Very slow file transfer rate when copying files to htdocs - xampp

I recently installed XAMPP on my mac. I am trying to copy the files from Desktop folder to htdocs folder.
The folder I m trying to copy is about 5 MB. But it's taking very long time in copying the files. Also I am observing a lag while trying to edit the files on this folder.
You can see the clock symbol on billingnew folder.
How can I solve this problem ?
Edit : The solution is to download the correct version of xampp. I had downloaded the VM version.

I have the same problem on my iMac. I could not find a solution to this problem. There is a workaround to bypass this huge delays. Comprise the all files to a zip or rar and in addition copy it to the htdocs folder. Somehow it is not that horrible if you just copy one single file.
Hopefully this bypass can improve your workflow.
People also discussed this problem in this thread
Otherwise I would use the normal XAMPP-Version. On the official website you can choose the vm version or the non vm version. Download area for XAMPP


Only upload the latest folder to FTP (Local -> Remote)

I need to be able to upload a local folder (created daily) to a remote FTP everyday.
I’ve messed with WinSCP file masks (i.e. put -filemask="*>=today" C:\local\ /) and ran into issues where it would upload the latest folder (contained subfiles) but it would also upload the rest of the folders in the directory. (they were empty) I then realized filemasks only works specifically for files, not folders.
I then came across this thread: Download files newer than X days from SFTP server with WinSCP, skipping folders that do not contain any matching files
User had the same issue except he was going Remote -> Local whereas I need the opposite, solution was to use PowerShell
Considering that thread is a couple years old, does WinSCP scripting now support such a feature? Unfortunately I’m a bit of a novice with PowerShell.
Thanks for your time.
WinSCP does not support time constraints for folders.
But what has changed (since the other question) is that now you can prevent WinSCP from creating the empty folders. Use -rawtransfersettings switch with ExcludeEmptyDirectories setting.
put -rawtransfersettings ExcludeEmptyDirectories=1 -filemask="*>=today" C:\local\ /
If you really need to upload the latest folder (as opposite to uploading the folder with the latest files), using WinSCP .NET assembly from your favourite language (like PowerShell) is still the way to go, as shown in the other question.

MAMP upgrades generating new folders in Applications

I've got an issue where if I upgrade MAMP, it generates a new folder in my Applications folder. So far this has occurred three times now and I'm no closer to finding out why it's happening.
Here's a screenshot of the Finder window showing all MAMP folders. The ones that got created after updating MAMP all have the dates and times they were created.
I've tried deleting the new folders and leaving the original one but that prevents MAMP from opening ("These files are in the trash") but the path for the document root still points to the original folder. Here's a screenshot of that:
Can anyone advise on how best to remove these duplicates and prevent this from happening again? Each duplicated folder adds at least 10GB to my storage and I'm running low! I can't find any reference to this in MAMP's documentation, or even on this site.
Any ideas?
As Peter pointed out that is normal behaviour. The folders containing dates (MAMP_2018-0....) are the backups of the previous installations/versions. The following named folders always contain the latest updated installation files:
It is advisable NOT to store development sites in the MAMP/htdocs directory. It is advisable to set the Document Root to a separate development directory (not within the MAMP program folder) e.g. DevServer under My Docs.
Before MAMP/MAMP Pro is upgraded record the preference settings. Next upgrade the software and recheck the settings match after the upgrade. Then launch and check your development website(s).
I've experienced this when upgrading in the past. I believe this is normal behaviour.
I have just gotten into the habit of deleting the old ones and haven't had any problems.

Deleting Files on a Network Drive that are opened by another User

I have an odd issue currently.
I have a build script that essentially will copy over some files to a directory on a networked drive and initially had an issue where some people were leaving these files open on their machines, causing my build to fail.
A solution came up to simply delete the entire file, because theyre build artifacts, but the other day the folder itself was opened and locked.
I cannot think of a solution to unlock the folder and forcefully close any open files.
Various file unlockers don't seem to work on folders our on a networked drive from my machine.
I figure people have been copying files for years and have had this issue before me, so what are some ways you can get around this file locking issue besides asking someone to close a file or folder?
General Info:
Windows Server
Windows Local Machine
Transfer via UNC Paths

Retrieve files after xampp uninstalled

I have uninstalled Xampp in my system. I have taken a backup of databases, but I missed to take folders inside htdocs. Is there any way to retrieve my folders.
Probably not; if the folders are gone then I would say your only hope is restoring from backup or an undelete utility.
Sorry for the bad news.
download shadowexplorer. Its is a system restore software that will find shadow copies on the system or specified folder through selected restore date. It is really easy to use.
Windows File Recovery CLI undelete utility. Currently available for Windows 10 2004 and above.
I once accidently deleted my htdocs folder along with xampp, i immediately downloaded shadowexplorer and ran it, found all my files.

Can I have XAMPP on localhost with web content hosted on Dropbox?

I'm thinking of hosting WordPress on my Dropbox folder for development work. Has anyone tried this?
I'm wondering if there's a way to keep XAMPP on your local machine but direct the root to the Dropbox folder.
First of all, both WordPress and XAMPP produces a lot of garbage files (logs, PIDs, configs, sessions) etc. that will simply trashout your Dropbox. I'm pretty sure about that, because I tried to version XAMPP on SVN, which is pretty the same as SVN, and got really tired on searching more and more folders that should be ignored (non-versioned) because of containing data and other temp files.
And for answering your question. Sure thing, you can. After installing XAMPP (preferably outside Dropbox), go to "xampp\apache\conf" folder, edit "httpd.conf" file and change the value "DocumentRoot" variable (around line 90) to whatever you need. You may need to use ".." for specifying parent folder many times, if your Dropbox is outside XAMPP folder.
I won't discuss security matters here, as you should know, that such solution is highly risky and on the other side of security topics.
