Sorry, I am now sure what I am asking for, but anyway, if anyone may have or know the way of doing it.
I am new in Odoo. I want Odoo 8 database tables ER diagram. I know there are about 600 tables for Odoo. But I do not know how to get the ER diagram?
Can anyone please help?
You can use a free Odoo module, Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) Maker, which is currently available for versions 8, 9, & 10. It's relatively basic as far as the information provided, but it is easy to install and use.
If you need something more robust, then I would suggest installing and using schemaspy. You can see some usage info on this related question/answer. This has a bit more setup involved and it takes longer to run (1-2 hours for as large/complicated as Odoo's database structure is), but it is able to produce extremely detailed diagrams and results in a great browse-able, local website with about all the information you could want.
You can find here the ERD for Odoo12
I'd like to know your opinions here, what tools do I have to learn first before studying OBIEE for ex. "Oracle Database" do I have to need a prior knowledge in Oracle Database in order for me to learn OBIEE in fast pace. I need your suggestions here.
It actually depends on what you want to do with OBIEE. You can be a reports developer, the metadata developer or an OBIEE Administrator. If you end up becoming a reports developer, you'll require less database knowledge. But to start off, you will require knowledge of
Any one database (Oracle, mySQL etc)
Dimensional modelling concepts
I've always believed in installing the software and filling the knowledge gaps while you're working on it.
Let me start by saying that I think there is a better way of doing things than I'm doing now... so, please don't post comments and answers saying that I should be using a different technology, etc. I have a "reasonably" specific question.
A little background:
Basically, I have system where I'm processing a lot of varied, but fairly structured data feeds each day (CSV files). It's a fairly generic ETL type of system. I started off writing Python scripts to do it all in memory. But, I found that I was writing a lot of code to check and enforce rules that could easily be described by a db schema. So, I've got a of a series of SQS queue (one for each source) that has file locations (on s3) to process and a PostgreSQL db script to load to do it. Hacky? Yes; probably. But, in a way, it's pretty easy to just define all of your rules in PostgreSQL. At least for me with approx 15 years of RDBMS experience (what's that old saying about when you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail?)
So, all works pretty well. But, when creating EC2 instances, I have a choice of an image_id and a type/size. I have my base "PostgreSQL worker image" that I use, but it's really geared for one size (micro).
But, now I'm thinking about trying to play around and see what kind of gains I could get if I went with small or medium. My initial thought is that I would just created separate image_ids with a postgres conf settings geared to them. But, seems a bit messy. (but, the whole thing is a bit messy and hacky)
Given what I have in place, is there a better way to accomplish this than just separate AMIs?
Final notes:
My AMIs are all PostgreSQL 9.1 and Ubuntu 12.04. And the DBs are just temporary storage. They only exist for the 15 or 20 minutes they are needed to load/process/output the data.
If you feel like this question could be better answered on the SE's DBA site, then please feel free to add a comment. I usually start with StackOverflow because it's a bigger community and it's a community that I feel more at home with. I'm much more of a developer than a DBA.
Has anyone used both of these to provide a good comparison. I am doing a school project so the cost of SSIS isn't an issue as we already have the license for it.
Background on whats going on. I will be downloading about 10 years of patent information into flat files. The result will be 2,080 delimited files. I want a way to load them into MS SQL server all at once. Then I want to be able to append additional files into the DB as they are released.
Speed of the software doesn't bother me much as I can just let it run overnight. I am just looking for something with some flexibility, and more importantly fairly easy to use. I have never done a project like this before and will be learning how to do this from the boards.
Have used both in real live projects. I do prefer Pentaho (PDI) over SSIS because of its ease of use and flexibility.
Do read a little on the subject before you start using it. There are a couple of excellent books on kettle (PDI), or you could just read the Get Started in the Help menu of PDI. The forum is a good place if you are stuck or ##pentaho on IRC.
What also helps a lot are the Samples that you can find in the Welcome Screen.
I hope you enjoy it, I know I still do. Have been using it since 2006 and am always pissed when I have to use SSIS on some project :-)
PS : use a jtds jdbc-driver to connect to a SQL Server db, it will save you some headaches
Hope this helps,
After spending a couple days developing an ETL package in PDI and SSIS I feel confident in saying that PDI is definitely more user friendly. The user interface alone is much cleaner and seems to flow in a manner that is very intuitive and as such easy to use.
I need to diagram an oracle database and I am hoping to find some good tools that are either cheap, or free.
Ideally the tool should allow me to draw the relationships between the tables, as well as remove unwanted tables from the diagram.
I already have access to MS Visual Studio 2008 as well as SSMS 2008, but I don't believe either will provide much help with oracle.
I asked this question here on serverfault, and I had several answers. However after I tried most of the tools I ran into problems with all of them.
I prefer SQL server over oracle, but I have one legacy oracle system to manage, and I am finding myself climbing an uphill battle against the numerous errors oracle throws at you on a minute by minute basis.
Have a look at TOADSoft and especially Toad Data Modeler (Toad is a very famous tool).
Another well known commercial tool is PL/SQL Developer. This is a more integrated solution (not only graphical modeling).
In both case, I didn't check the pricing but I'm sure they are worth it (and the prices must be insignificant in comparison to Oracle's license).
Like your friends over on serverfault, I had a really good experience with PowerArchitect. And it's free. . . .
Maybe I don't understand, but its only a diagram. In which any UML tool will do the job, even Visio, which should have for free or next to nothing for you, not to mention the tools in that blog. And there always pencil and paper.
Visio professional will let you reverse engineer the database schema and I've done this with Oracle before. It's actually quite good for this as you can organise the diagram into subject areas (i.e. separate pages). You can also annotate the diagrams with missing foreign keys; this is quite a useful feature for making sense of vendors' databases.
'Enterprise Architect' versions will also allow you do generate DDL from the diagrams, and you can often get VSEA2002 or VSEA2003 quite cheaply; these versions come with the EA version of Visio bundled.
I think Visio has a feature called "Reverse Engineering", with which you can specify a database connection and it will automagically draw the Diagram for you. The database connection can be anything accessible via ODBC.
(MySQL also offers such a feature in its MySQL Workbench, though I don't remember, if it was possible to specify a different database system than MySQL itself)
As long as we're mentioning pencil and paper, I'll throw in the next step up from pencil and paper. It's MS Access.
If you have MS Access on your PC, and if you can set up table links from MS access to Oracle, you can use MS Access to generate relationship diagrams, which you can then print.
You have to do a fair amount of manual work, compared to some of the pricier tools.
Set up an empty MS Access database. Then set up a table link to each of the tables in your Oracle database. Then use the Access relationship tool to draw relationship lines between each foreign key and the key it references. Classify each relationship as many to one. This creates the lines between the boxes. You can use the Access interface to drag the boxes around on the diagram until you like the visual layout. You can print the resulting diagram.
Oh, and by the way, you can create local tables to act as snapshots of some of the data, and MS queries to reload the local tables from the Oracle data. That way you can mess around with the local copies without writing to the Oracle database. You can even set up table links to a SQL server database, and move data across, bit by bit.
Depending on the complexity of your Oracle DB, and your diagramming needs, this could be enough of a tool for you.
Oracle's own SQL Developer Data Modeler has a "Free to download, free to learn, unlimited evaluation", whatever that means.
I started learning .net about 3 years ago. I have gone thru a boot camp during that time learning OO and various data access technologies such as NHibernate, Subsonic, LINQ TO SQL.
didn't wanna try EF cause it hasn't reached version 3 :)
As far as reporting goes, I have heard that many ORM'S fall flat on their face when it comes to reporting. We have AS400 OR DB2 as our backend. I have heard that LLBLGEN does a good job on reporting for this product. But it is a commercial product and not FREE. Can someone point me to some good resources for Reporting from DB2? thanks for any links/blog articles
Reporting on DB2 will work the same as reporting on almost any other database - you can use ODBC, JDBC or native DB2 calls to the database. So, you don't need DB2 reporting references - any database reporting references should meet your needs.
The only thing special about DB2 might be a little of the syntax extensions, and how you scale up the back end through parallel database servers (like MapReduce, Teradata, etc). But neither should be of much concern - since it's extremely ansi compliant and the scalability should be largely invisible to the reporting developer.
And Crystal Reports, Brio, Cognos, Business Objects, Microstrategy, Actuate, JasperReports, Birt, etc should all work fine.
ORMs are typically terrible for reporting - since they're object rather than set oriented. You'll especially feel the pain with very large data volumes, complex reports or a large number of reports.
Please, don't overlook the most obvious answer: Query/400!
It is native iSeries software. You configure and runs the report on the iSeries but it works great. It is simple, straight forward and maybe a little bit limited but you get most of the works done.
Don't be scared of the green screen or the simple interface. It's really a powerfull tool that does handle the iSeries database very well.
Can someone point me to some good resources for Reporting from DB2?
Light up those indicators!
Query Manager:
You cam use SQL (that can take input parameters) to build it, then create a "form" that will provide totals, level breaks, counts, customized headers, titles, etc.
Query/400 does not accept parameters AFAIK.
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