I have a shared element transition on an ImageView transitioning between list and detail layouts. It works perfectly with support library 27.0.2. However, with support library 27.1.0, on returning from the detail to the list, the image transitions randomly to either the right place or a place higher up the list (it works correctly approximately one time in three).
I don't see anything related in the 27.1.0 release notes.
Code for list:
String transitionName = "transition_" + item_id;
// Set the tag so the view can be found when the list activity is returned to.
// Start the detail activity with a shared element transition
Bundle bundle = ActivityOptionsCompat.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(
activity.startActivity(intent, bundle);
Code for detail:
String transitionName = "transition_" + item_id;
Anyone who knows how to add User Inteface on top of Rajawali Surface View?
I check the rajawali documentation but it doesn't work
The following approach worked for me: Create your UI elements that you want to add to your layout, I used a ConstraintLayout as a container. Do not create the SurfaceView by xml, but instead programmatically. Create it in a way that it will overlap all other UI elements and that it uses all available space. By this, the UI elements are still visible even though technically they should be hidden by the SurfaceView which is in front.
Below is my code how I setup the SurfaceView. Note that constraintLayout is the name of the container layout that has other buttons in it as well.
surfaceView = new SurfaceView(getContext());
surfaceView.setLayoutParams(new ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams(ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_CONSTRAINT, ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams.MATCH_CONSTRAINT));
constraintLayout.addView(surfaceView, 0);
ConstraintSet constraintSet = new ConstraintSet();
constraintSet.connect(surfaceView.getId(), ConstraintSet.LEFT, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.LEFT);
constraintSet.connect(surfaceView.getId(), ConstraintSet.RIGHT, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.RIGHT);
constraintSet.connect(surfaceView.getId(), ConstraintSet.BOTTOM, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.BOTTOM);
constraintSet.connect(surfaceView.getId(), ConstraintSet.TOP, ConstraintSet.PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet.TOP);
I have been working on figuring out what is going on with my game's UI for at least two days now, and no progress.
Note that this is a mobile game, but I was asked to build for Windows for visualization and presentation purpose.
So the problem is that when I run my game on the Unity Editor, Android, iOS and Mac platforms the UI works just perfect, but then when I run the game on Windows the UI still works fine UNTIL I load a specific scene.
This specific scene is a loading screen (between main menu and a level) when the level finished async loading, a method called MoveObjects is called in a script in the loading screen, to move some objects that where spawned in the loading screen scene into the level scene (this is not the issue though, since I already try without this method and the problem on the UI persist).
Once the logic of this MoveObjects method is done, a start button is enabled in the loading screen, for the player to click and start playing (I did try moving the start button to the level scene, since maybe it not been a child of the currently active scene could be the issue, but the problem still persist). Is at this point that the UI is partially broken, what I mean with this is, that I can see buttons (and some other UI elements like a scrollbar) changing color/state when the mouse moves over them, but I cannot click on them anymore (the button wont even change to the pressed state).
Also note that I tried creating a development build to see if there was any errors in the console, and I notice that this problem is also affecting the old UI system, so I was not able to interact with the development console anymore.
Also also, note that if I grab and drag the scrollbar before this issue appear, and I keep holding down on the scrollbar until this happens, the mouse gets stuck on the scrollbar, meaning that I cannot interact with the UI anymore, but the scrollbar will still move with the mouse.
I already check that this things are not the source of the problem:
Missing EventSystem, GraphicRaycaster or InputModule.
Another UI element blocking the rest of the UI.
Canvas is Screen Space - Overlay so there is no need for a camera reference.
I only have one EventSystem.
Time.timeScale is 1.
I am not sure what else I could try, so if anyone has any suggestions, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
P.S: I am sorry to say that I cannot share any code or visual material or examples due to the confidentiality.
A major source for a non-working UI for me has always been another (invisible) UI object blocking the raycast (a transparent Image, or a large Text object with raycast on).
Here's a snippet I put together based on info found elsewhere, I often use it to track objects that are masking the raycast in complex UI situations. Place the component on a text object, make sure it's at least few lines tall, as the results will be displayed one under another.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class DebugShowUnderCursor : MonoBehaviour
Text text;
EventSystem eventSystem;
List<RaycastResult> list;
void Start()
eventSystem = EventSystem.current;
text = GetComponent<Text>();
public List<RaycastResult> RaycastMouse(){
PointerEventData pointerData = new PointerEventData (EventSystem.current) { pointerId = -1, };
pointerData.position = Input.mousePosition;
List<RaycastResult> results = new List<RaycastResult>();
EventSystem.current.RaycastAll(pointerData, results);
return results;
void Update()
list= RaycastMouse();
string objects="";
foreach ( RaycastResult result in list)
text.text = objects;
I am doing xamarin development and I am not doing forms.
I want to go back by 3 viewcontrollers/activities but goback method is for going back by one viewcontroller or activity
If I use navigateto i believe one more time the viewcontrolller/activity gets added.i.e two instances.
So how to solve this problem ?
Here is the inavigation interface there is no way to access thr navigational stack as well
If you are going back, then use INavigationService.GoBack();. You can call that 3 times in a row to go back 3 pages.
private void GoBackThree()
I haven't used MVVM Light before but I have quite a bit of experience of Xamarin Forms. I used to use MVVM Cross for navigation but eventually found that the built in Xamarin Forms Navigation was much better, I ran into similar scenarios as to what you have here.
Under the hood it looks like MVVM Light is just wrapping the Xamarin Forms Navigation anyway - http://mvvmlight.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Samples/Flowers/Flowers.Forms/Flowers.Forms/Helpers/NavigationService.cs
I don't think you need give up on MVVM Light navigation but you do need to get under the hood to achieve the navigation without seeing three transitions. I haven't tried this with MVVM Light but it works great with normal Forms navigation.
Step 1
Get access to the underlying Xamarin Forms navigation:
var navigation = Application.Current.MainPage.Navigation;
Step 2
Remove the two pages you want to skip when navigating back. It's important that you remove them before navigating backwards otherwise you'll get a double transition (note the -2 is because you want to remove the second to last page).
var firstPageToRemove = navigation.NavigationStack[navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2];
var secondPageToRemove = navigation.NavigationStack[navigation.NavigationStack.Count - 2];
Step 3
Navigate backwards
I hope that works for you.
Alternative Consideration
I have a similar application in my app which I've solved a little more elegantly. If you know you never need to be able to navigate back to those previous pages. When you push the new pages on, you can actually remove the previous one if you no longer need it. Please note you have to remove the page after you push on the new one otherwise you get two transitions. I use this extension method on-top of the standard Forms Navigation which I showed you how to access in Step 1 to achieve it.
public static async Task ReplaceCurrentAsync(this INavigation navigation, Page page, bool animated = false)
var curentPage = navigation.NavigationStack.Last();
await navigation.PushAsync(page, animated);
I am new to UI test writing.
I wanted to know if it is possible to know what elements are/exists in view. I want to know how many and how they are called.
I tried something like this to loop through all elements, but it does not work.
for element in app.accessibilityElements! {
You're looking for the debugDescription method of XCUIElement, in your case to get the entire hierarchy of the current visible window:
Quoting header comments:
Provides debugging information about the element. The data in the string will vary based on the
time at which it is captured, but it may include any of the following as well as additional data:
• Values for the elements attributes.
• The entire tree of descendants rooted at the element.
• The element's query.
This data should be used for debugging only - depending on any of the data as part of a test is unsupported.
You could always have a break point in the testcase and then make some print calls to the console.
po app.accessibilityElements
po app.accessibilityElements.elementBoundByIndex(0)
po app.buttons["Icon Menu Light"]
And see what comes back in the output view hierarchy to reference, or just a simple call to po app will print the hierarchy.
Once you know a particular view exists.. app.buttons["Icon Menu Light"].exists.. you can then try using something like this to confirm the button/element is visible within the current view by passing it to a helper function like:
func isElementInView(element: XCUIElement) -> Bool {
let window = XCUIApplication().windows.elementBoundByIndex(0)
return CGRectContainsRect(window.frame, element.frame) }
This will tell you whether the element is visible on the screen, because the element.exist call will return true, even if the element is off screen and hasnt been shown to the user (i.e. if something hides off screen and then transitions into the frame)
I am currently trying to apply an overlay with LibGDX over my 3D ModelBatch. Everything works fine except for the SelectBox. Once instanciated, it shows up on my screen I can click on it once but then it freezes. The drop-down list is not displayed and the clicks are no longer registered by my application. However, if my second click is under the standard position of the list, that is where it should be drawn when it drops down, an item is selected but then any third click will just return the list to the original selected item and no click is registered by my application anymore. I am running the application on Desktop.
Using break points in the SelectBox.class I was able to notice that the third and other next clicks are registered by the SelectBox.class as part of the list in the Listener responsible for selecting an item.
selectBox = new SelectBox<Object>(skin);
array in this case is an instance of Object[] containing only Strings. This is the only part of code I have related to the selectBox.
I have tried using an array of String[] at first but then switched to Object as suggested on a LibGDX forum.
I am currently using the latest Nightly Build of 2014/04/11 as I also need TextArea which is not yet in the stable release. However, I have tried the stable release 0.9.9 and it doesn't work either.
Am I using the right code to declare my SelectBox, or what could I do to make the SelectBox behave properly that is display its list when clicked and return to a normal state after an item is selected?
I had the same problem, to fix it you must send the delta field (altered a bit) to the method stage.act();
Here is some example code:
public void render(float delta) {
Gdx.gl.glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1); //sets up the clear color (background color) of the screen.
Gdx.gl.glClear(GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); //instructs openGL to actually clear the screen to the newly set clear color.
// a stage has its own batch so don't put it within batch.begin() and batch.end()
stage.act(Math.min(Gdx.graphics.getDeltaTime(), 1 / 30f)); //you are likely missing THIS LINE :D
I hope this helps!! :D