CRM Dynamics - Voice of the Customer (VoC) survey - Update Standard/Custom entities based on Survey Responses? - dynamics-crm

Is it possible to update standard and/or custom entities based on responses provided from a Dynamics CRM Voice of the Customer (VoC) survey?
According to Joel Lindstrom in this blog, this is possible (at least for the Contact entity) via a workflow, but it doesn't actually show how to update a field on the contact entity.
When I tried creating a workflow (as described in the link):
I added an Update step, but the Contact entity wasn't available from the list of entities to update.
I then added an Insert step and the contact entity was available. (I don't count this as an acceptable option, because I want to update a record. I don't want a second record.)

If your workflow (W1) is on child Question response (QR), no direct Contact relationship is available. Only available on parent Survey Response (SR).
So you need a new Contact relationship in QR and another workflow (W2) to update this QR contact from SR. Then the W1 can be used to update the Contact fields like Phone # from one of the Survey Question response.
The blog post clearly says:
The first challenge we are going to hit is that since the answer doesn’t have a direct relationship with contact, we can’t easily update the Contact record from a question response workflow. One way to resolve this is to add a relationship between question response and contact, and if the response is related to a contact, update the contact field on the question response to link it to the contact.


Populate contact and opportunity lookup in Survey Response

I created a survey in Voice of the Customer app. I included piped data as below :
I created a workflow to send an email when an opportunity is won:
I am able to see the piped data in the survey. But, the contact lookup and opportunity lookup is not getting populated in the survey response form :
Am I missing something?
How does these lookups get populated?
You can do a similar workflow (or pre create/post create plugin) on create of survey response, to map the opportunity lookup value from survey in survey response as well.
When we send an email containing the survey, a survey activity is formed. This survey activity has a unique invitation link, regarding field (populated with opportunity in my case) and is tied to the survey.
When I submit the response, the survey response gets tied to this survey activity. Hence, we are able to tag survey responses with different opportunity records.

Show Survey Responses for a survey in Opportunity entity

I need to show survey responses for a particular survey in Opportunity entity.
Basically, I need to see below information for a survey in an entity.
Can we do something so that the Survey Responses tab can be seen in the navigation as below ?
Edit : I want to email a survey when an opportunity is closed. Then, I want to tag the survey responses related to that opportunity.
Create a survey lookup in opportunity entity
Create a quick view form for survey entity with whatever look & feel you want (fields & subgrid of survey responses)
Insert the quick view form in opportunity form using the lookup created in step 1
Fill the lookup with survey id you want, this will work nicely

Dynamics CRM - Converting Lead to Oppurtunity

I am new to CRM. I was reading here that there is a "convert lead to account, contact and opportunity". I understand how it would split the data from lead to account and contact, but I can't see ( from reading the Entity Metadata excel file ) where any opportunity information would be linked to lead.
If I understand your question correctly, you are looking for Originating Lead lookup in Opportunity entity record where the Qualified Lead entity record reference will be stored.
If you want to store more Lead record values into Opportunity record, you can use entity relationship mapping like explained in this blog.
If you don’t want to create a Contact when qualifying, you will need to associate the Lead to an existing Contact in Dynamics CRM 2015. An Opportunity will always be created regardless of which fields are populated on the Lead.
In fact, if you didn’t fill out a single field on the Lead form (none were set to ‘required’), and Qualified that Lead, you would create a new Opportunity with no information associated to a new Contact that also has no information.
Of course, you can use workflows to adjust these situations as required – e.g. if you never want an Opportunity to be created from a Qualified Lead you could write a workflow to delete the Opportunity on creation (checking to make sure the Originating Lead has a value).
Read more

Dynamic parameters for views in Dynamics 365

I have a Account Relationship entity with two lookup fields called Recipient Account and Guide Account. I would like to be able to go on an Account and see all records where the Account Relationship's Recipient Account and Guide Account are set to the account I'm viewing.
In CRM, I can definitely create a view to fetch all account relationships on the Account Relationship entity and then inside the Account entity's form I can include the view with the data source set to Related Records Only and the entity set to Account Relationship (Recipient Account). But I can't do both in a single view.
Through what mechanism can I have it all be in one view? One thing I was considering was creating separate grids, one for Recipient Account and another for Guide Account. But I want to know if there is a mechanism where I can combine all records that have "Recipient Account = Current Account or Guide Account = Current Account" that is basically the query I want to run.
You could use connections. It's pretty flexible and will fulfill your needs as long they stay simple. That's the only viable option I see aside from using two views.
Keep only one subgrid of Account Relationship N:N intersect entity (either Guide account or Recipient account relation)
Register RetrieveMultiple pre-operation plugin to intercept the query & pass the custom fetchxml query by incorporating or filter
Fetchxml has to be built something like explained
Try this unrecommended if you wish but two grids are better choice. This alternate solution also you can try.

Delete Relationship between Contact and Marketing List CRM 4.0

can anyone tells me how I can retrieve a contact in relationship with the marketing list in crm 4.0 ?
Marketinglist ("blabla") --> Contact(Adam Meyer)
I will see if a contact with a specicic Guid is in a Marketing List.
Hope you unterstand me...
Those relationships are stored in a hidden entity called listmember. However, you can't retrieve those records directly. You'll have to do a retrieve on the contact entity, join it to list member, and then filter it based on the listid of the marketing list. Here's an example.
To remove someone (as you mentioned in the title), you'll need to execute a RemoveMemberListRequest. The SDK has the details.
