For loop from file with multiple columns-BASH - bash

i have following text file (output.txt)
TECH-746 TECH 10400
TECH-747 TECH 10400
i need to read all columns and pass it to 3 variables and then submit it to curl command. While read simple won't work with curl (don't know why) so i need to use for loop (it works with curl), can i use one for loop or need to nest multiple ones
for project in `cat output.txt`; do
echo $project
curl -D- -u user:pass -X POST --data "{\"fields\":{\"project\":{\"key\":\"TECH\"},\"parent\":{\"key\":\"$project\"},\"summary\":\"test",\"description\":\"test.\",\"issuetype\":{\"name\":\"Sub-task\"}}}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --silent >/dev/null
code above works, so i just want to "extend" to to include all other columns in file

while read can pull a line into distinct variables.
while read project col2 col3
curl -D- -u user:pass -X POST --data "{\"fields\":{\"project\":{\"key\":\"TECH\"},\"parent\":{\"key\":\"$project\"},\"summary\":\"test",\"description\":\"test.\",\"issuetype\":{\"name\":\"Sub-task\"}}}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --silent >/dev/null
done < sourcefile.txt
The curl command also misses escaping one quote, compare the two lines below, the first one is the original, the second one is the one I've corrected.
curl -D- -u user:pass -X POST --data "{\"fields\":{\"project\":{\"key\":\"TECH\"},\"parent\":{\"key\":\"$project\"},\"summary\":\"test",\"description\":\"test.\",\"issuetype\":{\"name\":\"Sub-task\"}}}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --silent >/dev/null
curl -D- -u user:pass -X POST --data "{\"fields\":{\"project\":{\"key\":\"TECH\"},\"parent\":{\"key\":\"$project\"},\"summary\":\"test\",\"description\":\"test.\",\"issuetype\":{\"name\":\"Sub-task\"}}}" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --silent >/dev/null


How to get curl response code in a variable along with output as a file, multiple outputs needs to be appended

I am trying to get the response code of the curl command to a variable and output of the same curl command in a file. Another curl command within a different function will run and the output should append to the same output file.
response=$(curl -i -H "content-type: application/json" -w "%{http_code}" -u "$id:$cred" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://sitename -d '{'<input>'}' >> out.txt
This is giving me neither the response nor the curl output in the file.
Below is working and gives me response as the desired http code though.
response=$(curl -i -H "content-type: application/json" -w "{http_code}" -u "$id:$cred" -H "Accept: application/json" -X POST http://sitename -d '{'<input>'}'
Echo $response

How to resolve curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Variable interpolation in the shell
(3 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am trying to invoke rest api using curl in a loop as shown below. It doesn't work and throws error curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host '$SERVERPROTOCOL:'
However, if replace all environment variables and execute command then it works just fine.
Direct command which works:
curl -X DELETE -k -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -H 'Accept: application/xml' -u 'testuser:test123' -i 'https://nonprodhost:443/process/cancel/pvm:0a126'
Curl in loop which throws - curl: (6) Couldn't resolve host '$SERVERPROTOCOL:'
for pi in $(cat $halted_pid);do
# write PID to console so user knows script is working
echo "cacnelling process instance - $pi"
# 2>&1 to include any output on stderr
curl -X DELETE -k -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -H 'Accept: application/xml' -u '$USERNAME:USERPASS' -i '$SERVERPROTOCOL://$SERVERHOST:$SERVERPORT/process/cancel/$pi' 2>&1 | tee -a $halted_pi_cancellation_logfile
Why I think issue is single quote? Try replacing single quotes with double quotes
(reference: )
curl -X DELETE -k -H 'Content-Type: application/xml' -H 'Accept: application/xml' -u '$USERNAME:USERPASS' -i '$SERVERPROTOCOL://$SERVERHOST:$SERVERPORT/process/cancel/$pi' 2>&1 | tee -a $halted_pi_cancellation_logfile
convert to:
curl -X DELETE -k -H "Content-Type: application/xml" -H "Accept: application/xml" -u "$USERNAME:USERPASS" -i "$SERVERPROTOCOL://$SERVERHOST:$SERVERPORT/process/cancel/$pi" 2>&1 | tee -a $halted_pi_cancellation_logfile

curl PUT using auth token header to mesosphere fails without eval

I have managed to make it work with
curl -k -X PUT -d "$marathon_payload" --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output "$tmp"\
-H "Authorization: token=$dcos_token" -H "$header_content_type" $app_id_url
The single quotes were causing the problem. It took a few gyrations but all good.
MORAL: quotes inside the value don't matter if the value is properly quoted UNLESS you eval the whole thing, and I should have known that. Occam's wins again.
end edit
I am initiating Mesosphere microservice deployments with curl, but it won't succeed without using eval. Since I recently inherited this code I've been trying to scrub the eval out of it just as a matter of habit, but it's thwarting me.
The script initiates the deployment with
eval curl -k -X PUT -d "'$marathon_payload'" --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output $tmp\
-H "'Authorization: token=$dcos_token'" -H "'$header_content_type'" $app_id_url
If it gets a 200 or a 201, it loops a curl to effectively screen-scrape the deployments page till the request disappears.
chkDeploy() { rm -f $tmp;
eval curl -k -X GET --silent --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output $tmp\
-H "'Authorization: token=$dcos_token'" -H "'$header_content_type'" $deployments_url
response=$( chkDeploy )
$dcos_token is a base64 encoded string.
It then checks the service with another curl loop to the info page so it can verify the version number. This one is working fine with no eval.
chkCode() {
curl -k -X GET --write-out %{http_code} --silent --output $tmp $info_url;
response=$( chkCode )
The first two return 401, authentication failure.
I'm guessing the auth token quoting is off.
There's no reason to use eval here; you just need to quote the arguments to -H properly.
curl -k -X PUT -d "$marathon_payload" \
--write-out %{http_code} \
--silent --output "$tmp" \
-H "Authorization: token=$dcos_token" \
-H "$header_content_type" "$app_id_url"

Discard modification content of variable in curl command

I want to create a script to test some web service.
Here the base of my script:
XAuthToken=$(curl -i -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"login": "apitest","password": "apitest"}' http://url:8080/rest-api-web/api/admin | grep -i '^X-Auth-Token:' | sed 's/^[Xx]-Auth-Token: //g')
curl -X GET --header 'Accept: application/json' http://url:8080/rest-api-web/api/admin/delivery_companies?token=$XAuthToken
Result of the first command is:
But the second curl in the script, this error occurs: curl: (3) Illegal characters found in URL
And after a check, the content of "XAuthToken" is changed.
Can you help me to escape the character modification?
Thanks you for your comment.
As you can see in the following output, both declare are egal. But the oupt of the command with set -x activate, the Authtoken is changed.
Here the result :
First delare -p :
Resut of "set -x' :
Second declare :

POST multiple files with -d in curl

I'm using curl to create several classifications. I have written the json for the many classifications and they are in one folder. I would like to create all the classifications in one go. But using curl I can only create them one at a time. How could I make them in one request?
curl -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d #pii.json
The curl manual for -d says 'Multiple files can also be specified'. How can I do this? All my attempts have failed.
Do I need a bash script instead? If so, could you help me - I'm not a coder and I'm struggling without an example!
Thanks in advance.
You probably don't want to use multiple -d with JSON data since curl concatenates multiple ones with a & in between. As described in the man page for -d/--data:
If any of these options is used more than once on the same command
line, the data pieces specified will be merged together with a
separating &-symbol. Thus, using '-d name=daniel -d skill=lousy' would
generate a post chunk that looks like 'name=daniel&skill=lousy'.
You can however easily and conveniently pass several files on stdin to let curl use them all in one go:
cat a.json b.json c.json | curl -d#- -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json"
(please note that -X POST has no place on a command line that uses -d)
I found the following to work in the end:
<fileToUpload.dat xargs -I % curl -X POST -T "{%}" -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Where fileToUpload.dat contained a list of the .json files.
This seemed to work over Daniel's answer, probably due to the contents of the files. Hopefully this is useful to others if Daniel's solution doesn't work for them.
I needed to upload all the *.json files from a folder via curl and I made this little script.
echo "Enter user:"
read user
echo "Enter password:"
read -s password
for file in $nfiles
echo -e "\n----$file----"
curl --user $user:$password -i -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "#$file"
Maybe fits your needs.
