How does the "range interface" of golang run internally? - go

package main
import "fmt"
type Phone interface {
sales() int
type NokiaPhone struct {
price int
func (nokiaPhone NokiaPhone) call() {
fmt.Println("I am Nokia, I can call you!")
func (nokiaPhone NokiaPhone) sales() int {
return nokiaPhone.price
type IPhone struct {
price int
func (iPhone IPhone) call() {
fmt.Println("I am iPhone, I can call you!")
func (iPhone IPhone) sales() int {
return iPhone.price
func main() {
var phones = [5]Phone{
NokiaPhone{price: 350},
IPhone{price: 5000},
IPhone{price: 3400},
NokiaPhone{price: 450},
IPhone{price: 5000},
var totalSales = 0
**for _, phone := *range phones* {
totalSales += phone.sales()
i don't know the "range phones" run internally.i only understand that 'phone' is run in '[5]phone' order and i want to konw that golang how to recognizes iphone or NokiaPhone.
Thanks , forgive me for my lame English.

An interface is a declaration of a contract, that is of the behaviour that implementing instances must support. By providing methods that are defined on the interface, a struct in Go automatically implements that interface and can be used in place of that interface wherever an interface based declaration is present. This is slightly different from many other languages such as Java or C++ where an instance must explicitly declare interfaces it implements and classes it extends. At runtime the code will get a concrete instance and execute a method of that instance. For the coder or for the declaration it does not matter, what matters is that instance will have a method as defined on the interface and that method can be called so the code can be written in generic interface terms.
This idea to accept interfaces and provide structs/instances is central for the inversion of control and dependency injection.
This is exactly what happens in you example. NokiaPhone and IPhone implement the Phone interface by providing methods declared on the interface Phone. When it comes to the loop, at each iteration a concrete instance is taken out of array, for that instance type the method asked for in the code is looked up, so the implementation now, and is executed. It works in the same way in Go, Java, C++ (with virtual methods) and many other languages that support either inheritance or interface/implementation pattern as Go does.


How can an external package implement an interface implicitly?

I'm writing a piece of code that relies on some implementation.
I want to decouple the implementation from my code, and make the implementation as independent as possible.
I thought of achieving this approach by using interfaces instead of concrete types, like so:
package mypackage
type MyType interface {
Title() string
Price() int
type TypeGetter interface {
GetType() MyType
func MyHandler(tg TypeGetter) {
t := tg.GetType()
fmt.Printf("Title: %s, Price: %d", t.Title(), t.Price())
And an implementation might be something like this:
package external
// CustomType implicitly implements the MyType interface
type CustomType struct {
title string
price int
func (t CustomType) Title() string { return t.title }
func (t CustomType) Price() int { return t.price }
// CustomTypeGetter implicitly implements the TypeGetter interface. Or is it???
type CustomTypeGetter struct {
func (g CustomTypeGetter) GetType() CustomType {
return CustomType{"Hello", 42}
Then, the code would do something like this:
package main
import "mypackage"
import "external"
func main() {
tg := external.CustomTypeGetter{}
mypackage.MyHandler(tg) // <--- the compiler does not like this
I hope the example speaks for itself: I have no coupling between "mypackage" and the "external" package, which may be replaced, substituted my mocks for testing, etc.
The problem: the compiler complains that the call to MyHandler has an object that implements:
func GetType() CustomType, instead of:
func GetType() MyType
The only solution I found is to move the interface declarations (MyType and TypeGetter) to a third package, and then both "mypackage" and "external" packages can use it.
But I want to avoid that.
Isn't Go's concept of implicit implementation of interfaces contradict the idea of a third common package?
Is there a way to implement such thing, without binding the two packages together?
Isn't Go's concept of implicit implementation of interfaces contradict the idea of a third common package?
I think it does. Go authors introduced an implicit interface implementation to eliminate unnecessary dependencies between packages. That works well for simple interfaces like io.Reader, but you cannot apply it everywhere.
One of the language creators, Rob Pike, says that the non-declarative satisfaction of interfaces is not the essential part of the idea behind interfaces in Go. It's a nice feature, but not all elements of the language are practical or possible to use every time.
For complex interfaces, you need to import a package where the interface is defined. For example, if you want to implement an SQL driver that works with the sql package from the standard library, you must import the sql/driver package.
I would recommend not introducing interfaces at the beginning of your project. Usually, it leads to situations where you need to solve artificial problems like rewriting the interface each time you updates your understanding of the domain model. It is hard to come up with a good abstraction from the first attempt, and, in many cases, it is unnecessary, in my opinion.
I need to query external source for products. I don't care how the external sources store the data (db, file, network). I just need a "product" type. So it's either I define a Product type, forcing the external implementations to import and use it, or the Go way - define a Product interface and let the implementations implicitly implement this interface. Which apparently doesn't work
I see two loosely related goals here:
Define an interface to swap implementations of the product source.
A package that implements the product source should not import the package that defines the interface.
From my experience, I would recommend doing point 1 only when you have at least one working implementation of the product source service.
Point 2 is not always possible to achieve, and it is fine; please see the example from the standard Go library above.
Please, consider not creating Product interface. While it does makes sense to come up with the PorductSource interface eventually, Product is most probably just a set of data; struct is a perfect way to represent such information. Please, see this very relevant code smaple and this article for inspiration.
The problem with your approach is that you want someone to implement an interface that refers to your type (MyType). This obviously cannot be done without the implementation referring to your type. This is the only thing that prevents the above code from working.
If you get rid of the MyType:
type TypeGetter interface {
GetType() interface {
Title() string
Price() int
And the implementation:
func (g CustomTypeGetter) GetType() interface {
Title() string
Price() int
} {
return CustomType{"Hello", 42}
Then this code will work:
func main() {
tg := external.CustomTypeGetter{}
Yes, this requires repetition, but only because you don't want an unknown / future implementation to refer to your type (to not depend on it).
In this case you may change MyHandler() to take a value of type MyType (get rid of the "factory"):
func MyHandler(t MyType) {
fmt.Printf("Title: %s, Price: %d", t.Title(), t.Price())
And any value that implements MyType may be passed. Add a "factory" to the external package:
func NewCustomType(title string, price int) CustomType {
return CustomType{
title: title,
price: price,
And use it like this:
func main() {
t := external.NewCustomType("title", 1)
If you truly require the factory pattern, then yes, creating a 3rd package that will hold MyType is the way to go. Then both your app and the implementations may refer to this 3rd package.

How can I (or should I) use Go interfaces for picking one of two packages? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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OK, I'm not quite getting it....
I have 2 modules I crafted with identical functions (in different files of course):
package mod1
func MyFunc() string {
return "mod1.Myfunc"
func Func2() string {
return "mod1.Func2"
package mod2
func MyFunc() string {
return "mod2.MyFunc"
func Func2() string {
return "mod2.Func2"
I have an interface defined correctly, (I think) in a third package:
package types
type MyType interface {
MyFunc() string
Func2() string
I have code which can pick whether I want to use mod1 or mod2, but I'm not quite understanding what I should have this code return:
func mypicker() ????{
Then in main, I want to somehow call either mod1.MyFunc() or mod2.MyFunc() based on
mypicker, without knowing which it is.... something like this:
func main() {
p := mypicker()
// and later
I read that interfaces are like void *, but clearly I'm not getting the complete picture.
Pointers to docs, code, anything useful would be great.
Interfaces should be used with types, not just plain functions. You can start by reading the Tour of Go sequence on interfaces. Here's an example close to your question's original code:
Given the interface:
type MyType interface {
MyFunc() string
Func2() string
You'd have a type:
type MyType1 struct{}
func (mt MyType1) MyFunc() string {
return "MyType1.MyFunc"
func (mt MyType1) Func2() string {
return "MyType1.Func2"
And similarly:
type MyType2 struct{}
func (mt MyType2) MyFunc() string {
return "MyType2.MyFunc"
func (mt MyType2) Func2() string {
return "MyType2.Func2"
And now, if you have some function that takes your MyType interface:
func Foo(m MyType) {
You could call it with either of your types that implements that interface:
m1 := MyType1{}
m2 := MyType2{}
Here's a Go Playground link where you can try this in action.
As for "picking a type", perhaps you mean something like this:
var mi MyType
if (... some condition ...) {
mi = m1
} else {
mi = m2
// Now you can do with mi whatever its interfaces permits,
// like calling mi.Func2(), etc.
Regarding the "picking one of two packages" part of the question:
Interfaces are implemented by types; they're orthogonal to packages and modules. In other words, an interface and types that implement it can all be in the same package, or in different packages, or in different modules.
You have to be careful with terminology. Go modules and Go packages are very different, even though both can be contained by directories. Basically, a directory is a package if it has at least one Go file in it and no go.mod file. If a directory has a go.mod file in it then it's recognized as a module. Generally, a whole project can be a single module with the go.mod file at the root of the project and that's sufficient. Assuming this is your case, move forward thinking that every sub-directory is just a package within that single module.
An interface doesn't really have to do with modules or packages, it has to do with types. The reason being is that an interface defines behavior, meaning it defines what methods are required for a type to accurately implement that interface. In your case, you defined both functions declared in your interface BUT they are NOT METHODS because they are top-level functions only attached to the package. In order for a function to be a method, it must be "attached" to a type. Then, that type becomes a valid implementation of that interface.
package mod1
func MyFunc() string {
return "mod1.Myfunc"
func Func2() string {
return "mod1.Func2"
Needs to become this...
package mod1
type MyTypeImpl struct {}
func (m MyTypeImpl) MyFunc() string {
return "mod1.Myfunc"
func (m MyTypeImpl) Func2() string {
return "mod1.Func2"
The naming could be improved greatly but the point is that the above function declaration syntax is how you "attach" a function to a type, making it a method, which allows that MyTypeImpl struct to now be a valid implementation of your MyType interface.
Now you can call the interface methods without regards to which underlying type is actually the implementation:
var iType MyType
iType = MyTypeImpl{}
Notice that in that last line, it does not matter that we used MyTypeImpl to implement the interface. Once the implementation is assigned to a variable with the interface type, we just work with the interface and forget the underlying implementation. When we call iType.MyFunc(), Go will call the proper method from the underlying implementation.
If we had 100 different structs that implemented the MyType interface as MyTypeImpl does, they could all work for the right side of that iType = MyTypeImpl{} line. That's the point of an interface, to define it once and then use it without regard to what underlying struct is actually implementing it.

Explain go interface definition in go wiki

I understand a bit a go and to certain extend understand interface as well(like how I do ducktyping in ruby)
But reading the interface definition
I'm clueless what is trying to convey.
1st: I did not understood the comment.
Go interfaces generally belong in the package that uses values of the interface type, not the package that implements those values.
2nd: I do not understand this
Do not define interfaces on the implementor side of an API "for mocking"; instead, design the API so that it can be tested using the public API of the real implementation.
3rd: I do not understand the example
Do not define interfaces before they are used: without a realistic example of usage, it is too difficult to see whether an interface is even necessary, let alone what methods it ought to contain.
package consumer // consumer.go
type Thinger interface { Thing() bool }
func Foo(t Thinger) string { ..... }
package consumer // consumer_test.go
type fakeThinger struct{ … }
func (t fakeThinger) Thing() bool { … }
if Foo(fakeThinger{…}) == "x" { ... }
// DO NOT DO IT!!!
package producer
type Thinger interface { Thing() bool }
type defaultThinger struct{ … }
func (t defaultThinger) Thing() bool { … }
func NewThinger() Thinger { return defaultThinger{ … } }
package producer
type Thinger struct{ … }
func (t Thinger) Thing() bool { … }
func NewThinger() Thinger { return Thinger{ … } }
Can someone explain in plain and easier word the 3 things above.
Forget analogies with other languages for the moment. Think of an interface like a contract - a set of requirements for the function that uses it.
Say I define a function MakeNoise which needs to know the sound of the thing passed in, but otherwise doesn't care about it. Code below is all together, but imagine this in two separate packages - one for concrete types and one for MakeNoise.
The MakeNoise function could take a specific type, but this limits it somewhat, might make testing harder etc, so often you might want it instead to define what it needs the type to do - in this case it just needs something with a Sound() method to call, other than that it doesn't care.
Now on the Cat/Dog side, you might not care about MakeNoise, or even know about it yet, your animals should be defined separately and not care about any interfaces they conform with - those interfaces might not even have been written yet.
So the Wiki is just saying that whoever writes MakeNoise should care about what it requires and put that in an interface, but whoever writes Cat/Dog should not care, and the interface should sit with MakeNoise, not with Cat/Dog. This means later someone might come and write a Giraffe in another package, and it can still be used with MakeNoise.
The interface is a requirement, not a promise.
// Here are some types which share one function.
// They might have other functions too
package main
type Cat struct {}
func (d Cat) Sound() string {
return "miao"
type Dog struct {}
func (d Dog) Sound() string {
return "woof"
func main() {
cat := Cat{}
dog := Dog{}
// Sounder is the requirement for MakeNoise, so it lives with it.
// perhaps in a package together which knows nothing of cats and dogs.
type Sounder interface {
Sound() string
// MakeNoise prints the sound of the thing
// it only cares the thing makes a Sound
func MakeNoise(thing Sounder) {

Abstract base class design in Go vs C++

I am still learning the Go way of doing things, coming from a C++ background. I am looking for feedback contrasting OOP inheritance to interface composition.
I have a design situation in a Go program where, if I was implementing in C++, I would solve with an abstract base class.
Suppose I need a base class, which has many implementors. The base class has shared methods that do work on abstract data items. Different Worker implementations provide CRUD operations on different item types, but workers all use the shared methods of the base class for general work.
In C++ I might do it this way
class IItem
// virtual methods
class IWorker
// one of many virtual functions that deal with IItem CRUD
virtual IItem* createItem() = 0;
// concrete method that works on interfaces
void doWork()
IItem* item = createItem();
// do stuff with an IItem*
class Toy : public IItem
// one of many kinds of workers
class ElfWorker : public IWorker
// constructor implicitly calls IWorker()
IItem* createItem() override
return new Toy;
In Go you don't have abstract virtual methods such as IWorker::createItem(). Concrete classes need to supply the base with an interface or function that do the right thing.
So I think it is the case that the Go code the ew.ItemCRUD interface has to be explicitly set with a pointer to an ElfWorker.
The elf knows how to createItem(), which in his case happens to be Toy object. Other workers would implement their own ItemCRUD for their data objects.
type Item interface {
// various methods
type ItemCRUD interface {
create() Item
// other CRUD
type Worker struct {
ItemCRUD // embedded interface
func (w *Worker) doWork() {
item := w.create()
// do stuff with item
type Toy struct {
type ElfWorker struct {
Worker // embedded
// ..
func NewElfWorker() *ElfWorker {
ew := &ElfWorker{}
ew.ItemCRUD = ew // <-- #### set Worker ItemCRUD explicitly ####
return ew
func (ew *ElfWorker) createItem() Item {
return &Toy{}
// more ElfWorker Item CRUD
func bigFunction(w *Worker) {
// ...
// ..
So the part that I am wrestling a bit with is explicit setting. Seems like the "Go way" of composition does require this explicit step if I want the base Worker class to provide shared methods on Items.
Beeing new to go myself, this answer is not backed by years of go experience :-)
I don't know, if the way you tackle this is the correct approach.
go allows interfaces to be implemented without explicit declaration. If you have elves, and you need them to do ItemCRUD methods, just implement them.
The method set will then match the interface and you can use the elf as a ItemCRUD where required.
To supply any elf object with a default ItemCRUD Implementation, you should implement an adapter for the ItemCRUD and compose the adapter with your abstract elf. The abstract methods could have a default implementation as log.Fatal("not implemented")
The concrete elves shadow the adapter's methods, this answers your question: It is not required to insert the object during creation.
Yet, since go has no generics, it may not be the right approach to have an ItemCRUD.
Im not entirely clear what the plan is with the above code and without understanding that its hard to suggest specific solutions, what is clear is you are very much coming to the party with an established OOP mindset (I did too) which is rarely helpful in finding the best solution in golang.
In Golang I wouldnt usually embed an interface in an implementation, interfaces are satisfied implicitly in Golang which allows for a nice separation of expectation and implementation which should generally be respected.
A reciever method should expect an interface, the implementation passed at runtime should just satisfy the signature of that interface implicitly.
So perhaps my doWork method needs to be able to createItems then it would be the doWork method that would accept any implementation of ItemCRUD which it could call to create an item. But this is me guessing at what you really want to do here, I suspect if you just separate implementation from interface you will probably answer your own question.

Composition combining data and functions with interfaces and structs

I'm wondering if this is something that's done in Go or if I'm thinking about it all wrong: composing type x interface and type x struct so my interface methods have access to specific data too:
The C programmer in my wants to do this:
type PluginHandler interface {
pm *PluginManager
func (ph PluginHandler) onLoad() {
There I have an interface defined with a function, but also some data I want to pass to those functions but this is a syntax error.
So is this something that's doable in Go through some other method or am I just thinking about the problem wrong?
You have defined onLoad incorrectly. You cannot define a function directly on interface type.
Once you have an interface, you need another type to implement methods specified in the interface. For example, if another type implements onLoad method, they automatically (implicitly) implement the interface PluginHandler.
The other thing you need to do is change the interface function type to accept the required data:
type PluginHandler interface {
struct SomeType {
// ...
func (s SomeType) onLoad(pm *PluginManager) { // SomeType now implements
pm.DoSomething() // PluginHandler interface.
This way, you get to inject whichever PluginManager required by PluginHandler.
Also, you can use SomeType as a PluginHandler type whereever required.
func someFuntion(ph PluginHandler) {
// ...
// ...
Can be called with an input argument of type SomeType:
s := SomeType{}
TL;DR; There is no direct translation to Go.
Long answer:
Go interfaces are only methods.
Go structs are only data (with the possibility of receiver methods).
You can reference, and even embed interfaces within structs:
type Frobnicator interface {
Frobnicate() error
type Widget struct {
WidgetName string
But that's not really what you're talking about.
The best answer to your dilema is, I believe: Take a step back. You're focusing on the trees, and you need to look at the forest. Go takes a different approach than C, or classical OO languages like C++ and Java.
Look at the general problem to be solved, and find solutions to that in Go. This can be a painful process (I can say from experience), but it's really the only way to learn the new way of thinking.
Just for the record, you can add extra methods to an existing type, by introducing another (indirection) type as:
type HandlerManager PluginManager
func (x *HandlerManager) onLoad() {
And if you need to go with a more generic solution, a combination of Adapter & Strategy patterns could do:
type PluginHandlerAdapter struct{ _onLoad func() }
func (x *PluginHandlerAdapter) onLoad() {
Used like (public/private access ignored):
type PluginManager struct {
func NewPluginManager() *PluginManager {
res := new(PluginManager)
res._onLoad = res.DoSomething
return res
