MirrorMaker Kafka 0.9 connection to Kafka Brokers 0.10 (IBM Message Hub) - message-hub

I am trying to connect my MirroMaker Kafka 0.9 to the Kafka Brokers 0.10 (IBM Message Hub) without success. The links I have followed are the followings, but they are mostly for Kafka clients 0.10:
https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/MessageHub/messagehub050.html#kafka_using https://console.bluemix.net/docs/services/MessageHub/messagehub063.html#kafka_connect
Do you know the steps for Kafka clients 0.9 and how to use the MessageHubLoginModule and the jaas creation?
After different tests, the solution works correctly.

In order to connect to the IBM message hub with a cloudera mirror maker you must set within cloudera manager the property Source Kafka Cluster's Security Protocol: source.security.protocol as PLAINTEXT and pass the following properties as Kafka MirrorMaker Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for mirror_maker_consumers.properties:
It worked for me.

First you should not be building a new Message Hub application using Kafka 0.9.
We've deprecated the custom login module 0.9 requires and our newer clusters won't support it. You should be using a Kafka client >= 0.10.2 as they properly support Sasl Plain authentication which is required by Message Hub. The newer Kafka clients offer many more features and are just better.
In case you're absolutely stuck with 0.9, you need:
The following properties set:
A JAAS file containing:
KafkaClient {
com.ibm.messagehub.login.MessageHubLoginModule required
The custom login module JAR in the path:
The file is available on Github: https://github.com/ibm-messaging/message-hub-samples/blob/master/kafka-0.9/message-hub-login-library/messagehub.login-1.0.0.jar
The java.security.auth.login.config Java property set:
It needs to point to your JAAS file and can be either:
in the java command line using -Djava.security.auth.login.config=<PATH TO JAAS> or
programmatically using System.setProperty("java.security.auth.login.config", "<PATH TO JAAS>");


Sending data from elasticsearch to kafka and finally to influxdb?

I would like to know how can I send data from elasticsearch to kafka and then to influxdb?
I've already tried using confluent platform with sources connector from elasticsearch and sink connector from influxdb, but the problem is that I'm stuck on sending data from elasticsearch to kafka
moreover once my computer is off I no longer have the backup of the connectors and I have to start from scratch
that's why my questions:
How to send data from elasticsearch to kafka? using confluent platform?
Do I really have to use confluent platform if I want to use kafka connect?
Kafka Connect is Apache 2.0 Licensed and is included with Apache Kafka download.
Confluent (among other companies) write plugins for it, such as Sinks to Elasticsearch or Influx.
It appears the Elasticsearch source on Confluent Hub is not built by Confluent, for example.
Related - Use Confluent Hub without Confluent Platform installation
once my computer is off I no longer have the backup of the connectors and I have to start from scratch
Kafka Connect distributed mode stores its config data in Kafka topics... Kafka defaults to store topic data in /tmp... Which is deleted when you shutdown your computer
Similarly, if you are using Docker for any of these systems without mounted volumes, Docker also is not persistent by default

Spring boot connect to alibaba e-mapreduce kafka

I'm trying to connect spring boot kafka app to kafka on alibaba cloud.
The cloud is on e-mapreduce service.
However, I can't connect from boot, maybe due to some security credential that I need to provide?
I've already tried to set the boot properties as follows:
Get error : Connection to node -1 (/xx.xx.xx.xx:9092) terminated during authentication. This may happen due to any of the following reasons: (1) Authentication failed due to invalid credentials with brokers older than 1.0.0, (2) Firewall blocking Kafka TLS traffic (eg it may only allow HTTPS traffic), (3) Transient network issue.
Throws Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not find a 'KafkaClient' entry in the JAAS configuration. System property 'java.security.auth.login.config' is not set
Anybody has experience connect to kafka on alibaba cloud?
I believe Kafka Connect could solve your problems of connect spring boot kafka app to kafka on Alibaba cloud:
Step 1: Create Kafka clusters
Create a source Kafka cluster and a target Kafka cluster in E-MapReduce.
Step 2: Create a topic for storing the data to be migrated
Create a topic named connect in the source Kafka cluster.
Step 3: Create a Kafka Connect connector
Use Secure Shell (SSH) to log on to the header node of the source Kafka cluster.
Optional:Customize Kafka Connect configuration.
Step 4: View the status of the Kafka Connect connector and task node
View the status of the Kafka Connect connector and task node and make sure that they are in normal status.
Follow other steps as your job needs are.
Detail instructions may be find on Use Kafka Connect to migrate data link: https://www.alibabacloud.com/help/doc-detail/127685.htm
Hope this will help you,

Export data from Kafka to Oracle

I am trying to export data from Kafka to Oracle db. I've searched related questions and web but could not understand that we need a platform (confluent etc.. ) or not. I'd been read the link below but it's not clear enough.
So, what we actually need to export data without 3rd party platform? Thanks in advance.
It's not clear what you mean by "third-party" here
What you linked to is Kafka Connect, which is Apache 2.0 Licensed and open source.
Kafka Connect is a plugin ecosystem, you install connectors individually, written by anyone, or write your own, just like any other Java dependency (i.e. a third-party)
The JDBC connector just happens to be maintained by Confluent. and you can configure the Confluent Hub CLI
to install within any Kafka Connect distribution (or use Kafka Connect Docker images from Confluent)
Alternatively, you use Apache Spark, Flink, Nifi, and many other Kafka Consumer libraries to read data and then start an Oracle transaction per record batch
Or you can explore non-JVM kafka libraries as well and use a language you're more familiar with doing Oracle operations with

How to implement kafka-connect using apache-kaka instead of confluent

I would like to use an open source version of kafka-connect instead of the confluent one as it appears that confluent cli is not for production and only for dev. I would like to be able to listen to changes on mysql database on aws ec2. Can someone point me in the right direction.
Kafka Connect is part of Apache Kafka. Period. If you want to use Kafka Connect you can do so with any modern distribution of Apache Kafka.
You then need a connector plugin to use with Kafka Connect, specific to your source technology. For integrating with a database there are various considerations, and available for MySQL you specifically have:
Kafka Connect JDBC - see it in action here
Debezium - see it in action here
The Confluent CLI is just a tool for helping manage and deploy Confluent Platform on developer machines. Confluent Platform itself is widely used in production.

Spring Cloud Data Flow Remote RabbitMQ Server Config

I am new to SCDF and am trying to get started with a RabbitMQ transport layer and SCDF version 1.2.2. I have setup RabbitMQ in a separate VM and have the SCDF local server and SCDF shell jar in one VM. Can someone suggest how I can specify the server details of my RabbitMQ (which is in a different host in the same network) for SCDF to use as a transport.
For reasons outside my control I need to use the MQ setup in a different machine. Please advise.
SCDF doesn't require RabbitMQ and I think you are trying to use RabbitMQ as the binder for your Spring Cloud Stream applications that are orchestrated via SCDF.
You would need to configure the properties mentioned here
You can find more information here on how to specify these properties at SCDF.
