Jmeter JSON API CSRF token value issue - jmeter

In j meter I getting Access denied for user anonymous however I change json API extractor also.
variable name='token' and j son expression =""$token":"(.+?)""
still unable to do.
Can you please help how and where I have to put j meter extractor?

It appears that your trying to extract the token from JSON and using Regular Expressions is not the best idea as extra space or line break may ruin your test. Since JMeter 3.0 there is JSON Extractor which allows extracting data from JSON responses using JSON Path language. The relevant JSON Path expression will be as simple as:
With regards to "where to put" - it depends on your application implementation, JSON Extractor obeys JMeter Scoping Rules
If you need to extract the token only once and from only one HTTP Request sampler - put the JSON Extractor as a child of this sampler.
If you need to extract the token from each and every HTTP Request sampler - you need to put the JSON Extractor to be at the same level as HTTP Request samplers.
More information: API Testing With JMeter and the JSON Extractor


Jmeter HTTP Request sample and SkipToken

I am using HTTP request sampler for API performance testing. My APIs might return a response containing the skiptoken
If response contains the skiptoken, I need to call the API again using the skip token and capture the performance metrics. I required calling the API until there are no skiptoken available in the response.
Please let me know how I can implement this in JMeter
You can add a Post-Processor, for example JSON Extractor, which will extract the skpitoken into a JMeter Variable from the API response.
If the variable is defined you can add If Controller and send another request to the API with the variable from the previous step.
Something like this:
You have to use any of the Post processor according to your API response content. e.g, Json extractor, Regex extractor, Boundary based extractor, whichever suits well.
Then you need to use While Controller instead of If controller. The While controller it will keep executing the API inside it, until the last skiptoken gets retrieved/ not found - refer the screenshot
If you use If controller - It will execute only once and proceed with other APIs
Since, I don't know the exact response body structure - you can use Regex to fetch the value, something like the below
"#odata.nextLink":"([^ ]+)"

Extracted Regex Value not getting passed into next POST request body in Jmeter

In my first request I am able to extract the value using Regular Expression Extractor which is clearly visible into the debug sampler. The value is extracted by setting the following options in Regular Expression Extractor:-
Name of Created Variable:- instanceUID
Regular Expression:- "InstanceUid":"(.*?)"
Match No:-1
Default Value:- (Blank)
The value that I want to pass in the next POST request is visible as:-
And the body for the next HTTP POST request is set like this:-
When this request seen in detail inside View Results Tree looks like:-
As seen the value of ${instanceUID_g1} did not get substituted in the POST body as was for variable ${Registry} which was taken from CSV config.
Being new to Jmeter can anyone suggest what did I miss?
Most probably your Regular Expression Extractor placement is not very correct, be informed about JMeter Scoping Rules concept
If you place Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the request - it will be applied to this request only
If you place Regular Expression Extractor at the same level as several requests - it will be applied to all of them
in the latter case it will be applied 1st to 1st sampler, then to Debug Sampler, then to 3rd sampler so on 2nd step it will be overwritten, most probably that's your problem
Also it appears that you're getting the data from JSON so it makes more sense to use JSON Extractor or JMESPath Extractor

Use of Json extractor

Im running a test plan containing 10 requests i need to get the variable value from 3rd response json to be passed to request URL of 10 th request passed . any way we can use json extractor to do this?
This can be accomplished by using any of the post processors for correlation in amongst any of the requests. I have shown an example below with JSON Extractor
Request Sample
The value that I am going to extract from 3rd request's response is "I am the value to be fetched from 3rd response"
JSON Extractor
I am using the below syntax in JSON Path Expression to extract data from "valueToBeFetched" json object and storing it in variable named "extractedValue_C"
10th Request
Replacing the extracted value with syntax ${extractedValue_C} in 10th request
Response Captured from 3rd Response
Captured value passed in 10th request
Hope this helps!
JSON Extractor obeys JMeter Scoping Rules so if you put it as a child of the 3rd request - it will be applied to 3rd request only.
If you come up with a valid JSONPath matching the value you want to extract - the value will be saved into a JMeter Variable which can be used anywhere after 3rd request (where it is defined or overwritten in next iteration)

Is there anyway to pass response of a HTTP sampler to request as another sampler in JMETER

I am testing rest API using Jmeter. In one scenario need to pass complete response of a http sampler to, another http sampler as a request dynamically. Any suggestions how to achieve this in Jmeter.
Add Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the request which response data you want to capture
Configure it as follows:
Name of created variable: anything meaningful, i.e. response
Regular Expression: (?s)(^.*)
Template: $1$
That's it, you should be able to refer the extracted value as ${response} where required.
Explanation of the regular expression:
() - grouping
(?s) - single line modifier
^ - line start
. - wild card character
* - repetition
More information:
JMeter: Regular Expressions
How to Extract Data From Files With JMeter
You can get all response using Regular Expression Extractor with regex accepting all characters
In next JMeter 5.2 version you will able to do it using Boundary Extractor by keeping Left and Right Boundary empty

Unable to correlate value[token], from one sampler to another in JMeter

I have recorded script using BlazeMeter plugin and I want to the use access token which I receive in successful login request, in another request. My Test plan looks like as below
Thread Group : [A]
|- HTTP Sampler - Login Page
|-Regular Expression Extractor [getToken]
|-HTTP Sampler - Other Page
|-Beanshell PreProcessor[Set Header in Authorization]
Regular Expression Extractor parameters and values like below :
Variable Name : token
Regular Expression : {“access_token”:”(.+?)"
Template : $1$
Match No. : 0
Beanshell PreProcessor script like below
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Header;"Start");
sampler.getHeaderManager().add(new Header("Authorization","Bearer"+vars.get("token")));"token"));
Most probably your Regular Expression Extractor fails as your quotation marks look utterly suspicious. You can double check if the token variable really has the anticipated value using Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination. Also check out jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries, if your Beanshell script fails - the cause will be printed there.
The response data of the Login Page seems to be JSON therefore it makes sense to use the JSON Extractor instead of the Regular Expression Extractor. It allows using JSON Path language in order to extract "interesting" bits of data from the responses. In your case the relevant JSON Path expression would be $.access_token
Since JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language for scripting so consider migrating to the JSR223 PreProcessor and Groovy language (you can re-use the same code)
You don't even need the scripting, you can add Authorization header (as well as any other header) using HTTP Header Manager
Could you add debug sampler and try first to confirm your regular expression extractor working as expected? It should provide you the required value of token.
If your token has the required value, I will suggest you to add HTTP Header Manager config element by right clicking on HTTP sampler
HTTP Request => Add => Config Element => HTTP Header Manager
In this config element, you can visually add the Headers as below:
Please Note That:- You have not provided any space/hyphen(-) or between keyword Bear and token.
Refer this link for details :-
