AWS Rekognition - create image from detect-faces bounding box - aws-lambda

Currently trying to figure out how to make face crops from bounding boxes (from detect-faces response) and use those crops to search an existing collection using the SearchFacesByImage API
This is mentioned on the SearchFacesByImage documentation.
You can also call the DetectFaces operation and use the bounding boxes in the response to make face crops, which then you can pass in to theSearchFacesByImage operation
I am trying to do this in Python or Node.js in a Lambda function. The input image is an s3 object.
All help greatly appreciated.

I have faced the exact same problem. Refer this link from AWS Documentation. Here you will find sample code for python or java both. It will return the Top, Lfet, Width and Height of the bounding box. Remember, the upper-left corner will be considered as (0,0).
Then if you use python, you can crop image with cv2 or PIL.
Here is an example with PIL:
from PIL import Image
img = 'my_image.png' )
cropped = img.crop( ( Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height ) )
In this code Top, Lfet, Width and Height is a response from code given in the link.

I did this script in java, maybe its help
java.awt.image.BufferedImage image = ... target ...
int x = (int) Math.abs((image.getWidth() * target.getLeft()));
int y = (int) Math.abs((image.getHeight() *target.getTop()));;
int w = (int) Math.abs((image.getWidth() * target.getWidth()));
int h = (int) Math.abs((image.getHeight() * target.getHeight()));
int finalX = x + w;
int finalH = y + h;
if (finalX > image.getWidth())
w = image.getWidth()-x;
if (finalH > image.getHeight())
h = image.getHeight()-y;
BufferedImage subImage = image.getSubimage(
String base64 = ImageUtils.imgToBase64String(subImage, "jpg");


Remove barrel distortion from an image in MATLAB [duplicate]

I discovered how to map a linear lens, from destination coordinates to source coordinates.
How do you calculate the radial distance from the centre to go from fisheye to rectilinear?
1). I actually struggle to reverse it, and to map source coordinates to destination coordinates. What is the inverse, in code in the style of the converting functions I posted?
2). I also see that my undistortion is imperfect on some lenses - presumably those that are not strictly linear. What is the equivalent to-and-from source-and-destination coordinates for those lenses? Again, more code than just mathematical formulae please...
Question as originally stated:
I have some points that describe positions in a picture taken with a fisheye lens.
I want to convert these points to rectilinear coordinates. I want to undistort the image.
I've found this description of how to generate a fisheye effect, but not how to reverse it.
There's also a blog post that describes how to use tools to do it; these pictures are from that:
(1) : SOURCE Original photo link
Input : Original image with fish-eye distortion to fix.
(2) : DESTINATION Original photo link
Output : Corrected image (technically also with perspective correction, but that's a separate step).
How do you calculate the radial distance from the centre to go from fisheye to rectilinear?
My function stub looks like this:
Point correct_fisheye(const Point& p,const Size& img) {
// to polar
const Point centre = {img.width/2,img.height/2};
const Point rel = {p.x-centre.x,p.y-centre.y};
const double theta = atan2(rel.y,rel.x);
double R = sqrt((rel.x*rel.x)+(rel.y*rel.y));
// fisheye undistortion in here please
//... change R ...
// back to rectangular
const Point ret = Point(centre.x+R*cos(theta),centre.y+R*sin(theta));
fprintf(stderr,"(%d,%d) in (%d,%d) = %f,%f = (%d,%d)\n",p.x,p.y,img.width,img.height,theta,R,ret.x,ret.y);
return ret;
Alternatively, I could somehow convert the image from fisheye to rectilinear before finding the points, but I'm completely befuddled by the OpenCV documentation. Is there a straightforward way to do it in OpenCV, and does it perform well enough to do it to a live video feed?
The description you mention states that the projection by a pin-hole camera (one that does not introduce lens distortion) is modeled by
R_u = f*tan(theta)
and the projection by common fisheye lens cameras (that is, distorted) is modeled by
R_d = 2*f*sin(theta/2)
You already know R_d and theta and if you knew the camera's focal length (represented by f) then correcting the image would amount to computing R_u in terms of R_d and theta. In other words,
R_u = f*tan(2*asin(R_d/(2*f)))
is the formula you're looking for. Estimating the focal length f can be solved by calibrating the camera or other means such as letting the user provide feedback on how well the image is corrected or using knowledge from the original scene.
In order to solve the same problem using OpenCV, you would have to obtain the camera's intrinsic parameters and lens distortion coefficients. See, for example, Chapter 11 of Learning OpenCV (don't forget to check the correction). Then you can use a program such as this one (written with the Python bindings for OpenCV) in order to reverse lens distortion:
# ./undistort 0_0000.jpg 1367.451167 1367.451167 0 0 -0.246065 0.193617 -0.002004 -0.002056
import sys
import cv
def main(argv):
if len(argv) < 10:
print 'Usage: %s input-file fx fy cx cy k1 k2 p1 p2 output-file' % argv[0]
src = argv[1]
fx, fy, cx, cy, k1, k2, p1, p2, output = argv[2:]
intrinsics = cv.CreateMat(3, 3, cv.CV_64FC1)
intrinsics[0, 0] = float(fx)
intrinsics[1, 1] = float(fy)
intrinsics[2, 2] = 1.0
intrinsics[0, 2] = float(cx)
intrinsics[1, 2] = float(cy)
dist_coeffs = cv.CreateMat(1, 4, cv.CV_64FC1)
dist_coeffs[0, 0] = float(k1)
dist_coeffs[0, 1] = float(k2)
dist_coeffs[0, 2] = float(p1)
dist_coeffs[0, 3] = float(p2)
src = cv.LoadImage(src)
dst = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), src.depth, src.nChannels)
mapx = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
mapy = cv.CreateImage(cv.GetSize(src), cv.IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1)
cv.InitUndistortMap(intrinsics, dist_coeffs, mapx, mapy)
cv.Remap(src, dst, mapx, mapy, cv.CV_INTER_LINEAR + cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, cv.ScalarAll(0))
# cv.Undistort2(src, dst, intrinsics, dist_coeffs)
cv.SaveImage(output, dst)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Also note that OpenCV uses a very different lens distortion model to the one in the web page you linked to.
(Original poster, providing an alternative)
The following function maps destination (rectilinear) coordinates to source (fisheye-distorted) coordinates. (I'd appreciate help in reversing it)
I got to this point through trial-and-error: I don't fundamentally grasp why this code is working, explanations and improved accuracy appreciated!
def dist(x,y):
return sqrt(x*x+y*y)
def correct_fisheye(src_size,dest_size,dx,dy,factor):
""" returns a tuple of source coordinates (sx,sy)
(note: values can be out of range)"""
# convert dx,dy to relative coordinates
rx, ry = dx-(dest_size[0]/2), dy-(dest_size[1]/2)
# calc theta
r = dist(rx,ry)/(dist(src_size[0],src_size[1])/factor)
if 0==r:
theta = 1.0
theta = atan(r)/r
# back to absolute coordinates
sx, sy = (src_size[0]/2)+theta*rx, (src_size[1]/2)+theta*ry
# done
return (int(round(sx)),int(round(sy)))
When used with a factor of 3.0, it successfully undistorts the images used as examples (I made no attempt at quality interpolation):
Dead link
(And this is from the blog post, for comparison:)
If you think your formulas are exact, you can comput an exact formula with trig, like so:
Rin = 2 f sin(w/2) -> sin(w/2)= Rin/2f
Rout= f tan(w) -> tan(w)= Rout/f
(Rin/2f)^2 = [sin(w/2)]^2 = (1 - cos(w))/2 -> cos(w) = 1 - 2(Rin/2f)^2
(Rout/f)^2 = [tan(w)]^2 = 1/[cos(w)]^2 - 1
-> (Rout/f)^2 = 1/(1-2[Rin/2f]^2)^2 - 1
However, as #jmbr says, the actual camera distortion will depend on the lens and the zoom. Rather than rely on a fixed formula, you might want to try a polynomial expansion:
Rout = Rin*(1 + A*Rin^2 + B*Rin^4 + ...)
By tweaking first A, then higher-order coefficients, you can compute any reasonable local function (the form of the expansion takes advantage of the symmetry of the problem). In particular, it should be possible to compute initial coefficients to approximate the theoretical function above.
Also, for good results, you will need to use an interpolation filter to generate your corrected image. As long as the distortion is not too great, you can use the kind of filter you would use to rescale the image linearly without much problem.
Edit: as per your request, the equivalent scaling factor for the above formula:
(Rout/f)^2 = 1/(1-2[Rin/2f]^2)^2 - 1
-> Rout/f = [Rin/f] * sqrt(1-[Rin/f]^2/4)/(1-[Rin/f]^2/2)
If you plot the above formula alongside tan(Rin/f), you can see that they are very similar in shape. Basically, distortion from the tangent becomes severe before sin(w) becomes much different from w.
The inverse formula should be something like:
Rin/f = [Rout/f] / sqrt( sqrt(([Rout/f]^2+1) * (sqrt([Rout/f]^2+1) + 1) / 2 )
I blindly implemented the formulas from here, so I cannot guarantee it would do what you need.
Use auto_zoom to get the value for the zoom parameter.
def dist(x,y):
return sqrt(x*x+y*y)
def fisheye_to_rectilinear(src_size,dest_size,sx,sy,crop_factor,zoom):
""" returns a tuple of dest coordinates (dx,dy)
(note: values can be out of range)
crop_factor is ratio of sphere diameter to diagonal of the source image"""
# convert sx,sy to relative coordinates
rx, ry = sx-(src_size[0]/2), sy-(src_size[1]/2)
r = dist(rx,ry)
# focal distance = radius of the sphere
pi = 3.1415926535
f = dist(src_size[0],src_size[1])*factor/pi
# calc theta 1) linear mapping (older Nikon)
theta = r / f
# calc theta 2) nonlinear mapping
# theta = asin ( r / ( 2 * f ) ) * 2
# calc new radius
nr = tan(theta) * zoom
# back to absolute coordinates
dx, dy = (dest_size[0]/2)+rx/r*nr, (dest_size[1]/2)+ry/r*nr
# done
return (int(round(dx)),int(round(dy)))
def fisheye_auto_zoom(src_size,dest_size,crop_factor):
""" calculate zoom such that left edge of source image matches left edge of dest image """
# Try to see what happens with zoom=1
dx, dy = fisheye_to_rectilinear(src_size, dest_size, 0, src_size[1]/2, crop_factor, 1)
# Calculate zoom so the result is what we wanted
obtained_r = dest_size[0]/2 - dx
required_r = dest_size[0]/2
zoom = required_r / obtained_r
return zoom
I took what JMBR did and basically reversed it. He took the radius of the distorted image (Rd, that is, the distance in pixels from the center of the image) and found a formula for Ru, the radius of the undistorted image.
You want to go the other way. For each pixel in the undistorted (processed image), you want to know what the corresponding pixel is in the distorted image.
In other words, given (xu, yu) --> (xd, yd). You then replace each pixel in the undistorted image with its corresponding pixel from the distorted image.
Starting where JMBR did, I do the reverse, finding Rd as a function of Ru. I get:
Rd = f * sqrt(2) * sqrt( 1 - 1/sqrt(r^2 +1))
where f is the focal length in pixels (I'll explain later), and r = Ru/f.
The focal length for my camera was 2.5 mm. The size of each pixel on my CCD was 6 um square. f was therefore 2500/6 = 417 pixels. This can be found by trial and error.
Finding Rd allows you to find the corresponding pixel in the distorted image using polar coordinates.
The angle of each pixel from the center point is the same:
theta = arctan( (yu-yc)/(xu-xc) ) where xc, yc are the center points.
xd = Rd * cos(theta) + xc
yd = Rd * sin(theta) + yc
Make sure you know which quadrant you are in.
Here is the C# code I used
public class Analyzer
private ArrayList mFisheyeCorrect;
private int mFELimit = 1500;
private double mScaleFESize = 0.9;
public Analyzer()
//A lookup table so we don't have to calculate Rdistorted over and over
//The values will be multiplied by focal length in pixels to
//get the Rdistorted
mFisheyeCorrect = new ArrayList(mFELimit);
//i corresponds to Rundist/focalLengthInPixels * 1000 (to get integers)
for (int i = 0; i < mFELimit; i++)
double result = Math.Sqrt(1 - 1 / Math.Sqrt(1.0 + (double)i * i / 1000000.0)) * 1.4142136;
public Bitmap RemoveFisheye(ref Bitmap aImage, double aFocalLinPixels)
Bitmap correctedImage = new Bitmap(aImage.Width, aImage.Height);
//The center points of the image
double xc = aImage.Width / 2.0;
double yc = aImage.Height / 2.0;
Boolean xpos, ypos;
//Move through the pixels in the corrected image;
//set to corresponding pixels in distorted image
for (int i = 0; i < correctedImage.Width; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < correctedImage.Height; j++)
//which quadrant are we in?
xpos = i > xc;
ypos = j > yc;
//Find the distance from the center
double xdif = i-xc;
double ydif = j-yc;
//The distance squared
double Rusquare = xdif * xdif + ydif * ydif;
//the angle from the center
double theta = Math.Atan2(ydif, xdif);
//find index for lookup table
int index = (int)(Math.Sqrt(Rusquare) / aFocalLinPixels * 1000);
if (index >= mFELimit) index = mFELimit - 1;
//calculated Rdistorted
double Rd = aFocalLinPixels * (double)mFisheyeCorrect[index]
//calculate x and y distances
double xdelta = Math.Abs(Rd*Math.Cos(theta));
double ydelta = Math.Abs(Rd * Math.Sin(theta));
//convert to pixel coordinates
int xd = (int)(xc + (xpos ? xdelta : -xdelta));
int yd = (int)(yc + (ypos ? ydelta : -ydelta));
xd = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(xd, aImage.Width-1));
yd = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(yd, aImage.Height-1));
//set the corrected pixel value from the distorted image
correctedImage.SetPixel(i, j, aImage.GetPixel(xd, yd));
return correctedImage;
I found this pdf file and I have proved that the maths are correct (except for the line vd = *xd**fv+v0 which should say vd = **yd**+fv+v0).
It does not use all of the latest co-efficients that OpenCV has available but I am sure that it could be adapted fairly easily.
double k1 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[0];
double k2 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[1];
double p1 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[2];
double p2 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[3];
double k3 = cameraIntrinsic.distortion[4];
double fu = cameraIntrinsic.focalLength[0];
double fv = cameraIntrinsic.focalLength[1];
double u0 = cameraIntrinsic.principalPoint[0];
double v0 = cameraIntrinsic.principalPoint[1];
double u, v;
u = thisPoint->x; // the undistorted point
v = thisPoint->y;
double x = ( u - u0 )/fu;
double y = ( v - v0 )/fv;
double r2 = (x*x) + (y*y);
double r4 = r2*r2;
double cDist = 1 + (k1*r2) + (k2*r4);
double xr = x*cDist;
double yr = y*cDist;
double a1 = 2*x*y;
double a2 = r2 + (2*(x*x));
double a3 = r2 + (2*(y*y));
double dx = (a1*p1) + (a2*p2);
double dy = (a3*p1) + (a1*p2);
double xd = xr + dx;
double yd = yr + dy;
double ud = (xd*fu) + u0;
double vd = (yd*fv) + v0;
thisPoint->x = ud; // the distorted point
thisPoint->y = vd;
This can be solved as an optimization problem. Simply draw on curves in images that are supposed to be straight lines. Store the contour points for each of those curves. Now we can solve the fish eye matrix as a minimization problem. Minimize the curve in points and that will give us a fisheye matrix. It works.
It can be done manually by adjusting the fish eye matrix using trackbars! Here is a fish eye GUI code using OpenCV for manual calibration.

Product demo using Canvas Animation

I love the way Sublime text shows it's product demo on it's home page:
How can I create a similar demo? All I note is that it is a Canvas element.
Sorry if it's sounds as a basic question. I see it's made on Canvas. Any leads or help in this regard is highly appreciate?
They are using delays and parts of images such as this one (look at the bottom part of the image):
and specify what (rectangular) part of each image renders when, making it look like an animation.
It's a typical texture atlas.
This is the list of the images:
And this is how they specify the delay and the image pieces
{"delay":798,"blit":[]}, etc...
As you see, delay is the time in milliseconds, and blit looks like parameters for drawImage - srcX, srcY, width, height, destX, destY.
Each of the "screens" is kept as a separate variable, like command_palette_timeline, days_169_timeline, goto_anything_timeline, etc. Each containing delay/blit array of objects like the one from the paragraph above.
The actual render code is pretty straightforward, they follow each step in each timeline, with delays between them, and each step is rendered like this:
for (j = 0; j < blits.length; ++j)
var blit = blits[j]
var sx = blit[0]
var sy = blit[1]
var w = blit[2]
var h = blit[3]
var dx = blit[4]
var dy = blit[5]
ctx.drawImage(img, sx, sy, w, h, dx, dy, w, h)

Fast algorithm for image distortion

I am working on a tool which distorts images, the purpose of the distortion is to project images to a sphere screen. The desired output is as the following image.
The code I use is as follow - for every Point(x, y) in the destination area, I calculate the corresponding pixel (sourceX, sourceY) in the original image to retrieve from.
But this approach is awkwardly slow, in my test, processing the sunset.jpg (800*600) requires more than 1500ms, if I remove the Mathematical/Trigonometrical calculations, calling cvGet2D and cvSet2D alone require more than 1200ms.
Is there a better way to do this? I am using Emgu CV (a .NET wrapper library for OpenCV) but examples in other language is also OK.
private static void DistortSingleImage()
System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch stopWatch = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
using (Image<Bgr, Byte> origImage = new Image<Bgr, Byte>("sunset.jpg"))
int frameH = origImage.Height;
using (Image<Bgr, Byte> distortImage = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(2 * frameH, 2 * frameH))
MCvScalar pixel;
for (int x = 0; x < 2 * frameH; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < 2 * frameH; y++)
if (x == frameH && y == frameH) continue;
int x1 = x - frameH;
int y1 = y - frameH;
if (x1 * x1 + y1 * y1 < frameH * frameH)
double radius = Math.Sqrt(x1 * x1 + y1 * y1);
double theta = Math.Acos(x1 / radius);
int sourceX = (int)(theta * (origImage.Width - 1) / Math.PI);
int sourceY = (int)radius;
pixel = CvInvoke.cvGet2D(origImage.Ptr, sourceY, sourceX);
CvInvoke.cvSet2D(distortImage, y, x, pixel);
From my personal experience, I was doing some stereoscopic vision stuff, the best way to talk to openCV is through own wrapper, you could put your method in c++ and call it from c#, that would give you 1 call to native, faster code, and because under the hood Emgu's keeping OpenCV data, it's also possible to create an image with emgu, process it natively and enjoy processed image in c# again.
The get/set methods looks like Gdi's GetPixel / SetPixel ones, and, according to documentation they are "slow but safe way".
For staying with Emgu only, documentation tells that if you want to iterate over pixels, you should access .Data property:
The safe (slow) way
Suppose you are working on an Image. You can obtain the pixel on the y-th row and x-th column by calling
Bgr color = img[y, x];
Setting the pixel on the y-th row and x-th column is also simple
img[y,x] = color;
The fast way
The Image pixels values are stored in the Data property, a 3D array. Use this property if you need to iterate through the pixel values of the image.

HTML5 Cropped Canvas Image Not Showing

I am learning HTML5 and JavaScript and am attempting to draw an animated image. I thought the easiest way to do this would be to create an image with the frames in a row, as below.
Then a only part of the image would be draw at a time. I followed this tutorial.
This is a link to what I have made:
The problem is, the image isn't being drawn. It's something within the drawSprite function, because when I change it to a simple "ctx.drawImage(sprite.source, x, y)", it does draw the image (just as a whole without the animation, obviously). Please note that though there is an option for rotating the image, I have not yet added support for that. Also, keys.js is not being used yet though it is included.
The reason is because sprite.imagenum is not defined when drawSprite is called.
This is because in some places you use imagenum and others imgnum, so correct that typo and you're good to go!
But now that thats answered lets take a look at your js to get a better idea of how to structure this. You have:
function Sprite(){
var imagenum = null; //The number of images
var width = null; //The width of each image
var height = null; //The height on each image
var xoffset = null; //The origin on each image
var yoffset = null;
var source = null; //The location of each image
function drawSprite(sprite, subimg, x, y, w, h, angle){
ctx.drawImage(sprite.source, Math.floor(subimg) * sprite.width, 0, w * sprite.imagenum, h, x - sprite.xoffset * (w/sprite.width), y - sprite.yoffset * (h/sprite.height), w, h);
All those var statements are actually doing nothing. It should be:
function Sprite(){
this.imagenum = null; //The number of images
this.width = null; //The width of each image
this.height = null; //The height on each image
this.xoffset = null; //The origin on each image
this.yoffset = null;
this.source = null; //The location of each image
in order to correctly set them as you were envisioning. Also, you can rewrite drawSprite so that the sprites are drawing themselves, so that you don't need to pass them as an argument:
// now we can use "this" instead of "sprite"
Spite.prototype.draw = function(subimg, x, y, w, h, angle){
// put this on several lines just so we can see it easier
Math.floor(subimg) * this.width,
w * this.imagenum, h,
x - this.xoffset * (w/this.width),
y - this.yoffset * (h/this.height),
w, h);
Then instead of:
drawSprite(img, index, 128, 128, 32, 32, 0); // img is a sprite
We can write:
img.draw(index, 128, 128, 32, 32, 0); // img is a sprite

QT QImage pixel manipulation

I am building a QT GUI application and use QImage for opening images.
My problem is that I can't figure out how to use QImage's bit() and scanline()
methods to get access at per pixel level.
I've seen this post Qt QImage pixel manipulation problems
but this is only for the first pixel of each row. Is this correct or I got it all wrong?
thanks in advance
The scanlines correspond to the the height of image, the columns correspond to the width of the image.
According to the docs, the prototype looks like uchar* QImage::scanline(int i), or a similar const version.
But, as a commenter pointed out, because the data is dependent on the machine architecture and image, you should NOT use the uchar * directly. Instead, use something like the following:
QRgb *rowData = (QRgb*)img.scanLine(row);
QRgb pixelData = rowData[col];
int red = qRed(pixelData);
It may not be immediately obvious from Kaleb's post, but the following works for setting a pixel on a Format_RGB32 image.
// Get the line we want
QRgb *line = (QRgb *)image->scanLine(row_index);
// Go to the pixel we want
line += col_index;
// Actually set the pixel
*line = qRgb(qRed(color), qGreen(color), qBlue(color));
The answer did not work for me. It looks like, the data is not 32bit aligned on my system.
To get the correct data, on my system i had to do this:
for(uint32_t Y = 0; Y < mHeight; ++Y)
uint8_t* pPixel = Image.scanLine(Y);
for(uint32_t X = 0; X < mWidth; ++X)
const int Blue = *pPixel++;
const int Green = *pPixel++;
const int Red = *pPixel++;
uint8_t GrayscalePixel = (0.21f * Red) + (0.72f * Green) + (0.07 * Blue);
