Using maven-deploy-plugin to deploy Eclipse product - maven

I am trying to deploy an Eclipse product to Nexus repository. I am somewhat successful, but still get some errors that I am not sure how to handle.
I am using maven-deploy-plugin in the feature (F) that builds product:
I execute 'mvn clean install' to build the product and then 'mvn deploy' on F. If I do that then I get error
Exception while publishing product /home/akravets/dev/workspaces/trunk/my.repository.feature/myProduct.product: publishing result: [Included element 8.0.1.R20180301-1431 is missing. Cannot determine filter for requirement to this element.] -> [Help 1]
I've read discussions about this issue, but nothing seems relevant to my issue because I don't have any defined deploy phases besides the one in maven-deploy-plugin.
If I change phase of maven-deploy-plugin to 'install' I get almost satisfactory results. The zip file and generated pom get deployed to repository, but the build fails with error
product.qualifier-p2artifacts.xml. Return code is: 400, ReasonPhrase: Bad Request.
Why does this file even gets considered to be deployed to repository when it's not in file element of maven-deploy-plugin and it's not in the directory structure where zip file is: target/ vs target/product/ Is this because maven-deploy-plugin is executed during the install phase and it picks up all generated resources as candidates for deployment?

I simply recommend you to use Maven-Tycho to deploy Eclipse RCP product.Tycho determines the dependencies of a plug-in via the MANIFEST.MF file of the plug-in and fetches the required plugins-bundles through the online repositories.
You can check this git repository as an example; rcp - tycho


Pomless Tycho build + maven release plugin

I have a pomless tycho build which I want to release with the maven release plugin. The issue I have is that I get errors from the git plugins for the generated even though it is not included in the configuration of the git-add goal.
Parent pom.xml:
<message>Changing the version to reflect the pom versions for the release</message>
The error I get:
fatal: pathspec 'my.plugin/'
did not match any files
After looking at the source code of tycho-pomless, polyglot, and maven-release, I conclude pomless build can't work with maven release. I need to add pom.xml
The reason is:
tycho-pomless uses polyglot, which creates an temporary pom from the, which is deleted when the JVM exits
maven release:prepare spawns a child maven process to execute the preparation goals. When the child process finishes, this deletes the temporary files. The available mavenExecutorId values are "invoker" which invokes a new process, and "forked", which forks the process. Which means both spawn a new JVM.
So in conclusion, it looks like tycho-pomless (or any polyglot build, really) and maven-release are incompatible in the presence of preparation goals, and there seems to be no workaround. The possible workaround of executin the preparation goals in the same JVM seems to be unavailable. So the solution is adding a pom.xml
Check first is this is similar to this question, where the plugin does finds the files it should add, but, when creating the command line, it does not respect the correct root directory.
See if the path mentioned in pathspec 'my.plugin/' the correct one.
Double-check if your POM and folder hierarchy is at the right place, meaning in the project root folder.
The OP kutschkem refers in the comments to:
the is a temporary file, deleted by the release:prepare child process exit.
But release plugin picks it up as the pom of the project to checkin.
That might be why I see in Tycho/Reproducible Version Qualifiers

How to include workspace artifacts in the assembly using Appassembler maven plug-in?

I'm using Eclipse m2e in my development environment, and I have a spring-boot maven project(can be viewed as a standard maven jar project with runnable main class in this context) which depends on another maven project in the same workspace(workspace artifact, let's call it moduleB, a sibling of the spring-boot project), when I run the maven goal clean package(the appassembler:assemble goal can be ommited because I configured the execution section of the plugin, see the configuration detail below), the generated assembly in the target directory seems fine, except that the jar of moduleB is missing in the repo. It seems that the plugin is trying to copy every file under the class folder in moduleB according to the log:
[INFO] Installing artifact ...
[INFO] Installing artifact /foo/bar/moduleB/target/classes to /foo/bar/repo/groupid/artifactid/0.0.1-SNAPSHOT/moduleB-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing ...
How to resolve this? Do I have to install moduleB into the maven local repository before running the assemble? Is there any way to bypass this step because I don't want to mess up the repository with unstable artifacts.
P.S. configuration of the plugin:
Update #1:
I bypass the spring-boot:repackage goal because it encapsulates everything in one jar, including the configuration files which I want to be conveniently editable in production environment. Here's the earlier question I asked: Alternatives to distribute spring-boot application using maven (other than spring-boot:repackage)

How to move my own archive file from Jenkins system to artifactory

Thanks in advance! I am new to Jenkins and Maven. Please clarify my query for better understanding.
After the build war getting deployed from Jenkins system to Artifactory location (created under the tags <distributionManagement>/<snapshotRepository> in parent pom.xml). How this is happening without any scripts configured in Jenkins?
Can I do the same for my own archive file to place in Artifactory from Jenkins system after the build? I exposed some jars and getting archived in Jenkins system during the build and expecting same to be placed in Artifactory after the build same as how war is getting placed in Artifactory.
PLugin details for deploy:
I have many webapps and parent/super pom.xml.All wars are getting deployed in artifactory repository.Now looking for solution to deploy common folder also (ProvidedDependencies_${version} - Created during build time) .
Invoking mvn deploy deploys the artifact(s) that has (or have) been built during the current run to your local repository, Artifactory in your case. See Introduction to the Build Lifecycle.
A Jenkins Maven 2/3 project or a Free-style software project with an appropriate build step can be configured to invoke mvn deploy.

How to avoid checking parent project in maven-site-plugin?

I have small maven project. I'm trying to add generating site by maven-site-plugin, but it doesn't work. When I'm building this project i get following error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-site-plugin:3.3:site (default-site) on project server-wms-product: SiteToolException: The site descriptor cannot be resolved from the repository: ArtifactResolutionException: Unable to locate site descriptor: Could not transfer artifact [PARENT-PROJECT]:xml:site_en: from/to eclipse ( Connection to refused
My project is extension for other project, so in my pom.xml is set parent project which isn't mine and I can't add site configuration there.
So is there any chance to skip checking parent project's site in site generation?
My pom.xml looks like this:
And of course i have site.xml file in src/site.
Configure attaching the site descriptor to the artifacts in the parent pom.
Core functionality has been separated from site generation in maven 3. You can find the reasons here. If you want to refer to the parent module's site from the submodule, you have to attach the site.xml to the deployed artifacts.
I have the exact same problem, and after much googling, came across this article which solved my problem:
Basically you want to add a basic site_en.xml to /src/site/ folder in your parent pom.xml.
For a reason I can't fathom, with me, it was enough to run maven in offline mode once.
I came across this question when working on an open source project I don't own where I wanted to submit an update to a site being generated in this manner. I wanted to test and view the change locally, but kept hitting this error.
User #Frischling alluded to this above (credit to them). It turns out what I wanted was not to edit any existing information or update any pom.xml files, but just build entirely in offline mode.
I was trying to run this command and it was failing with the error the original poster mentioned:
mvn site
To do this build offline instead, execute the following commands:
# Download the dependencies for the target
mvn dependency:go-offline site
# Build the target offline
mvn --offline site
Then the output got correctly generated to the target/site directory like I expected.
It's not ideal if you own the project or part of the project, but for a case like mine where I owned none of it, it was the perfect option.
The previous answers didn't work for me.
But Mark's one, here, solved the issue I had:

Maven Release Perform Commit Additional Files

I am using the preparationGoals configuration option of the Maven release plugin to transform additional files to reflect the version of the project being released. This works beautifully.
The problem is that when executing the commit, the plugin explicitly specifies that only the pom.xml files should be included thus leaving my other files uncommited:
[INFO] Executing: /bin/sh -c cd /Users/jw/dev/Test && git commit --verbose -F /var/folders/w0/hr1h_7h50f3_pwd_nrk9l808000195/T/maven-scm-114713951.commit pom.xml library/pom.xml sample/pom.xml
Is there any way for me to override this behavior and specify additional files or globs to include in the commit?
(I also need this behavior for the completionGoals as well which I have configured to do that same transformation)
I also need to commit some additional files (changed by Maven Replacer plugin). I did it in the following way:
First I configured Maven Release plugin to execute additional goals:
<preparationGoals>-Prelease -DreplacerVersion="${releaseVersion}" clean replacer:replace scm:checkin verify</preparationGoals>
<completionGoals>-Prelease -DreplacerVersion="${developmentVersion}" clean replacer:replace scm:checkin verify</completionGoals>
release profile defines configuration of Maven SCM plugin
replacerVersion argument is used by Maven Replacer plugin to set correct version in some files
clean is a standard goal run by Maven Release plugin (default: clean verify)
replacer:replace goal is responsible for modifying files
scm:checkin does commit and push
verify is a standard goal run by Maven Release plugin (default: clean verify)
Next I configured Maven Replacer plugin:
${replacerVersion} allows to use the same configuration for changing from a development to a release and next from the release to a next development version.
Finally I defined which version of Maven SCM plugin I want to use:
and configuration it in the release profile (I defined it in the profile to prevent accidental commits during non-release build):
<message>[maven-scm-plugin] set ${replacerVersion} version in files</message>
<includes>file1.txt, file2.txt</includes>
Thanks to that after executing a command:
mvn release:prepare -DdevelopmentVersion=1.2.1-SNAPSHOT -DreleaseVersion=1.2.0 -Dtag=1.2.0
I see 4 commits:
[maven-scm-plugin] set 1.2.0 version in files
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release 1.2.0
[maven-scm-plugin] set 1.2.1-SNAPSHOT version in files
[maven-release-plugin] prepare for next development iteration
Could you use the maven-scm-plugin? Add a plugin execution running the scm:checkin goal to commit the files you want. Bind it to a phase that will execute when preparationGoals are run (if you specified one or more phases as the value for that element), or include the scm:checkin goal in preparationGoals directly.
It appears the failure to allow specification of additional tag files is actually a bug in Maven. On line 130 in the org.apache.maven.shared.release.phase.AbstractScmCommitPhase class of the Maven Release Plugin, there are references to a "commitByProject" flag first introduced in Maven 2.0-beta-7.
A branch is used to determine the mechanism by which files are added to the Maven release:prepare commit. The SCM plugin is loaded with files in advance of the commit using the SCMFileSet class. One of the branch instantiations of that class may have been trying to add all files in the base directory, but it doesn't work that way in SCM.
This is a point where a fix could be implemented to take a list of files or to add a directory of files to commit.
Bottom line, after deep-diving into a debug execution of the Maven Release Plugin, it is invoking SCM Plugin to add only the POMs from the repos. Changing the poorly documented "commitByProject" flag has zero impact on the results in respect to which files are added into the SCM commit.
Another workaround is to configure another plugin (e.g. Maven AntRun Plugin) to manually run git add ., and then execute that as part of preparationGoals as well. This just happens to work and the modified files are part of the "[maven-release-plugin] prepare release ..." commit. However, I am not sure if this behavior is guaranteed, so this might rely on implementation details of the Maven Release Plugin.
Example configuration using the Maven AntRun Plugin to run git add:
... other goals ...
<exec executable="git" dir="${project.basedir}" failonerror="true">
<arg value="add" />
<arg value="." />
The main advantage of this compared to using the Maven SCM Plugin is that this does not require you to know in advance which files were modified and have to be committed. This can be useful when you replace a certain string in multiple files, e.g. #since NEXT in the Javadoc of all source files. With the scm:add goal of the Maven SCM Plugin the includes parameter seems to execute git add for all matching files separately, which will be slower and can cause issues when it matches by accident a file listed in .gitignore.
