Serial Communication between two ESP32 - esp32

I have found examples of basic arduino to arduino serial communication but have been unable to get those working on ESP32 boards. I am trying to make the same thing work between two ESP32's The two are connected:
esp1 esp2
gnd to gnd
tx2 to rx2
rx2 to tx2
Simple sketches:
//transmit sketch
void setup() {
void loop() {
//receive sketch
void setup() {
void loop() {
String received = "";
while (Serial.available())
received =;
What else is required to make this work?

I think your code comes from a simpler world in which pins were always fixed and one UART was all you had available. With the ESP32 you should probably look for a solution more along these lines:
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
HardwareSerial Serial2(2); // use uart2
Serial2.begin(19200, SERIAL_8N1, 16, 17); // pins 16 rx2, 17 tx2, 19200 bps, 8 bits no parity 1 stop bit
I hope this helps. If you still have problems after this, they're likely to be either a) the board you're using doesn't use 16 & 17 for rx2 & tx2, or b) you need 10k pull-up (not series) resistors on both lines to stop them "floating" - however some boards take care of the pull-ups for you.

All the following criteria should be meet to make it work:
ESP32 board should not use the serial port you want to use to any embedded feature. So it should be free to use.
Make sure you are using the right pins:
Make sure lines are crossed, so Tx is bind to Rx on the other board and vice versa.
Make sure that the speed is the same on both board.
To see the result both ESP32 board should be connected to the PC via USB and a console should attached to the USB ports. You can use putty for this purpose to connect the USB ports. Two instances can be run for the two USB port. Make sure the speed setup in putty is the same as it is in the code.
Whatever you type in one console will be transferred and will appear on the other console.
Upload this code to both ESP32 board:
HardwareSerial &hSerial = Serial1; //can be Serial2 as well, just use proper pins
void setup()
Serial.begin(115200);//open serial via USB to PC on default port
hSerial.begin(115200);//open the other serial port
void loop()
if (Serial.available()) //check incoming on default serial (USB) from PC
hSerial.write(; // read it from UBS and send it to hSerial
if (hSerial.available()) //check incoming on other serial from the other board
Serial.write(; //read it from hSerial and send it to UBS


STM32MP1 linux IRQs & EXTI controller config in DTS file

I'm running a buildroot linux environment on a STM32MP157 dev board. I have a button with an internal pullup on pin B12. I want to fire an interrupt once the line goes low. On other linux boards like the RPi, I've been able to call gpio_to_irq(<gpio#>) and get the IRQ for that pin. Done, simple. However, on this board, there are only 16 external interrupts connected to the EXTI peripheral; they are configurable in a sense that any port may be connected to the EXTI, but the pin numbers cannot overlap. For example GPIO A12 and B12 may NOT be connected to the EXTI at the same time. I have ensured that no other devices are using and GPIO port pin 12.
I have edited my DTS file to reflect that I want my GPIO B12 connected to the EXTI controller. But so far I have had no luck in making that happen. Here is the documentation for the interrupts provided by ST. If someone can explain how to fix the device tree such that I can request the B12 interrupt from my driver I would really appreciate it.
Here's my DTS file:
#include "stm32mp157.dtsi"
#include "stm32mp15xa.dtsi"
#include "stm32mp15-pinctrl.dtsi"
#include "stm32mp15xxac-pinctrl.dtsi"
#include "stm32mp15xx-dkx.dtsi"
/ {
model = "STMicroelectronics STM32MP157A-DK1 Discovery Board";
compatible = "st,stm32mp157a-dk1", "st,stm32mp157";
chosen {
stdout-path = "serial0:115200n8";
button {
compatible = "test,button";
input-gpios = <&gpiob 12 (GPIO_ACTIVE_LOW | GPIO_PULL_UP)>; //Works with pull-up once the driver is loaded.
interrupts-extended = <&gpiob 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
interrupt-names = "qwerty";
status = "okay";
led {
extern-led {
compatible = "test,led";
gpios = <&gpiob 10 GPIO_ACTIVE_HIGH>;
linux,default-trigger = "cpu";
I have tried the following:
interrupts-extended = <&exti 28 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>; (This SOC only has 16 pins per GPIO bank, so B12 is global GPIO 28)
interrupts-extended = <&gpiob 12 IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING>;
interrupt-parent = <&gpiob>;
interrupts = <12
Lastly, my stretch goal is to be able to request the IRQ by name, from the interrupt-name property in the device tree. Something like request_irq("qwerty"). Is that possible?
EDIT: I have temporarily connected my pushbutton to GPIO A12, and it successfully fires the interrupt, confirming that the EXTI #12 interrupt is connected to GPIO bank A. How can I go about changing this from within the device tree? Thank you in advance.
Okay I have solved this. Apparently iterating through your GPIO pins with the gpio*_to_irq() functions was the problem. When the function was called, the kernel would immediately configure the EXTI interface for that pin. I thought it was defaulting to Port A, but that was actually caused by iterating through all the GPIO pins looking for the interrupt number starting at GPIO 0, aka Port A Pin 0. So by only calling the gpio_to_irq or gpiod_to_irq function for the pins you need, the kernel will properly configure the EXTI interface for the requested pins.

Sending ASCII Commands to a TSI 5310 Flowmeter from a Teensy 3.5 with (Arduino IDE)

Okay so to start I just want to say that the sensor does send its data when commanded as I've tested this on Python connected to a COMPORT on a pc. I will include the Python Code I created that works with the sensor, so that all information is available to you guys. I also will include a link to the PJRC Forum that I've asked the same question on, because I've already gotten responses on the issue, but it still persists, and I want you guys to have what they've said at your disposal.
(Python Code & PJRC Link will be at the very bottom of the post)
So, my problem is I cannot figure out how to properly send ASCII commands from the Teensy 3.5 and in return read the output of the Flowmeter with the Teensy 3.5. I am afraid that the hardware is connected wrong or I'm just going about something wrong.
The Serial Console will stay blank meaning nothing is available to be read in
What I've Tried - Software:
This is basic code I was given that should work for my use:
char s;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
while (!Serial && (millis() < 5000)) {};
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
while (Serial1.available()){
s =;
What I've Tried - Hardware:
Image of TSI FlowMeter 5130 w/Cables
Black Wire - USB_C to USB_A - connected to a 5v power supply
Blue/White Wire - USB_A to MALE DB9
Image of Cables that connect the Flowmeter & Teensy 3.5
Blue/White Wire - Male DB9
Tan Serial Gender Converter - Female DB9 to Female DB9
Black Converter Board - Male DB9 to 4-Wire TTL (Red - VCC, Yellow - Transmit, Blue - Receive, Black - GND)
Image of RS232 to TTL Wiring
Yellow Wire - Teensy Transmit Pin 1
Blue Wire - Teensy Receive Pin 0
Red Wire - Currently Set to 5v, but I've tried 3.3v to no avail
Black Wire - GND
Image of LEDs Wired into Rx/Tx of Teensy to watch for data being sent
Blue LED - (Yellow - Teensy Receive Pin 0, Orange - GND)
Green LED - (Red - Teensy Transmit Pin 1, Brown - GND)
Image - 5v Power Supply
White Wire - Teensy 5v
Purple Wire - Teensy GND
Python Code:
import serial
import time
index = 0
total = 0
i = 0
avg = 0
# Serial Connection
ser = serial.Serial(
port="COM2", baudrate = 115200,
parity=serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits=serial.STOPBITS_ONE,
bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, timeout=1)
# Write ASCII Commands To TSI 5300 Flow Sensor
ser.write(b'?\r\n') # Ask Sensor if it is getting a signal (Returns "OK")
ser.write(b'SUS\r\n') # Set Flow type to SLPM (Returns "OK")
ser.write(b'SG0\r\n') # Set Flow Gas to Air (Returns "OK")
ser.write(b'SSR0005\r\n') # Set Sample Rate to 5ms (Returns "OK")
ser.write(b'LPZ\r\n') # Zero Low Pressure Sensor
# Read serial output to remove all 'OK's from buffer
while (i <= 4):
OK = ser.readline() # Read one line of serial and discard it
i += 1
# Ask for 5 Flow readings
ser.write(b'DAFxxxxx0005\r\n') # Read 5 sensor Flow Reading
ser.readline() # Read one line of serial data and discard it
byte = ser.readline() # Read one line of serial data and store it
print("Unfiltered Bytes: " + str(byte))
string = byte.decode('utf-8') # Convert from BYTE to STRING
array = string.split(',') # Convert from STRING to STRING ARRAY
print("String Array of all 5 readings: " + str(array))
# Convert each element of the ARRAY to FLOAT then add them together
for data in array:
index += 1
data = float(data)
total += data
avg = total / index # Find the average Flow in LPM
print("Average Flow Rate: " + str(avg) + " LPM")
Yes, you should be able to connect it to the second USB port of the Teensy. This port acts as Host. Whether it works of course depends on which USB interface your flowmeter implements. If it implements some standard (e.g. CDC aka virtual serial or some HID interface) the USB Host lib can probably communicate with it. If they did a proprietary interface you would need to write a corresponding driver first...
I assume they implemented a CDC interface. You can easily check: if you connect the flowmeter to a PC a COM Port (Windows) should appear in the device manager.
I found the solution! It didn't matter which serial it was on (serial1 or serial2), however the problem is I had to start the teensy before the flowmeter and give the flowmeter 20sec to boot up before letting the teensy send any commands! This sensor is so slow though, it takes 50 seconds to fully boot up to the test screen! I just used a 5v relay to delay the flowmeter turning on. Thanks for your help!

Arduino IR code not working (USING TINKERCAD)

**So this is the circuit bord **
THE PROBLEM: when I try to run the code and try to press any button on the IR remote it does nothing ( it doesn't print the hexacode ! )
I have tried to change the circuit and tried to change the code. I was looking fro the arduino forums and tried every one, but still it doesn't work .
Is there a problem with tinkercad. simulation or is it with the code ?
#include <IRremote.h>
const int RECV_PIN = A5;
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
void setup(){
void loop(){
if (irrecv.decode(&results)){
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
Two of the L293D ground pins are, according to your circuit layout, connected to the +5V rail inadvertantly. And the other two are connected to GND. According to this post the grounds are all internally connected, so in effect you would be shorting the +5V output to ground.

DHT11 is not reading Temperature and Humidity when Arduino is powered on using DC power Supply (12V)

I am facing one problem. I have code which read temperature and humidity using DHT11 sensor. I uploaded following code using Arduino via USB serial, I can read values of temp, humidity. Values are being read as long as Arduino is connected to same laptop via USB.
TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY are being read as 0 when I power on Arduino using DC12v, 700MA adapter.
I want to deploy Arduino with DHT sensors connected with it in Greenhouse to read greenhouse environmental condition but when I power on using DC adapter or battery, it is giving "0" output. Note: values are verified when values are transferred via Ethernet to the webserver.
void setup() {
Serial.println("DHTxx test!");
void loop() {
// Wait a few seconds between measurements.
// Reading temperature or humidity takes about 250 milliseconds!
// Sensor readings may also be up to 2 seconds 'old' (its a very slow sensor)
float h = dht.readHumidity();
// Read temperature as Celsius (the default)
float t = dht.readTemperature();
// Read temperature as Fahrenheit (isFahrenheit = true)
float f = dht.readTemperature(true);

Arduino not writing to file

I'd like the arduino to write to a file whenever an ajax call is made. The ajax works, but it doesn't write to the file. All other code inside the ajax handler does execute.
void handle_ajax(){
int startUrlIndex= HTTP_req.indexOf("button");
int endUrlIndex = HTTP_req.indexOf(" HTTP");
String url = HTTP_req.substring(startUrlIndex, endUrlIndex);
int startButtonIndex = url.indexOf("device-") + 7;// 7 is length of device-, I really just want the number.
int endButtonIndex = url.indexOf("&");
String button = url.substring(startButtonIndex, endButtonIndex);
int startStateIndex = url.indexOf("state=") + 6; // 6 is length of state=, I really just want the number.
String state = url.substring(startStateIndex);
int device = button.toInt();
int newState = state.toInt();
dim_light(device, newState * 12);
write_config("", "text");
bool write_config(String line, String text){
configFile ="config.ini", FILE_WRITE);
return true;
I don't see anything wrong with the code provided.
Check the basics first:
SD card is either a standard SD card or a SDHC card.
SD card is formatted with a FAT16 or FAT32 file system.
The correct pin has been used for the CS pin in the SD.begin() command. This depends on the hardware used.
The SPI is wired up correctly (pins 11, 12, and 13 on most Arduino boards).
The hardware SS pin is set as an output (even if it isn't used as the CS pin).
I know from past experience that these little Arduinos can run out of SRAM quite quickly when reading and writing to an SD card. The ReadWrite example program uses about 50% of the UNOs SRAM alone!!
To test if this is your problem, run the SD card read/write example program (with the correct CS pin in the SD.begin() command). If this works then the problem is likely that you have run out of SRAM. Try using an Arduino MEGA 2560 instead which has 4x the amount of SRAM.
Edit: The latest Arduino IDE (v1.6.8) actually calculates how much SRAM is used by global variables. It does not take into account local variables.
Found the problem: Ram
The arduino had insufficient ram at the point of opening the SD card resulting in a failure.
If anyone else ever encounters the same issue, you need 300 or more bytes of ram. Check this by serial printing FreeRam()
