Unable to connect to the remote server - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it - aspnetboilerplate

Running into the subject issue trying to update the proxies with nswag... funny enough, the app that this came with is preconfigured to use a specific port for that service, but I don't see anything on that port using netstat -ano in the command line. Does anyone have any thoughts?

Before running nswag/refresh.bat the host needs to be up and running.
To start host, copy the below lines and create a batch file (bat).
CD "D:\Github\MySolution\src\MyProject.Web.Host"
SET ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:22742
dotnet run

It was some settings on the server (so a corporate guy told me), so nothing on my end, but thank you everyone for your help!


Cannot run styleguidist along side with laravel development server

I am trying to document my React Components and I am running styleguidist server along side with Laravel development server but the styleguidist server crashes with this error.
You have another server running at port 6060 somewhere, shut it down first
You can change the port using the `serverPort` option in your style guide config:
I have configured the styleguidist server to run at port 6060 as to resolve this issue and succeeded to run the server only once. After that I am getting this issue again.
How can i resolve this??
The error is saying you have something else running at that port. Have you tried a different one? If you are running a UNIX system, you can see what is running on that port with:
lsof -i tcp:6060

MongoDB no suitable servers found

I'm having trouble connecting to a replica set.
No suitable servers found (`serverSelectionTryOnce` set):
[Server closed connection. calling ismaster on 'a.mongodb.net:27017']
[Server closed connection. calling ismaster on 'b.mongodb.net:27017']
[Server closed connection. calling ismaster on 'c.mongodb.net:27017']
I however, can connect using MongoChef
Switching any localhost references to helped me. There is a difference between localhost and
See: localhost vs.
MongoDB can be set to run on a UNIX socket or TCP/IP
If all else fails, what I've found that works most consistently across all situations is the following:
In your hosts file, make sure you have a name assigned to the IP address you want to use (other than coolname
or coolname.somedomain.com
In mongodb.conf:
bind_ip =
Restart Mongo
NOTE1: When accessing mongo from the command line, you now have to specify the host.
mongo --host=coolname
NOTE2: You'll also have to change any references to either localhost or to your new name.
$client = new MongoDB\Client("mongodb://coolname:27017");
I had the same error in a docker based setup:
container1: nginx listening on port 80
container2: php-fpm listening on port 9000
container3: mongodb listening on port 27017
nginx forwarding php to php-fpm
Trying to access mongodb from php gave this error.
In the mongodb Dockerfile, the culprit was:
CMD ["mongod", "--bind_ip", ""]
Needed to change it to:
CMD ["mongod", "--bind_ip", ""]
And the error went away. Hope this helps somebody.
The IP address of your home network may have changed, which would lead to MongoDB locking you out.
I solved this problem for myself by going to MongoDB Atlas and changing which IP address is allowed to connect to my data. Originally, I'd set it up to only allow connections from my home network. But my home network IP address changed, and I started getting the same error message as you.
To check if this is the same issue with you, go to MongoDB Atlas, go into your project, and click "Network Access" on the left hand side of the screen. That's where you're able to update your IP address. It shows you what IP address(es) it's allowing in. To find out what your current IP address is, go to whatismyipaddress.com and update MongoDB if it's different.
In my case, I am temporarily coding PHP from Windows7 against MongoDB on my VPS running Linux Debian 9. The PHP will be eventually running in the same Linux box to provide an API to the MongoDB data.
BTW, it does not appear this local composer install is doing me any good, it's pure ugliness. My PHP after the fix below works without the require line require_once 'C:\Users\<Windows User Name>\vendor\autoload.php'.
My fix is different than the accepted answer which to me did not make sense.
I did not have to touch any hosts file
So edit your /etc/mongod.conf with your target machine's IP and restart with sudo systemctl restart mongod that's it
I don't know what to blame
PHP and MongoDB sites for the terrible documentation skimpy and incomplete PHP examples, or...
MongoDB installation on Linux failing to mention this bindIP.
My startup experience with MongoDB is so far very negative given all the changes that have occurred nothing matches what I expected from the videos I watched. I can't seem to find any that reflect what I am going thru like
$m = new MongoDB\Driver\Manager( $DB_CONNECTION_STRING )
instead of
$m = new MongoClient()
Hope this helps someone
PS. Always say NO to semicolons, camelCAsE and anything case-sensitive... absurdity at its best.

xdebug remote server and SFTP - cannot connect

I am trying to debug PHP files which sit on a remote server (on the same network) without success.
Here is my php.ini config for xdebug on the remote server where PHP and xdebug are installed:
xdebug.remote_autostart=0 is the IP address of my PC on which my editor is installed.
I have tried to get this working with both Atom and Sublime Text 3 without success. I think that my path bindings may be incorrect.
I log into the remote linux machine using SFTP. I can then double click on php files in my application and they will open in my editor where I can work on them and save them. How can I set up the path bindings to debug these remote php files? I'm not sure what the second (local) part of the path binding should actually be? Do I need to add the location where the FTP software stores a temporary copy of the file I am working on as the local part of the binding?
I have tried the following:
URL - the address of where the app runs on the remote server:
e.g. http://www.mywebsite.com/testapp/
Path Binding - remote path to the application root on linux : path to the local copy of the files on my machine where the FTP software stores them:
e.g. /web/testApp/ : C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Temp\scp18929\
I'm a little confused about how the path binding works, and what the values should be. Am I doing this correctly? Can this even be done?
If anyone can help that would be great.
Probably, the first thing to check is whether Xdebug actually tries to connect to your IDE. You can do that, by adding:
to your php.ini file. When you then initiate debugging, there should be information in the /tmp/xdebug.log file, where it will tell you where it tried to connect too, and whether the connection succeeded or failed.
If you get something like:
I: Remote address found, connecting to
E: Could not connect to client. :-(
That means that either your IDE wasn't listening for something, or that there is a firewall preventing an incoming connection, or that the IP address is incorrect.

Subversion EADDRINUSE on Mac

I have a subversion server (accessed by svn://server/directory) that I've been using for years from multiple Windows systems. I'm now doing some development on a Mac, and cannot get svn to access that server, even with a simple command such as
svn list svn://server/directory
(server and directory names change to protect the guilty)
All svn commands hang and have to be killed. (^c doesn't work, I have to ^z and kill...) Checking the console tool the last message is:
kernel: tcp_connect: inp=0xffffff801db54ac0 err=EADDRINUSE
Checking the server, the svnserve process is listening on port 3690. So I did a netstat -a on my mac, and there is nothing listed for port 3690.
That's the end of the hints I've found in a couple hours of searching. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Solved! I have a DNS lookup problem. If I ping my server system, the address it tries to contact is not the IP address of that system. I added the hostname into my /etc/hosts table and voila! It now works.

iSQLPlus not starting on Port 80

I am trying to change the port for iSQLPlus on my Oracle DB server, by making changes in the file http-web-site.xml.
When I change the port to 80, in this file, the iSqlPlus doesn't start. I can nether connect over a browser or telnet to it, even from the host machine itself. On the command line, however, it does not give any errors.
I have tried changing it to other ports that is 8080 and 5560, it is running fine with no problems there.
I am using Oracle 10.2.0_10.
If on Unix you need to be root to run a service with port under 1024
For a more complete answer see https://serverfault.com/questions/38461/is-there-still-a-reason-why-binding-to-port-1024-is-only-authorized-for-root-on
