How to setup Feathersjs with Nativescript -

I have made a simple backend with feathersjs for testing purposes.
For mobile application I am using nativescript with (angular 5). But one of the feathersjs client library require socketio-client. library fails in nativescript.
So I used following nativescript plugins ( none of them works with featherSocketIOClient )
Please help.

You do not have to use Feathers on the client to connect to a Feathers server.
refer to the documentation


TeamsUserCredential is not supported in Node

I'm working on a React application that's embedded in MS Teams and I'm trying to render a component with React Testing Library for automated testing. I'm getting error:
"TeamsUserCredential is not supported in Node"
I cannot find information on this anywhere so decided to post it here. Thanks in advance for any insight!

how to debug during API with laravel

I run my laravel app #localhost.
```php artisan serve --host=localhostIP```
On top I run an Andoid app with the same base URL.
Could anyone tell me how can I debug incoming API´s calls
like if BASEURL/users is called?
Furthermore, how can I log the happening events in the console
I am developing API's with laravel too, i do it this way:
composer require laravel/homestead to have it all in a vm 😉 see for more information, i use the "per project" installation
Download postman to have the best tool for sending querys to your api and to test your api quick -> (i use it free)
configure and run your homestead (it's not that complicated).
your homestead is fit with php and xdebug enabled
i am using phpStorm and have my vagrant setup as deployment target
"listen to debug" with phpstorm
to your GET requests, add a queryparam XDEBUG_SESSION_START=PHPSTORM
i can debug my api now 😉
i also wrote to receive the log informations of all my api's and all my server 🤩
I hope, i could help you a little bit
This is my way, but I think it's not good!
Create router api in config/web, Eg:
router/api: Route::post('/check_api', [CheckController::class, 'testFunc'])->name('api.check_api');
web/api: Route::post('test/check_api', [CheckController::class, 'testFunc'])->name('test.check_api');
Create a post by form or ajax in one resource/view like index
Go to page, and debug with phpstorm
You can use logging feature of Laravel. Apply Logs on entry point of application to test whether API url is hitting or not.
use postman
it's an excellent thing very much usefull

Want to implement web sockets in Laravel

I want to implement web notifications in Laravel using web sockets. I have
tried pusher. It is very easy but it is a paid package. I have also tried redis and for which I have to install horizon. I am running Windows and I cannot install it on Windows according to what I have read about horizon.
So I am very confused about push notification. I am trying for at least one week but haven't found any solution yet. My front end is in angluar 5/android and backend is in Laravel 5.6.
Can you please suggest me any good ideas to implement push notification?
You have been use pusher,so I assume you know how to use event.
I recommend you laravel-echo-server.It's very easy to use,with a built-in api.
Here is a fresh example of a laravel-echo project from scratch.
After you set up the project.
you will need predis if you haven't install it yet
composer require predis/predis
redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf
run npm install -g laravel-echo-server
run laravel-echo-server init
uncomment App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class in config/app.php
add <script src=""></script> in your app.blade.php
you need a socketio-client ,you can run npm install --save laravel-echo .In case you are not familiar with npm or vue, you can simply include this compiled file from my github project.compiledjs
add this to app.blade.php
window.Echo = new Echo({
broadcaster: '',
host: '{{url('/').':6001'}}',
Echo.private(`App.User.{{Auth::id()}}`) // private channel
.listen('NewMessage', (e) => {
finally run laravel-echo-server start and open you project ,you will see
[20:53:21] - Lv5OKDAcuSLsK1nBAAAE authenticated for: private-
[20:53:21] - Lv5OKDAcuSLsK1nBAAAE joined channel: private-App.User.1
you can listen any event you want or other notifications
here is my github project echo-example
add a little code so that you can use postman send message to specfic user.You can see the message from chrome console.You can get more details from github project screenshots
Take a look at this article. It covers implementing websocket in laravel using redis driver, Laravel echo and client.
According to above article:
“Why don’t you just use Pusher?”
Here is the thing.
Laravel comes with Pusher enabled. Even though Pusher seems like a quick “Plug and play” solution (which it is), it comes with limitations. Check
And most of the tutorials trick you with their title of implementing Websockets when in reality they just want to give you Pusher. (And my favorite part is when they say that you can easily switch to
As per laravel documentation, I will recommend using Pusher. I have created a package for to user WebSockets in laravel.
It will use Redis for background queuing to optimize performance. I have used it in few solutions. I may not be usable in all use cases. But good to have a look.
PHP not build to execute concurrent tasks, if you have a choice, nodejs will be a better solution,
You find Pusher Easier and you don't want to pay the price . Then without hesitation you should try Laravel Websockets . Its a very simple Pusher Replacement .
In Short You use the pusher client libs to access a pusher like server that is hosted in your php server . Since its open source its free .
Its better than using or redis because they require you to pay additional
server costs .
You can check their demo app here
If you want more custom controls then you can use ratchet

Does nativescript have http2 support?

I'd like to understand whether http2 is supported with the current http nativescript library?
I understand that nsurlsession for iOS supports http2 but I'm not sure how it works for Android. I do know that okhttp supports http2.
Is anybody using http2 with nativescript?
Thanks for your help.
Can you not just use
Disclaimer: I've never tried it yet myself in nativescript

Is there a way to redirect all traffic from HTTP to HTTPS on my MeteorJS app deployed on Heroku?

Basically what the title says ;).
I've seen an npm package for Express (, but not for MeteorJS.
Assuming you have configured SSL this package should come handy
meteor add force-ssl
It worked on 0.9.4, I'm not sure it's working now
