The following patterns were never triggered in this artifact inclusion filter: o ' - maven

Following are the contents for the assembly.xml
I have added following dependency to the pom.xml -
<!-- Dubbo -->
When I run maven install, I am getting the warning and my code doesn't work. But if I run the code directly without creating the jar then it works just fine. So there is something wrong with the jar that get created. Debugging this, I came across this warning. But I am unable to understand what wrong am I doing. According to my understanding the include tag should contain group-id:artifact-id. I am doing this but still I am getting the warning. Can someone put some light on what am I missing here.

Resolved the warning with the following replacement
Just for reference, following is the long pattern groupId:artifactId:type:classifier


combination of shade, proguard and appassembler maven plugins

I'm trying to build and obfuscate a multi module project using maven. I use the shade plugin to create a fat jar containing all of my own class files(every module) so that I could obfuscate the fat jar using proguard-maven-plugin and then create executable build output using appassembler plugin. everything works except that the other module dependencies also appear in the appassembler repo dir, which is wrong because the obfuscated classes already exist in the shaded jar.
I've tried defining the other module dependencies as provided and then adding the dependencies for the shade plugin, but the shade plugin seems to ignore them.
this is the relevant part of pom.xml:
Any ideas are welcome.
I found a solution which is not as convenient as I'd like but its better than removing the other module jars manually. I used assembly plugin to exclude the jars from the build distribution zip.
<assembly xmlns:xsi=""
I think your issue comes from the fact that the shaded jar and the appassembler are ran during the same phase, package.
I think you should try to modify the phase of the appassembler plugin to:

I wish to exclude some class files from my jar. I am using maven-assembly-plugin. It still adds the files. I dont get any error

I dont get any error with this code. Just that the file that I want to exclude still gets added. I am using the maven plugin for eclipse
<exclude>**/com/uiservices/controllers/*.* </exclude>
The maven-assembly-plugin doesn't work like that.
There what you want to do is override the configuration of the assembly descriptor jar-with-dependencies and that's not possible.
If what you want to do is create a jar similar to the one created by the assembly jar-with-dependencies but without some specific classes of your own project, you have to write your own assembly and call it in the maven-assembly-plugin like what follows.
Assembly in src/assembly/jar-with-deps-with-exclude.xml :
<!-- TODO: a jarjar format would be better -->
This will create an assembly with no the dependencies unpacked and with your classes added except the ones excluded.
And then in your pom.xml :
But if what you need is your classical jar without excluded classes, you can exclude them in the maven-jar-plugin directly :
I had a similar issue with maven-assembly-plugin:
Project beans-conversion has files,
logback.xml, and logback.xsd
Project extract-conversion has also files called, logback.xml, and logback.xsd
Requirement is extract-conversion.jar should include beans-conversion.jar content but, logback.xml, and logback.xsd of extract-conversion.jar should override the beans-conversion.jar.
We solved this using maven-shade-plugin as below in extract-conversion's pom.xml.
using maven-shade-plugin
ref: Maven dependency: exclude one class
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">

Maven Assembly Create Custom Format

As part of a bigger project, I want to package some items I download together with some jar files as a .tar.gz package. And I did that successfully.
But now I want to "rename" that .tar.gz to something custom (e.a. to mypackage.banana)
Is there an easy way to achieve this?
What I have so far id accomplished using
<version>2.2-beta-5</version> <!-- Old -->
<execution> <!-- Build tar.gz archive. -->
</execution> <!-- /NewStuff -->
using tar.xml:

Maven: Build tar.gz file with externally downloaded files

What I'm trying to do with maven is build a project.tar.gz file with some data in the ./data folder downloaded from some location on the web.
Currently I'm trying to approach this using the assembly plugin, so far without much success.
So far the following works: I download a file to target/data
But now I need that file packaged in a tar file.
I ended up using
<version>2.2-beta-5</version> <!-- Old -->
<execution> <!-- Build tar.gz archive. -->
</execution> <!-- /NewStuff -->
using tar.xml:
I personally wouldn't use Maven for this; Maven is a tool for standard processes. What you want to do is very special.
Have a look at the Maven AntRun Plugin or use Ant directly. That way, you can create a script which does exactly what you want without fighting with Maven's conventions all the time.

multiple assemble results

I need to keep a status created during an artifact proceeding. So I've got the idea to bundle these state into an own zip and unpacking it in the prepare phase. Additional shall be the real result deployed as well. This result is a bundle to created files, valuable within a next artifact.
I'm trying create two result zips, but during deploy the second assembly name is ignored and always is deployed.
Whats wrong?
Thanks in advance,
my pom looks like:
<project ...>
... proceeding generation
The assemblies are:
<assembly ... >
<assembly ... >
You can use the attach-artifact goal of build helper maven plugin to achieve this.
This allows me attaching the status file only to the current artifact. But then I'm getting a dependency cycle, when trying to add the status artifact.
<project ...>
