Intellij Spring: NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'accountDAO' available - spring

This is driving me nuts. I have the following files, it is a very simple setup.
public class MainApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//read the spring config java class
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext("Config.class");
//System.out.println("Bean names: " + Arrays.toString(context.getBeanNamesForType(AccountDAO.class)));
//get the bean from spring container
AccountDAO accountDAO = context.getBean("accountDAO", AccountDAO.class);
//call the business method
//close the spring context
public class Config {
public class LoggingAspectDemo {
//this is where we add all our related advices for the logging
//let's start with an #Before advice
#Before("execution(public void addAccount())")
public void beforeAddAccountAdvice() {
System.out.println("\n=======>>>> Executing #Before advice on method addAccount() <<<<========");
public class AccountDAO {
public void addAccount() {
System.out.println(getClass() + ": Doing my Db work: Adding an account");
Everytime I run the, I get:
Exception in thread "main" org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No bean named 'accountDAO' available
All the files are under "com.aop" package so #ComponentScan should be scanning all the components. It looks simple enough but I can't get my hands around the problem, can anyone help me where I am going wrong?

You're invoking the constructor of AnnotationConfigApplicationContext with "Config.class" as String argument, but this constructor is actually for invoking with base packages i.e. the argument must be a package name.
Since you want to use it with the Configuration class, use the constructor which accepts Class instance instead i.e.
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Config.class);


Java - Proper Way To Initialize an Autowired Service

I have inherited a springboot application. This application has a service similar to the following:
public class MyService {
String param1 = "";
String param2 = "";
public void doStuff() {
// do stuff assuming the parameters param1 and param 2 of this autowired service have already been initialized
, This service is autowired from another service similar to the following;
public MainService {
#Autowired MyService myService;
public performWork() {
, and finally, the springboot app is similar to the following. The calling of the listen() method happens once the Kafka topic has a message (Kafka is only here relevant here because it kicks off the calling of the autowired services):
public class MyApplication {
MainService mainService;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
#KafkaListener(topics = "myTopic")
public void listen(String message) {
Here is my question: What is a proper way to have the parameters param1 and param2 already initialized on the MyService service before its doStuff() method is called?
I would instead NOT use a bean configuration file, but rather have it performed as part of the starting of the springboot app. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks
Per my understanding, you just want to execute initialization statements at your bean's initialization. You can use PostConstruct annotation for any work you need to do as soon as beans are created.
MyService class should look like the following
public class MyService {
String param1;
String param2;
public void postConstructRoutine() {
// initialize parameters
param1 = "some_value";
param2 = "some_other_value";
public void doStuff() {
// do stuff
The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be executed after dependency injection is done to perform any initialization.
You can find more info about the annotation at the documentation.
As a side note, it is always better to use constructor injection instead of Autowired. I would highly recommend it.

How to use autowired (#Autowired) references from main(String[] args) method?

I am trying to use an autowired reference from main class and am facing :
Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field
This is obvious. But I want to know how to handle this situation. What is the correct way of autowiring when main class is involved. My code will be as below -
Interface class
public interface IZipCodeLookup {
String retriveCityForZip(String zipCode);
Service Class
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
public class ZipCodeLookupService implements IZipCodeLookup {
public String retriveCityForZip(String zipCode) {
//below is mock code. actual code does a db lookup using a DAO.
if(zipCode=="94123") return "San Francisco";
return "not found in DB";
here is the main class that requires the service class
package com.example.demo;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
public class AutowireWithMainClassApplication {
IZipCodeLookup zipCodeLookupService;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
String city;
//this will not work, compilation error
//Cannot make a static reference to the non-static field zipCodeLookupService
System.out.println("city for zipcode " + args[0] + " is " +city);
Could someone suggest - how or what is the correct way of using autowiring when main class is involved.
(As making the Autowired reference as static does not work anyway)
in AutowireWithMainClassApplication class, changing to -
static IZipCodeLookup zipCodeLookupService;
Exception in thread "main"
You can do one of the following:
Use the #Autowired object in a #PostConstruct method, which is executed after dependency injection is done, as davidxxx explained above
Use Spring's getBean() in your main() to explicitly ask Spring framework to return the object after the injection completes:
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext appContext =, args);
IZipCodeLookup service = appContext.getBean(IZipCodeLookup.class);
Use Spring's CommandLineRunner component (runs right after main), which will be responsible on autowiring your object:
public class MyRunner implements CommandLineRunner {
private IZipCodeLookup service;
public void run(String... args) throws Exception {
Implement Spring's ApplicationRunner's run method in your main:
public class StartApplication implements ApplicationRunner {
private IZipCodeLookup service;
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext appContext =, args);
public void run(ApplicationArguments args) throws Exception {
A class annotated with a #SpringBootApplication annotation is not a classic bean.It creates the Spring context from a static method.
But autowired dependencies cannot be static.
That's why this statement :
doesn't throw a Spring exception but a classic NullPointerException as you declare zipCodeLookupService as a static field.
In your case, as workaround, you could move the processing that uses the Spring bean in a instance method annotated with javax.annotation.PostConstruct method inside your main class and store the arguments passed to the main() method in a field in order to be able to use it later :
private static String[] args;
IZipCodeLookup zipCodeLookupService;
public static void main(String[] args) {
AutowireWithMainClassApplication.args = args;, args);
public void init() {
String city=zipCodeLookupService.retriveCityForZip(args[0]);
System.out.println("city for zipcode " + args[0] + " is " +city);
To answer to your comment, you should note several things about #PostConstruct
1) It is not an annotation specific to Spring. So, the official documentation may discuss about things more general than Spring or specific but different things such as EJB (it was originally introduced for them).
2) The first sentence of the javadoc summarizes the general expected behavior.
The PostConstruct annotation is used on a method that needs to be
executed after dependency injection is done to perform any
But this sentence
"executed after dependency injection is done"
means indeed :
"executed after all dependency injections are done"
We talk about dependency injection in general, not about each dependency injection.
So, yes stick you to that.
Applying it to your case should make things clearer.
The AutowireWithMainClassApplication class is considered as a Spring bean as #SpringBootApplication is annotated with #Configuration that is itself annotated with #Component.
And as any Spring bean, it may declare dependency injection.
That is a dependency injection :
IZipCodeLookup zipCodeLookupService;
But you could of course declare as many dependency injections that you want to :
IZipCodeLookup zipCodeLookupService;
OtherClass otherClass;
So only as all dependencies are effectively injected, the PostConstructwill be invoked one and once.

Spring AOP proxy and interface implementation

I'm trying to understand Spring proxy mechanism and I have problem with one thing.
I have Interface:
public interface MyInterface{
void myMethod();
and implementing class:
public class MyBean implements MyInterface{
public void myMethod(){
//do something
Now I create Aspect, for example:
public class LogAspect {
#Before("execution(public * *(..))")
public void logBefore() {
System.out.println("Before aspect");
And I have simple starter class:
public class SpringAopApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext ctx = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(
MyBean bean = ctx.getBean(MyBean.class);
// MyInterface bean = ctx.getBean(MyInterface.class); //works
According to the Spring docs we can read:
If the target object to be proxied implements at least one interface
then a JDK dynamic proxy will be used. All of the interfaces
implemented by the target type will be proxied. If the target object
does not implement any interfaces then a CGLIB proxy will be created.
But I got an error No qualifying bean of type [MyBean] is defined. It works only when I enable CGLib proxying by #EnableAspectJAutoProxy(proxyTargetClass = true).
Can someone explain what I am missing here? Why MyBean is not discovered when using AOP? ctx.getBean(MyInterface.class) works, but I can't imagine the situation with many implementations of such interface.
The target object to be proxied (MyBean) implements at least one interface (MyInterface), so a JDK proxy is used.
This proxy implements MyInterface, but is NOT an instance of MyBean.
Thats why
MyInterface bean = ctx.getBean(MyInterface.class);
works and
MyBean bean = ctx.getBean(MyBean.class);
CGLib proxies are created by subclassing the target object, so the bean created is a subclass of MyBean and implements MyInterface.
In this case also
MyBean bean = ctx.getBean(MyBean.class);
...but I can't imagine the situation with many implementations of such interface.
The only reason for MyInterface could be, to allow spring to create a JDK proxy, so there is no need to have many implementations.
Because if you check up your bean class you'll find com.sun.proxy.$Proxy21 (or something similar) instead, which wraps your method. They are incompatible types even they have the same interface.
For example:
public interface AnInterface {
void func();
public class Bb implements AnInterface{
public void func() {
public class Cc implements AnInterface{
public void func() {
So when you call
public static void main(String[] args) {
Bb b = new Bb();
Cc c=b; // Error
AnInterface c=b; // Ok

why can't I access ApplicationContext from ApplicationContextAware implemented bean

I have a Spring JUnit tester class MySimpleTester:
public class MySimpleTester {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
myAdapter = (MyAdapter) applicationContext.getBean("myAdapter");
public void testGetSimpleList() {
List<SimpleLink> simpleList = **myAdapter.getSimpleLinksList**();
In the adapter class I have:
public MyAdapter {
public List<SimpleLink> getSimpleLinksList() {
List<SimpleLink> simLinks = null;
String environment = AppFactory.getPropertiesObj();
class AppFactory implements ApplicationContextAware {
private static ApplicationContext context;
public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext acontext) {
context = acontext;
public getPropertiesObj() {
return getAppContext().getBean("propertiesBean");
I get NullPointerException and see that ApplicationContext is Null here.
However at the SpringJUnitTestRunner class MySimpleTester I could find the applicationContext to be initialized correctly. I am not including the mySimpleConfig.xml and included files. The method in MyAdapter class getSimpleLinksList() works perfectly fine from the web application when run in the application server, and the appcontext is obtained there.
Only from the Spring tester is it not able to reach the static application context AppFactory class, as it is called statically through AppFactory.getPropertiesObj(). I had the classpath set correctly as other test classes are executing.
If you want to access the current ApplicationContext in MySimpleTester:-
public class MySimpleTester {
ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
myAdapter = (MyAdapter) applicationContext.getBean("myAdapter");
public void testGetSimpleList() {
List<SimpleLink> simpleList = **myAdapter.getSimpleLinksList**();
I think it is happening as multiple application contexts are created. The AplliCationContext object is supposed to be singleton. But when from the static method we call the applicationContext again it is refering to altogether different confirguration. The ApplicationContext is not even initialised there.
This does not happen when the same module is called from Spring MVC webcontanier. It happens only when you try to use Spring tester classes RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class). I can pass the AppContext in the business method but I do not want to change the bsiness method signature. I found some threads in spring community with similar issue.

Custom spring property source does not resolve placeholders in #Value

I'm trying to build a Spring 3.1 PropertySource which reads its values from Zookeeper nodes. For connecting to Zookeeper I am using Curator from Netflix.
For that I've built a custom property source which reads the value of a property from Zookeeper and returns it. This works fine when I am resolving the property like this
ZookeeperPropertySource zkPropertySource = new ZookeeperPropertySource(zkClient);
ctx.getEnvironment().getProperty("foo"); // returns 'from zookeeper'
However, when I try to instantiate a bean which has a field with an #Value annotation then this fails:
public class MyBean {
#Value("${foo}") public String foo;
MyBean b = ctx.getBean(MyBean.class); // fails with BeanCreationException
This problem has most likely nothing to do with Zookeeper but with the way I'm registering the property sources and creating the beans.
Any insight is highly appreciated.
Update 1:
I'm creating the app context from an XML file like this:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("applicationContext.xml");
The class which connects to Zookeeper is a #Component.
public class Server {
CuratorFramework zkClient;
public void connectToZookeeper() {
zkClient = ... (curator magic) ...
public void registerPropertySource() {
ZookeeperPropertySource zkPropertySource = new ZookeeperPropertySource(zkClient);
ctx.getEnvironment().getProperty("foo"); // returns 'from zookeeper'
public void start() {
MyBean b = ctx.getBean(MyBean.class);
Update 2
This seems to work when I'm using XML-less configuration, i.e. #Configuration, #ComponentScan and #PropertySource in combination with an AnnotationConfigApplicationContext. Why doesn't it work with a ClassPathXmlApplicationContext?
public class AppConfig {
public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer() {
return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();
Answering to your Update 2: This does not work with your original configuration(registering a PropertySource using #PostConstruct) because the PropertySource is being registered very late, by this time your target bean has already been constructed and initialized.
Typically the injection of the placeholders happens via a BeanFactoryPostProcessor which is very early in the Spring lifecycle(beans have not been created at this stage) and if a PropertySource is registered at that stage, then placeholders should be resolved.
The best approach though is to use a ApplicationContextInitializer, get a handle on the applicationContext and to register the propertySource there:
public class CustomInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableWebApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableWebApplicationContext ctx) {
ZookeeperPropertySource zkPropertySource = new ZookeeperPropertySource(zkClient);
