How to make width of the TOC horizontally resizable - asciidoc

The TOC (Table Of Contents) in the HTML rendered from my Asciidoctor documents is fixed, and I would like to be able to resize it in the horizontal. This would be very convenient to adjust the TOC when its entries ocupy more than two lines.
Can someone help? Thanks

You just have to change the width for #toc.toc2{width:20em} in your CSS file.


Fullpage JS - navigation dots don't change in size on scroll

Fullpage js navigation dots don’t change in size as I scroll between sections. Other navigation interactions work fine: the dots increase in size on hover and they are linked/anchored to the appropriate sections.
How can I make the dots change in size upon section transition? Thank you!
The default navigation bullets change size as you can see here. So unless you provide us with an codepen or jsfiiddle where we can't see this, my best guess is that you are not importing the CSS file or you are overwriting it's styles somehow.

Tableau cannot horizontally scroll in worksheets

I am using Tableau for data visualization and generating lists that can be exported to Excel.
However, when the amount of columns get too big, I cannot see all my columns in the view (They are there though). The problem is that there doesn't seem to be a horizontal scrollbar. I can scroll vertically through my rows, but I haven't found a way to do this horizontally to look through my columns, the same way you would do at the data source tab.
If anyone could help me to figure out how to achieve this that would be awesome! I am using Tableau Desktop version 2018.3 on a Mac.
Edit: The problem also seems to be on Windows and is not related to the maximum amount of columns or the view mode.
Example image of the described problem
You are not getting scrollbar because you are viewing it on a worksheet. Try putting it on the dashboard and set dashboard size to fixed and increase width to accommodate all columns.
now you will get horizontal scrollbar for sure
Besides updating the horizontal row/column label limit #Bernardo mentioned here:
You'll need to make sure you've have selected "Standard" from the display option list at the top of the screen. That options prevent Tableau from fitting everything into the height, width or view of your current display.
Tableau shows a horizontal scroll bar for measures, but not for dimensions. When only dimensions are included on either the Columns or Rows shelf, the lower horizontal scroll bar will not display. Dimensions are treated as headers for measure aggregations and do not generate a horizontal scroll bar when they exceed the width of the view.
To change the Table Layout and increase the number of columns and rows in your table, go to:
Analysis > Table Layout > Advanced
Set each of the Maximum values to 16, which is the limit allowed.

BIRT html format report columns width getting shrink while add many columns

I'm using BIRT version 4_5_0. In html format report the result is displayed in A4 size only. I unable to resize the resultant. If I choose more columns then the columns width getting shrink. But I want that columns width would not get shrink if I add any number of columns and also width should be followed by what size I fixed in API. If we add more columns then horizontal scroll bar will be placed usually. But It's not an issue for me. Is any settings/API available to fix this? Thanks in advance.
Birt output format By default fixed Layout.
You can Change the layout fixed to auto.
automatically horizontal scroll bar will come. Your problem may will solve
ReportDesignHandle designHandle = session.createDesign();

fo image align caption

I would like to have image with caption printed below the image in XSL-FO. the caption should have right alignment.
I am using table for that. It prints images with captions but the problem is the alignemnt of the caption compared to the caption. If the alignment of the image is 'right' then all looks fine: caption is just below the image at the right side. but if the image is center or left then still at the far right of the page.
The problem is the table is full width of the page but the image is smaller. The problem can be solved if the width and the alignment of the table corresponds to the width and the alignment of the image.
will really appreciate help to resolve this issue.
You might want to ensure the table is not taking the entire width of the page, but just the width it needs. This way, the table will be as wide as the image, and your caption will be aligned to the right, neatly under the image.
However, now you want your image to be in the center of the page. The solution could be to put the table in another table and let this outer table take the entire width of the page. A fo:block might also do the trick.

BIRT -line spacing in report design

I wonder how to define the line spacing in a multi-line lable or text item for pdf output. While increasing the line height within a style works fine, decreasing the height to reduce line spacing doesn't seem to work.
Any suggestions on how to reduce the line pitch?
Try removing top and bottom padding. I don't know about labels and text items, and maybe it's not the same, but I had a similar problem in a table with 8pt font in the details. It would look fine in HTML, but in PDF the space between the lines would be huge.
A good trick is to set background colors on the item and the surrounding cell and whatever other elements you have and you'll be able to see which element steals the space.
Then tweak the paddings, line height and font size to reduce the extra space as much as possible. Use the 'Advanced' properties panel (or preferably stylesheets), as line height is not available in 'General' for some elements.
I managed to get my table looking great doing this if I removed ALL top and bottom padding (from row, cell and data element), used a row line height of 10pt and a font size of 8pt.
There seems to be a bug that causes the actual text inside the data element to be somehow padded at the top no matter what in PDF. If you color the data element background and then select the text in the report, you'll see that the text is set too low on the element, overflowing a little at the bottom. Thats the reason 8pt font and 8pt line height wouldn't work for me, it would cut off the bottom of the text.
