Prevent TinyMce in Joomla to modify inserted html code - joomla

I'm using joomla (last version) and just added this template in tinymce :
<a href="/test" class="darkimagediv">
<img src="/images/logo2.png">
It displays fine in the popup dialog just before inserting, but when I do it is inserted like that:
<p><a class="darkimagediv" href="test"> <img src="images/logo2.png" /></a></p>
<p> </p>
Which is very bad.
I'm superuser and text filtering is off in the global configuration. I don't find any cleanup option in tinymce, so I need to find which script modify my html but I don't even know if I must search tinymce or joomla itself.

If you are pasting code Don't use a rich text editor.
The editor is doing what it is supposed to and correcting your incorrect markup. Either way, if you want to insert markup, incorrect or not, then don't use a rich text editor.


How to create a custom HTML div in Sphinx that isn't automatically nested within a subsubsection?

I'm using the wonderful Sphinx tool to create some documentation and I need to create a custom HTML div so that I can style it apart from Sphinx's other, automatically-created, divs.
This is possible to do using the container directive, but the problem is that if I use this directive below a subsubsection, it automatically nests the div created with the container directive within the subsubsection, like so:
<div id="automatically-created sphinx subsubsection">
<div id="my custom container"></div>
Whereas, I want:
<div id="automatically-created sphinx subsubsection">
<div id="my custom container"></div>
Is there any way to do this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
One hacky way of potentially solving the problem is to create a new subsubsection so that Sphinx automatically places it on the same level as other subsubsections and then use CSS to hide its header etc. The problem with this approach, however, is that the new subsubsection automatically gets added to the sidebar in the RTD theme (which I'm using) and this is not what I want.
Untested. Try a super-hacky .. raw:: directive, where you would close the current section, then open a new unclosed <div>:
.. raw:: html
<div id="my custom container">
Then resume using reStructured text markup. This would "trick" Sphinx into thinking that the current section is still open and it would still add a closing </div> after the rest of your markup until it starts parsing the next section.

ckeditor Disable HTML correction

I am using the ckeditor in Kentico tool.
There is an
getting added for empty div.
is transformed to
<div id="ctl00_fullLayoutDiv">
<div class="main-block" id="ctl00_divMainBlock"> </div>
Please provide any solution to remove the
getting added automatically to empty div in ckeditor.

CKEditor HTML Autocorrection Issue

I have few lines of HTML in my database. I want to edit the content in CKEditor. But when I open that in editor the HTML gets break down. The HTML gets rearranged.
Below is the HTML which is in database:
<span class="sec_title">
<h1><span>Web</span> Engineering</h1>
And when I open it in CKEditor the HTML looks likes below:
<h1><span class="sec_title"><span>Web</span> Engineering</span></h1>
<hr />
Some one please help me. I tried config.allowedContent = true; but it is also not stopping the CKEditor to do the modifications.
CKEditor works with a valid HTML only and <h1> is not a valid content of <span>. Quoting CKEditor basic concepts:
CKEditor is not a tool that will let you input invalid HTML code. CKEditor abides by W3C standards so it will modify code if it is invalid.

Navbar not initializing in kendo ui mobile webpage

for some reason this navbar is not rendering correctly on the browser :
<header data-role="header">
<div id="navbar-personalize" data-role="navbar" class="my-navbar">
<div data-align="left">
<img src="../../Images/dashboard6.png" alt="Dashboard"/>
<span data-role="view-title">Cart Summary</span>
<div data-align="right">
<a href="#merchandise-otherorders-view">
<img src="../../Images/whoelse6.png" alt="Who else is going?"/>
I have other navbars just like this one all around my index file, and they all work fine, except for this one. It seems that KendoUI isn't initializing it all. By inspecting the code I can see that it's missing all of kendo's styling (like "km-navbar" and such).
It may have to do with the fact that I'm defining this header in each one of the views inside the file, instead of defining it in the app layout, but for some reason defining it inside the app layout doesn't work for me, it simply doesn't render at all.
I'm out of ideas, can somebody help me?
I had this problem today. Make sure that is included on your page. The docs don't say to put it in, but adding that made it work for me.

Trying to create XPath from this HTML snippet

I have played for a while writing XPath but am unable to come up with exactly what I want.
I'm trying to write XPath for link(click1 and click2 in code snippet below) based on known text(myidentity in code snippet below). Can someone take a look into and suggest possible solution?
HTML code snippet:
<div class="abc">
<a onclick="mycontroller.goto('xx','yy'); return false;" href="#">
<img src="images/controls/inheritance.gif"/>
<a onclick="mycontroller.goto('xx','yy'); return false;" href="#">click1</a>
<a onclick="mycontroller.goto('xx','yy'); return false;" href="#">click2</a>
You don't need to use XPath here, you could use a CSS locator. These are often faster and more compatible across different browsers.
css=div:contains(myidentity) > span a:nth-child(1) //click1
css=div:contains(myidentity) > span a:nth-child(2) //click2
Note that the > is only required to workaround a bug in the CSS locator library used by Selenium.
Hard to say without seeing the rest of the HTML but the following should work:
//div[text()[contains(., "myidentity")]]/span/a
See Macro's answer - this form should be used.
//div[text()[contains(., "myidentity")]]/span/a[2]
The following only works with one section of text in the containing div.
You'll need to select based on the text containing your identity text.
Xpath for click1
Xpath for click2
