How to implement search functionalities? - elasticsearch

Currently we are making a memory cache mechanism implementation in search functionalities.
Now the data is getting very large and we are not able to handle it in memory. Also we are getting more input source from different systems (oracle, flat file, and git).
Can you please share me how can we achieve this process?
We thought ES will help on this. But how can we provide input if any changes happen in end source? (batch processing will NOT help)
Hadoop - Not that level of data we are NOT handling
Also share your thoughts.

we are getting more input source from different systems (oracle, flat file, and git)
I assume that's why you tagged Kafka? It'll work, but you bring up a valid point
But how can we provide input if any changes happen...?
For plain text, or Git events, you'll obviously need to alter some parser engine and restart the job to get extra data in the message schema.
For Oracle, the GoldenGate product will publish table column changes, and Kafka Connect can recognize those events and update the payload accordingly.
If all you care about is searching things, plenty of tools exist, but you mention Elasticsearch, so using Filebeat works for plaintext, and Logstash can work with various other types of input sources. If you have Kafka, then feed events to Kafka, let Logstash or Kafka Connect update ES


How to send updated data from java program to NiFi?

I have micro-services running and when a web user update data in DB using micro-service end-points, I want to send updated data to NiFi also. This data contains updated list of names, deleted names, edited names etc. How to do it? which processor I have to use from NiFi side?
I am new to NiFi. I am yet to try anything from my side. I am reading google documents which can guide me.
No source code is written. I want to start it. But I will share here once I write it.
Expected result is NiFi should get updated list of names and NiFi should refer updated list for generating required alerts/triggers etc.
You can actually do it in lots of ways. MQ, Kafka, HTTP(usinh ListenHTTP). Just deploy the relevant one to you and configure it, even listen to a directory(using ListFile & FetchFile).
You can connect NiFi to pretty much everything, so just choose how you want to connect your micro services to NiFi.

Newbie: Hadoop IIS Logs - Reasonable approach?

I am a totaly beginner at the topic hadoop - so sorry if this is a stupid question.
My fictional scenario is, that I have several webserver (IIS) with several log locations. I want to centralize this log files and based on the data I want to analyze the health of the applications and the webservers.
Since the eco system of hadoop overs a variety of tools I am not sure if my solution is a valid one.
So I thought that I move the log files to hdfs, create an external table on the directory and an internal table and copy the data via hive (insert into from) from the external table to internal table (with some filtering because of the comment lines beginning with #)
When the data is stored within the internal table I delete the previous moved files from hdfs.
Technical it works, I tried it already - but is this is reasonable aproach?
And if yes - how would I automatize this steps since now I did all the stuff manually via Ambari.
THanks for your input
Yes, this is perfectly fine approach.
Outside of setting up the Hive table ahead of time, what's the left to automate?
You want to run things on a schedule? Use Oozie, Luigi, Airflow, or Azkaban.
Ingesting logs from other Windows servers because you have a highly available web service? Use Puppet, for example, to configure your log collections agents (not Hadoop related)
Note, if it's only log file collection that you care about, I would probably have used Elasticsearch instead of Hadoop to store data, Filebeat to continuously watch log files, Logstash to apply per-message level filtering, and Kibana to do visualizations. If combining Elasticsearch for fast indexing/searching and Hadoop for archival, you can insert Kafka between the log message ingestion and message writers/consumers

Oracle replication data using Apache kafka

I would like to expose the data table from my oracle database and expose into apache kafka. is it technicaly possible?
As well i need to stream data change from my oracle table and notify it to Kafka.
do you know good documentation of this use case?
You need Kafka Connect JDBC source connector to load data from your Oracle database. There is an open source bundled connector from Confluent. It has been packaged and tested with the rest of the Confluent Platform, including the schema registry. Using this connector is as easy as writing a simple connector configuration and starting a standalone Kafka Connect process or making a REST request to a Kafka Connect cluster. Documentation for this connector can be found here
To move change data in real-time from Oracle transactional databases to Kafka you need to first use a Change Data Capture (CDC) proprietary tool which requires purchasing a commercial license such as Oracle’s Golden Gate, Attunity Replicate, Dbvisit Replicate or Striim. Then, you can leverage the Kafka Connect connectors that they all provide. They are all listed here
Debezium, an open source CDC tool from Redhat, is planning to work on a connector that is not relying on Oracle Golden Gate license. The related JIRA is here.
You can use Kafka Connect for data import/export to Kafka. Using Kafka Connect is quite simple, because there is no need to write code. You just need to configure your connector.
You would only need to write code, if no connector is available and you want to provide your own connector. There are already 50+ connectors available.
There is a connector ("Golden Gate") for Oracle from Confluent Inc:
At the surface this is technically feasible. However, understand that the question has implications on downstream applications.
So to comprehensively address the original question regarding technical feasibility, bear in mind the following:
Are ordering/commit semantics important? Particularly across tables.
Are continued table changes across instance crashes (Kafka/CDC components) important?
When the table definition changes - do you expect the application to continue working, or will resort to planned change control?
Will you want to move partial subsets of data?
What datatypes need to be supported? e.g. Nested table support etc.
Will you need to handle compressed logical changes - e.g. on update/delete operations? How will you address this on the consumer side?
You can consider also using OpenLogReplicator. This is a new open source tool which reads Oracle database redo logs and sends messages to Kafka. Since it is written in C++ it has a very low latency like around 10ms and yet a relatively high throughput ratio.
It is in an early stage of development but there is already a working version. You can try to make a POC and check yourself how it works.

Elasticsearch and Splunk connection via Hadoop

I am currently experimenting with a company that has their log data in elasticsearch. (They currently use the entire ELK stack).
Splunk has a plugin called Hunk that lets you query HDFS / Hadoop data from Splunk's interface. I have been able to get this working.
My question is, is there a way using es-hadoop to somehow 'bridge' the two together? That when Hunk queries my hdfs, it also will end up pulling in the Elasticsearch data?
(They company wants to see if its feasible to use Splunk without having to duplicate the data)
Thank you.
Splunk deprecated HUNK in 2016, and released Hadoop Connect. Now you can read, write, explore, and export from HDFS. There is no Splunk license fee associated with reading, writing, or exploring HDFS clusters. So you can work with data from HDFS to create statistical solutions without incurring a fee. Splunk's betting that you'll want to put summarized data as well as refined data sets into Splunk to make them more available to enterprise audiences.

Does Apache Kafka Store the messages internally in HDFS or Some other File system

We have a project requirement of testing the data at Kafka Layer. So JSON files are moving into hadoop area and kafka is reading the live data in hadoop(Raw Json File). Now I have to test whether the data sent from the other system and read by kafka should be same.
Can i validate the data at kafka?. Does kafka store the messages internally on HDFS?. If yes then is it stored in a file structure similar to what hive saves internally just like a single folder for single table.
Kafka stores data in local files (ie, local file system for each running broker). For those files, Kafka uses its own storage format that is based on a partitioned append-only log abstraction.
The local storage directory, can be configured via parameter log.dir. This configuration happens individually for each broker, ie, each broker can use a different location. The default value is /tmp/kafka-logs.
The Kafka community is also working on tiered-storage, that will allow brokers to no only use local disks, but to offload "cold data" into a second tier:
Furthermore, each topic has multiple partitions. How partitions are distributed, is a Kafka internal implementation detail. Thus you should now rely on it. To get the current state of your cluster, you can request meta data about topics and partitions etc. (see for an code example). Also keep in mind, that partitions are replicated and if you write, you always need to write to the partition leader (if you create a KafkaProducer is will automatically find the leader for each partition you write to).
For further information, browse
I think you can, but you have to do that manually. You can let kafka sink whatever output to HDFS. Maybe my answer is a bit late and this 'confluent' reference appeared after that, but briefly one can do the followings:
Assuming you have all servers are running (check the confluent
Create your connector:
topics='your topic'
Note: The approach assumes that you are using their platform
(confluent platform) which I haven't use.
Fire the kafka-hdfs streamer.
Also you might find more useful details in this Stack Overflow discussion.
This happens with most of the beginner. Let's first understand that component you see in Big Data processing may not be at all related to Hadoop.
Yarn, MapReduce, HDFS are 3 main core component of Hadoop. Hive, Pig, OOOZIE, SQOOP, HBase etc work on top of Hadoop.
Frameworks like Kafka or Spark are not dependent on Hadoop, they are independent entities. Spark supports Hadoop, like Yarn, can be used for Spark's Cluster mode, HDFS for storage.
Same way Kafka as an independent entity, can work with Spark. It stores its messages in the local file system.
You can check this at $KAFKA_HOME/config/
Hope this helps.
