I am trying to add a TXT record using dnsruby library. What could be the best implemetation?
below is the sample code i am trying.
require 'dnsruby'
key = "mydns key"
resolver = Dnsruby::Resolver.new("dnsserverip")
update = Dnsruby::Update.new("zonename")
resolver.tsig = "update.zone", key, 'hmac-sha512'
update.add("domain.com", "TXT", 300, "This my txt content")
response = resolver.send_message(update)
puts response.answer
I recently developed a program that allows you to connect to Twitter and do some tasks automatically (like Tweeter, Liking) using only the account information: username;password;email_or_phone.
My problem is that I am now trying to add the functionality of Tweeting with an image but I can't.
Here is my code and my error:
async def tweet_success(self, msg: str, img_path: str):
# Get the number of bytes of the image
img_bytes = str(os.path.getsize(img_path))
# Get the media_id to add an image to my tweet
params = {'command': 'INIT','total_bytes': img_bytes,'media_type': 'image/png','media_category': 'tweet_image'}
response = requests.post('https://upload.twitter.com/i/media/upload.json', params=params, headers=self.get_headers())
media_id = response.text.split('{"media_id":')[1].split(',')[0]
params = {'command': 'APPEND','media_id': media_id,'segment_index': '0',}
# Try to get the raw binary of the image, My problem is here
data = open(img_path, "rb").read()
response = requests.post('https://upload.twitter.com/i/media/upload.json', params=params, headers=self.get_headers(), data=data,)
{"request":"\/i\/media\/upload.json","error":"media parameter is missing."}
Can someone help me ?
I tried
data = open(img_path, "rb").read()
data = f'------WebKitFormBoundaryaf0mMLIS7kpsKwPv\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="media"; filename="blob"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n{data}\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryaf0mMLIS7kpsKwPv--\r\n'
data = open(img_path, "rb").read()
data = f'------WebKitFormBoundaryaf0mMLIS7kpsKwPv\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name="media"; filename="blob"\r\nContent-Type: application/octet-stream\r\n\r\n{data}\r\n------WebKitFormBoundaryaf0mMLIS7kpsKwPv--\r\n'.encode()
data = open(img_path, "rb").read()
data = base64.b64encode(data)
I am running the bitcoind server in Ubuntu 16.04. Also using a method of connecting to bitcoind's RPC using bitcoin-ruby:
require 'bitcoin'
require 'net/http'
require 'json'
RPCUSER = "**"
HOST = "localhost"
PORT= 8332
def bitcoinRPC(method,param)
http = Net::HTTP.new(HOST,PORT)
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new('/')
request.content_type = 'application/json'
request.body = {method:method,params:param,id:'jsonrpc'}.to_json
The following RPC commands shows the parsed data of block number 514641 :
bhash= 514641
bid= bitcoinRPC('getblockhash',[bhash])
blk= bitcoinRPC("getblock",[bid])
And the keys inside the blk variables are as follows:
["hash", "confirmations", "strippedsize", "size", "weight", "height",
"version", "versionHex", "merkleroot", "tx", "time", "mediantime", "nonce",
"bits", "difficulty", "chainwork", "previousblockhash", "nextblockhash"]
I want to parse the key values of "hash" , "tx", "time", "difficulty" from inside the block number 514641 calculating back to block number 1 using ruby programming and parse the output to a text file in tab-delimited following format:
hash tx time difficulty
000... 12X.... 2344556 5455345
-- 13X... -- 5678899
-- 14X... -- 6454545
Here, the "hash" and "time" will be same values for the same block. I am new to ruby programming. Any guideline will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I assume your blk object is just a ruby hash at this point so you should be able to just do:
keys = %w[hash tx time difficulty] # array of strings (keys you want)
data = keys.map{|key| blk[key]} # array of data from the keys
require 'csv'
CSV.open("myfile.csv", "w") do |csv|
csv << keys # keys will be header row of csv
data.each{|d| csv << d} # loop over data and push into new row of csv
In the soap response below (from SoapUI), under the parent SearchForReservationResponse tag, I am trying to pull out the values of Reservation id, Restaurant id and Location id with Savon 2.
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<SearchForReservationResponse xmlns="http://schemas.livebookings.net/OneFormat/Aggregator/Internal/1/0/">
<Reservation id="34639536" status="Confirmed">
<Restaurant id="25200">
<Name>Eat Food - UK Demo Website - Bookatable.com</Name>
<Location id="35839">
<RestaurantPhoneNumber type="Main">+44 7951300529</RestaurantPhoneNumber>
Below is my attempt for trying to access Reservation id. After a lot of googling I found that the new Savon 2 syntax uses #attrib, but I keep getting errors as I think I am not using this Ruby nested hash syntax correctly - I find it very confusing and am fairly new to Ruby. If you could help me out here it would be much appreciated!
require 'savon'
class SearchReservation
attr_reader :reservation_id
def client
client = Savon.client(wsdl: "http://example-wsdl-url", follow_redirects: :follow_redirects)
def main_method(confirm_number, email)
message = {'ConfirmationNumber' => "JWRW5HR5", 'EMail' => "jon#" }
response = client.call(:search_for_reservation, message: message)
data = response.body(:search_for_reservation_response => { #attrib => {:reservation => :id} })
if data
#reservation_id = data[:id]
search = SearchReservation.new
puts search.main_method("JWRW5HR5", "jon#")
N.B. the email value jon# doesn't have to be a valid email address (used just for testing purposes) - it returns a valid response in SoapUI.
My last syntax error trace in the terminal/console:
/~/.rbenv/versions/2.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/savon-2.11.1/lib/savon/response.rb:36:in `body': wrong number of arguments (1 for 0) (ArgumentError)
from search.rb:13:in `main_method'
from search.rb:22:in `<main>'
My final solution pulling out all the values I need. Of note: even though dining_date_and_time was presented as xml when putting response.body, when it is extracted using #dining_date_and_time = data[:dining_date_and_time] the date and time values get printed cleanly. This is key once porting to a fully-fledged Rails app.
Despite all the discussion online about attributes, ids within an xml tag can be pulled by just ensuring you are far enough down the "tree" (ie. location id falls under location tag) and then specifying the key: in this case the api displays it as :#id for each nested case.
N.B, this only returns the last value called each time in console. But all values should be pulled in views once integrated into Rails. (Hopefully!)
require 'savon'
class SearchClass
def client
client = Savon.client(wsdl: "http://wsdl-example-url", follow_redirects: :follow_redirects)
def return_data(confirm_number, email)
message = {'ConfirmationNumber' => confirm_number, 'EMail' => email }
response = client.call(:search_for_reservation, message: message)
data = response.to_hash[:search_for_reservation_response][:reservation]
#reservation_id = data[:#id]
#dining_date_and_time = data[:dining_date_and_time]
#size = data[:size]
#session_id = data[:session_id]
#first_name = data[:first_name]
#last_name = data[:last_name]
#confirm_number = data[:confirmation_number]
#allowed_to_cancel_online = data[:allowed_to_cancel_online]
#restaurant_phone_number = data[:restaurant_phone_number]
data2 = response.to_hash[:search_for_reservation_response][:reservation][:restaurant]
#restaurant_id = data2[:#id]
#restaurant_name = data2[:name]
data3 = response.to_hash[:search_for_reservation_response][:reservation][:restaurant][:location]
#location_id = data3[:#id]
#location_name = data3[:name]
search = SearchClass.new
puts search.return_data("JWRW5HR5", "jon#")
I want to retrieve bibtex data (for building a bibliography) by sending a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to http://www.crossref.org from within matlab.
The crossref API suggests something like this:
curl -LH "Accept: text/bibliography; style=bibtex" http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrd842
based on this source.
Another example from here suggests the following in ruby:
open("http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nrd842","Accept" => "text/bibliography; style=bibtex"){|f| f.each {|line| print line}}
Although I've heard ruby rocks I want to do this in matlab and have no clue how to translate the ruby message or interpret the crossref command.
The following is what I have so far to send a doi to crossref and retrieve data in xml (in variable retdat), but not bibtex, format:
doi = '10.1038/nrd842';
URL_PATTERN = 'http://dx.doi.org/%s';
fetchurl = sprintf(URL_PATTERN,doi);
numinputs = 1;
www = java.net.URL(fetchurl);
is = www.openStream;
%Read stream of data
isr = java.io.InputStreamReader(is);
br = java.io.BufferedReader(isr);
%Parse return data
retdat = [];
next_line = toCharArray(br.readLine)'; %First line contains headings, determine length
%Loop through data
while ischar(next_line)
retdat = [retdat, 13, next_line];
tmp = br.readLine;
next_line = toCharArray(tmp)';
if strcmp(next_line,'M END')
next_line = [];
%Cleanup java objects
Help translating the ruby statement to something matlab can send using a script such as that posted to establish the communication with crossref would be greatly appreciated.
Additional constraints include backward compatibility of the code (back at least to R14) :>(. Also, no use of ruby, since that solves the problem but is not a "matlab" solution, see here for how to invoke ruby from matlab via system('ruby script.rb').
You can easily edit urlread for what you need. I won't post my modified urlread function code due to copyright.
In urlread, (mine is at C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2012a\toolbox\matlab\iofun\urlread.m), as the least elegant solution:
Right before "% Read the data from the connection." I added:
urlConnection.setRequestProperty('Accept','text/bibliography; style=bibtex');
The answer from user2034006 lays the path to a solution.
The following script works when urlread is modified:
URL_PATTERN = 'http://dx.doi.org/%s';
doi = '10.1038/nrd842';
fetchurl = sprintf(URL_PATTERN,doi);
method = 'post';
params= {};
[string,status] = urlread(fetchurl,method,params);
The modification in urlread is not identical to the suggestion of user2034006. Things worked when the line
in urlread was replaced with
urlConnection.setRequestProperty('Accept','text/bibliography; style=bibtex');
I successfully setup a connection to my Rally project, but am not able to programatically set the "Submitted By" field when opening defects. I am misnaming the parameter, or it is not settable via the REST API. Any help on querying modifiable parameters, link to attribute names, or code to set the "Submitted By" parameter would be greatly appreciated.
My goal is to have a webpage where folks submit defects or stories, along with their email, and use that to populate their username in the "Submitted By" field. My current setup can open Stories and Defects but only anonymously since the second to last line has no effect.
I am using the Ruby API and the following is the ruby code that gets invoked when a user clicks on a button on the main page, which redirects them to localhost:4567/rally_defect where Sinatra is listening.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rally_rest_api'
require 'sinatra'
custom_headers = CustomHttpHeader.new
custom_headers.name = 'Mail 2 Rally'
custom_headers.version = '0.1'
custom_headers.vendor = 'Rally Software'
rally_server = 'https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm'
rally_username = <insert rally username>
rally_pwd = <insert rally password>
rally = RallyRestAPI.new(:base_url => rally_server,
:username => rally_username,
:password => rally_pwd,
:http_headers => custom_headers)
get '/rally_defect' do
rally.create(:defect, :name => "Test Defect",
:description => "This is a test",
:SubmittedBy => "test")
If you're getting started building this integration, I'd strongly recommend using rally_api instead of rally_rest_api.
rally_rest_api is in the process of being deprecated for a number of issues around performance and stability. There won't be any further development on rally_rest_api moving forward.
You can find documentation on rally_api here:
rally_api does require Ruby 1.9.2 or higher.
rally_api's syntax is quite similar to rally_rest_api. The rally_api version of what you're attempting above would look something like the code sample below. Note that any "set-able" parameter can be set simply by including its name in the object hash and setting that to a value.
The best place to look for the Rally Webservices API object model, including Artifact attributes, allowed values, and whether they are write-able is the Webservices API documentation:
When an attribute of a Rally Artifact is itself a Rally Object like a User, for example, either lookup the Object in Rally first (the example below does this), or, set the value to the REST URL reference to the object in Rally. For instance, if you know that user#company.com has ObjectID 12345678910 in Rally, then you can do:
user_ref = "/user/12345678910"
new_defect["SubmittedBy"] = user_ref
The code below shows the way to do a lookup into Rally to get the User object, given an email-formatted UserID, since I'm assuming you'll probably need to accomodate multiple different users.
require 'rubygems'
require 'rally_api'
require 'sinatra'
#Setting custom headers
headers = RallyAPI::CustomHttpHeader.new()
headers.name = 'Mail 2 Rally'
headers.vendor = "My Company"
headers.version = "0.1"
# Rally credentials
rally_username = <insert rally username>
rally_pwd = <insert rally password>
rally_server = 'https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm'
# Rally REST API config
config = {:base_url => rally_server}
config[:username] = rally_username
config[:password] = rally_pwd
config[:workspace] = "Workspace Name"
config[:project] = "Project Name"
config[:headers] = headers #from RallyAPI::CustomHttpHeader.new()
# New up rally connection config
#rally = RallyAPI::RallyRestJson.new(config)
# Lookup UserID for SubmittedBY
submitted_by_user_id = "user#company.com"
user_query = RallyAPI::RallyQuery.new()
user_query.type = :user
user_query.fetch = "ObjectID,UserName,DisplayName"
user_query.order = "UserName Asc"
user_query.query_string = "(UserName = \"#{submitted_by_user_id}\")"
# Query for user
user_query_results = #rally.find(user_query)
submitted_by_user = user_query_results.first
# Create the Defect
new_defect = {}
new_defect["Name"] = "Test Defect"
new_defect["Description"] = "This is a test"
new_defect["SubmittedBy"] = submitted_by_user
new_defect_create_result = #rally.create(:defect, new_defect)
puts "New Defect created FormattedID: #{new_defect_create_result.FormattedID}"