Spring integartion LoggingHandler logs all messages to Error - spring-boot

I created a spring boot application that sends Messages through a PublishSubscribeChannel. This Channel is "autowired" as SubscribableChannel interface.
I am only subscribing one MessageHandler to this channel, a KafkaProducerMessageHandler.
My problem is that one additional MessageHandler is subscribed and this is an LoggingHandler. It is instantiated with ERROR level. So i see every message logged es error.
I want to know why and where this LoggingHandler is wired (instantiated) and why it is subscribed to the channel - i want to disable it.
I debugged around a bit but (was not really helpful):
The LoggingHandler is instantiated and subscribed after the KafkaHandler.
I see this chain EventdrivenConsumer.doStart()<-- ``ConsumerEndpointFactoryBean.initializeEndpoint()<-- ... until reflective calls
As suggested in comments here is some code (i can't share the whole project). My problem is that the code can't explain the behavior. The LoggingHandler is beeing subscribed to my PublishSubscribeChannel for some unknown reason and it is instantiated with error as level for some unknown reason.
The class that subscribes the KafkaHandler:
public class EventRelay {
private EventRelay( SubscribableChannel eventBus, #Qualifier( KafkaProducerConfig.KAFKA_PRODUCER ) MessageHandler kafka ) {
eventBus.subscribe( kafka );
The class that send events is implementing an proprietary interface with many callback methods:
public class PropEvents implements PropClass.IEvents {
private SubscribableChannel eventBus;
private final ObjectMapper om;
private final String userId;
public PropEvents( SubscribableChannel eventBus, ObjectMapper om, String userId ) {
this.eventBus = eventBus;
this.om = om;
this.userId = userId;
public void onLogin( ) {
eventBus.send( new OnLoginMessage(... ) ) );
//many other onXYZ methods
Here is the Factory that produces instances of PropEvents:
public class EventHandlerFactory {
private final ObjectMapper om;
private final SubscribableChannel eventBus;
public EventHandlerFactory( ObjectMapper om, SubscribableChannel eventBus){
this.om = checkNotNull( om );
this.eventBus = checkNotNull( eventBus );
public IEvents getEvantHandler(String userId){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "user id must be set." );
return new PropEvents(eventBus, om, userId);
I appreciate any help with debugging or use tooling (e.g. Eclipse Spring tools does not show any hint to a LoggingHandler Bean) to find where and why a LoggingHandler is instantiated and subscribed to my autowired Channel.
My current workaround is to disable logging for LoggingHandler.
My question at a glance
Why spring instantiates an LoggingHandler with error level and subscribes it to my SubscribableChannel(provided by PublishSubscribeChannel)? How to disable this?

When you #Autowired SubscribableChannel, there should be one in the application context. That might be confusing a bit and mislead, but Spring Integration provides a PublishSubscribeChannel for the global errorChannel: https://docs.spring.io/spring-integration/docs/5.0.2.RELEASE/reference/html/messaging-channels-section.html#channel-special-channels
This one has a LoggingHandler to log error as a default subscriber.
I don't think that it is OK to make your logic based on the errorChannel.
You should consider to declare your own MessageChannel bean and inject it by the particular #Qualifier.


KafkaListener Not triggered in Spring Boot test

I have a spring boot test to check if a kafka consumer listens for a message in specific topic. The kafka listener is triggered when using #SpringBootTest. But I just don't want to load all the classes and I only supplied the listener class like this #SpringBootTest(classes={KafkaConsumerTest.class}).
When only loading the consumer class, the listener has stopped to trigger. Is there something I am missing?
Here is the KafkaTestConsumer class
public class KafkaTestConsumer {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(KafkaTestConsumer.class);
private CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
private String payload;
#KafkaListener(topics = {"topic"})
public void receive(ConsumerRecord<?, ?> consumerRecord) {
payload = consumerRecord.toString();
public CountDownLatch getLatch() {
return latch;
public void resetLatch() {
latch = new CountDownLatch(1);
public String getPayload() {
return payload;
It would be great to see what is your KafkaConsumerTest, but perhaps you just override the whole auto-configuration with a plain #Configuration.
See more in docs: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/features.html#features.testing.spring-boot-applications.detecting-configuration
If you want to customize the primary configuration, you can use a nested #TestConfiguration class. Unlike a nested #Configuration class, which would be used instead of your application’s primary configuration, a nested #TestConfiguration class is used in addition to your application’s primary configuration.

Spring Cloud Stream - First Kafka messages get error "Dispatcher has no subscribers"

My app successfully sends Kafka messages, but only after Kafka is initialized. Before that i get the error "Dispatcher has no subscribers". How do i wait for subscribers to finish being registered for channels?
Here's a trace of the order of events (timing in second.ms):
17.165 SenderClass created
17.816 initialization class, #PostConstruct starts PollingTask
24.781 PollingTask sends first Kafka message
24.816 First error: "Dispatcher has no subscribers"
25.778 Registering MessageChannel my-channel
still seeing Dispatcher errors
27.067 Channel my-channel' has 1 subscriber
No more errors after this, messages send fine
i'm not sure how to approach this. Wild guesses have included:
Place sending code in #PostConstruct
Add #AutoConfigureBefore(BindingServiceConfiguration.class) to Sender
Add #AutoConfigureAfter(BindingServiceConfiguration.class) to SenderClass
Add #AutoConfigureBefore(BindingServiceConfiguration.class) to Main
Place #DependsOn({"EnableBindingClass"}) on Task
Place #DependsOn({"ApplicationLifeCycle"}) on SchedulerClass, where ApplicationLifeCycle is a class that does nothing but
implements SmartLifecycle with getPhase returning MAX_INT
Making sure ComponentScan is on for whole package (a suggestion from other SO threads)
Various combinations of the above
Created a new app, made it as simple as i could:
public interface Source {
MessageChannel outboundChannel();
public class Sender {
private Source source;
public boolean send(SomeObject object) {
return source.outboundChannel().send(MessageBuilder.withPayload(object).build());
public class Scheduler {
Sender sender;
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler;
public void initialize() {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
private class PollingTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
List<SomeObject> objects = getDummyData();
for(SomeObject object : objects)
Instant nextTime = Instant.now().plusMillis(1_000L);
try {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
} catch (Exception e) {
Edit to add Solution
It works now! In my scheduler that starts the things that send the messages i switched from starting things in #PostConstruct to SmartLifecycle::start().
public class Scheduler implements SmartLifecycle {
Sender sender;
ThreadPoolTaskScheduler taskScheduler;
public void start() {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
private class PollingTask implements Runnable {
public void run() {
List<SomeObject> objects = getDummyData();
for(SomeObject object : objects)
Instant nextTime = Instant.now().plusMillis(1_000L);
try {
taskScheduler.schedule(new PollingTask(), nextTime);
} catch (Exception e) {
#PostConstruct is too early to send messages; the context is still being built.. Implememt SmartLifecycle, put the bean in a high phase (Integer.MAX_VALUE) and do the sends in start().
Or do the sends in an ApplicationRunner.
I faced a similar problem in Webflux + Spring Cloud Stream functional style. Spring Cloud Function in 2022 is the preferred way. ​
My hypothesis after a lot of debugging was that beans were not created in right order. The bean was probably not registered in spring-cloud-stream's dispatchers before kafka message processing started. similar to what #gary mentioned.
So I added #Order(1) before my consumer beans. Hoping that this bean would be created before it is dispatcher-registrations starts.
​public Function<Flux<Message<Pojo>>, Mono<Void>> pojoConsumer() {
This seems to fix my issue for now.

Bean injection for spring integration message handler

I am fairly new to spring and spring integration. What I'm trying to do: publish mqtt messages using spring integration.
Here is the code:
public class MQTTPublishAdapter {
private MqttConfiguration mqttConfiguration;
public MQTTPublishAdapter(MqttConfiguration mqttConfiguration) {
this.mqttConfiguration = mqttConfiguration;
public MessageChannel mqttOutboundChannel() {
return new PublishSubscribeChannel();
public MqttPahoClientFactory mqttClientFactory() {
DefaultMqttPahoClientFactory factory = new
//... set factory details
return factory;
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "mqttOutboundChannel")
public MQTTCustomMessageHandler mqttOutbound() {
String clientId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
MQTTCustomMessageHandler messageHandler =
new MQTTCustomMessageHandler(clientId, mqttClientFactory());
//...set messagehandler details
return messageHandler;
//I extend this only because the publish method is protected and I want to
send messages to different topics
public class MQTTCustomMessageHandler extends MqttPahoMessageHandler {
//default constructors
public void sendMessage(String topic, String message){
MqttMessage mqttMessage = new MqttMessage();
try {
super.publish(topic, mqttMessage, null);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.error("Failure to publish message on topic " + topic,
This is the clase where I am trying to inject the Handler
public class MQTTMessagePublisher {
private MQTTCustomMessageHandler mqttCustomMessageHandler;
public MQTTMessagePublisher(#Lazy MQTTCustomMessageHandler
mqttCustomMessageHandler) {
this.mqttCustomMessageHandler = mqttCustomMessageHandler;
public void publishMessage(String topic, String message) {
mqttCustomMessageHandler.sendMessage(topic, message);
So my question is about how should I inject the bean I am trying to use because if I remove the #Lazy annotation it says that "Requested bean is currently in creation: Is there an unresolvable circular reference?". I do not have any circular dependencies as in the bean I only set some strings, so I'm guessing that I don't really understand how this should work.
Very sorry about the formating, it's one of my first questions around here.
If I remove
#ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "mqttOutboundChannel")
and add
messageHandler.setChannelResolver((name) -> mqttOutboundChannel());
it works. I'm still unclear why the code crashes.
You show a lot of custom code, but not all of them.
It's really hard to answer to questions where it is only a custom code. Would be great to share as much info as possible. For example an external project on GitHub to let us to play and reproduce would be fully helpful and would save some time.
Nevertheless, I wonder what is your MQTTCustomMessageHandler. However I guess it is not a MessageHandler implementation. From here the #ServiceActivator annotation is not going to work properly since it is applied really for the mqttOutbound(), not whatever you expect. Or you need to move this annotation to your sendMessage() method in the MQTTCustomMessageHandler or have it as a MessageHandler.
On the other hand it is not clear why do you need that #ServiceActivator annotation at all since you call that method manually from the MQTTMessagePublisher.
Also it is not clear why you have so much custom code when Framework provides for your out-of-the-box channel adapter implementations.
Too many questions to your code, than possible answer...
See more info in the reference manual:

push a dynamic message in Scheduler websocket using spring boot using stomp

I try to make a chatbot using springboot (websocket), i want to know if it's possible to push a dynamic message in Scheduler, and i need some help, i'can't fugure it out.
I want to push the message in the Scheduler Configure how could i do that:
public class SchedulerConfig {
SimpMessagingTemplate template;
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 3000)
public void sendAdhocMessages() {
template.convertAndSend("/topic/user", new UserResponse("Fixed Delay Scheduler"));
in the sendAdhocMessages method i want to pass a message that will be displayed in an html page. in the Official doc it's impossible to pass a parameter to a method which is annotated by #Scheduled, is there any methd to do that?
The official documentation contains a hint to, how you could pass values to the scheduled method. Maybe you could provide a bean that acts as a message provider. In the scheduler class you autowire the message provider and request the messages.
A short code example:
public class MessageProvider {
private String message;
// getter and setter ...
In the scheduler you could use the message provider like following:
public class SchedulerConfig {
SimpMessagingTemplate template;
MessageProvider messageProvider;
#Scheduled(fixedDelay = 3000)
public void sendAdhocMessages() {
String currentMessage = messageProvider.getMessage();
template.convertAndSend("/topic/user", new UserResponse(currentMessage));

Spring Autowiring not working for RabbitListenerContainer

I am using Spring AMQP's MessageListenerContainer for recieving messages from RabbitMq Broker . Though I am able to receive message inside the listener , autowiring is not working inside listener .
Here is how I have configured my Listener
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
JsonMessageConverter converter = new JsonMessageConverter();
listenerContainer.setMessageListener(new InputQueueEventDispatcher());
return listenerContainer;
Here is the class where I am listening to the messages from rabbitMq
#Component(value = "inputMessageListner")
public class InputQueueEventDispatcher implements Serializable, MessageListener {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -5391659256992655430L;
private volatile InputQueueManagerImpl inputQueueMgr;
private volatile NotificationQueueManagerImpl notificationManager;
private String queueName;
private SubscriptionRepository subRepository;
#SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
public void onMessage(Message message) {
try {
String messageContent = new String(message.getBody());
The problem is inside onMessage(Message message) all the autowire components are coming as null .
PS-> Please note that I have declared all the autowire instances as #Component and doing appropriate ComponentScan to scan their packages appropriately . Infact these components do get autowired in normal flow but since onMessage(Message message) gets executed on a seperate thread , these values are showing null . Is there any way to enable autowiring here inside listener .
You've set a #Component annotation on your listener, but you don't get this bean from the context. Instead, you're creating the instance yourself, using new. So Spring has no way to know that this instance has been created and must be autowired.
Remove that #Component annotation, and change your code to
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer() {
SimpleMessageListenerContainer listenerContainer = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer();
JsonMessageConverter converter = new JsonMessageConverter();
return listenerContainer;
public InputQueueEventDispatcher inputMessageListener() {
return new InputQueueEventDispatcher();
Now, since the bean is returned from a #Bean-annotated method, Spring will make is a Spring bean and autowire it.
Most probably the other thread you mentioned on your question is not getting that instance from spring's application context. So no injection happens for it.
You should use
#RabbitListener(queues = "queue_name")
on your onMessage method.
But you should also change onMessage method syntax and and
onMessage(Message<String> originalMessage)
that way spring will automatically call that method with message
