Always prompt for a stash message in git - bash

I tend to stash changes without remembering why I stash them.
I do make it a point to git stash push -m most of the time, but if there's a fire drill or something else that knocks me out of flow, I may forget and lose time trying to recover.
Is there a way to imitate the behavior of git commit (minus the -m) for git stash where vim pops up and abandons the operation if the message is empty?

AFAIK there's no config option for this. You'll have to write an alias in your .gitconfig and train yourself to use it.
For example, I have two stash aliases git pop and git save. (You can see I didn't get the memo about git stash save being deprecated). These are both for convenience, and to change the default behavior to something I find more useful.
save = stash save -k -u
pop = stash pop
Unfortunately git stash push -m doesn't bring up an editor, if you need to write more than a few words to describe what you were doing consider a branch instead. We can fix this by writing a little shell function and passing the argument to -m using "$#" to ensure messages with spaces are a single argument.
savem = "!f() { git save -m \"$#\"; }; f"
Now you can write git savem 'remember to remember what this was'.
$ git savem 'remember to remember what this was'
Saved working directory and index state On issue/45: remember to remember what this was
And if you forget, you'll get the normal git-stash usage message. You can snazz up the alias to provide a custom usage message if you like.
$ git savem
usage: git stash list [<options>]
or: git stash show [<stash>]

To me it makes sense to consider using a branch for this. It seems like you want to keep the changes. Branches can be named so it’s easier to recall what was being worked on. These can be local or pushed to remote in case it wasn’t a drill.
$ git branch topic/wip
If you want continue work on master yo can do a
$ git checkout master

Not pretty but could be achieved using bash + vipe in moreutils
msg="$(< /dev/null vipe)";
[[ -z "$msg" ]] || git stash -m "$msg"


Do *not* show pgp signature in git log

The git log subcommand has the option --show-signature to display pgp signatures of the commits (if present).
This can also be enabled by default via git config log.showSignature true.
I have set this config option to true.
The problem is that I am now looking for an option to pass to git log to not show the signature in the log (while the config is still set to true),
something like
git config --no-show-signature.
I was unable to find anything helpful in the git documentation.
For context: Most of the time, I do want git log to be active, but in some automated scripts, I really don't need this, because it messes up some automatic parsing etc.
I'll repeat #phd's comment, which in the current state of things seems like the most straightforward way to cancel that config parameter (and only that one) :
Try git -c log.showSignature=false log
Another option is to use git log's sister command : git rev-list.
The differences are :
git rev-list isn't affected by log.* config parameters
you need to add --no-commit-header to avoid one extra line on each commit (see this answer here which links to doc)
you need to specify explicitly the refs/branches names (e.g: git rev-list will error, you need to say git rev-list HEAD)
Other than that, it understands the same options as git log :
git rev-list --no-commit-header --graph --format="%h (%an %ad) %s" HEAD

How I cherry pick previous branch's latest commit by one command?

For example, I have branch "feature-A".
Then I execute one commond that can help me checkout to "feature-B" and cherry pick "feature-A"'s lastest's commit.
Does git have such a magical command? Or does anyone have a ready-made script? If so, this could save me a lot of time.
You can concatenate 2 git commands: first to move to your desired branch (in this case feature-B) and then cherry pick the last commit on the top of your other branch (in this case feature-A)
You can do it by running git checkout feature-B && git cherry-pick feature-A
Remember you can specify -n after cherry-pick if you don't want to commit (so you can check it before committing), or on the other hand you can concatenate && git push in case you don't need to check but you want directly to push everything in the same command after the cherry pick.
Below bash/zsh script might help if you want to cherry-pick only the latest commit from feature-A
git checkout feature-A
commitId=$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:"%h")
git checkout feature-B
git cherry-pick $commitId
git diff --stat --cached origin/feature-B
Then to push the changes, run below command
git push origin feature-B

How to use a line of hyphen to separate git command results within git alias in git-bash

I've already created a alias called info to display status, branch and log in git-bash. However, all the information was bunched up and somewhat annoying to read, so i wanted to make it easier on myself when reading it by adding a line of hyphens with new line above and below it. After trying many times, I can't get it to work. Therefore i'm seeking help here.
Here's what I tried before, trying to get one to work before copying it in between git branch and git log.
$ git config --global '!git status && echo && !printf -- '-%.0s' {1..80}; echo "" && echo && git branch && git log'
Below is what the result should look like.
git status result
git branch result
git log result
If the ! syntax doe not give the expected result, try and embed your commands in a shell function within your Git alias: !f() { echo begin arg=$1/$2/end; }; f
Or even in a separate script:
git config --global '!sh'
The point is: if you can make it work in a regular shell script, you will be able to call it from an alias.
Or you can even name your script git-info (executable, no extension), and simply type:
git info
No alias needed there: any git-xxx script can be called as git xxx (if git-xxx is in your PATH)

How does one disable Git's HTML help (on Windows)?

I installed Github for Windows which comes with the Git command line client, and whenever I forget a switch or something and want to use --help, instead of dumping to the console it's launching a browser. Is there a way to ask Git to dump the help to the console (as it does in most Unixen by default) instead of launching a browser?
In windows
git <command> -h
will write help to the terminal output
git <command> --help
will pop up a browser window
This is a frail workaround, but if you just want a quick usage summary, feed the git sub-command of your choice a deliberately bad option name. I tried "--halp". For example:
$ git stash --halp
error: unknown option for 'stash save': --halp
To provide a message, use git stash save -- '--halp'
usage: git core\git-stash list [<options>]
or: git core\git-stash show [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash drop [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash ( pop | apply ) [--index] [-q|--quiet] [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash branch <branchname> [<stash>]
or: git core\git-stash [save [--patch] [-k|--[no-]keep-index] [-q|--quiet]
[-u|--include-untracked] [-a|--all] [<message>]]
or: git core\git-stash clear
I can't say for sure that "halp" will always be rejected, but it seems to get the job done. Hopefully it'll never get interpreted as a usable parameter. This is probably better than random typing, for example, since you might randomly type in correct input.
For Linux systems you could set this with git config --global help.format <web|man|info>. Unfortunately the man pages are not part of the Git for Windows bundle so only 'web' works.

Add line break to git commit -m from command line on Windows

My company has a policy that all checkins to a particular project must follow a specific multi-line template for git commits. How can I most simply create a single commit message that has multiple lines from the command line in Windows?
This is almost exactly a duplicate of "Add line break to git commit -m from command line" except that this question is specific to Windows/cmd.exe, while that question is related to bash.
Either create a file that contains your commit message in the right format and use git commit -F <message_file>, after which you can continually edit and reuse that same file, or create a template file and use git commit -t <template_file> to open your editor with the pre-cooked template to be filled in. The second option can be made permanent by setting the commit.template configuration variable, so you don't need to use the -t ... bit on every commit. See the git commit manual page (git help commit, if your git is installed correctly, or search online) for more information.
You can create multiline commit message like this:
C:\> git commit -m "Line 1"^
More? "Line 2"^
More? "Line 3"
Note, that the circumflex character is only on odd lines.
git commit -m "Subject" -m "Description..."
You can also use interactive rebase and then reword for editing the commit's message.
Type git commit -m "doesnt really matter whats here" and then git rebase -i HEAD~1, replace pick with r or reword, save and then edit the message.
