run maven project with jenkins in Ubuntu. - maven

Same configuration is working with window 10. but when i tried same configuration run with ubuntu, its showing an error.
error message while running with jenkins

The clean plugin cannot delete the named folder. Make sure the Jenkins has the right to delete the folder and that it is not locked in some other way.
By the way: Copy the text of your error into the question, don't make a bad photo.

Some process has hold of the file /home/xelpmoc-06/Documents/Doc/zerodha/target/classes/LoginZerodha/Zerodha/App.class.
Java process or Eclipse or some other program is doing some job with it. So that's why its showing that error. So please kill Java Process or restart Eclipse. May be your jenkins build failure, also can cause this to happen. So if nothing works out please restart your jenkins itself.
Here I am attaching a link that may be helpful to you. Please go through this. Hope this helps.


Jenkins + Maven Manual Installation

I installed Jenkins on to 2 new machines no-problemo!
But, when attempting to integrate Maven, I am having "command not found" in my Jenkins log, yet I can run mvn no problem in the command line.
So, I thought it was a PATH issue - so I added the /bin and also the / (of the location where Maven is extracted to), yet I'm still getting the error.
I tried adding the PATH to my ~/.bash_profile as well, so my current PATH is:
Still, Jenkins will not find Maven. I do NOT want to globally install Maven, as it may affect the other 5 build servers we have that are working with Maven correctly (not sure how it's working).
The issue was resolved by simply re-connecting the Jenkins Slave. Thanks for your feedback!

How to use/start the gradle daemon on a Mac?

Every time I execute a gradle command on Mac I get a message saying:
"This build could be faster, please consider using the Gradle Daemon:"
I've created a file with the line org.gradle.daemon=true as mentioned in the web page given in the message. However no matter what I do, I still continue to get that message.
If I execute the command
gradle --daemon
then it executes successfully, but still next time I do something I get that message about it could be faster and builds are just as slow as before I started the daemon.
My installation directory is no /Users/username as in gradle_daemon.html as I'm falling a Udacity course (!/c-ud867/) and they recommend installing it to /usr/local/gradle
How can I actually get the gradle dameon to work and get rid of that could be faster message?
(Using Gradle version 2.10)
just put
in the ~/.gradle/ file. Then each build on your machine will use the gradle wrapper and the message dissapears.
The page doesn't say anywhere that gradle must be installed in /Users/username. It says that this directory is your home directory, and that's where the .gradle/ file must be located. The place where gradle is installed is irrelevant.

Jenkins missing config.xml of Jobs under windows

I got a Problem with our Jenkins Server:
The Config.xml files for the jobs are missing after some time and we dont know why.
I'm rather sure that noone is deleting the files.
I already uninstalled the Plugin email-ext as I first noticed missing jobs after I first installed the Plugin.
However this morning there was again 1 config.xml missing.
Jenkins Version is 1.598 and its running under win7.
I appreciate any hints on what could be the source of my problem.
Thanks in advance.
You can use Process Monitor to see which process deletes xml files.

no executable code found at line intellij 14

I am unable to debug remote applications due to: No executable code at line
I am running ultimate edition of Intellij, version 14.0.3. My application is running inside tomcat 8 and i'm building it from the command line using Maven. This problem appeared after i switched from the community edition to the ultimate edition.
Project sources are the same and I am able to connect to tomcat for remote debugging. The only issue is that all my breakpoints are invalidated.
Please advice on how to fix this issue.
Remove all IDEA related project files and open the project by the .pom file.
I've had the same problem. Simply compile the directory that the class resides, and the debugger will pick up the break point.
I had the same problem and I implemented a similar solution.
Remove all IDEA related project files and open the project by the .pom file.
I use Gradle for my projecto, so i removed the project from intellij and then reimported it.
I hope others could read it and helps them
if you are developing an Atlassian plug-in and connected to the server via remote debug, run atlas-package to sync deployed plug-in and your source code.
If you are running a maven project execute the following commands in cmd prompt.
mvn clean install
mvn compile
This will resolve the problem.
The solution that worked for me is much more embarrassing. I put the breakpoint on the wrong line.
You see two breakpoints, first one is working and the second one is complaining about "no executable code ...".
It turns out there really is no executable code, just a string.

Jenkins not executing Ant task

I'm setting up Jenkins for the first time and running into an issue where Jenkins does not appear to even attempt to execute the Ant task I've specified.
I've defined my JDK and Ant installations under Manage Jenkins.
I've setup my Job to Invoke Ant using the Targets 'war-all'
Whether I force a build or wait for it to naturally execute after the next commit, there is nothing in the Build Console Output about attempting to execute the ant task.
Here is a sample Console Output:
Any ideas as to why it might not be executing would be appreciated. Also tips on how I can find more logging from Jenkins which might provide clues as to why it is not executing would be helpful. I'm not sure what Logger I might specify or even then where the logging information is written on the file system.
The problem was that I was selecting "Build multi-configuration project" as the type of my job. When I select "Build a free-style software project" as my job type the Ant task will execute after the SVN update.
Looks like your svn doesn't see any changes and therefor is not re-building the module.
Try deleting the workspace and re-trigger the build, or change the check-out strategy to 'Always check out a fresh copy'.
I faced the same problem when upgraded to 1.417 from 1.413.
The combobox "Ant version" disappeared from "Invoke ant" build step. It should be here.
I just downgraded to 1.413 and continue to work.
So, the answer is - you should specify "Ant version" in project settings. But you cannot do it in 1.417.
It seems like Jenkins doesn't like when you create a job before configuring JDK. If that happens, job will never work properly. So, for me the solution was:
Delete job.
Configure JDK
Re-create job.
Probably the same problem may arise when job's JDK is deleted.
In my case,ant default target was not being picked up from build.xml so I had to explicitly mention the target in jenkins option.
I resolved this by changing the jdk to default and then again switched to what was set earlier.This is a workaround but not sure how this resolved.
