91" instead. I cannot understand why my code does not work. Can someone help please?

At first, str is "901000", i = str.length-1 is 5, and str[i] is "0". Hence,
str = str.delete(str[i])
is equivalent to
str = "901000".delete("0")
That gives you "91".
Then, by i = i-1, i becomes 4, and str[i] (which is equivalent to "91"[4]) becomes nil, and str[i] == 0 (which is equivalent to nil == 0) becomes false. So the loop ends, returning the value str, which is "91".
To do what you want, some simple ways are:
"901000".sub(/0+\z/, "") # => "901"
"901000"[/.*?(?=0+\z)/] # => "901"


What's wrong with my code?

def encrypt(string)
alphabet = ("a".."b").to_a
result = ""
idx = 0
while idx < string.length
character = string[idx]
if character == " "
result += " "
n = alphabet.index(character)
n_plus = (n + 1) % alphabet.length
result += alphabet[n_plus]
idx += 1
return result
puts encrypt("abc")
puts encrypt("xyz")
I'm trying to get "abc" to print out "bcd" and "xyz" to print "yza". I want to advance the letter forward by 1. Can someone point me to the right direction?
All I had to do was change your alphabet array to go from a to z, not a to b, and it works fine.
def encrypt(string)
alphabet = ("a".."z").to_a
result = ""
idx = 0
while idx < string.length
character = string[idx]
if character == " "
result += " "
n = alphabet.index(character)
n_plus = (n + 1) % alphabet.length
result += alphabet[n_plus]
idx += 1
return result
puts encrypt("abc")
puts encrypt("xyz")
Another way to solve the issue, that I think is simpler, personally, is to use String#tr:
ALPHA = ('a'..'z').to_a.join #=> "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
BMQIB = ('a'..'z').to_a.rotate(1).join #=> "bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza"
def encrypt(str)
def decrypt(str)
encrypt('pizza') #=> "qjaab"
decrypt('qjaab') #=> "pizza"
Alternatively if you don't want to take up that memory storing the alphabet you could use character codings and then just use arithmetic operations on them to shift the letters:
def encrypt(string)
result = ""
idx = 0
while idx < string.length
result += (string[idx].ord == 32 ? (string[idx].chr) : (string[idx].ord+1).chr)
idx += 1
Other strange thing about ruby is that you do not need to explicitly return something at the end of the method body. It just returns the last thing by default. This is considered good style amongst ruby folks.
Your question has been answered, so here are a couple of more Ruby-like ways of doing that.
Use String#gsub with a hash
CODE_MAP = ('a'..'z').each_with_object({}) { |c,h| h[c] = c < 'z' ? c.next : 'a' }
#=> {"a"=>"b", "b"=>"c",..., "y"=>"z", "z"=>"a"}
#=> {"b"=>"a", "c"=>"b",..., "z"=>"y", "a"=>"z"}
def encrypt(word)
word.gsub(/./, CODE_MAP)
def decrypt(word)
word.gsub(/./, DECODE_MAP)
#=> "qjaab"
#=> "pizza"
Use String#gsub with Array#rotate
LETTERS = ('a'..'z').to_a
#=> ["a", "b", ..., "z"]
def encrypt(word)
word.gsub(/./) { |c| LETTERS.rotate[LETTERS.index(c)] }
def decrypt(word)
word.gsub(/./) { |c| LETTERS.rotate(-1)[LETTERS.index(c)] }
#=> "qjaab"
#=> "pizza"

Longest Run Program In Ruby

I have a school assignment where i have to find the longest run of adjacent equal characters in a given string with Ruby. My program works fine without the last loop, but once i added it gave me the error:
(repl):47: syntax error, unexpected keyword_end
(repl):53: syntax error, unexpected end-of-input, expecting keyword_end
puts longestRun
Here is my Code
puts 'What is your string?'
givenString = gets.chomp
def maxBlock(str)
maxRun = 0
currentRun = 1
characterCounter = 1
if str.length == 0
maxRun = 0
#If no input, longest run is zero
elsif str.length == 1
maxRun = 1
#If string is one character, longest run is 1
elsif str.length == 2 and str[characterCounter] != str[characterCounter + 1]
maxRun = 1
#if string is two chars and they do not equal, longest run is 1
elsif str.length == 3 and str[0] != str[1] and str[1] != str[2]
maxRun = 1
#if string is three chars and they do not equal, longest run is 1
str.each_char do|st|
#Go through each char, compare it to the next, find longest run
if st == str[characterCounter]
if currentRun > maxRun
maxRun = currentRun
currentRun = 1
longestRun = maxBlock(givenString)
puts longestRun
EDIT: I am a highschool student, and only have a base knowledge of programming.
EDIT: I just made a few stupid mistakes. I appreciate everyone's help. Here is my working program without the use of anything too complicated.
puts 'What is your string?'
givenString = gets.chomp
def maxBlock(str)
maxRun = 0
currentRun = 1
characterCounter = 0
if str.length == 0
maxRun = 0
#If no input, longest run is zero
elsif str.length == 1
maxRun = 1
#If string is one character, longest run is 1
elsif str.length == 2 and str[characterCounter] != str[characterCounter + 1]
maxRun = 1
#if string is two chars and they do not equal, longest run is 1
elsif str.length == 3 and str[0] != str[1] and str[1] != str[2]
maxRun = 1
#if string is three chars and they do not equal, longest run is 1
characterCounter += 1
str.each_char do|st|
#Go through each char, compare it to the next, find longest run
if st == str[characterCounter]
currentRun += 1
if currentRun > maxRun
maxRun = currentRun
currentRun = 1
characterCounter += 1
return maxRun
longestRun = maxBlock(givenString)
puts longestRun
String Scans and Sorting
There are algorithms for this, but Ruby offers some nice shortcuts. For example:
def longest_string str
str.scan(/((\p{Alnum})\2+)/).collect { |grp1, grp2| grp1 }.sort_by(&:size).last
longest_string 'foo baaar quuuux'
#=> "uuuu"
This basically just captures all runs of repeated characters, sorts the captured substrings by length, and then returns the last element of the length-sorted array.
Secondary Sorting
If you want to do a secondary sort, such as first by length and then by alphabetical order, you could replace Enumerable#sort_by with the block form of Enumerable#sort. For example:
def longest_string str
collect { |grp1, grp2| grp1 }.
sort {|a, b| [a.size, a] <=> [b.size, b] }.
longest_string 'foo quux baar'
#=> "uu"
This is one way you could do it.
str = "111 wwwwwwwwaabbbbbbbbbbb$$$$****"
r = /
(.) # Match any character in capture group 1
\1* # Match the contents of capture group 1 zero or more times
/x # Free-spacing regex definition mode
#=> "bbbbbbbbbbb"
I used the form of String#gsub without a second argument or block, as that returns an enumerator that generates the strings matched by the regex. I then chained that enumerator to the method Enumerable#max_by to find the longest string of consecutive characters. In other words, I used gsub merely to generate matches rather than to perform substitutions.
One could of course write str.gsub(/(.)\1*/).max_by(&:size).
Here is a simplified version that should work in all cases:
puts 'What is your string?'
given_string = gets.chomp
def max_block(str)
max_run = 0
current_run = 1
str.each_char.with_index do |st, idx|
if st == str[idx + 1]
current_run += 1
current_run = 1
max_run = current_run if current_run > max_run
longest_run = max_block(given_string)
puts longest_run
You were on the right track but Ruby can make things a lot easier for you. Notice how with_index gets rid of a lot of the complexity. Iterators, oh yeah.
I also changed your method name and variables to camel_case.
Happy coding!

Ruby - App Academy Practice Exercise About Condition in While Loop

I'm completing App Academy's practice problems for the first coding challenge and have a question regarding the solution provided for #8 nearby az:
# Write a method that takes a string in and returns true if the letter
# "z" appears within three letters **after** an "a". You may assume
# that the string contains only lowercase letters.
# Difficulty: medium.
def nearby_az(string)
idx1 = 0
while idx1 < string.length
if string[idx1] != "a"
idx1 += 1
idx2 = idx1 + 1
while (idx2 < string.length) && (idx2 <= idx1 + 3)
if string[idx2] == "z"
return true
idx2 += 1
idx1 += 1
return false
# These are tests to check that your code is working. After writing
# your solution, they should all print true.
puts("\nTests for #nearby_az")
puts('nearby_az("baz") == true: ' + (nearby_az('baz') == true).to_s)
puts('nearby_az("abz") == true: ' + (nearby_az('abz') == true).to_s)
puts('nearby_az("abcz") == true: ' + (nearby_az('abcz') == true).to_s)
puts('nearby_az("a") == false: ' + (nearby_az('a') == false).to_s)
puts('nearby_az("z") == false: ' + (nearby_az('z') == false).to_s)
puts('nearby_az("za") == false: ' + (nearby_az('za') == false).to_s)
In the second while loop:
while (idx2 < string.length) && (idx2 <= idx1 + 3)
why is the condition (idx2 < string.length) necessary? I tested the code without it and got the same results.
Thank you for your assistance.
why is the condition (idx2 < string.length) necessary?
It is not necessary. It's a guard to prevent meaningless iterations of the loop, when idx2 goes out of bounds of the string.
Addressing characters at position beyond string's length will return nil. nil will never be equal to 'z'. So we might as well just stop when we reach the end. This is what the check is for here, optimization.
In other situations, out-of-bounds access often is a serious offense and leads to all kinds of problems (crashes, usually). So it makes sense to always do this.
I know this does not answer your exact question, and other people have answered it already, but as the usual case with programming, there's a better way. You can easily solve this with regular expression
def nearby_az(string)
!(string =~ /a\w{0,3}z/).nil?
The regex will match the pattern a, with 0 to 3 characters after it, then a z. If this matches nothing, the =~ operator will return nil, so nil? method returns true, meaning the string does not have nearby az, so we use the ! to invert the boolean, and this method will return false.
If there is a match, =~ returns the index of the first characters, which is not nil, so nil? return false, and we inverted it as before to return true.
Just thought this may be helpful.

Both tests are returning false even though in my mind the code executes perfectly

# Write a method that takes in a string. Your method should return the
# most common letter in the array, and a count of how many times it
# appears.
# Difficulty: medium.
def most_common_letter(string)
letter = 0
letter_count = 0
idx1 = 0
mostfreq_letter = 0
largest_letter_count = 0
while idx1 < string.length
letter = string[idx1]
idx2 = 0
while idx2 < string.length
if letter == string[idx2]
letter_count += 1
idx2 += 1
if letter_count > largest_letter_count
largest_letter_count = letter_count
mostfreq_letter = letter
idx1 += 1
return [mostfreq_letter, largest_letter_count]
# These are tests to check that your code is working. After writing
# your solution, they should all print true.
'most_common_letter("abca") == ["a", 2]: ' +
(most_common_letter('abca') == ['a', 2]).to_s
'most_common_letter("abbab") == ["b", 3]: ' +
(most_common_letter('abbab') == ['b', 3]).to_s
So in my mind the program should set a letter and then once that is set cycle through the string looking for letters that are the same, and then once there is one it adds to letter count and then it judges if its the largest letter count and if it is those values are stored to the eventual return value that should be correct once the while loop ends. However I keep getting false false. Where am I going wrong?
Your code does not return [false, false] to me; but it does return incorrect results. The hint by samgak should lead you to the bug.
However, for a bit shorter and more Rubyish alternative:
def most_common_letter(string)
Hash.new(0).tap { |h|
string.each_char { |c| h[c] += 1 }
}.max_by { |k, v| v }
Create a new Hash that has a default value of 0 for each entry; iterate over characters and count the frequency for each of them in the hash; then find which hash entry is the largest. When a hash is iterated, it produces pairs, just like what you want for your function output, so that's nice, too.

comparison of string with nil failed

Im trying to write a loop that counts the number of capitals in a word. When I run this code I get an error stating that nil can't be compared to a string. I don't understand this because I am comparing a a string to a string?
passwort = gets.chomp
i = 0
capitals = 0
while(i < (passw0ort.length) + 1) do
if('A' <= passwort[i] && passwort[i] <= 'Z')
capitals = capitals + 1
i = i + 1
Greetings Patrick
The reason why you are getting nil is that you are counting more elements than there are.
i<(passw0ort.length)+1 should be i<(passw0ort.length), because .length returns a number bigger than zero, if the string is not empty, while arrays are zero-indexed. The last time the loop runs, you try to access an element after the string, which does not exist.
So on your last loop iteration, you are comparing a string to nil, which results in this error.
Just use scan method of String class to filter out only capital letters
capitals = passwort.scan(/[A-Z]/).count
Your loop is too "long":
passwort = "test"
i = 0
while i < passwort.length + 1
puts "passwort[#{i}] == #{passwort[i].inspect}"
i = i + 1
passwort[0] == "t"
passwort[1] == "e"
passwort[2] == "s"
passwort[3] == "t"
passwort[4] == nil # <- this is your nil error
You can fix this by changing i < passwort.length + 1 to i < passwort.length.
However, instead of using temporary variables and while loops, you can use String#chars to get the string's characters as an array and Array#count to count the ones satisfying your condition:
passwort = "123fooBAR"
passwort.chars.count { |char| 'A' <= char && char <= 'Z' }
#=> 3
Or simply String#count:
passwort.count("A-Z") #=> 3
From the docs:
The sequence c1-c2 means all characters between c1 and c2.
