Declaring a CLOB in an Oracle database with a custom charset - oracle

Is it possible to declare a UTF-8 CLOB if the database is set up with the following character sets?
I tried passing a charset name to the declaration, but it looks like it can only accept references to character sets of other objects.
clob_1 clob character set "AL32UTF8";

I don't think this is possible, see PL/SQL Language Fundamentals
PL/SQL uses the database character set to represent:
Stored source text of PL/SQL units
Character values of data types CHAR, VARCHAR2, CLOB, and LONG
So, in your case you have to use NCLOB which uses AL16UTF16 or try a workaround with BLOB. However, this might become cumbersome.

As far as I can tell, you can't do that.
Database character set is defined during database creation (and can't be changed unless you recreate the database) and all character datatype columns store data in that character set.
Perhaps you could try with NCLOB data type, where "N" represents "national character set" and it'll store Unicode character data.
Unicode is a universal encoded character set that can store
information in any language using a single character set


How to store Japanese character in ORACLE DB without changing type of column VARCHAR2

I want to insert Japanese characters into a VARCHAR2 column type without changing this type to NVARCHAR.
Is it possible ?
Here are the characteristics of my DB (and without changing these characteristics too)
Thank you for help.

Special Character issue in Oracle DB

I need to update value in one table, which is having special character.
Below is the Update Query I have Executed:
WHERE ID='idNumber'
Special Character "¦" is not getting updated in Oracle.
I have already tried below approaches:
Checked the character set being used in Oracle using below query
select * from nls_database_parameters where parameter='NLS_CHARACTERSET';
It is having "US7ASCII" Character set.
I have tried to see if any of the character set will help using below query
I have tried below different encoding:
BINARY - this one is giving error "ORA-01482: unsupported character set"
Before Changing the character set in DB i wanted to try out 'CONVERT' function from Oracle, but above mentioned character set is either returning "Block Symbol" or "QuestionMark � " Symbol.
Any idea how can I incorporate this special symbol in DB?
Assuming that the character in question is not part of the US7ASCII character set, which it does not appear to be unless you want to replace it with the ASCII vertical bar character |, you can't validly store the character in a VARCHAR2 column in the database.
You can change the database character set to a character set that supports all the characters you want to represent
You can change the data type of the column to NVARCHAR2 assuming your national character set is UTF-16 which it would normally be.
You can store a binary representation of the character in some character set you know in a RAW column and convert back from the binary representation in your application logic.
I would prefer changing the database character set but that is potentially a significant change.

How did the unicode characters endup in the database table column?

Recently I came across a unicode character (\u2019) in a database table column while parsing using Python.
Question: What are the reasons that can result in unicode characters showing up in the database table? Is it data entry issue?
Appreciate any input.
When you set up your Oracle Database you choose a character set which will be used in the SQL char datatypes (char, varchar2 etc).
Suppose you chose your character set and you have a table with a column of VARCHAR2 type. Suddenly you need to store some string with non-ASCII symbols not supported by your database (chosen character set). You may convert this string into ASCII string by calling ASCIISTR function for example and store it in your VARCHAR2 column (but it's not a good idea because many SQL built-in functions don't understand '\u2019' (they think it's just 6 symbols)). That's how Unicode may appear in your table column (ASCIISTR converts non-ascii symbols into unicode representation such as '\u2019').
Another option is special Oracle nchar datatypes which were designed to store UNICODE without altering global database settings.
Here is the link with Oracle documentation:

Defining a Character Set for a column For oracle database tables

I am running following query in SQL*Plus
CREATE TABLE tbl_audit_trail (
old_value varchar2(255) NOT NULL,
new_value varchar2(255) NOT NULL,
action varchar2(20) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
model varchar2(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
field varchar2(64) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
user_id NUMBER(11) NOT NULL,
model_id varchar2(65) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
KEY idx_action (action)
I am getting following error:
action varchar2(20) CHARACTER SET latin1 NOT NULL,
ERROR at line 5:
ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis
Can you suggest what am I missing?
The simple answer is that, unlike MySQL, character sets can't be defined at column (or table) level. Latin1 is not a valid Oracle character set either.
Character sets are consistent across the database and will have been specified when you created the database. You can find your character by querying NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS,
select value
from nls_database_parameters
where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'
The full list of possible character sets is available for 11g r2 and for 9i or you can query V$NLS_VALID_VALUES.
It is possible to use the ALTER SESSION statement to set the NLS_LANGUAGE or the NLS_TERRITORY, but unfortunately you can't do this for the character set. I believe this is because altering the language changes how Oracle would display the stored data whereas changing the character set would change how Oracle stores the data.
When displaying the data, you can of course specify the required character set in whichever client you're using.
Character set migration is not a trivial task and should not be done lightly.
On a slight side note why are you trying to use Latin 1? It would be more normal to set up a new database in something like UTF-8 (otherwise known as AL32UTF8 - don't use UTF8) or UTF-16 so that you can store multi-byte data effectively. Even if you don't need it now it's wise to attempt - no guarantees in life - to future proof your database with no need to migrate in the future.
If you're looking to specify differing character sets for different columns in a database then the better option would be to determine if this requirement is really necessary and to try to remove it. If it is definitely necessary1 then your best bet might be to use a character set that is a superset of all potential character sets. Then, have some sort of check constraint that limits the column to specific hex values. I would not recommend doing this at all, the potential for mistakes to creep in is massive and it's extremely complex. Furthermore, different character sets render different hex values differently. This, in turn, means that you need to enforce that a column is rendered in a specific character, which is impossible as it falls outside the scope of the database.
1. I'd be interested to know the situation
According to provided DDL statement it's some need to use 2 character sets. The implementation of this functionality in Oracle is different from MySQL and done with n* data types like nvarchar2, nchar... Latin1 is similar to some Western European character set that might be default. So you able to define for example "Latin1" (WE**) and some Unicode (UTF8..).
The NVARCHAR2 datatype was introduced by Oracle for databases that want to use Unicode for some columns while keeping another character set for the rest of the database (which uses VARCHAR2). The NVARCHAR2 is a Unicode-only datatype.
The reason you want to use NVARCHAR2 might be that your DB uses a non-Unicode character and you still want to be able to store Unicode data for some columns.
Columns in your example would be able to store the same data, however the byte storage will be different.

Difference between VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) and NVARCHAR2(10)

I've installed Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Universal) with the default settings:
Given that both CHAR and NCHAR data types seem to accept multi-byte strings, what is the exact difference between these two column definitions?
The NVARCHAR2 datatype was introduced by Oracle for databases that want to use Unicode for some columns while keeping another character set for the rest of the database (which uses VARCHAR2). The NVARCHAR2 is a Unicode-only datatype.
One reason you may want to use NVARCHAR2 might be that your DB uses a non-Unicode character set and you still want to be able to store Unicode data for some columns without changing the primary character set. Another reason might be that you want to use two Unicode character set (AL32UTF8 for data that comes mostly from western Europe, AL16UTF16 for data that comes mostly from Asia for example) because different character sets won't store the same data equally efficiently.
Both columns in your example (Unicode VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) and NVARCHAR2(10)) would be able to store the same data, however the byte storage will be different. Some strings may be stored more efficiently in one or the other.
Note also that some features won't work with NVARCHAR2, see this SO question:
Oracle Text will not work with NVARCHAR2. What else might be unavailable?
I don't think answer from Vincent Malgrat is correct. When NVARCHAR2 was introduced long time ago nobody was even talking about Unicode.
Initially Oracle provided VARCHAR2 and NVARCHAR2 to support localization. Common data (include PL/SQL) was hold in VARCHAR2, most likely US7ASCII these days. Then you could apply NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET individually (e.g. WE8ISO8859P1) for each of your customer in any country without touching the common part of your application.
Nowadays character set AL32UTF8 is the default which fully supports Unicode. In my opinion today there is no reason anymore to use NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET, i.e. NVARCHAR2, NCHAR2, NCLOB. Note, there are more and more Oracle native functions which do not support NVARCHAR2, so you should really avoid it. Maybe the only reason is when you have to support mainly Asian characters where AL16UTF16 consumes less storage compared to AL32UTF8.
The NVARCHAR2 stores variable-length character data. When you
create a table with the NVARCHAR2 column, the maximum size is always
in character length semantics, which is also the default and only
length semantics for the NVARCHAR2 data type.
The NVARCHAR2data type uses AL16UTF16character set which encodes Unicode data in the UTF-16 encoding. The AL16UTF16 use 2 bytes to store a character. In addition, the maximum byte length of an NVARCHAR2 depends on the configured national character set.
VARCHAR2 The maximum size of VARCHAR2 can be in either bytes or characters. Its column only can store characters in the default character
set while the NVARCHAR2 can store virtually any characters. A single character may require up to 4 bytes.
By defining the field as:
VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) you tell Oracle it can use enough space to store 10
characters, no matter how many bytes it takes to store each one. A single character may require up to 4 bytes.
NVARCHAR2(10) you tell Oracle it can store 10 characters with 2 bytes per character
In Summary:
VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) can store maximum of 10 characters and maximum of 40 bytes (depends on the configured national character set).
NVARCHAR2(10) can store maximum of 10 characters and maximum of 20 bytes (depends on the configured national character set).
Note: Character set can be UTF-8, UTF-16,....
Please have a look at this tutorial for more detail.
Have a good day!
nVarchar2 is a Unicode-only storage.
Though both data types are variable length String datatypes, you can notice the difference in how they store values.
Each character is stored in bytes. As we know, not all languages have alphabets with same length, eg, English alphabet needs 1 byte per character, however, languages like Japanese or Chinese need more than 1 byte for storing a character.
When you specify varchar2(10), you are telling the DB that only 10 bytes of data will be stored. But, when you say nVarchar2(10), it means 10 characters will be stored. In this case, you don't have to worry about the number of bytes each character takes.
