how to solve connection exeception in jemeter - jmeter

I have creatd on jemter script to record the webpage. here i perform below steps to record the script
Created the ThradGroup
Add HttpRequestDefault
Add Recording Conroller
Add HttpTestScript(s)Recorder
View Result Tree Listener
Here script gets recorded. but while running the script throws exception
Response code: Non HTTP response code:
Response message: Non HTTP response message: Connection refused:


VertX HTTP GraphQL request responds with 'Query is missing'

When attempting a HTTP request message to the Vert.X HTTP server endpoint, it fails with the error 'io.vertx.core.impl.NoStackTraceThrowable: Query is missing'.
This happens when the Query is passed as part of the request body. The same is NOT observed when the 'query' is provided in the URL.
Adding the following code did not help either.

Getting MULE:SOURCE_RESPONSE_SEND while using FTP/SFTP connector in Mule API

I have 2 APIs:
system API: which is reading a file from the SFTP server
process API: processing the file coming from system API and sending data to backend using batch
I am transforming the payload coming from the read connector in system API to application/csv. Also, I am converting the CSV payload to application/java before inserting the records into the batch.
The process API is working correctly (data going to backend) but in the logs, I am seeing MULE:SOURCE_RESPONSE_SEND.
Root Exception stack trace: java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to send invalid data through the HTTP response.
When I am changing the error response of HTTP listener to simple String "Data processing completed". This is the payload I am seeing as a response.
Where exactly might be this error Root Exception stack trace: java.lang.RuntimeException: Attempted to send invalid data through HTTP response coming from?
Thanks in advance!

Response message:Non HTTP response message: unknown protocol

Could anyone please help me to understand the below issue or share any references to resolve
I am getting below error message when going to save my test plan:
Couldn't save test plan to file: C:\Windows\System32\View Results Tree.jmx C:\Windows\System32\View Results Tree.jmx (Access is denied)
While running the result by adding listener .i am getting the below error.
Response code:Non HTTP response code: Response message:Non HTTP response message: unknown protocol:
The user you're running JMeter from doesn't have write access to C:\Windows\System32\ folder, you need to choose another location to save your test plan, for example into your home directory. If you have to store the .jmx test plan under C:\Windows\System32 folder consider running JMeter as administrator
The error indicates misconfiguration of the HTTP Request sampler, you need to use one of the following protocols:
http - for HTTP
https - for HTTPS
file - for reading a local file
example configuration:
If you're uncertain regarding the HTTP Request sampler(s) configuration you can consider recording the test scenario using your browser either using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder or JMeter Chrome Extension
[Non HTTP response message: unknown protocol][1]
include the https in the textbook , if its http you can leave it blank
write the url in the server name
Please see image below

Reading HTTP Response When Request Isn't Fully Sent

If I send a large POST request using OkHttp, but the server responds quickly with an error (e.g. permission denied) I get a Broken pipe (Write failed)( status = 272 )
Command line tools like curl seem to handle this case just fine and are able to return the HTTP Response instead of aborting because the write failed.
Is there a way to configure OkHttp to do the same?

If Loadtime in HTTP request is longer than 10000, what's throws an exception automatically?

If Loadtime in HTTP request is longer than 10000 ms, what's throws an exception automatically? using JMeter.
Response code: Non HTTP response code: org.apache.http.NoHttpResponseException
Response message: Non HTTP response message: failed to respond
But all requests are executed correctly in the application, only, their responses are above 10000 ms.
I modify the "Timeouts" into the HTTP request sampler.
Actually I test with 3.0 version, but also I've tested with 2.13 version
Could I do disable this automate check? Or modify the threshold with a major value (i.e: 500000)?
