I can't get my script to move itself - applescript

I made this bit of code that makes a script move its self. When I place it in a blank script it works fine, but once I place it in my main script it doesn't work.
Here is my code:
--------------------------------Putting inside Loggin Items-----------------------------
set myPath to path to me
tell application "System Events"
make new login item at end of login items with properties {name:"Chrome.app", path:myPath, hidden:true}
end tell
--------------------------------Turning on RemoteLogin--------------------------------
on remoteLogin(value)
do shell script "launchctl " & value & " -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist" with administrator privileges
end remoteLogin
if weekday of (current date) is in {Sunday, Monday} then
return "not Sunday or Monday"
end if
------------------------------------Moving Script------------------------------------
set thePath to POSIX path of (path to me as text)
do shell script "mv " & thePath & " ~/Desktop/no"

I tried it using this code:
set myPath to path to me
tell application "System Events"
make new login item at end of login items ¬
with properties ¬
{name:"test", path:myPath, hidden:true}
end tell
tell application "System Events" to move myPath to the desktop folder
and it moved the file successfully. The login item created also automatically had its path updated (I'm not sure whether this is a desirable outcome for you or not).
As for why yours does not move, my guess is that it wasn't a Sunday or a Monday, in which case your script terminates at the return statement, before getting to the part of the script that moves the file.


Error when replacing characters applescript

I am trying to make a script that executes a runnable Jar file in the form of an applescript application. I'm not very experienced in applescript, so I mostly went off of online snippets. The first problem I ran into was that the directory automatically formats as using a ":" instead of a slash (ex. "usr:bin" instead of "usr/bin") so I found something that's supposed to replace the : with a /. This, however, produces an error every time.
I've found little on how to fix my error and the stuff I found was very specific to those cases and didn't make much sense to me.
This is my code:
tell application "Finder"
set current_path to container of (path to me) as alias
end tell
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ":"
set currPath to text items of current_path
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/"
set current_path to currPath as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
tell application "Terminal"
set currentTab to do script ("cd " & current_path)
set currentTab to do script ("java -jar Inoisulcnoc Pre-Alpha 2")
end tell
The error I get every time says:
error "Can’t get every text item of alias \"Macintosh HD:Users:knotsnappy:Desktop:Inoisulcnoc Pre-Alpha 2:\"." number -1728 from every text item of alias "Macintosh HD:Users:knotsnappy:Desktop:Inoisulcnoc Pre-Alpha 2:"
How should I be able to fix this?
You'll want to change the standard path into a POSIX path.
tell application "Finder"
set current_path to (POSIX path of (container of (path to me) as alias))
end tell
tell application "Terminal"
set currentTab to do script ("cd " & current_path)
set currentTab to do script ("java -jar Inoisulcnoc Pre-Alpha 2")
end tell
The delimiters, etc. are unneeded once you have the correct syntax.

How to get filename to activated application within applescript?

I am creating an applescript that opens terminal, I am dragging a file onto the script (using automater) and want the directory/name of file to be fed into my terminal application
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Terminal"
do script with command "qpdf --qdf arg1 output.pdf"
end tell
end run
You don't need to use Automator. Save this script as an application instead...
on open of droppedItems
tell application "Terminal"
if not (exists window 1) then reopen
end tell
repeat with anItem in droppedItems
set itemPath to POSIX path of anItem
tell application "Terminal"
do script "qpdf --qdf " & quoted form of itemPath & " output.pdf" in window 1
-- do script "echo " & quoted form of itemPath in window 1
end tell
end repeat
end open

Applescript to open terminal, run command, and show - Not working

I´m trying to create a keyshortcut to open terminal in current folder. Looking around, I found this code to create a service (the part of adding the shortcut to this service is solved), only added things are the "; clear" and some of the "activate" so it shows
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
set myWin to window 1
set theWin to (quoted form of POSIX path of (target of myWin as alias))
tell application "Terminal"
tell window 1
do script "cd " & theWin & ";clear"
end tell
end tell
end tell
return input
end run
It is not working as i would like.
it opens two windows in terminal, have no idea why. It has nothing to
do with the added "activate"… it has always donde that
if I select an item on finder ( a folder ) it opens its parent directory and i would
like it to open the selected folder
this is my very first try with Applescript so if the error is obvious i just can't see it
Thanks in advance
The do script command already opens a window in Terminal. Try it this way:
tell application "Finder" to set theSel to selection
tell application "Terminal"
set theFol to POSIX path of ((item 1 of theSel) as text)
if (count of windows) is not 0 then
do script "cd " & quoted form of theFol & ";clear" in window 1
do script "cd " & quoted form of theFol & ";clear"
end if
end tell
I like the reopen approach better...
tell application "Finder" to set currentFolder to target of front Finder window as text
set theWin to currentFolder's POSIX path
tell application "Terminal"
if not (exists window 1) then reopen
do script "cd " & quoted form of theWin & ";clear" in window 1
end tell

applescript: how to automatically choose to save a safari document at a PARTICULAR PATH with system events

I want to make a script that will save safari documents using system events (command+s) and I want the file to always be saved at a particular path. (I could make a habit of always saving safari files at a certain folder but that's not a robust solution) How can I make sure system events saves a document at a certain path?
Directly from this MacRumors forum post:
tell application "Safari"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Safari"
click menu item "Copy" of menu "Edit" of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
delay 1
set the_filename to (the clipboard) & ".html"
set the_filepath to "Macintosh HD:Users:Roy:Documents:" & the_filename
set the_shellfilepath to "'/Users/Roy/Documents/" & the_filename & ".download'"
set the_shellfilepath2 to "'/Users/Roy/Documents/" & the_filename & "'"
tell application "Safari"
save document 1 in the_filepath
end tell
do shell script "mv " & the_shellfilepath & " " & the_shellfilepath2
Set the path (the_shellfilepath) as appropriate.
Changing the folder of a file dialog:
try -- this would result in an error when there's no clipboard
set old to the clipboard
end try
-- delay 1 -- for testing
-- activate application "Safari"
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "s" using command down
keystroke "g" using {shift down, command down}
delay 0.1
set the clipboard to "~/Movies/"
delay 0.1
keystroke "av" using command down
delay 0.1
keystroke return
delay 0.1
end tell
set the clipboard to old
end try
Saving to a specific folder with a partially encoded URL as a file name:
tell application "Safari"
set x to URL of document 1
set r to do shell script "echo " & quoted form of x & " | sed 's|/$||;s|:|%3A|g;s|/|%2F|g'"
do shell script "curl " & x & " > " & quoted form of ((system attribute "HOME") & "/Desktop/" & r & ".html")
end tell
Saving to a specific folder but choosing the file name manually:
tell application "Safari"
set x to URL of document 1
set answer to text returned of (display dialog "" default answer ".html")
do shell script "curl " & x & " > " & quoted form of ((system attribute "HOME") & "/Desktop/" & answer)
end tell

AppleScript Focus / Rename File (and clicking anywhere)

on run {input}
set filepath to POSIX path of input
do shell script "touch " & quoted form of filepath & "untitled"
return input
end run
Is what I have so far, and it works, but is there a way to then focus on the file then trigger a rename? I dont want the rename to be automatic, just trigger the event (like pressing "return" while you have a file selected). And I dont want to use any sort of modal...
Quick Side question: is there a way to set this so that i dont have to select a folder or file directly, but can do it by, lets say, clicking in a white space in a folder as long as it's in Finder? Right now I have my "Service receives selected" to "files or folders" in Finder.app.
on run {input}
set filepath to POSIX path of input
do shell script "touch " & quoted form of filepath & "untitled"
tell application "Finder"
set target of Finder window 1 to POSIX file "/Users/oscargodson/Documents/designs/untitled"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
return input
end run
If i hardcode the path it works! But how do I get it as a var that works?
Here's one way. I think a modal window where you ask for the name would be better but you can try this. Notice you do not use "POSIX path" in this code. Applescript doesn't use POSIX paths. Also {input}, as indicated by the brackets around it, is a list of items. Therefore you act on the items of the list, and in this case we act on the first item.
set filepath to item 1 of input
tell application "Finder"
reveal filepath
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
EDIT: With your updated code, here's a working script...
on run {input}
if (class of input) is not list then set input to {input}
set theFolder to (item 1 of input) as text
alias theFolder
tell application "Finder"
if (class of item theFolder) is not folder then error "input is not a folder."
set theFile to make new file at folder theFolder with properties {name:"untitled"}
reveal theFile
end tell
delay 0.2
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
on error theError number errorNumber
tell me
display dialog "There was an error: " & (errorNumber as text) & return & return & theError buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop
end tell
end try
return input
end run
tell application "Finder"
reopen -- in case there are no open windows
set target of Finder window 1 to POSIX file "/Applications/Safari.app"
end tell
reveal and select always open a new window, set target and set selection don't.
I don't know why, but when set selection it used in column view, you can only select items in the entire contents of the target of the front window. The same thing doesn't happen in other views, so it seems like a bug.
Fix for the code in the edited question:
on go(input)
set p to POSIX path of (input as text)
set p2 to p & "untitled"
do shell script "touch " & p2
tell application "Finder"
set target of Finder window 1 to POSIX file p2
end tell
delay 0.3 -- time to release modifier keys
tell application "System Events" to keystroke return
end go
tell application "Finder"
set fold to folder (path to documents folder)
end tell
(That on go and the last lines are just for testing.)
I've created an AppleScript based on the #regulus6633's one, but with some improvements.
Note: This answer was originally posted as an AskDifferent answer. I'm copy/pasting here for convenience.
The idea is to create an Automator workflow and assigning a shortcut to it using the following steps:
Open Automator and create a Service;
Set the input to no input, and the application to Finder.app;
Drag and Drop the Run AppleScript workflow element onto the grey space;
Put the contents of this AppleScript in the textbox;
Save the workflow with a reasonable name (like New File);
Go to Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services and assign a shortcut to it.
Now, let's show the AppleScript:
set file_name to "untitled"
set file_ext to ".txt"
set is_desktop to false
-- get folder path and if we are in desktop (no folder opened)
tell application "Finder"
set this_folder to (folder of the front Finder window) as alias
end tell
on error
-- no open folder windows
set this_folder to path to desktop folder as alias
set is_desktop to true
end try
-- get the new file name (do not override an already existing file)
tell application "System Events"
set file_list to get the name of every disk item of this_folder
end tell
set new_file to file_name & file_ext
set x to 1
if new_file is in file_list then
set new_file to file_name & " " & x & file_ext
set x to x + 1
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
-- create and select the new file
tell application "Finder"
set the_file to make new file at folder this_folder with properties {name:new_file}
if is_desktop is false then
reveal the_file
select window of desktop
set selection to the_file
delay 0.1
end if
end tell
-- press enter (rename)
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Finder"
keystroke return
end tell
end tell
For convenience, I'm putting this AppleScript in this GitHub Gist.
