How to launch jupyter notebooks on server via ssh and run it on local browser? - macos

I'm working on a project where the servers and Mysql data bases are inaccessible from my local machine unless I ssh to a remote using terminal. However, I find programming with Jupyter Notebooks the best environment for me. I really miss it as I find programming with just vim remotely via terminal a bit cumbersome. I was wondering if there was a way to launch Jupyter notebook from the server and have my local browser open it up- so I can code from my browser but it would be running from the terminal/remote-server via ssh- so that ways my code can actually connect to my database from my browser via the remote and I can use the interactiveness of a Jupyter notebook to speed up my development. Any ideas? remote is ubuntu and mine is a mac. Thanks

This is pretty simple. You just need to install the jupyter notebook server on your remote machine and make it open to the web, protected by a password to avoid unintended use.
On the remote server, first install Jupyter:
pip3 install jupyter
Then follow this guide to secure it with a password.
At last you can launch it with:
jupyter notebook --ip='*'
This tells Jupyter to make it available from any ip and not only from localhost.
Please do protect it with a password, otherwise very nasty things could happen to your server.


Silent/Automated Homebrew Install

I am trying to get homebrew installed remotely on a machine without a terminal open and without ssh access to the machine. Our company uses a Directory-as-a-Service which allows us to remotely push shell scripts to our computers which is great, but it requires the scripts to have no interactivity.
Is there a way to automate the installer and remove the “Press enter to continue” prompt in the install process?
Zach S
The env variable CI seems to silence this prompt:
export CI=1

Can I use Spyder interface with a remote server?

I installed anaconda on remote server and typed spyder which gave this message:
QXcbConnection: Could not connect to display
Aborted (core dumped)
I have a script I've worked on locally. I could just scp it but would prefer to continue working on the script within spyder. Is this possible?
(Spyder maintainer here) Spyder can't work in a server that doesn't have an X server installed (clearly your case) because it's a graphical application.

Tunneling from Windows 10 to Jupyter running on AWS

I'm trying to access Jupyter notebooks that are installed on AWS and I want to use a windows-10 machine to access it. The jupyter system sits behind a jump host (bastion) on aws. The process works for macs in the following way
- Instructions exist to create a ssh tunnel
- Magically the notebook is available on a browser by doing localhost:8223
The mac command for it looks like
ssh -i /pathto.id_rsa -L 8223:<some name>:8223 -f -o <some other url>
What I've been able to accomplish is the following.
- Installed putty and pageant. Set up key forwarding on putty and been able to log in to the bastion host.
- I tried foxyproxy on chrome but couldn't make much headway there.
How do I access this Jupyter notebook from windows?
Again, the set up is
windows --> [bastion] --> jupyter
I'm totally lost, any pointers or step by step instructions is much appreciated.
Try this article from my blog:
It has step by step instructions with screenshots as well.

Anaconda jupyter notebook

I installed Anaconda & Python following this guide:
version installed: 3.4
Now the problem is I can access the jupyter notebook via http://localhost:8888/tree
but i cannot access it via the internet ip address
Note, I am using a AWS EC2 instance.
What might be the problem?
If you want to access your notebook server remotely via a web browser, you must do the following at a minimum:
Create a custom profile for the notebook
Edit the file for the custom profile
Start the notebook with the profile just created
Please consult the's documentation for the details.
There's another way to start Jupyter notebook server which is embedded in Continuum Anaconda, Here's the command. You can override some parameter like port, server, --no-browser, etc while starting the server .
/opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda/bin/python /opt/cloudera/parcels/Anaconda/bin/jupyter-notebook --port=8998 --ip= --no-browser

I get this error while trying to launch the command ./runInstaller

I have this error while trying to launch the command ./runInstaller
Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
From Oracle help docs:
sudo yum install xorg-x11-utils -y
worked for me.
If you are executing this via Putty, then I suggest you have a look at Xming, this allows you to have a Putty remote ssh session, and forward your display to you Windows machine...
If you're executing this from a Linux server without a gui, you will either need to connect remotely with a pc with a GUI installed (Gnome, KDE, etc) or you'll need to install the Gui directly on the server.
Check if it's not already installed by using the command on the terminal
$ startx
Error is reproducible thus:
$ export DISPLAY=:0.0
$ ./runInstaller
ERROR: Unable to verify the graphical display setup. This application requires X display. Make sure that xdpyinfo exist under PATH variable.
Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable.
OP's X server was Hummingbird Exceed. Xming will work as well.
The actual solution depends on:
whether you are su'd to oracle from a different login account.
whether you are using X11 forwarding.
the actual port used by X11 forwarding, which could be 6010 or a different port.
If you logged in and then su'd to oracle, then copy ~/.Xauthority to the oracle account.
If you are using X11 forwarding and the forwarding port is 6010, then DISPLAY=localhost:10.0 is correct.
If you are not using X11 forwarding, and if port 6000 on your PC is reachable from the oracle server, then export DISPLAY=your.pc.ip.address:0.0 is correct.
Install xterm and use xterm to test X windows.
Be sure to install xdpyinfo.
For more details, please refer to my article X windows for Oracle DBAs
