How to prevent multiple executables from running at the same time on cluster - bash

I have submitted a job to a multicore cluster with LSF platform. It looks like the code at the end. The two executables, exec1 and exec2, start at the same time. In my intention they are separated by a column comma and the second should start after the first has finished. Of course, this caused several problems with the job that couldn't terminate correctly. Now that I have figured out this behavior, I am writing separated job-submission files for each executable. Can anybody explain why these executables are running at the same time?
#!/bin/bash -l
# Batch script for bash users
#BSUB -L /bin/bash
#BSUB -n 10
#BSUB -J jobname
#BSUB -oo output.log
#BSUB -eo error.log
#BSUB -q queue
#BSUB -P project
#BSUB -R "span[hosts=1]"
#BSUB -W 4:0
source /etc/profile.d/
module purge
module load intel_comp/c4/2013.0.028
module load hdf5/1.8.9
module load platform_mpi/8.2.1
mpirun $OPT exec1; mpirun $OPT exec2

I assume that both exec1 and exec2 are MPI applications?
Theoretically it should work, but LSF is probably doing something odd and the mpirun for exec1 is exiting before exec1 actually exits. You could instead try:
mpirun $OPT exec1 && mpirun $OPT exec2
so that mpirun $OPT exec1 has to exit with return code 0 before exec2 is launched.
However, it probably isn't a great idea to run two MPI jobs from the same script like this, since for instance the MPI environment variable setup may introduce conflicts. What you should really do is use job chaining, so that exec2 is run after exec1, like this.


LSF ERROR:Project must be 'acc_*'

I need to run a Python script on a supercomputer by submitting a job with LSF. I have been trying to become acquainted with the syntax using a simple example script:
#BSUB –q alloc
#BSUB –n 1
#BSUB –o t.out
echo “Salve Munde!”
I saved this file as example.txt, and on the command line, I ran:
$ bsub < example.txt
This returned the message:
LSF ERROR:Project must be 'acc_*'. Request aborted by esub. Job not submitted.
What is the cause of this error?

Submit job with python code (mpi4py) on HPC cluster

I am working a python code with MPI (mpi4py) and I want to implement my code across many nodes (each node has 16 processors) in a queue in a HPC cluster.
My code is structured as below:
from mpi4py import MPI
size = comm.Get_size()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
count = 0
for i in range(1, size):
if rank == i:
for j in range(5):
res = some_function(some_argument)
comm.send(res, dest=0, tag=count)
I am able to run this code perfectly fine on the head node of the cluster using the command
$mpirun -np 48 python
Here "code" is the name of the python script and in the given example, I am choosing 48 processors. On the head node, for my specific task, the job takes about 1 second to finish (and it successfully gives the desired output).
However, when I run try to submit this same exact code as a job on one of the queues of the HPC cluster, it keeps running for a very long time (many hours) (doesn't finish) and I have to manually kill the job after a day or so. Also, it doesn't give the expected output.
Here is the pbs file that I am using,
#PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=16
#PBS -N phy
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -l walltime=23:00:00
#PBS -j eo
#PBS -q queue_name
echo 'This job started on: ' `date`
module load python27-extras
mpirun -np 48 python
I use the command qsub jobname.pbs to submit the job.
I am confused as to why the code should run perfectly fine on the head node, but run into this problem when I submit this job to run the code across many processors in a queue. I am presuming that I may need to change the pbs script. I will be really thankful if someone can suggest what I should do to run such a MPI script as a job on a queue in a HPC cluster.
Didn't need to change my code. This is the pbs script that worked. =)
Apparently, I needed to call the appropriate mpirun in the job script, so that when the code runs in the clusters, it uses the same mpirun as that was being used in head node.
This is the line which made the difference: /opt/intel/impi/
This is the job script which worked.
#PBS -l nodes=3:ppn=16
#PBS -N phy
#PBS -m abe
#PBS -l walltime=23:00:00
#PBS -j eo
#PBS -q queue_name
export I_MPI_PIN=off
echo 'This job started on: ' `date`
/opt/intel/impi/ -np 48 python

Bash workaround, printing environment variable in comment

I am using a makefile to run a pipeline, the number of cores is set in the makefile as an environment variable.
At one point in the pipeline the makefile will execute a wrapper script which will start an LSF job array (HPC).
#BSUB -J hybrid_job_name # job name
#BSUB -n 32 # number of cores in job
#BSUB -o output.%J.hybrid # output file name
mpirun.lsf ./program_name.exe
The only problem here is that in the wrapper script the -n flag shoud be set by the 'CORES' environment variable, and not hard coded to 32. Is there anyway to work around so I can pass the CORES environment variable to the -n flag.
You could generate the wrapper script that contains the "#BSUB" directives on the fly, before submitting it to LSF. E.g. create a template such as job_script.tmpl in advance:
#BSUB -J hybrid_job_name # job name
#BSUB -n %CORES% # number of cores in job
#BSUB -o output.%J.hybrid # output file name
mpirun.lsf ./program_name.exe
and then in your makefile do:
sed s/%CORES%/${CORES}/g job_script.tmpl > job_script.lsf
bsub < job_script.lsf
Alternatively, you can set options to bsub on the command line as well as via #BSUB directives inside the job script. So in the makefile do:
bsub -n $CORES < job_script.lsf
The value passed to bsub on the command line will override the value defined by the #BSUB -n directive inside the job script. This way is a bit simpler but the first way has the benefit of recording the number of cores used in the job, for future reference.

Changing the bash script sent to sbatch in slurm during run a bad idea?

I wanted to run a python script multiple times with different arguments through a script as in:
#SBATCH --job-name=sbatch_run
#SBATCH --array=1-1000
#SBATCH --exclude=node047
arg1=10 #arg to be change during runs
arg2=12 #arg to be change during runs
python $arg1 $arg2
The arguments are encoded in the bash file ran by sbatch. I was worried that if I ran multiple times one after the other but changing the value of arg1 and arg2 during each run, that it might cause errors in my runs. For example if I do:
sbatch # with arg1=10 and arg2=12
and then immediately after I change but run the file again as in:
sbatch # with arg1=69 and arg2=666
would case my runs to all run with the last one (i.e. arg1=69 and arg2=666) instead of each run with its own arguments.
I know for sure that if I hard code the arguments in and then run the same sbatch script but change the it will run the last one. I was wondering if that is the case too if I change the script.
Just so you know, I did try this experiment, by running 1000 scripts, then some get queued and put a sleep command and then change the It seems to not change what my run is, however, if I am wrong this is way too important to be wrong by accident and wanted to make sure I asked too.
For the record I ran:
#SBATCH --job-name=ECHO
#SBATCH --array=1-1000
#SBATCH --exclude=node047
sleep 15
echo helloworld
echo 5
and then change the echo to echo 10 or echo byebyeworld.
When sbatch is run, Slurm copies the submission script to its internal database ; you can convince yourself with the following experiment:
$ cat
#SBATCH --hold
echo helloworld
The --hold is there to make sure the job does not start. Submit it :
$ sbatch
Then modify the submission script:
$ sed -i 's/hello/bye/'
$ cat
#SBATCH --hold
echo byeworld
and now use control show job to see the script Slurm is planning to run:
$ scontrol show -ddd job YOURJOBID
#SBATCH --hold
echo helloworld
It hasn't changed although the original script has.
[EDIT] Recent versions of Slurm use scontrol write batch_script - rather than scontrol show -dd job to show the submission script.

Run Julia codes on a cluster

I aim to run some Julia-coded simulations on a cluster (no complicated parallel processing involved) using a .pbs file (and qsub)
I know two ways to run a .jl file from the Bash. The first one is
/path/to/julia myscript.jl
The second one is
exec '/Applications/bla/bla/julia/bin/julia'
Here is my .pbs file. I cannot test if it works because I don't know yet where the Julia application is stored on the cluster.
#PBS -l procs=1
#PBS -l walltime=240:00:00
#PBS -N Name
#PBS -m ea
#PBS -l pmem=1000mb
#PBS -t 1-3
echo "Starting run at: `date`"
exec '/Applications/bla/bla/julia/bin/julia'
echo "Job finished with exit code $? at: `date`"
Does it seem correct to you? Or should I, somehow, make an .exec out of my .jl?
You want to directly execute Julia, with your .jl program file as an argument.
Something like:
echo "Starting run at: `date`"
/Applications/bla/bla/julia/bin/julia myscript.jl
echo "Job finished with exit code $? at: `date`"
PBS will catch the standard out and put it in a file such as .pbs.o#### (similarly the standard error in .pbs.e####).
You might find an issue in where your 'present working directory' is when the script runs. Some clusters are setup to 'cd' you to a /tmp/ filesystem, or just drop you in your home directory, rather than being where the script was submitted from.
In that case, the simple solution is to use a full path for the Julia script, but this makes it difficult to reuse your PBS submission script.
/Applications/bla/bla/julia/bin/julia ~/mydirectory/myscript.jl
