How to tell default value from clearing with FromBody in ASP.NET Core Web API -

I have coded in C# for years, but I am new to ASP.NET Core. I have created a Web API where I generated my Model classes from an existing database and used the scaffolding to create a Controller for each model that gives me Get, Put, Post, and Delete. My question is how do I know if the caller is clearing a value vs the value is the default for the C# object?
For example, in Vue.js I send
var sendstuff = {userName: "TestUser1", userId: 7, email: null};
In C#, my user object has
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string FavoriteColor { get; set; }
In my controller, my put method begins
public async Task<IActionResult> PutUsers([FromRoute] int id, [FromBody] User user)
My User instance in the database is TestUser1, 7,, purple. The User that comes into PutUsers is TestUser1, 7, null, null.
At this point, I want to compare the values sent in for user 7 to the values in the database for user 7. However, since both FavoriteColor (that is not sent) and Email (that is sent) look the same as they both appear as null, how do I know whether or not it should be changed? I want to be cleared, but I want purple to remain.
It seems my only other option is to have Vue.js send in every single column for every table, with the values either the original value I don't want changed or the new value. This doesn't feel right.
Am I missing something?
Thanks in advance!

The only way I can think of is to accept a Generic Json-Object and checking wether or not the Properties are set.
Most Json Frameworks will be able to cast to a specific Object from the Json Object so you won't even need to change your further code.


Register/Loginwith facebook and google on mobile and web data store

I want users to be able to log in with facebook/google via a mobile app(android and ios) and/or a website(built with MVC)...
What should my database be storing to make authentication work across mobile app and website? userId , google/facebook token?
Im unsure how to go about saving user information.
Should I combine this with OWIN? I dont know much about identity but have seen that it fairly straight forward with 3rd party providers....the question is if i login from the mobile app for the first time should i programatically add the new user to the database?
So far I think this seems like the best link:
but I'm hoping theres a simpler way.
Im getting google/fb tokens and sending them to the server to get the ids of the users...
What do i need to do here, so that if the google/fb user logs in through the web, they will be recognised as the same user.
It seems like MS have made it so easy to use ASP.Net Identity to set up social login for the web, but have ignored how that can be used with mobile to use a sql server db to store user/membership details...
Just trying to work out the best way of managing users for mobile and web as one
This link describes everything you are looking for
What you have to store in the database in order to check if user already exist in your database or not can be get from the response you will get from Facebook or Google after a users credential verified, Facebook & Google must be giving the details of the users back in response. like Email Id, Date of birth etc., you can save these details in your database and at every login check it user already exist or not and register accordingly.
Details that comes in response is mentioned in another post WebApi ASP.NET Identity Facebook login
public class FacebookLoginModel
public string token { get; set; }
public string username { get; set; }
public string userid { get; set; }
public class FacebookUserViewModel
public string id { get; set; }
public string first_name { get; set; }
public string last_name { get; set; }
public string username { get; set; }
public string email { get; set; }
It's relatively straightforward for Google Sign in.
The easiest way is for you to store the unique ID in your local database that Google returns for each account that you authenticate with it.
You can call the getSignInAccount method after the sign-in intent succeeds.
GoogleSignInAccount acct = result.getSignInAccount();
String personName = acct.getDisplayName();
String personEmail = acct.getEmail();
**String personId = acct.getId();**
Uri personPhoto = acct.getPhotoUrl();
And whether the person signs in from the phone or the mobile, you know it is the same person. More details at
In any case, you will have to programmatically store the user in your database every time someone new logs in. So you will have to store their personID as an additional field to authenticate them overtime.

How to Authenticate using MVC5RC/RTW with existing database

I originally asked this question when Identity was in beta. The classes and interfaces have changed considerably since then and it appears the RTW version has some modifications again over the RC version. In principle I need to achieve the following.
authenticate the local login against my usertable tblMembers which contains the userid field and password which are the two items I need to authenticate.
have access to my tblMember record/class via the Controller.User property (Prior to MVC5 identity I had achieved this using the membership provider methods.) regardless of if the user logged in via the localuser method or via one of the other OAuth providers (Twitter, Google etc).
Ability to display my own custom username despite the login method. Local users login with a userid 1234567 and a password, ideally I would like to display "John Smith (1234567)" regardless of the authentication method (local/Twitter etc)
Initially I'm unsure as to what my memberclass should be inheriting from It appears from the
aspIdentitySample project that I should be using IdentityUser?
public partial class tblMember
public int id { get; set; }
public string membership_id { get; set; }
public string password { get; set; }
....other fields
Are there any new or updated examples of integrating your existing database/user tables with the ASP.NET Identity system?
I am also adding the identity tables to my database. If you create a new web project in visual studio 2013 you will see that now in RTM everything works better than RC plus you will see the
following table
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
So Instead of ApplicationUser you can call your table tblMembers
public class tblMembers : IdentityUser
your table tblMembers will inherit Id Username Password security stamp and a discriminator column saying this is a tblMemeber
without making custom classes for authentication the easiest thing to do would be just to make the username the combination of your old usernames and userids. Then store the users real name or old username without the user id in a separate column.
have the users register with the built in user login and they can go to manage account and click use another service to log in. This will link the Google account to their regular account, so no matter which one they use it will log them in to the same account. If you have users with connected table information, I suggest you seed your table with all the users with something similar to the register method found in the template.Then just match the new combined username and Id to the old ones and populate data where needed in sql management studio.
Again a lot of issues in RC with extending IdentityUsers have been fixed. Microsoft is already adding more features to the identity user store and this tutorial is supposed to be updated soon. I plan on making my own walk through when i'm done changing my database but for now I hope my suggestions even though they are a simpler solution than you might want to implement.
You can do this easily by modifying the IdentityModel.cs as per the below:
Override OnModelCreating in your DbContext then add the following, this will change AspNetUser table to "Users" you can also change the field names the default Id column will become User_Id.
.ToTable("Users", "dbo").Property(p => p.Id).HasColumnName("User_Id");
or simply the below if you want to keep all the standard column names:
.ToTable("Users", "dbo")
Full example below (this should be in your IdentityModel.cs file) i changed my ApplicationUser class to be called User.
public class User : IdentityUser
public string PasswordOld { get; set; }
public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
public bool Activated { get; set; }
public bool UserRole { get; set; }
public class ApplicationDbContext : IdentityDbContext<User>
public ApplicationDbContext()
: base("DefaultConnection")
protected override void OnModelCreating(System.Data.Entity.DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.ToTable("Users", "dbo").Property(p => p.Id).HasColumnName("User_Id");
.ToTable("Users", "dbo").Property(p => p.Id).HasColumnName("User_Id");
Please note i have not managed to get this working if the current table exists.
Also note whatever columns you do not map the default ones will be created.
Hope that helps.
I'm starting to think (partially due to the lack of information in this area), that it may be easier to user the default identity classes, but to provide referential integrity to my own user table from the AspNetUsers table.
If i add a custom linking field into the AspNetUsers table is it possible to access my tables from the Controllers.User property? i.e. Controller.User.tblMember.Orders?

Partial Entity Updates in WebAPI PUT/POST

Say you have a repository method to update a Document:
public Document UpdateDocument(Document document)
Document serverDocument = _db.Documents.Find(document.Id);
serverDocument.Title = document.Title;
serverDocument.Content = document.Content;
return serverDocument;
In this case, the entity has two properties. When updating a Document, both of these properties are required in the JSON request, so a request to PUT /api/folder with a body of
"documentId" = "1",
"title" = "Updated Title"
would return an error because "content" was not provided. The reason I'm doing this is because, even for nullable properties and properties that the user doesn't update, it seems safer to force the client to specify these fields in the request to avoid overwriting unspecified fields with nulls serverside.
This has led me to the practice of always requiring every updatable property in PUT and POST requests, even if it means specifying null for those properties.
Is this cool, or is there a pattern/practice that I haven't learned about yet that might facilitate partial updates by sending only what is needed over the wire?
The best practice in API design is to use HTTP PATCH for partial updates.
In fact, use cases like yours are the very reason why IETF introduced it in the first place.
RFC 5789 defines it very precisely:
PATCH is used to apply partial modifications to a resource.
A new method is necessary to improve interoperability and prevent
errors. The PUT method is already defined to overwrite a resource
with a complete new body, and cannot be reused to do partial changes.
Otherwise, proxies and caches, and even clients and servers, may get
confused as to the result of the operation. POST is already used but
without broad interoperability (for one, there is no standard way to
discover patch format support).
Mark Nottingham has written a great article about the use of PATCH in API design -
In your case, that would be:
public Document PatchDocument(Document document)
Document serverDocument = _db.Documents.Find(document.Id);
serverDocument.Title = document.Title;
serverDocument.Content = document.Content;
return serverDocument;
Is this cool, or is there a pattern/practice that I haven't learned
about yet that might facilitate partial updates by sending only what
is needed over the wire?
A good practice of doing a POST or PUT is to only include values that you need for that specific request. In doing the UpdateDocument you should ask yourself what "really should be done here"? If you have a hundred fields on that object do you need to update all of them or only part of them. What "action" are you really trying to do?
Let's have an illustration for those questions, say we have a User object that has the following fields:
public class User {
public int Id {get;set;}
public string Username {get;set;}
public string RealName {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
public string Bio {get;set;}
You then have two use cases:
Update the profile of a User
Update the password of a User
When you do each of those you will not, or it's a good idea to, have one update method that will do both. Instead of having a generic UpdateUser method you should have the following methods:
Methods that accepts fields that they just need, nothing more, nothing less.
public User UpdateProfile(int id, string username, string realname, string bio) {
public User UpdatePassword(int id, string password) {
Now comes the question:
I have a use case that a "user action" allows for an update on
multiple fields where some of the fields can have "no input" from the
user but I don't want to update that field in my model.
Suppose a user updates his/her profile and provided values for Username, RealName but not for Bio. But you do not want to set Bio as null or empty if it has a value already. Then that becomes a part of your application's business logic and that should be handled explicitly.
public User UpdateProfile(int id, string username, string realname, string bio) {
var user = db.Users.Find(id);
// perhaps a validation here (e.g. if user is not null)
user.Username = username;
user.RealName = realname;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmptyWHiteSpace(bio)) {
user.Bio = bio;

mvc3 composing page and form element dynamically

I'm developing an MVC3 application and I have a page (well, a view) that let the users edit document's metainfo (a classic #Html.BeginForm usage). For general documents users will see standard fields to fill up, but through a dropdownlist they will be able to specify the type of the document: this, through an ajax call, will load new fields on the edit-document-form.
Whem the user submit the completed form, at last, the controller should read all the standard fields, plus all the fields loaded as being specific to the type of document selected.
Question is, how can I handle all this extra fields in a controller?
Say that I have Document class and a bunch of other classes extendinf Document, like Contract : Document, Invoice : Document, Complaint : Document and so forth, each having specific property (and this fields loaded on the form), how do I write the action in the controller?
I thought to use something like (I'll omitt all the conversions, validations, etc, for brevity)
public ActionResult Save(dynamic doc)
int docType = doc.type;
switch (docType)
case 1:
var invoice = new Invoice(doc);
invoice.amount = Request.Form["amount_field"];
invoice.code = Request.Form["code_field"];
//and so forth for every specific property of Invoice
case 2:
var contract = new Contract(doc);
contract.fromDate = Request.Form["fromDate_field"];
contract.toDate = Request.Form["toDate_field"];
//and so forth for every specific property of Contract
..... // and so forth for any document types
But it seems a very dirty approach to me. Do you have a better idea on how to achive this? Maybe there's a pattern that I don't know nothing about to approach this kind of scenario.
A second idea comes to my mind. After commenting Rob Kent's answer, I thought I could take a different approach, having just one class Document with a property like
public IEnumerable<Field> Tipologie { get; set; }
public class Field
public int IdField { get; set; }
public String Label { get; set; }
public String Value { get; set; }
public FieldType ValueType { get; set; }
public List<String> PossibleValues { get; set; } // needed for ENUMERATION type
public enum FieldType
Is this a better approach? In this case I can have just an action method like
public ActionResult Save(Document doc)
But shoud I create the fields in the view in order to make the MVC engine do the binding back to the model?
Given that the class inheriting from Document in the first approach will probably be generated at run-time, would you prefer this second approach?
To keep it all hard-typed on the server, you could use an abstract base type with a custom binder. See my answer here to see how this works: MVC generic ViewModel
The idea is that every time they load a new set of fields, you change the BindingType form variable to the instantiated type of the handler. The custom binder is responsible for creating the correct type on submission and you can then evaluate that in your action, eg:
if (model is Contract) ...
I'm not sure if you will be able to set up different actions each with a different signature, eg,:
public ActionResult Save(Contract contract) ...
public ActionResult Save(Invoice invoice) ...
Pretty sure that won't work because Mvc will have already decided which method to call, or maybe it will firstly see what type it gets back and then decides.
In my linked example, I am checking for overridden base members but if that is not an issue for you, you just need to create the correct type.

Validating parameters passed through the URL

I am working on an ASP.Net MVC3 application and I'm having trouble understanding the "right way" to do the validation I'm looking for.
For example, consider a model that looks like this:
[StringLength(10, MinimumLength = 10)]
public string Id { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
If I have an Id of "2342" and try to POST back, the model mapping kicks in and registers an error because of the length validation. However, if perform a GET against /controller/2342, then MVC seems to happily create a model with this invalid state (ModelState.Valid will be true). I could create some validations in the controller to catch this, but it seems redundant.
What is the best way to do this?
When you perform a GET, you are simply retrieving a model with a given ID. So there is no validation performed. If you really want to make sure that requested model IDs should be 10 numbers in length, you should define constraint in Global.asax:
new {controller="Product", action="Details"},
new {productId = #"[0-9]{10}" }
There is nothing in the framework that by default validates a model on a GET request as validation isn't generally required at that time. If you do want to force a validation here, this was answered in this prior question
Validate model on initial request
