Where to create JSON files on Visual studio 2017 - visual-studio

I have just created a simple web application using visual studio 2017. I'm trying to figure out where do I create the Json files that I need, there are a lot of JSON files on the solution explorer but I'm not sure whether they are the ones that I need. I'm new to visual studio. Please help.
Here are the codes that I have for site.js


Can I integrate or import code from Visual Studio Code to Visual Studio?

Is there any way I can use Visual Studio Code and somehow integrate it to Microsoft Visual Studio just to use for version control after I'm done?
I mainly code with HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
You should be able to just load the folder in VS Code and edit the files.
VSCode is not able to handle solution files so any adding or deleting will need to be done in the full Visual Studio IDE.
You will be able to edit the files in VSCode though and I do believe it supports the Source Control integration as well.

Creating a project with visual studio 2017

Ok, I am coming from visual studio 2015 where I could create a new site, add folders for HTML, CSS, and JS.
Switched to visual studio 2017 (Enterprise) to see what its all about and now I can not figure out how to do the same thing as 2015. I just want a blank project with the ability to add whatever file formats I want. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Working together in visual studio 2017

is there any way to work with someone else together on a shared document on visual studio something like google docs?
I tried to make it using the shared project on visal studio but I didn't work

How to open rdl Created with Visual Studio 2005, in Visual Studio 2008?

I need to open an SSRS report that was created in Visual Studio 2005. To include HTML renderining, I need to convert or upgrade the file.
How to edit SSRS 2005 Reports in Visual Studio 2008 with included data source?
The File is opening in Design mode correctly but code is getting changed. Confuse with handling data source as both having different structure.
Please update!!
It automatically convert with all required changes. Data Source remained same.

Using microsoft chess in visual studio 2010

I want to use microsoft chess framework in visual studio 2010. it works fine in 2008 but its support is not available for visual studio 2010. is there any way to use it.
Just go there: CHESS: Systematic Concurrency Testing Source Code, click on the 'Download' button, read the licence text and if you're ok download the full package somewhere on your disk.
From there you can just extract the whole .ZIP file and open the All.Sln file at the root of the extracted files, it's a Visual Studio 2010 solution.
