Socrata SoQL GraphQL - graphql

Anyone knows if Socrata has plans to add GraphQL to their stack? Attribute=value querying + SoQL is very impressive and useful but GraphQL is starting available everywhere now.

We haven't ruled it out, so maybe at some point in the future we will support GraphQL, but it's not currently on our roadmap. Awesome tech though!


Any other GraphQL Federation implementations apart from Apollo?

I have been trying to build a federation gateway on top of existing graphql services and am curious if there are any other implementations of the same apart from apollo federation?
I tried to find but couldn't find any. I am also looking for subscription on the federated gateway. Does anybody know any other implementations on the same?
It seems that fastify-gql now supports being a Federation Gateway, with subscription support included.
Graphene (for python) with Graphene-Federation implements federation (there is in built support for graphql subscriptions). I have used this for a large-scale project and it works just fine (Although I personally prefer apollo)
I haven't personally used this, but seems to have a pretty neat solution for federation:
Bramble -
Great for GoLang. I haven't used it, but I have a friend who has
Something else that is not pure "federation" per-se - but which would solve your problem easily is GraphQL Mesh.
Hope this helps :) !

GraphQL - Are "Federations" a Vanilla Graphql thing or an Apollo thing?

I'm having a hard time differentiating from what's vanilla GraphQL and what's Apollo.
I'm trying to understand schema stitching and see that using Fragments and Federation are two different ways to do this.
Found this enlightening
Do I have to buy-in to Apollo to use Federations?
On the graphql spec there is no mention of Federations. Federations are only a part of apollo.

Anyone did a research on Elastic-search and GraphQL comparison?

I was trying to understand how Elastic-search compares with GraphQL when they try to solve similar purpose, or does GraphQL uses Elastic-search as a datasource? If anyone done further research share your understanding here ? Thanks in advance.
GraphQL is as the name suggests a query language (mostly for Web APIs). Elastic Search is a data store that exposes a "RESTful" interface. This interface also has some kind of a query language. In that sense they solve different problems:
GraphQL is for exposing data to web clients or apps. It is build to solve challenges faced in client server communication and app development. GraphQL tries to reduce the amount requests and the size of data sent between client and server. Furthermore it give you the ability to extend your API without versioning to keep old clients (e.g. old versions of your mobile app) working.
Elastic search is built to query large amounts of data effectively. Some of their prime use cases are advertised on their website. Usually you would not want to expose the elastic API directly to your client. GraphQL could act as a layer in between that restricts the operations allowed for clients and uses - as you said - elastic as a data source. Or maybe elastic search at some point likes GraphQL so much that they offer an API to write queries in GraphQL that would replace the REST API.
So now that we know that they solve different problems and can be used together, comparing them doesn't really make much sense.

Apollo GraphQL Server vs graphql-sequelize vs from scratch?

I'm a beginner to javascript and GraphQL, looking to implement a simple app that interacts with a MySQL database and wraps a 3rd party REST API. GraphQL seems like the right fit, and Javascript has first party support.
To get started, should I use Apollo's GraphQL Server or mickhansen's graphql-sequelize (with his dataloader-sequelize) or write one from scratch?
In all cases it seems to use sequelize under the hood, which mickhansen is a major contributor to.
I'm looking for the advice and analysis of more experienced javascript and GraphQL programmers.
I realise the final decision is subjective but I'm looking for a thought out pro/con of all 3 different solutions.
Thanks in advance!
I would recommend not to start writing your server from scratch, but to use existing libraries and seed projects. Personally, I use Typescript with the Apollo stack, combined with several other libraries for splitting the schema to files, and auto-generating types.
This post demonstrates how to modularize your graphql server code, providing a seed project you can clone. Hope it helps! :)
I am currently using Apollo GraphQL with Sequelize. Sequelize is your ORM to interact with the DB, it can function with Apollo which takes care of your GraphQL. GraphQL is a thin api layer anyway. One problem i have been running into is dataloader implementation with vanilla Sequelize. I am trying to figure it out to get it working. I am hoping to work through it this week.

Are there any tools or best practices for documenting an ElasticSearch db

I'm looking for documentation about documenting an ElasticSearch deployment (you can see why this is challenging to Google!).
My question is really two questions. Are there best practices for documenting an ElasticSearch installation? -and- Are there any tools that aid in the visualization of an ElasticSearch installation. I guess it would be akin to a sql db schema (ER diagram or whatever). I've scoured Google without much luck and I didn't find anything on SO.
Documenting ES may be a bit more challenging than documenting a sql db since you probably want to be able to show the relationship between end user queries and indexing to explain the context of each mapping. Furthermore, it would be useful to visualize the cluster (perhaps a separate problem that could be solved with existing tools).
Thanks for any help.
