CKeditor sub-numbered list plugin - ckeditor

Is anyone aware, if there is a plugin for creating the following list style:
1. First item
1.1 Sub item
1.2 Second sub-item
2. Second item
2.1 Sub
2.2 More sub
Essential is that sub-item gets compound number formatting, like 1.2, 2.6 etc.

As I didn't find one, and nobody answers, I asume there is none, at list in public access.


Can a list in Restructured Text (reST) extend section numbers?

I have an RST document like this:
Some intro text.
Next Level Stuff
1. The first list item
2. The second list item
3. The third list item
I'm trying either a :numbered: toctree or .. sectnum:: to number the sections of my document, and have the numbered list inherit the section number. I'm trying to get a result like this:
1. Introduction
2. Next Level Stuff
2.1 The first list item
2.2 The second list item
2.3 The thirst list item
Is this structure supported in RST?

UFT/QTP - Extract Values From List Within WebEdit

I am attempting to capture all the list items in the WebList elements throughout the entire application, however, while below code works on the WebLists, it does not work on this WebEdit.
When you click on the WebEdit, a long list of values appear (similar to a WebList) and as you type for your value, the list becomes shorter. That is how the WebEdit was set up.
But now, how do I get the values in this list?
Here is the code I have for the WebLists:
Set WebLink = Browser("browser").Page("page")
listval = WebLink.WebElement("xpath:= ((//*[contains(text(), 'Name')]))[1]/following::SELECT[1]").GetROProperty("all items")
listvalues = split(listval,";")
For j = LBound(listvalues,1) To UBound(listvalues,1)
'Print listvalues(j)
The short answer is: it depends on the implementation.
The long one:
There is no universal widget for comboboxes (Like there is for edit fields or lists / selects, radiobuttons etc) => there is no universal solution but only guidelines.
You need to spy on those objects that appear in the combobox, see their XPath and / or other properties (the css classname they belong to, for example) and then execute a second query that selects all such items. Afterwards you have to extract the value of the selected elements; which might be as simple as getting the innertext Property or you may need to dig even deeper in the HTML hierarchies.
You would need to pay careful attention for synchronisation(Waiting until all search result elements appear), Filtering (using the XPath, Description Objects and ChildObjects method on your WebPage) and then extraction( getting the property /element that contains the actual value of that WebElement)
So again: These combobox solutions are not universal therefore without seeing their code the best what one can provide to you is universal guidelines which should work in most of the situations. (You would need some familiarity with Web Programming and the UFT Framework / Robot)

Missing events in properties for VB6

I am a self taught amateur Visual Basic programmer. My programs are for myself, friends and some non-profit organizations. I have a situation that I thought would be reasonably simple but doesn't seems the case.
I have a text box array of 6 elements (1 -6) named "txtBilled" .When the value is entered into any but element 6 I want to add the values in 1-5 and put result in element 6. My problems start due to the fact that the properties for the text array does not provide for a lost focus option. Searching the inter provides statements that this is normal, others say the "Lost Focus" should always be there.
As a second approach I tried to use the validate element. Never used this before created a sub as follows that I found on the web.
Private sub txtBilled__Validate(Cancel as Boolean)
Found that the Validate event is also not included in the properties for the array
I am using VB6 version 8176 under Windows 10.
Any ideal as to what I am doing incorrectly would be appreciated.
Can you not create your own LostFocus sub using the Index of the textbox array?
Private Sub txtBilled_LostFocus(Index As Integer)
Dim i As Integer
dim sngTotal As Single
' Calculate sum only if not in last textbox
If Index <> uBound(txtBilled) Then
For i = LBound(txtBilled) to UBound(txtBilled) - 1
sngTotal = sngTotal + txtBilled(i)
Next i
txtBilled(uBound(txtBilled)) = sngTotal
End If
End Sub

Summing XML Data in MSWord Mail Merge

I have a report card written in Word that uses an XML file for its input. In the XML file, if a student remains in the same section all three trimesters there will be one node for that class; if they change sections at the trimester they'll have one node for each section. The nodes look something like this (greatly simplified):
<ReportCardSectionFB Abs1="2" Abs2="11" CourseID="ELMATH1" CourseTitle="Math" PeriodStart="3" TeacherName="Jones, Jennifer" TermCode="Year" SectionID="ELMATH1-4" />
<ReportCardSectionFB Abs1="1.50" Abs2="6" CourseID="ELMATH1" CourseTitle="Math" PeriodStart="3" TeacherName="Smith, Tina" TermCode="Year" SectionID="ELMATH1-3" />
There is no indicator within the XML as to which trimester the node belongs to.
In the Word document, we're pulling the absence data with the following mail merge command:
{MERGEFIELD "ReportCardSectionFB[#PeriodStart='3']/ #Abs1" \# 0.# \* MERGEFORMAT }
That's not working in this situation: it only gets the absence data from the first node it comes across, i.e.: 2.0. Is there a way to get the sum of #Abs1 for all period 3 classes, i.e.: 3.5? If not, is there a way to only get the last #Abs1 for period 3, i.e.: 1.5?
I recommend you to use this 3rd party product, which can use xml as input and is capable of merging it with MS Word template. I is also much more powerful than the built-in Word's mail merge. You can see some examples here.
You could also try summing the absences in Synergy - there's a new checkbox under AttDef1, 2, etc. that adds up all the absences for the data range - Include all day data for the entire date range regardless of section enrollment or section timeframe. That way the absences should be the same for each section, if that works for your district.
You can also try the SET function in Word to nest the MERGEFIELDS as bookmarks and use the Word operator functions to then add the bookmarks.

Drop-down validation list created dynamically

In range A1 I have a drop-down validation list. Based on the user's selection from that list I would like to dynamically create a new drop-down validation list in range C1.
For instance, in A1 the list contains:
So if the user selects A from the list, the new list in C1 contains:
1) Annoying Orange
2) Angry Birds
3) Arbitrary Sample
If the user selects B, the new list contains:
1) Bloated Code
2) Better Left Unsaid
3) Bad Attempt
Easy enough to do using VBA. But in GAS.... I have absolutely no idea of how to even start :/
The Apps Script API for data validation was just released:
You could follow the example in the accepted answer to Google spreadsheet Script Create Data Validation in certain range.
... up until last week, it would have worked. Unfortunately, the Data Validation class and related Range methods getDataValidation() and setDataValidation() have disappeared.
Your only avenue at this point is to visit Issue 2958 and star it, so you receive updates if & when the API is refreshed.
