Hibernate configuration and property files - spring

I generated my app using Jhispter. I'm trying to find configuration file for Hibernate and mappings file. Does anyone know how is this achieved in jhipster?

Hibernate configuration is done by Spring Boot application properties in application*.yml files in src/main/resources/config folder.
Mappings are done by JPA annotations (#Entity, #Column, ...) on entity classes in domain package.


where does spring load the auto configuration files from

I have read some tutorial on old version of spring boot.
The boot configuration classes are loaded from
(in the file, search for the key
https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-boot/blob/v1.4.4.RELEASE/spring-boot-autoconfigure/src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories It has "org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.EnableAutoConfiguration"
My understanding is that spring loads/runs all these files defined by EnableAutoConfiguration in spring.factories. If the #Conditional* matches, the bean will be created.
But in the last 2.x version, there is no such property EnableAutoConfiguration
where does spring load the auto configuration files from?
I found them here:
Spring Boot 2.7 introduced a new ‘META-INF/spring/org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguration.imports’ file for registering auto-configurations, while maintaining backwards compatibility with registration in ‘spring.factories’. With Spring Boot 3.0 release, support for registering auto-configurations in ‘spring.factories’ has been removed in favor of the imports file.
we are using #SpringBootApplication annotations on spring boot project main class in which they have all others annotations.

Spring Boot - configure properties of a jar included as dependency into another jar

I have a Spring Boot web app A and its dependent on a Spring Boot jar library B. I have some properties that I want to configure within B and don't want the client apps (e.g. the web app A) to configure them. I have these properties files in B.
The issue is that these properties are not recognized when the library is added as a dependency in web app A. What is the way to achieve this?
The PropertySource annotation can be used in a Configuration class on webapp A to achieve what you're looking for:
public class WebappAConfiguration {
I also found the order that spring boot looks for externalized configuration helpful here.

Spring Boot JPA with not a well known database

I am trying to write Spring Boot application to connect to a Teiid database, I want to use JPA layer on it. I have configured the JDBC Data Source, but since this not well-known database in Spring JPA libraries do not autodetect this source. I have manually setup "spring.jpa.*" properties too. I do have a Hibernate dialect for this database, and it is on the classpath.
So, how does one need to configure JPA layer for a not well-known database in Spring Boot? Thank you for your time.
This is fairly well defined in the Spring Boot documentation.
You can set this explicitly in the application.properties file

How Spring Boot autoconfigures the JCache when there is no JCache configuration file entry in spring.factories file?

I am new to spring boot project.
Currently I am working on a project with spring boot, Jcache with ehcache implementation.
I am trying to understand how spring boot autoconfigures the Cache Framework. I did my own research and identified spring boot #EnableAutoConfiguration reads the spring.factories file and autoconfigures the Cache related beans based on the classes available in classpath.
Here is the Spring Boot Cache auto configure Java based Configuration file available under spring.factories file
but for Jcache “ JCacheCacheConfiguration.java” is the Spring Boot auto configuration file , But this file is not available under spring.factroies file in autoconfigurer.jar file.
Then how spring boot auto configures the Jcache without entry in spring.factories file?
JCache implementations are providing a service (in META-INF). So Spring can found the implementation magically. The simpler is #EnableCaching which will find the provider and give you caching right away.
Then, you will want to provide a specific caching configuration. The easiest is by specifying spring.cache.jcache.config=ehcache.xml in your application.properties.
That's it. You will find a more complicated and Java (no xml) configuration in ehcache sample and pet clinic.

Petclinic hibernate.dialect for HSQL

I am trying to understand Spring Petclinic Application.
By default it seems that HSQL database and JPA is used, but I am unableto to find where the Hibernate Dialect for HSQL is mentioned in the application.
I understand that it is a mandatory property for Hibernate.
Kindly suggest
What about where org.hibernate.dialect.HSQLDialect and where the driver is org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver. Normally, if this is a Spring application, this will be present in an applicationContext.xml or tx-datasource.xml configuration file. Whatever is the case, these properties must be in one of the XML Spring configuration files. Of course, they may be in a Java class (an alternative), but in most applications, they are present in Spring XML files where the dataSource bean is defined. Usually, in web applications, that would be in directory under /WEB-INF or /webapp/WEB-INF.
