My code looks like this
getTicket() {
let box = this.waitForResponse(90);
let deferredTicket = protractor.promise.defer();
let me = this;
box.getText().then(function(val) {
let r = /.*(INC\d+) .*/;
let ticketId = val.match(r)[1];
This was working before when we were printing the ticket number on the UI with the other text. Now ticket number is not visible on the UI but it exists in the HTML as we have just changed its color to background color. Now the framework is failing as it is unable to get ticketnumber from the UI as its invisible.What should I do? getInnerHTML() doesn't work either
I wrote a script to add an image from my Google Drive and some custom text to a Google Doc. (I got the image insertion code from here).
The resulting document is created ok, but my image is added twice for some reason...
function myFunction(e) {
var doc = DocumentApp.create('fileTest');
var body = doc.getBody();
var matchedFiles = DriveApp.getFilesByName('logo.png');
if (matchedFiles.hasNext()) {
var image =;
var positionedImage = body.getParagraphs()[0].addPositionedImage(image);
body.appendParagraph('Test line of text for testing');
However, if I get rid of my appendParagraph code (body.appendParagraph(t1);) I only get one image (but obviously without the paragraph of text I want)
What's going on here? And how do I add both one picture and my paragraph of text?
I have not even the slightest clue as to why, but I found a way to make this work.
Switching the order of my code seemed to do the trick. I simply moved the image-insertion code to the end (i.e., after the appendParagraph code), and it worked fine. No duplicate image!
function myFunction(e) {
var doc = DocumentApp.create('fileTest');
var body = doc.getBody();
body.appendParagraph('Test line of text for testing');
var matchedFiles = DriveApp.getFilesByName('logo.png');
if (matchedFiles.hasNext()) {
var image =;
var positionedImage = body.getParagraphs()[0].addPositionedImage(image);
In NativeScript, how can I get the value of a textfield using JavaScript (not TypeScript/Angular)?
I've tried various combinations of "getViewByID()" but nothing is working (perhaps I didn't "require" right libraries?). Not looking to do 2-way binding; just get the value (print to the console).
Just as a reminder, it's usually a good idea to share some code with your question to show what you have already tried.
In this example you could have shared some xml markup for instance.
Anyways to get the value of a textfield you would have something like this.
var view = require("ui/core/view");
function pageLoaded(args) {
var page = args.object;
var textfield= view.getViewById(page, "textfieldID");
After this you should be able to do :
var text = textField.text;
Well, I've been reading the documentation and I believe that I'm calling functions and passing parameters correctly, but for the life of me I can't get this simple UI code to work.
I'm generating a UI for a Spreadsheet using the following code:
function checkOut() {
var app = buildUI();
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();;
function buildUI() {
var gui = UiApp.createApplication();
gui.setStyleAttribute("background", "lavender");
// Absolute panel for setting specific locations for elements
var panel = gui.createAbsolutePanel();
// Equipment ID#s Label
var equipmentIDLabel = gui.createLabel("Equipment ID#s");
equipmentIDLabel.setSize("20px", "125px");
equipmentIDLabel.setStyleAttributes({background: "SteelBlue", color: "white"});
// Add all components to panel
panel.add(equipmentIDLabel, 10, 0);
return gui;
function getUIdata(eventInfo) {
// I know how to get the data from each element based on ID
It generates the Absolute Panel correctly when checkOut() is called, but the EquipmentIDLabel is never added to the panel. I am basing the code on the simplistic design I created in the GUI builder (that will be deprecated in a few days, which is why I am writing the code so that I can change it later):
So what exactly is going wrong here? If I can figure out how to add one element, I can infer the rest by looking at the docs. I've never been any good at GUI development!
You could maybe use grid as an interesting alternative... here is an example :
// define styles
var labelStyle = {background: "SteelBlue", color: "white",'textAlign':'center','line-height':'20px','vertical-align':'middle','font-family':"Arial, sans-serif",'fontSize':'10pt'};// define a common label style
var fieldStyle = {background: "white", color: "SteelBlue",'font-family':"Courrier, serif",'fontSize':'11pt'};// define a common label style
function checkOut() {
var app = buildUI();
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();;
function buildUI() {
var gui = UiApp.createApplication();
gui.setStyleAttribute("background", "lavender");
var panel = gui.createAbsolutePanel().setStyleAttribute('padding','10px');
var grid = gui.createGrid(4,2).setWidth('300').setCellPadding(10);//define grid size in number of row & cols
var equipmentID = ['equipmentIDLabel','equipmentIDLabel1','equipmentIDLabel2','equipmentIDLabel3'];// define labels in an array of strings
for(var n=0 ;n<equipmentID.length ; n++){;// iterate
var equipmentIDLabel = gui.createLabel(equipmentID[n]).setWidth('125').setStyleAttributes(labelStyle);
var equipmentIDField = gui.createTextBox().setText('Enter value here').setName(equipmentID[n]).setSize("125", "20").setStyleAttributes(fieldStyle);
return gui;
It looks like the absolute panel offset method is a little capricious and take control of your positioning, in my tests I have been able to position panels that are visible in the following way:
panel.add(otherField, 150, 20);
Try it out with trial and error, you may get the UI you need, if not I would move to an alternate layout, verticalPanel is a little better behaved and of course you can use forms as well.
Another small bug is that you inverted the length and hight in equipmentIDLabel.setSize("20px", "125px");
Let me know if I can be of more assitance
The specific problem in your code is the following line :
// Add all components to panel
panel.add(equipmentIDLabel, 10, 0);
Simply change it to : panel.add(equipmentIDLabel);
..and you will see the field (at position 0,0).
As patt0 observes, you can then add OTHER components and use positioning. It seems to be a limitation of adding the first field to an absolutePanel.
Of course, the Google Script gui is now deprecated (since December 2014) but I was interested to try your code and see that it still basically executes (as at Feb 2016).
I am having an small code to select an text in CKEditor. For that i am using following code in javascript.
var docx = editor.document;
var elementx = docx.getById(id);
It works fine in Mozilla Firefox.But in IE9 it throws an error as selectElement is not an object. So i checked the code and found that getSelection() having an null value. Please help me how to solve it.
I tried some answers given in various sites even in CKEditor fourms nothing helped me.
That's the correct solution:
var editor = CKEDITOR.instances.editor1;
editor.focus(); // Without this selection will be null on IE.
var element = editor.document.getBody().getLast(),
selection = editor.getSelection();
selection.selectElement(element); // You have to reuse selection.
I tested this from the console on Firefox, Chrome and IE8 on and it worked.
This might work.
var docx = editor.document;
var elementx = docx.getById(id);
var resRange = new CKEDITOR.dom.range( editor.document );
resRange.selectNodeContents( elementx );
editor.getSelection().selectRanges( [ resRange ] );
This may have something to do with what IE9 considers to be an object. Have you tried selecting different element types?
Maybe grabbing the parent of the element will give you something that IE9 considers to be an object, you can try this:
var docx = editor.document;
var elementx = docx.getById(id);
var parentx = elementx.getParent();
i have implemented a simple twitter reader in my app. I am able to get the tweets of a
user. But, if there is a url in this tweet, i cant click on it, as its not detected as an URL.
Is there a possibility to implement this function, so that urls in the tweet are displayed
as clickable url, and then launch for example a webbrowser?
Thank you very much
I assume you are using a TextBlock to show the tweet text, correct? If so, change it to a RichTextBox and all you need to do is use Run for text and Hyperlink for the links!
Also, make sure you set the IsReadOnly property of the RichTextBox to true in order for it to work properly!
Next, parse the tweet text with a regular expression to find links, and use the Hiperlink class to create a clickable link on it, and Run on the remaining text!
Here's a sample function that will parse a tweet and build the content for a RichTextBox:
private Block ParseTweet(string tweetText)
var paragraph = new Paragraph();
var lastIndex = 0;
foreach (Match m in Regex.Matches(tweetText, #"(http(s)?://)?([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]+(/\S\w[\w- ;,./?%&=]\S*)?"))
if (m.Index > 0)
paragraph.Inlines.Add(tweetText.Substring(lastIndex, m.Index));
var hyperlink = new Hyperlink()
NavigateUri = new System.Uri(m.Value, System.UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute),
TargetName = "_blank"
lastIndex = m.Index + m.Length;
if (lastIndex < tweetText.Length)
return paragraph;
You should call this function like so:
var tweetText = #"Testing: -> link for twitter";
I think it's not possible but but you can parse your text to find URL (with regex) and display a hyperlink below the text.
1) you search for URLs in the text with a regex
2) if a URL is found, you create a HyperlinkButton with this URL