issue with single sign on Azure active directory javascript library - dynamics-crm

We have single sign on enabled for our MS Dynamics 365 CRM instance to make a calls to an API hosted in Azure. On launch of CRM we have the following JavaScript that executes. This works most of the time, but on occasion we get "Invalid argument" popup. I am relatively new to using Adal.js and have no idea what is causing this. Any trouble shooting tips appreciated. Thanks in advance.
config = {
ApiUrl: configData["ApiUrl"],
SubscriptionKey: configData["SubscriptionKey"],
trace: configData["trace"],
AcceptHeader: configData["AcceptHeader"],
ContentTypeHeader: configData["ContentTypeHeader"],
tenant: configData["tenant"],
clientId: configData["clientId"],
tokenStoreUrl: configData["tokenStoreUrl"],
cacheLocation: configData["cacheLocation"],
GraphApi: configData["GraphApi"]
// Check For & Handle Redirect From AAD After Login
authContext = new window.AuthenticationContext(config);
var isCallback = authContext.isCallback(window.location.hash);
if (isCallback) {
var loginError = authContext.getLoginError();
if (loginError) {
console.log('ERROR:\n\n' + loginError);
authContext.popUp = true;
if (isCallback && !loginError) {
window.location = authContext._getItem(authContext.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_REQUEST);
var user = authContext.getCachedUser();
if (!user) {
sessionStorage["adal.login.request"] = "";
window.parent.authContext = authContext;

It has been a while since I last looked at this, however I managed to get it resolved at the time. I implemented a locking mechanism, to ensure the login completes before trying to obtain a token.
Here is the updated code:
config = {
ApiUrl: configData["ApiUrl"],
SubscriptionKey: configData["SubscriptionKey"],
trace: configData["trace"],
AcceptHeader: configData["AcceptHeader"],
ContentTypeHeader: configData["ContentTypeHeader"],
tenant: configData["tenant"],
clientId: configData["clientId"],
tokenStoreUrl: configData["tokenStoreUrl"],
cacheLocation: configData["cacheLocation"],
GraphApi: configData["GraphApi"],
loadFrameTimeout: 10000
// Check For & Handle Redirect From AAD After Login
authContext = new window.AuthenticationContext(config);
var isCallback = authContext.isCallback(window.location.hash);
if (isCallback) {
var loginError = authContext.getLoginError();
if (loginError) {
// TODO: Handle errors signing in and getting tokens
console.log('ERROR:\n\n' + loginError);
authContext.popUp = true;
if (isCallback && !loginError) {
window.location = authContext._getItem(authContext.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.LOGIN_REQUEST);
var user = authContext.getCachedUser();
if (!user) {
sessionStorage["adal.login.request"] = "";
authContext.callback = function (error, token, msg) {
// remove lock = null;
if (!!token) {
else {
console.log('ERROR:\n\n' + error);
if (typeof ( == "undefined" || == null) {
// Create lock = true;
window.parent.authContext = authContext;


Configuring Custom Challenge to do token swap in AWS Cognito

How do you properly configure custom challenge by sending an access_token from
cookie without a session?
const {
} = require('amazon-cognito-identity-js');
async function asyncAuthenticateUser(cognitoUser, cognitoAuthenticationDetails) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
cognitoUser.initiateAuth(cognitoAuthenticationDetails, {
onSuccess: resolve,
onFailure: reject,
customChallenge: resolve
async function asyncCustomChallengeAnswer(cognitoUser, challengeResponse) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
cognitoUser.sendCustomChallengeAnswer(challengeResponse, {
onSuccess: resolve,
onFailure: reject,
customChallenge: reject // We do not expect a second challenge
// omitted part of codes for brevity...
// We have tokens as cookie already that means a successful login previously succeeded
// but this login has probably been done from a different client with a different client_id
// We call the custom auth flow along with the token we have to get a new one for the current client_id
// For this to work we need to extract the username from the cookie
let tokenDecoded = jwt_decode(cookies.access_token);
let tokenUsername = tokenDecoded['username'];
var authenticationData = {
Username: tokenUsername,
AuthParameters: {
Username: tokenUsername,
var authenticationDetails = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.AuthenticationDetails(authenticationData);
var poolData = {
ClientId: client_id
var userPool = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUserPool(poolData);
var userData = {
Username: tokenUsername,
Pool: userPool
var cognitoUser = new AmazonCognitoIdentity.CognitoUser(userData);
try {
// Initiate the custom flow
await asyncAuthenticateUser(cognitoUser, authenticationDetails);
// Answer the custom challenge by providing the token
var result = await asyncCustomChallengeAnswer(cognitoUser, cookies.access_token);
var encrypted_id_token = await encryptToken(result.getIdToken().getJwtToken());
var encrypted_access_token = await encryptToken(result.getAccessToken().getJwtToken());
var encrypted_refresh_token = await encryptToken(result.getRefreshToken().getToken());
params.Item.id_token = encrypted_id_token;
params.Item.access_token = encrypted_access_token;
params.Item.refresh_token = encrypted_refresh_token;
catch (error) {
console.log("Token swap fail, this may be a tentative of token stealing");
return { // Redirect to login page with forced pre-logout
statusCode: 302,
headers: {
Location: '/?client_id=' + client_id + '&redirect_uri=' + redirect_uri + '&authorization_code=' + authorizationCode + '&forceAuth=true' + insertStateIfAny(event),
I have this part of codes where it invoke the iniateAuth then send a custom challenge answer.
// Initiate the custom flow
await asyncAuthenticateUser(cognitoUser, authenticationDetails);
// Answer the custom challenge by providing the token
var result = await asyncCustomChallengeAnswer(cognitoUser, cookies.access_token);
This complains due to the request session being empty.
The below are the auth challenge for create.
function handler(event, context, callback) {
// This function does nothing, the challenge do not need to be prepared
// Verify challenge will just verify the token provided
event.response.publicChallengeParameters = {};
event.response.publicChallengeParameters.question = 'JustGimmeTheToken';
event.response.privateChallengeParameters = {};
event.response.privateChallengeParameters.answer = 'unknown';
event.response.challengeMetadata = 'TOKEN_CHALLENGE';
event.response.challengeResult = true;
callback(null, event);
This is for the define challenge.
function handler(event, context, callback) {
// This function define the sequence to obtain a valid token from a valid token of another client
if (event.request.session.length == 0) {
// This is the first invocation, we ask for a custom challenge (providing a valid token)
event.response.issueTokens = false;
event.response.failAuthentication = false;
event.response.challengeName = 'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE';
} else if (
event.request.session.length == 1 &&
event.request.session[0].challengeName == 'CUSTOM_CHALLENGE' &&
event.request.session[0].challengeResult == true
) {
// The custom challenge has been answered we retrun the token
event.response.issueTokens = true;
event.response.failAuthentication = false;
context.done(null, event);
It goes both in this auth challenge but never goes to the verify challenge where
the is the below
function handler(event, context, callback) {
const params = {
AccessToken: event.request.challengeAnswer
const userInfo = await cognito.getUser(params).promise();
if (userInfo.Username === event.username) {
event.response.answerCorrect = true;
} else {
// Someone tried to get a token of someone else
event.response.answerCorrect = false;
callback(null, event);

Chromecast v3 receiver application not working

I ran the sample custom receiver. I am running it using ngrok but i see in the console that its not connecting to web socket. Any help is appreciated: Here is my receiver code and screenshot
const context = cast.framework.CastReceiverContext.getInstance();
const playerManager = context.getPlayerManager();
const playbackConfig = new cast.framework.PlaybackConfig();
// Customize the license url for playback
playbackConfig.licenseUrl = '';
playbackConfig.protectionSystem = cast.framework.ContentProtection.WIDEVINE;
playbackConfig.licenseRequestHandler = requestInfo => {
requestInfo.withCredentials = true;
requestInfo.headers = {
'customdata': '<custom data>'
// Update playback config licenseUrl according to provided value in load request.
context.getPlayerManager().setMediaPlaybackInfoHandler((loadRequest, playbackConfig) => {
if ( && {
playbackConfig.licenseUrl =;
return playbackConfig;
function makeRequest (method, url) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();, url);
xhr.onload = function () {
if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) {
} else {
status: this.status,
statusText: xhr.statusText
xhr.onerror = function () {
status: this.status,
statusText: xhr.statusText
request => {'MyAPP.LOG', 'Intercepting LOAD request');
if ( && { =;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if( == 'video/mp4') {
return resolve(request);
// Fetch content repository by requested contentId
makeRequest('GET', '$key%22&equalTo=%22'+ + '%22')
.then(function (data) {
var item = data[];
if(!item) {
// Content could not be found in repository
castDebugLogger.error('MyAPP.LOG', 'Content not found');
} else {
// Adjusting request to make requested content playable =; = 'application/x-mpegurl';
castDebugLogger.warn('MyAPP.LOG', 'Playable URL:',;
// Add metadata
var metadata = new cast.framework.messages.MovieMediaMetadata();
metadata.metadataType = cast.framework.messages.MetadataType.MOVIE;
metadata.title = item.title;
metadata.subtitle =; = metadata;
/** Debug Logger **/
const castDebugLogger = cast.debug.CastDebugLogger.getInstance();
// Enable debug logger and show a warning on receiver
// NOTE: make sure it is disabled on production
event => {'ANALYTICS', 'CORE EVENT:', event);
// Set verbosity level for custom tags
castDebugLogger.loggerLevelByTags = {
'MyAPP.LOG': cast.framework.LoggerLevel.WARNING,
'ANALYTICS': cast.framework.LoggerLevel.INFO,
/** Optimizing for smart displays **/
const playerData = new cast.framework.ui.PlayerData();
const playerDataBinder = new cast.framework.ui.PlayerDataBinder(playerData);
const touchControls = cast.framework.ui.Controls.getInstance();
let browseItems = getBrwoseItems();
function getBrwoseItems() {
let data = '"video": { \
"author": "The Blender Project", \
"description": "Grumpy Bunny is grumpy", \
"poster": "", \
"prog": "", \
"stream": { \
"dash": "", \
"hls": "" \
}, \
"title": "Big Buck Bunny" \
let browseItems = [];
for (let key in data) {
let item = new cast.framework.ui.BrowseItem();
item.entity = key;
item.title = data[key].title;
item.subtitle = data[key].description;
item.image = new cast.framework.messages.Image(data[key].poster);
item.imageType = cast.framework.ui.BrowseImageType.MOVIE;
return browseItems;
let browseContent = new cast.framework.ui.BrowseContent();
browseContent.title = 'Up Next';
browseContent.items = browseItems;
browseContent.targetAspectRatio =
(e) => {
if (!e.value) return;
// Clear default buttons and re-assign
// Media browse
// context.start({ touchScreenOptimizedApp: true });
context.start({playbackConfig: playbackConfig});
I have already registered for Google Cast SDK Developer Console and created a unpublished app and added my chrome cast device as well.
You are seeing these errors because you are loading the receiver through a web browser directly. The usual flow of a cast session is that a "sender" (web browser, iOS device, android device) will initiate a cast session with the hosted receiver, and thereby beginning the socket connection. Right now, you only have a receiver loading, nothing has initiated the session.
One way to test this is to plug in a Chromecast or cast enabled device (most Android TV's have Chromecast built-in too!), and use a valid sender to connect to your receiver.
Google have built an awesome tool to help with Chromecast development, it's a shame it's not publicised more. You can find it here:
If you're wanting to really nail down your Chromecast development skills, I personally recommend that you checkout:
Google Codelabs for Cast, these have some really helpful walkthroughs.
The Google Cast github repo, has some great examples.
Note: This is by no means a detailed explanation of how cast sessions are actually initiated, some very smart people have done some digging into how Chromecast sessions work, and if you're interested checkout Romain Picard's writeup at

How to upload outlook email attachments on my cloud server using Outlook Js Add-in

I am developing outlook javascript add-in using vs2017. I have created a sample application to find attachments from outlook mail item. Here, While getting attachments from Exchange Server, It returns 200 OK.
I have my own cloud application looks like google drive. I want to upload outlook mail attachments on my cloud server using POST API call. API call was running successfully. But I am not able to get file content from the exchange server.
I have added some sample code over here.
Creating a service request
/// <reference path="../App.js" />
var xhr;
var serviceRequest;
(function () {
"use strict";
// The Office initialize function must be run each time a new page is loaded
Office.initialize = function (reason) {
$(document).ready(function () {
function initApp() {
if (Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments == undefined) {
var testButton = document.getElementById("testButton");
testButton.onclick = "";
showToast("Not supported", "Attachments are not supported by your Exchange server.");
} else if (Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments.length == 0) {
var testButton = document.getElementById("testButton");
testButton.onclick = "";
showToast("No attachments", "There are no attachments on this item.");
} else {
// Initalize a context object for the app.
// Set the fields that are used on the request
// object to default values.
serviceRequest = new Object();
serviceRequest.attachmentToken = "";
serviceRequest.ewsUrl = Office.context.mailbox.ewsUrl;
serviceRequest.attachments = new Array();
function testAttachments() {
function attachmentTokenCallback(asyncResult, userContext) {
if (asyncResult.status == "succeeded") {
serviceRequest.attachmentToken = asyncResult.value;
else {
showToast("Error", "Could not get callback token: " + asyncResult.error.message);
function makeServiceRequest() {
var attachment;
xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
// Update the URL to point to your service location."POST", "https://localhost:8080/GetOutlookAttachments/AttachmentExampleService/api/AttachmentService", true);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
xhr.onreadystatechange = requestReadyStateChange;
// Translate the attachment details into a form easily understood by WCF.
for (i = 0; i < Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments.length; i++) {
attachment = Office.context.mailbox.item.attachments[i];
attachment = attachment._data$p$0 || attachment.$0_0;
if (attachment !== undefined) {
serviceRequest.attachments[i] = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(attachment));
// Send the request. The response is handled in the
// requestReadyStateChange function.
// Handles the response from the JSON web service.
function requestReadyStateChange() {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
if (!response.isError) {
// The response indicates that the server recognized
// the client identity and processed the request.
// Show the response.
var names = "<h2>Attachments processed: " + response.attachmentsProcessed + "</h2>";
document.getElementById("names").innerHTML = names;
} else {
showToast("Runtime error", response.message);
} else {
if (xhr.status == 404) {
showToast("Service not found", "The app server could not be found.");
} else {
showToast("Unknown error", "There was an unexpected error: " + xhr.status + " -- " + xhr.statusText);
// Shows the service response.
function showResponse(response) {
showToast("Service Response", "Attachments processed: " + response.attachmentsProcessed);
// Displays a message for 10 seconds.
function showToast(title, message) {
var notice = document.getElementById("notice");
var output = document.getElementById('output');
notice.innerHTML = title;
output.innerHTML = message;
window.setTimeout(function () { $("#footer").hide("slow") }, 10000);
Please help me to get attachments from outlook mail and upload on my cloud server.
attachment._data$p$0 gives to attachment metadata. Get id from there and use getAttachmentContentAsync API to get the attachment content Documentation

How to register Window phone with notification hub in app-backend

Hello friends i am trying to implement the app-backend registration of app with notification hub.for implementing it i am following this notify user with notification hub but i wanted to do registration for windows phone so i have tried to do it and write this code in mobile service Api = function(request, response) {
// Use "request.service" to access features of your mobile service, e.g.:
// var tables = request.service.tables;
// var push = request.service.push;
var azure = require('azure');
var hub = azure.createNotificationHubService('samplenotificationhub',
'full access key');
var platform = request.body.platform;
var installationId = request.header('X-ZUMO-INSTALLATION-ID');
var registrationComplete = function(error, registration) {
if (!error) {
// Return the registration.
response.send(200, registration);
} else {
response.send(500, 'Registration failed!');
// Function called to log errors.
var logErrors = function(error) {
if (error) {
hub.listRegistrationsByTag(installationId, function(error, existingRegs) {
var firstRegistration = true;
if (existingRegs.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < existingRegs.length; i++) {
if (firstRegistration) {
// Update an existing registration.
if (platform === 'wp') {
existingRegs[i].ChannelUri = request.body.channelUri;
hub.updateRegistration(existingRegs[i], registrationComplete);
} else {
response.send(500, 'Unknown client.');
firstRegistration = false;
} else {
// We shouldn't have any extra registrations; delete if we do.
hub.deleteRegistration(existingRegs[i].RegistrationId, logErrors);
} else {
// Create a new registration.
if (platform === 'wp') {
[request.body.CurrentDate], registrationComplete);
else {
response.send(500, 'Unknown client.');
i am able to get the api call from this code in my app..
private async Task AcquirePushChannel()
CurrentChannel = HttpNotificationChannel.Find("mychannel");
string message;
if (CurrentChannel == null)
CurrentChannel = new HttpNotificationChannel("mychannel");
var body = new NotificationRequest
channelUri = CurrentChannel.ChannelUri.ToString(),
platform = "wp",
CurrentDate = "1",
// Call the custom API POST method with the supplied body.
var result = await App.MobileService
RegistrationResult>("registrationapi", body,
System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Post, null);
// Set the response, which is the ID of the registration.
message = string.Format("Registration ID: {0}", result.RegistrationId);
registrationid = result.RegistrationId;
catch (MobileServiceInvalidOperationException ex)
message = ex.Message;
i have seen an active api call on mobile service dashboard but not able to get response from API..
i have written this code in my table scripts so that i can send push notification to my phone it..also take a look if anything is wrong in it.
function insert(item, user, request) {
var azure = require('azure');
var hub = azure.createNotificationHubService('samplenotificationhub',
'listen signature string');
// Create the payload for a Windows Store app.
var wnsPayload = '<toast><visual><binding template="ToastText02"><text id="1">New item added:</text><text id="2">' + "tanuj" + '</text></binding></visual></toast>';
var Toasttemplate = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>" + "<wp:Notification xmlns:wp=\"WPNotification\">" +"<wp:Toast>" +"<wp:Text1>$(" + "1" + ")</wp:Text1>" +"</wp:Toast> " +"</wp:Notification>";
// Execute the request and send notifications.
success: function() {
// Write the default response and send a notification
// to the user on all devices by using the userId tag.
hub.wpns.send("1", Toasttemplate, 'wpns/toast', function(error) {
if (error) {
i know this is lot of code i am putting this because the link is not mentioned for wp so just wanted to make sure i am doing right.
also please let me know first what is INSTALATIONID in var installationId = request.header('X-ZUMO-INSTALLATION-ID'); hope to get some response. any help ,idea or suggestion is appreciated.

AJAX to submit to page using POST method

I have this piece of AJAX that validates the login credentials by sending the username and password via GET method. I want to update this code to use POST method, but I don't know where to start or what to change.
The reason I'm doing this is the data that will be sent to another page will be big and GET doesn't send it all.
This is the code I have:
function createObject()
var request_type;
var browser = navigator.appName;
if(browser == "Microsoft Internet Explorer")
request_type = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
request_type = new XMLHttpRequest();
return request_type;
var http = createObject();
var usr;
var psw;
function login()
usr = encodeURI(document.getElementById('username').value);
psw = encodeURI(document.getElementById('password').value);'get', 'login.php?user='+usr+'&psw='+psw);
http.onreadystatechange = loginReply;
function loginReply()
if(http.readyState == 4)
var response = http.responseText;
if(response == 0)
alert('Login failed! Verify user and password');
alert('Welcome ' + usr);
document.forms["doSubmit"].elements["usr"].name = "usr";
document.forms["doSubmit"].elements["usr"].value = usr;
document.forms["doSubmit"].elements["pwd"].name = "pwd";
document.forms["doSubmit"].elements["pwd"].value = psw;
document.forms["doSubmit"].action = location.pathname + "user/";
This code uses GET and send the parameters in the URL and waits for the reply. I want to send the parameters via POST due to size.
The data that will be sent is for a <textarea name='taData' id='taData'></textarea>
Change the line of code as described below:
From:'get', 'login.php?user='+usr+'&psw='+psw);
To:'post', 'login.php');
http.send('user=' + usr + '&psw=' + psw + '&tboxName=' + yourTextBoxValue);
More on the topic:
