Configure as code with security groups and ldap - sonarqube

We are trying to set up a SonarQube server (v. 6.5) to run in Kubernetes. Because of this, we need everything to be configured "as code" not through the web interface.
We have successfully set up single sign-on (SSO) against LDAP server, and that works as such. But since users can then not log out in order to log in as a static admin, we need some way to configure a group that has admin privileges.
It is my understanding that this should be done via group mapping, but all documentation and examples I can find only suggest setting up the groups through the UI.
Is there some way to configure groups via (or other properties file) that are then automatically mapped against groups from LDAP, and configure a group to get admin rights?
I am pretty new to SonarQube (and no ldap expert either), so I hope the question makes sense.

There is no way to configure groups through properties. There are web services (which are used by the UI itself) with which you could script this.
Alternately, see if you can turn on group synching with your SSO. Then you just have to grant admin rights (via the UI? via web services?) to the appropriate group in SonarQube.


No Users Or Groups Folders In VisualSVN Server

I have downloaded VisualSVN Server, version 5.1.1. In the left panel there is only Repositories and Jobs. I want to add new users for learing and testing purposes. However I can't see any settings to do so. I currently dont have a licence. Is this the main reason? If not, how can I enable Users and Groups folders or how can I reach to related settings? Keep in mind that I'm a completely newbie to this application. Any help is appreciated, thanks
I have tried to find related settings in autentication properties but I got confused and bogged down. I have tried to open the application as Administrator, still couldn't find or make sense of settings.
I also tried to find subversion authentication settings which is normally in the main page.
In the MMC snap-in, you should have a Users option down the left hand side of the tree. However, on the main Visual SVN page, you have various options, one of which should be Subversion Authentication. You can also add users and groups using the options here also (see below, for a screen shot of my SVN Server). Regarding the license, that shouldn't be an issue, as long as your requirement fits withing the "Community" licensing requirements.
If you don't see options to Create Users / Groups, use the Configure Authentication Options and set the Authentication Mode to Subversion Authentication. This will allow subversion to authenticate users based on a list that is setup within the server itself. Hope that Helps.
The Users and Groups folders are only available in the management console when your server is configured to use the standalone Subversion authentication mode. When this authentication mode is active, your server maintains a dedicated list of user and group accounts.
However, your screenshot shows that you've enabled Windows authentication. In this case, your server integrates with your Active Directory domain / Windows, and user and group accounts are maintained by Active Directory. I.e., you don't need to create users and groups in VisualSVN Server. They are already created in your domain and you can grant permissions to these accounts via the management console.
You can find more information about the authentication modes in the article KB182: VisualSVN Server authentication modes.

NiFi - automating creation of users/groups during install

I have a puppet module that is deploying a standalone nifi instance. It's all working and it will deploy the application with an initial admin user etc via authorizers.conf.
But in order to configure additional users and groups there is a long process of creating policies and adding users and groups via the gui. I want to automate some of this in my puppet module.
It would be good to be able to automatically create an admin group which is already assigned to a load of policies.
It doesn't seem like this is possible though as the best-practice is to only edit authorizers.xml and allow that to create the resulting authorisations.xml and users.xml, and there is no setting within authorizers.xml to create initial groups or initial policies.
My only idea at the moment is to use something like the nipyapi python module to create users and groups via the api during the initial install.
Or perhaps ignoring the authorisers.xml and just deploy a pre-configured authorizations.xml and users.xml.
Am I missing any other simple or better options?

How to do role based access control with SonarQube?

I am new to SonarQube and trying to setup up a proper access control, with requirements as follows:
We have a few project areas, each area should have someone able to
manage their area, such as creating new projects and manage the
boards, not sure exactly what. This is something like project area
A few administrators can do anything.
Integrate to AD
A few questions:
In a few places like this link:, I see this role based method, but I can't find these default roles, "SonarSource products come with three project-specific roles – project administrators, project users and project code viewers" anywhere in the system. Right now, I am using the community edition I guess without a license. Is there any more detailed document on that?
I kind of understand the default Global Permissions and Project Permissions. In my case, shall I create e.g. three groups in AD, sonar-administrators,sonar-project-administrators, sonar-users to map to the default groups?
I notice the following: right now I don't have the above AD groups, when I integrate to AD, I can login with my domain id/password, but once logout/in, the group information I added to the local user gone. I guess it sych with AD. So to use AD, I have to create these groups in AD?
Access control in SonarQube is managed through Global Permissions and Project Permissions. Each permission can be granted to user(s) and/or to group(s). The documentation you pointed at is quite outdated, read the Authorization page for the most up to date details.
AD/LDAP integration is a different topic, documented here. With group mapping, group membership stays managed in AD but will be replicated in SonarQube when users log in (the AD groups must first be created in SonarQube with the same name).
To your example: if AD users belonging to group foo deserve to administer your SonarQube, just create group foo in SonarQube, and (in the Global Permissions settings) give Administer System permission to group foo.

Is it possible to Restrict access to specific projects in Oracle Service BUS (OSB 11g)

Can you please inform me, if OSB provides the option to allow access to specific projects via the OSB Console?
According to , I know that I am provided the option to create custom users, roles and groups but I cannot see anywhere the option of giving partial access to the development of projects via the console. My options end in the restriction of menus/options in total, or upon a specific timeframe etc.
Thank you for your help.
Best Regards

BlogEngine Integration Problem

I have a running application in which client wants to implement BlogEngine, I have done almost but in the existing application there are also a registration, so now i want that when a user registration at my application that particular user be able to login in blogEngine.
I am using sql database and set all the settings in web.config.
Abhisheks, It sounds like you want to use the same user system as your existing web application. What you need to do is configure your authentication provider for to use the same user system as your existing app. You can either roll your own provider via code, or if your existing app is using the standard .net auth provider, then you should be able to just piggy-back off of that by configuring BE to use that via your web.config file.
