Problems getting (usable) core dump under cygwin - gcc

I'm trying to develop code under 64-bit Cygwin, and I'm having trouble getting a core dump file that I can use under GDB. The code is compiled using GCC 7.3.0, and I've just updated my Cygwin bits. ulimit -c is unlimited.
I've got my $CYGWIN variable set to point to dumper, and that appears to be being launched on crashes. I get a pop-up, and the message
*** starting debugger for pid 5288, tid 9464
*** continuing pid 5288 from debugger call (1)
Aborted (core dumped)
and a core file (basic.exe.core) is created in the current dir.
When I try to run (the stock Cygwin) GDB on this
gdb tests/basic.exe --core=basic.exe.core
I get the normal version intro, Reading symbols..., and then a warning
warning: core file may not match specified executable file.
and GDB crashes (and dumps its own core file). The crashing program was launched from the Cygwin bash command line (as ./tests/basic.exe).
It's been a long time since I've tried to develop under Windows or Cygwin, so it's quite possible that I'm doing something stupid. Or, alternatively, it may be that GCC 7.3.0 is doing something wrong or that I configured it poorly when I built it.
Any help will be appreciated.


Failed to start debugger in Eclipse (Win10)

I am trying to debug a Fortran Console application from Eclipse under Windows 10.
Building and running work fine, using the compiler from MSYS2.
However, starting the debugger yields:
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
Error creating process /c/Windows/system32/E:/till/uni/wasa/wasa_git/WASA-SED/E:/till/uni/wasa/wasa_git/WASA-SED/wasa_dbg.exe, (error 2).
The gdb.exe is found correctly, but it seems as if the path to the binary is prepended with /c/Windows/system32/ and one time too many the actual path E:/till/uni/wasa/wasa_git/WASA-SED, which obviously causes gdb to fail.
I tried using absolute, relative, and no paths to the binary in the debug configuration settings, all with the same result.
How can I fix this? Thanks in advance.
For me, the problem seems to be related to the version of gdb that I use.
I had used an instance from a recent MSYS2 distribution (i.e. GNU gdb (GDB) 11.1), which produced the error above.
Falling back on an older version (GNU gdb (GDB) 7.9.1) worked as expected.
I solved this by prepending the PATH-variable with the path to the old MSYS2 directory:
SET PATH=c:\mingw4eclipse\bin\;c:\mingw4eclipse\mingw_64\bin\;%PATH%
Putting this into batch file that then calls Eclipse ensures that no other workflows (using the newer MSYS2) are affected.

"cannot execute binary file" on Cygwin

Preface: Using cygwin on a Win7 machine.
I have some old (very old) f77 code (45,000 lines in 25 files) written by someone else that I am trying to use.
Yesterday I compiled, linked and ran it OK (using f77 compiler). I then made some mods (increasing array sizes) and kept getting segmentation faults when executing. Wondering if there was a compatibility problem I then fiddled with the settings in Windows (to no avail).
Now I cannot even run the compiled program - I get a "cannot execute binary file" error. I cannot even compile and run the original version of the code.
There were only some minor warnings during the compiling and none during the linking.
I have:
Checked permissions (all OK:- user::rwx)
Checked via file and get: "PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386, for MS Windows".
Written a test program to check my compiler commands and it ran as expected.
Copied all source code to another directory to see if that was problem (it didn't help).
Tried to run the executable from a windows command prompt and get "not a valid Win32 application" (and yet a previous executable executes OK).
What may have happened between yesterday and today that is stopping this program executing. Is it related to my fiddling with the compatibility settings? Or is it something in the code that lets it compile and link OK but not execute?
Any ideas appreciated.

i386 exe file that refuses dosbox, on x64 windows

I am trying to make a code run on my machine (windows 7 x64), it is a fortran 90 code that needs a third-party provided i386-based dll to work.
When I tried compiling it (with latest gfortran and mingw) to a x64 target, it refused, because of the i386 dll file. Then, I tried to compile it to a i686 target, and the compilation worked without errors.
However, the output a.exe file won't run on my x64 windows (as one could expect), and when trying to run it from Dosbox (just typing "a" or "a.exe" when I reached the correct directory), I just got "this program cannot be run in DOS mode".
So my question is: is it a fail in the compiling process, or does Dosbox reject the program for some reason (the reason being possibly that the "a.exe" program needs to write to a file when executed: it is its purpose, actually!), and if it is so, what is the reason, and is there a way to ultimately see my exe file run? on my machine?
EDIT: Dosbox indeed can run a 32 bit exe file I have from another project, so it is not Dosbox being completely non-functional. However, when trying to open that exe file directly with windows 7, it says it is incompatible with x64, while for the other file (a.exe) it just says it "fails to initialize" with code "0xC000007b"...unfortunately my compiler debugging knowledge is close to zero...
Thank you very much for your help!

Win executable runs but calling command stalls on Cygwin command line

I'm rebuilding a flash loader utility for a TI chip and am facing a minor issue that's affecting my workflow. I'm using a 64-bit Win7 PC and rebuilding the utility using make on cygwin bash shell. make and cygwin version numbers below.
$ make -v
GNU Make 3.82.90
Built for i686-pc-cygwin
Copyright (C) 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>
This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 DEEDAA 1.7.15(0.260/5/3) 2012-05-09 10:25 i686 Cygwin
One step in the build process calls a previously generated utility (windows executable) to generate the bin file that is required for the TI processor.
../../AISUtils//HexAIS_OMAP-L138.exe -ini ../sft_hexais.ini -o ../sft_C6748_SPI_MEM.bin ../sft_C6748_SPI_MEM.out
After this command is called there is no progress seen on the cygwin command line. However, execution of the command does complete, generating the files specified in this step and proceeds with the steps that follow in the makefile. It's just that I can never regain control of this window. I always need to kill the window, start another instance of cygwin.
If I try to kill the cygwin window immediately I get the message below.
Processes are running in session
Close anyway?
If I wait a while (the time to complete the steps that follow), then I can kill the window without this message popping up.
The same command on the windows command line is executed without any stalls and I do regain my command line.
c:\ti\boot_tools\OMAP-L138_FlashAndBootUtils_2_40\OMAP-L138\GNU\AISUtils>HexAIS_OMAP-L138.exe -ini ..\sft\sft_hexais.ini
-o ..\sft\sft_C6748_SPI_MEM.bin ..\sft\sft_C6748_SPI_MEM.out
TI AIS Hex File Generator for OMAP-L138
(C) 2012, Texas Instruments, Inc.
Ver. 1.27
Begining the AIS file generation.
AIS file being generated for bootmode: UART.
Parsing the input object file, ..\sft\sft_C6748_SPI_MEM.out.
AIS file generation was successful.
Wrote 15464 bytes to file ..\sft\sft_C6748_SPI_MEM.bin.
Conversion is complete.
It seems to me that something about the way the command is constructed is pushing commands on to another shell or forcing it to run in the background. Any thoughts on what may be going on or steps I can try to debug the issue?
file format of the executable that stalls
$ file AISUtils/HexAIS_OMAP-L138.exe
AISUtils/HexAIS_OMAP-L138.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
Link to TI wiki that explains the build process. The link provides general instructions on rebuilding the utility and is very unlikely to provide any specific information related to my question. I'm only including it in case someone needed more background about the tools or the process.
Running Windows console applications inside a Cygwin (MinTTY) terminal is usually a terrible idea.
Try running inside a Windows (cmd) console or using cygstart to launch in a new window (in a Makefile, -w would probably be useful too).

Debugging a core produced by valgrind

Valgrind produced a vgcore.NNNN file -- how do I debug the core using GDB? Do I need to use the original executable and supply the core, or is there some other way to do it?
Using valgrind as the root executable doesn't seem to work, and using the executable that was being run under valgrind directly in GDB with the core seems to produce bad backtraces.
This works fine for me:
gdb ./a.out vgcore.21650
and that's how you are supposed to use the vgcore.
If your program corrupted stack before crashing, then obviously you wouldn't get good stack traces from vgcore. You might want to expand your question with actual Valgrind report that led to the crash.
