I would like to rotate (30 degrees) an image in Matlab but without using imwarp, imtranslate, imrotate, imresize.
My code is following:
image = imread('image.jpg');
theta = 30;
tform = affine2d([cosd(theta) sind(theta) 0; -sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0; 0 0 1]);
[X,Y] = transformPointsForward(tform,1:800,1:800);
I believe I should be using imref2d, but I'm not entirely sure how.
How can I assign the new coordinates? I would like the rest of the space (used by the image) to be black (pixel value = 0).
The correct way doing it is not so trivial.
The rotation matrix in your post is "centered" - (0,0) is the center coordinate.
We need transformation matrix in which (1,1) is the top left coordinate.
You need to transform all the coordinates of the image.
In your post you are only transforming coordinates (1,1), (2,2), (3,3)...
Using forward transformation creates "holes" - not all pixels in the destination image are filled.
We need to use backward transformation, and for every destination pixel, get the coordinate of the source pixel (destination to source transformation is considered "backward transformation").
Using the inverse transformation with transformPointsForward is equivalent to backward transformation.
Note: Your transformation matrix is actually the "backward transformation".
Here is how to solve it (please read the comments):
I = rgb2gray(imread('peppers.png')); % Read sample image and convert to gray.
[rows, cols] = size(I);
theta = 30;
% The rotation matrix is "centered" - coordinate (0, 0) is the center:
cT = [cosd(theta) -sind(theta) 0; sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0; 0 0 1];
top2cen = [1 0 0
0 1 0
(cols+1)/2 (rows+1)/2 1];
cen2top = [1 0 0
0 1 0
-(cols+1)/2 -(rows+1)/2 1];
% We need the rotation matrix to be "top left" - coordinate (1, 1) is the top left coordinate:
T = cen2top*cT*top2cen; % Note: you don't really need to use matrix multiplications for solving this.
tform = affine2d(T);
% All the combinations of u,v coordinates
[U, V] = meshgrid(1:cols, 1:rows);
% Transform all the (u, v) coordinates of the input I.
[X, Y] = transformPointsForward(tform, U, V);
% Round the coordinates - the interpolation method is going to Nearest Neighbor.
X = round(X);
Y = round(Y);
J = zeros(size(I), 'like', I);
% Limit the X,Y coordinates to the valid range.
limX = max(min(X, cols), 1);
limY = max(min(Y, rows), 1);
% Copy the (u,v) pixel in I to position (x,y) in J.
J(sub2ind(size(I), limY, limX)) = I(sub2ind(size(I), V, U));
% Oops... J has many holes...
imwrite(J, 'fwJ.png');
% Correct way:
% We must inverse the transformation - use backward transformation instead of forward transformation.
%cT = inv([cosd(theta) -sind(theta) 0; sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0; 0 0 1]);
cT = [cosd(theta) sind(theta) 0; -sind(theta) cosd(theta) 0; 0 0 1]; % Inverse transformation matrix.
% Repeate the process with inversed transformation.
T = cen2top*cT*top2cen;
tform = affine2d(T);
[U, V] = meshgrid(1:cols, 1:rows);
% Transform all the (x, y) coordinates of the input I.
[X, Y] = transformPointsForward(tform, U, V); % Name the coordinates U, V
% Round the coordinates - the interpolation method is going to Nearest Neighbor.
X = round(X);
Y = round(Y);
J = zeros(size(I), 'like', I);
% Limit the X,Y coordinates to the valid range.
limX = max(min(X, cols), 1);
limY = max(min(Y, rows), 1);
J(sub2ind(size(I), V, U)) = I(sub2ind(size(I), limY, limX));
% Zero the margins (place zeros where X, Y are outside of the valid range):
J((X < 1) | (Y < 1) | (X > cols) | (Y > rows)) = 0;
imwrite(J, 'J.png');
% Testing
% Reference:
K = imrotate(I, 30, 'nearest', 'crop');
% Display the difference from imrotate (images are equal).
figure;imagesc(double(K) - double(J));
Result of forward transformation (the wrong way):
Result of backward transformation (the right way):
Currently I have been working on obtaining the length of a curve, with the following code I have managed to get the length of a curve present in an image.
test image one curve
Then I paste the code that I used to get the length of the curve of a simple image. What I did is the following:
I got the columns and rows of the image
I got the columns in x and the rows in y
I obtained the coefficients of the curve, based on the formula of the
Build the equation
Implement the arc length formula to obtain the length of the curve
grayImage = imread(fullFileName);
[rows, columns, numberOfColorBands] = size(grayImage);
if numberOfColorBands > 1
grayImage = grayImage(:, :, 2); % Take green channel.
subplot(2, 2, 1);
imshow(grayImage, []);
% Get the rows (y) and columns (x).
[rows, columns] = find(binaryImage);
coefficients = polyfit(columns, rows, 2); % Gets coefficients of the formula.
% Fit a curve to 500 points in the range that x has.
fittedX = linspace(min(columns), max(columns), 500);
% Now get the y values.
fittedY = polyval(coefficients, fittedX);
% Plot the fitting:
plot(fittedX, fittedY, 'b-', 'linewidth', 4);
grid on;
xlabel('X', 'FontSize', fontSize);
ylabel('Y', 'FontSize', fontSize);
% Overlay the original points in red.
hold on;
plot(columns, rows, 'r+', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 10)
formula = poly2sym([coefficients(1),coefficients(2),coefficients(3)]);
% formulaD = vpa(formula)
df = df^2;
f= (sqrt(1+df));
i = int(f,min(columns),max(columns));
j = double(i);
Now I have the image 2 which has n curves, I do not know how I can do to get the length of each curve
test image n curves
I suggest you to look at Hough Transformation:
You will need Image Processing Toolbox. Otherwise, you have to develop your own logic.
Update 1
I had a two-hour thinking about your problem and I'm only able to extract the first curve. The problem is to locate the starting points of the curves. Anyway, here is the code I come up with and hopefully will give you some ideas for further development.
clc;clear;close all;
grayImage = imread('2.png');
[rows, columns, numberOfColorBands] = size(grayImage);
if numberOfColorBands > 1
grayImage = grayImage(:, :, 2); % Take green channel.
% find edge.
bw = edge(grayImage,'canny');
[x, y] = find(bw == 1);
P = [x,y];
% For each point, find a point that is of distance 1 or sqrt(2) to it, i.e.
% find its connectivity.
cP = cell(1,length(x));
for i = 1:length(x)
px = x(i);
py = y(i);
dx = x - px*ones(size(x));
dy = y - py*ones(size(y));
distances = (dx.^2 + dy.^2).^0.5;
cP{i} = [x(distances == 1), y(distances == 1);
x(distances == sqrt(2)), y(distances == sqrt(2))];
% pick the first point and a second point that is connected to it.
fP = P(1,:);
Q(1,:) = fP;
Q(2,:) = cP{1}(1,:);
m = 2;
while true
% take the previous point from point set Q, when current point is
% Q(m,1)
pP = Q(m-1,:);
% find the index of the current point in point set P.
i = find(P(:,1) == Q(m,1) & P(:,2) == Q(m,2));
% Find the distances from the previous points to all points connected
% to the current point.
dx = cP{i}(:,1) - pP(1)*ones(length(cP{i}),1);
dy = cP{i}(:,2) - pP(2)*ones(length(cP{i}),1);
distances = (dx.^2 + dy.^2).^0.5;
% Take the farthest point as the next point.
m = m+1;
p_cache = cP{i}(find(distances==max(distances),1),:);
% Calculate the distance of this point to the first point.
distance = ((p_cache(1) - fP(1))^2 + (p_cache(2) - fP(2))^2).^0.5;
if distance == 0 || distance == 1
Q(m,:) = p_cache;
% By now we should have built the ordered point set Q for the first curve.
% However, there is a significant weakness and this weakness prevents us to
% build the second curve.
Update 2
Some more work since the last update. I'm able to separate each curve now. The only problem I can see here is to have a good curve fitting. I would suggest B-spline or Bezier curves than polynomial fit. I think I will stop here and leave you to figure out the rest. Hope this helps.
Note that the following script uses Image Processing Toolbox to find the edges of the curves.
clc;clear;close all;
grayImage = imread('2.png');
[rows, columns, numberOfColorBands] = size(grayImage);
if numberOfColorBands > 1
grayImage = grayImage(:, :, 2); % Take green channel.
% find edge.
bw = edge(grayImage,'canny');
[x, y] = find(bw == 1);
P = [x,y];
% For each point, find a point that is of distance 1 or sqrt(2) to it, i.e.
% find its connectivity.
cP =[0,0]; % add a place holder
for i = 1:length(x)
px = x(i);
py = y(i);
dx = x - px*ones(size(x));
dy = y - py*ones(size(y));
distances = (dx.^2 + dy.^2).^0.5;
c = [find(distances == 1); find(distances == sqrt(2))];
cP(end+1:end+length(c),:) = [ones(length(c),1)*i, c];
cP (1,:) = [];% remove the place holder
% remove duplicates
cP = unique(sort(cP,2),'rows');
% seperating curves
Q{1} = cP(1,:);
for i = 2:length(cP)
cp = cP(i,:);
% search for points in cp in Q.
for j = 1:length(Q)
check = ismember(cp,Q{j});
if ~any(check) && j == length(Q) % if neither has been saved in Q
Q{end+1} = cp;
elseif sum(check) == 2 % if both points cp has been saved in Q
elseif sum(check) == 1 % if only one of the points exists in Q, add the one missing.
Q{j} = [Q{j}, cp(~check)];
% review sets in Q, merge the ones having common points
for j = 1:length(Q)-1
q = Q{j};
for m = j+1:length(Q)
check = ismember(q,Q{m});
if sum(check)>=1 % if there are common points
Q{m} = [Q{m}, q(~check)]; % merge
Q{j} = []; % delete the merged set
Q = Q(~cellfun('isempty',Q)); % remove empty cells;
% each cell in Q represents a curve. Note that points are not ordered.
figure;hold on;axis equal;grid on;
for i = 1:length(Q)
x_ = x(Q{i});
y_ = y(Q{i});
coefficients = polyfit(y_, x_, 3); % Gets coefficients of the formula.
% Fit a curve to 500 points in the range that x has.
fittedX = linspace(min(y_), max(y_), 500);
% Now get the y values.
fittedY = polyval(coefficients, fittedX);
plot(fittedX, fittedY, 'b-', 'linewidth', 4);
% Overlay the original points in red.
plot(y_, x_, 'r.', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 1)
formula = poly2sym([coefficients(1),coefficients(2),coefficients(3)]);
% formulaD = vpa(formula)
lengthOfCurve(i) = double(int((sqrt(1+df^2)),min(y_),max(y_)));
You can get a good approximation of the arc lengths using regionprops to estimate the perimeter of each region (i.e. arc) and then dividing that by 2. Here's how you would do this (requires the Image Processing Toolbox):
img = imread('6khWw.png'); % Load sample RGB image
bw = ~imbinarize(rgb2gray(img)); % Convert to grayscale, then binary, then invert it
data = regionprops(bw, 'PixelList', 'Perimeter'); % Get perimeter (and pixel coordinate
% list, for plotting later)
lens = [data.Perimeter]./2; % Compute lengths
imshow(bw) % Plot image
hold on;
for iLine = 1:numel(data),
xy = mean(data(iLine).PixelList); % Get mean of coordinates
text(xy(1), xy(2), num2str(lens(iLine), '%.2f'), 'Color', 'r'); % Plot text
And here's the plot this makes:
As a sanity check, we can use a simple test image to see how good an approximation this gives us:
testImage = zeros(100); % 100-by-100 image
testImage(5:95, 5) = 1; % Add a vertical line, 91 pixels long
testImage(5, 10:90) = 1; % Add a horizontal line, 81 pixels long
testImage(2020:101:6060) = 1; % Add a diagonal line 41-by-41 pixels
testImage = logical(imdilate(testImage, strel('disk', 1))); % Thicken lines slightly
Running the above code on this image, we get the following:
As you can see the horizontal and vertical line lengths come out close to what we expect, and the diagonal line is a little bit more than sqrt(2)*41 due to the dilation step extending its length slightly.
I try with this post but i donĀ“t understand so much, but the idea Colours123 sounds great, this post talk about GUI
I think that you should go through the image and ask if there is a '1' if yes, ask the following and thus identify the beginning of a curve, get the length and save it in a BD, I am not very good with the code , But that's my idea
So I'm trying to create a program to warp this picture of Steve Jobs by moving the center point of the image around. I have to do it by following pseudo code given to me by my professor and I'm making very little progress. Here's the code I've got so far with some of the pseudo code replaced with my own code but I'm getting an error because I'm exceeding the built in recursion limit of 500 recursions. I'm certain this isn't supposed to be a problem so I've got an infinite loop or recursion somewhere:
function HW7
I = imread('jobs_small.jpg','jpg'); % Loads the image
figure(1); imshow(I); % Displays the image
P_new = [194; 257]; % Offset of the center point
D = Warp(I,P_new); % Displays mask to see if it's correct
figure(2); imshow(D);
imwrite(D, 'jobs_small_warper.jpg', 'jpg'); % saves the result
function D = Warp(I, P_new)
%image warping
%function D = Warp(I,P_new)
I = imread('jobs_small.jpg','jpg');
P_new = [194; 257];
D = Warp(I,P_new);
R = size(I,1);
C = size(I,2);
D = uint8(zeros(size(I)));
% create the original 4 triangles as 4 matrices Y1,Y2,Y3,Y4
Y1 = [1 130 1
1 173 R];
Y2 = [1 130 C
1 173 1];
Y3 = [1 130 R
R 173 C];
Y4 = [R 130 C
C 173 1];
% create the distorted 4 triangles as 4 matrices X1,X2,X3,X4
X1 = [[1;1] [P_new] [1;R]];
X2 = [[1;1] [P_new] [C;1]];
X3 = [[1;R] [P_new] [R;C]];
X4 = [[R;C] [P_new] [C;1]];
M = CreateMask(R,C,X1,X2,X3,X4);
figure(3); imshow(M./4);
A1 = SolveWarp(X1,Y1);
A2 = SolveWarp(X2,Y2);
A3 = SolveWarp(X3,Y3);
A4 = SolveWarp(X4,Y4);
% warp the 4 regions and copy the pixels from I to D
% Hint: you can use if/else statement within a double for loop to scan the
% whole matrix
% Note: be careful to round the coordinates to make them inside the image
% boundry
% D <- copy the corresponding pixels from I based on M,A1,A2,A3,A4
function A = SolveWarp(X,Y)
A = Y*inv([[X]; [1 1 1]]);
% following Eq(1) for the solution <- implement this!
function M = CreateMask(R,C,P1,P2,P3,P4)
% R -- number of Rows
% C -- number of columns
% P1,P2,P3,P4 are the 4 triangles
% M -- the mask of size (R,C)
M = zeros(R,C);
% x <- collection of x coordinates of all pixels
x = I(1:2:259,:); %VERY LIKELY INCORRECT
% y <- collection of y coordinates of all pixels
y = I(2:2:259,:); %VERY LIKELY INCORRECT
M1 = inpolygon(x,y,P1(1,:),P1(2,:));
M2 = inpolygon(x,y,P2(1,:),P2(2,:))*2;
M3 = inpolygon(x,y,P3(1,:),P3(2,:))*3;
M4 = inpolygon(x,y,P4(1,:),P4(2,:))*4;
M5 = max(max(max(M1,M2), M3), M4);
% M <- re-stack M5 to an RxC matrix
M5 = zeros(R,C);
% ^ pay attention to the order: row-by-row or column-by-column
% The center is shifted to (194,257)
So this is all pretty much a mess as you can see. I'm particularly confused about how to copy the pixels from matrix I (the image) to matrix D (the distorted image), how the mask is supposed to function, and what restacking M5 means near the end of the code.
I'd really appreciate any guidance and help you all could give me.
What is the best way to draw a line over a black and white (binary) image in MATLAB, provided the start and end coordinates are known?
Please note, I am not trying to add an annotation line. I would like the line to become part of the image.
You may want to look at my answer to an SO question about adding a line to an image matrix. Here's a similar example to the one I have in that answer, which will make a white line running from row and column index (10, 10) to (240, 120):
img = imread('cameraman.tif'); % Load a sample black and white image
x = [10 240]; % x coordinates
y = [10 120]; % y coordinates
nPoints = max(abs(diff(x)), abs(diff(y)))+1; % Number of points in line
rIndex = round(linspace(y(1), y(2), nPoints)); % Row indices
cIndex = round(linspace(x(1), x(2), nPoints)); % Column indices
index = sub2ind(size(img), rIndex, cIndex); % Linear indices
img(index) = 255; % Set the line points to white
imshow(img); % Display the image
And here's the resulting image:
If you are bothered by exceptional cases of other methods here's a bullet-proof method that results in a line:
whose pixels always touch each other during the whole length of the line (pixels are 8-neighbors to each other),
density of the line is not dependent on the additional parameter, but is determined flexibly to accommodate guarantee from the first point.
Inputs (convenient for making function out of this code):
img - matrix that contains image,
x1, y1, x2, y2 - coordinates of the end points of the line to be drawn.
% distances according to both axes
xn = abs(x2-x1);
yn = abs(y2-y1);
% interpolate against axis with greater distance between points;
% this guarantees statement in the under the first point!
if (xn > yn)
xc = x1 : sign(x2-x1) : x2;
yc = round( interp1([x1 x2], [y1 y2], xc, 'linear') );
yc = y1 : sign(y2-y1) : y2;
xc = round( interp1([y1 y2], [x1 x2], yc, 'linear') );
% 2-D indexes of line are saved in (xc, yc), and
% 1-D indexes are calculated here:
ind = sub2ind( size(img), yc, xc );
% draw line on the image (change value of '255' to one that you need)
img(ind) = 255;
Here's the example image with three lines drawn on it:
This algorithm offers one approach.
It actually is just a modification on plesiv's answer. I'm drawing thousands of lines over an image and I need to increase the performance. The most improvement made by omitting interp1 calls and using integer variables made it slightly faster. It performs about 18% faster on my PC comparing to plesiv's code.
function img = drawLine(img, x1, y1, x2, y2)
x1=int16(x1); x2=int16(x2); y1=int16(y1); y2=int16(y2);
% distances according to both axes
xn = double(x2-x1);
yn = double(y2-y1);
% interpolate against axis with greater distance between points;
% this guarantees statement in the under the first point!
if (abs(xn) > abs(yn))
xc = x1 : sign(xn) : x2;
if yn==0
yc = y1+zeros(1, abs(xn)+1, 'int16');
yc = int16(double(y1):abs(yn/xn)*sign(yn):double(y2));
yc = y1 : sign(yn) : y2;
if xn==0
xc = x1+zeros(1, abs(yn)+1, 'int16');
xc = int16(double(x1):abs(xn/yn)*sign(xn):double(x2));
% 2-D indexes of line are saved in (xc, yc), and
% 1-D indexes are calculated here:
ind = sub2ind(size(img), yc, xc);
% draw line on the image (change value of '255' to one that you need)
img(ind) = 255;
If you have the Computer Vision System Toolbox, you can use insertShape.
What are the best algorithms (and explanations) for representing and rotating the pieces of a tetris game? I always find the piece rotation and representation schemes confusing.
Most tetris games seem to use a naive "remake the array of blocks" at each rotation:
However, some use pre-built encoded numbers and bit shifting to represent each piece:
Is there a method to do this using mathematics (not sure that would work on a cell based board)?
When I was trying to figure out how rotations would work for my tetris game, this was the first question that I found on stack overflow. Even though this question is old, I think my input will help others trying to figure this out algorithmically. First, I disagree that hard coding each piece and rotation will be easier. Gamecat's answer is correct, but I wanted to elaborate on it. Here are the steps I used to solve the rotation problem in Java.
For each shape, determine where its origin will be. I used the points on the diagram from this page to assign my origin points. Keep in mind that, depending on your implementation, you may have to modify the origin every time the piece is moved by the user.
Rotation assumes the origin is located at point (0,0), so you will have to translate each block before it can be rotated. For example, suppose your origin is currently at point (4, 5). This means that before the shape can be rotated, each block must be translated -4 in the x-coordinate and -5 in the y-coordinate to be relative to (0,0).
In Java, a typical coordinate plane starts with point (0,0) in the upper left most corner and then increases to the right and down. To compensate for this in my implementation, I multiplied each point by -1 before rotation.
Here are the formulae I used to figure out the new x and y coordinate after a counter-clockwise rotation. For more information on this, I would check out the Wikipedia page on Rotation Matrix. x' and y' are the new coordinates:
x' = x * cos(PI/2) - y * sin(PI/2) and y' = x * sin(PI/2) + y * cos(PI/2)
For the last step, I just went through steps 2 and 3 in reverse order. So I multiplied my results by -1 again and then translated the blocks back to their original coordinates.
Here is the code that worked for me (in Java) to get an idea of how to do it in your language:
public synchronized void rotateLeft(){
Point[] rotatedCoordinates = new Point[MAX_COORDINATES];
for(int i = 0; i < MAX_COORDINATES; i++){
// Translates current coordinate to be relative to (0,0)
Point translationCoordinate = new Point(coordinates[i].x - origin.x, coordinates[i].y - origin.y);
// Java coordinates start at 0 and increase as a point moves down, so
// multiply by -1 to reverse
translationCoordinate.y *= -1;
// Clone coordinates, so I can use translation coordinates
// in upcoming calculation
rotatedCoordinates[i] = (Point)translationCoordinate.clone();
// May need to round results after rotation
rotatedCoordinates[i].x = (int)Math.round(translationCoordinate.x * Math.cos(Math.PI/2) - translationCoordinate.y * Math.sin(Math.PI/2));
rotatedCoordinates[i].y = (int)Math.round(translationCoordinate.x * Math.sin(Math.PI/2) + translationCoordinate.y * Math.cos(Math.PI/2));
// Multiply y-coordinate by -1 again
rotatedCoordinates[i].y *= -1;
// Translate to get new coordinates relative to
// original origin
rotatedCoordinates[i].x += origin.x;
rotatedCoordinates[i].y += origin.y;
// Erase the old coordinates by making them black
matrix.fillCell(coordinates[i].x, coordinates[i].y,;
// Set new coordinates to be drawn on screen
This method is all that is needed to rotate your shape to the left, which turns out to be much smaller (depending on your language) than defining each rotation for every shape.
There is a limited amount of shapes, so I would use a fixed table and no calculation. That saves time.
But there are rotation algorithms.
Chose a centerpoint and rotate pi/2.
If a block of a piece starts at (1,2) it moves clockwise to (2,-1) and (-1,-2) and (-1, 2).
Apply this for each block and the piece is rotated.
Each x is the previous y and each y - the previous x. Which gives the following matrix:
[ 0 1 ]
[ -1 0 ]
For counterclockwise rotation, use:
[ 0 -1 ]
[ 1 0 ]
This is how I did it recently in a jQuery/CSS based tetris game.
Work out the centre of the block (to be used as a pivot point), i.e. the centre of the block shape.
Call that (px, py).
Each brick that makes up the block shape will rotate around that point.
For each brick, you can apply the following calculation...
Where each brick's width and height is q, the brick's current location (of the upper left corner) is (x1, y1) and the new brick location is (x2, y2):
x2 = (y1 + px - py)
y2 = (px + py - x1 - q)
To rotate the opposite direction:
x2 = (px + py - y1 - q)
y2 = (x1 + py - px)
This calculation is based on a 2D affine matrix transformation.
If you are interested in how I got to this let me know.
Personally I've always just represented the rotations by hand - with very few shapes, it's easy to code that way. Basically I had (as pseudo-code)
class Shape
Color color;
ShapeRotation[] rotations;
class ShapeRotation
Point[4] points;
class Point
int x, y;
At least conceptually - a multi-dimensional array of points directly in shape would do the trick too :)
You can rotate a matrix only by applying mathematical operations to it. If you have a matrix, say:
Mat A = [1,1,1]
To rotate it, multiply it by its transpose and then by this matrix ([I]dentity [H]orizontaly [M]irrored):
IHM(A) = [0,0,1]
Then you'll have:
Mat Rotation = Trn(A)*IHM(A) = [1,0,0]*[0,0,1] = [0,0,1]
[1,0,0] [0,1,0] = [0,0,1]
[1,1,0] [1,0,0] = [0,1,1]
Note: Center of rotation will be the center of the matrix, in this case at (2,2).
Represent each piece in the minimum matrix where 1's represent spaces occupied by the tetriminoe and 0's represent empty space. Example:
originalMatrix =
[0, 0, 1]
[1, 1, 1]
Rotation Formula
clockwise90DegreesRotatedMatrix = reverseTheOrderOfColumns(Transpose(originalMatrix))
anticlockwise90DegreesRotatedMatrix = reverseTheOrderOfRows(Transpose(originalMatrix))
originalMatrix =
x y z
a[0, 0, 1]
b[1, 1, 1]
transposed = transpose(originalMatrix)
a b
x[0, 1]
y[0, 1]
z[1, 1]
counterClockwise90DegreesRotated = reverseTheOrderOfRows(transposed)
a b
z[1, 1]
y[0, 1]
x[0, 1]
clockwise90DegreesRotated = reverseTheOrderOfColumns(transposed)
b a
x[1, 0]
y[1, 0]
z[1, 1]
Since there are only 4 possible orientations for each shape, why not use an array of states for the shape and rotating CW or CCW simply increments or decrements the index of the shape state (with wraparound for the index)? I would think that might be quicker than performing rotation calculations and whatnot.
I derived a rotation algorithm from matrix rotations here. To sum it up: If you have a list of coordinates for all cells that make up the block, e.g. [(0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (3, 1)] or [(1, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1)]:
0123 012
0.... 0.#.
1#### or 1###
2.... 2...
you can calculate the new coordinates using
x_new = y_old
y_new = 1 - (x_old - (me - 2))
for clockwise rotation and
x_new = 1 - (y_old - (me - 2))
y_new = x_old
for counter-clockwise rotation. me is the maximum extent of the block, i.e. 4 for I-blocks, 2 for O-blocks and 3 for all other blocks.
If you're doing this in python, cell-based instead of coordinate pairs it's very simple to rotate a nested list.
rotate = lambda tetrad: zip(*tetrad[::-1])
# S Tetrad
tetrad = rotate([[0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0], [0,1,1,0], [1,1,0,0]])
If we assume that the central square of the tetromino has coordinates (x0, y0) which remains unchanged then the rotation of the other 3 squares in Java will look like this:
private void rotateClockwise()
if(rotatable > 0) //We don't rotate tetromino O. It doesn't have central square.
int i = y1 - y0;
y1 = (y0 + x1) - x0;
x1 = x0 - i;
i = y2 - y0;
y2 = (y0 + x2) - x0;
x2 = x0 - i;
i = y3 - y0;
y3 = (y0 + x3) - x0;
x3 = x0 - i;
private void rotateCounterClockwise()
if(rotatable > 0)
int i = y1 - y0;
y1 = (y0 - x1) + x0;
x1 = x0 + i;
i = y2 - y0;
y2 = (y0 - x2) + x0;
x2 = x0 + i;
i = y3 - y0;
y3 = (y0 - x3) + x0;
x3 = x0 + i;
for 3x3 sized tetris pieces
flip x and y of your piece
then swap the outer columns
that's what I figured out some time
I have used a shape position and set of four coordinates for the four points in all the shapes. Since it's in 2D space, you can easy apply a 2D rotational matrice to the points.
The points are divs so their css class is turned from off to on. (this is after clearing the css class of where they were last turn.)
If array size is 3*3 ,than the simplest way to rotate it for example in anti-clockwise direction is:
oldShapeMap[3][3] = {{1,1,0},
bool newShapeMap[3][3] = {0};
int gridSize = 3;
for(int i=0;i<gridSize;i++)
for(int j=0;j<gridSize;j++)
newShapeMap[i][j] = oldShapeMap[j][(gridSize-1) - i];
/*newShapeMap now contain:
pieces = [
def get_piece_dimensions(piece):
max_r = max_c = 0
for point in piece:
max_r = max(max_r, point[0])
max_c = max(max_c, point[1])
return max_r, max_c
def rotate_piece(piece):
max_r, max_c = get_piece_dimensions(piece)
new_piece = []
for r in range(max_r+1):
for c in range(max_c+1):
if (r,c) in piece:
new_piece.append((c, max_r-r))
return new_piece
In Ruby, at least, you can actually use matrices. Represent your piece shapes as nested arrays of arrays like [[0,1],[0,2],[0,3]]
require 'matrix'
shape ={|arr|(Matrix[arr] * Matrix[[0,-1],[1,0]]).to_a.flatten}
However, I agree that hard-coding the shapes is feasible since there are 7 shapes and 4 states for each = 28 lines and it will never be any more than that.
For more on this see my blog post at and a completely working implementation (with minor bugs) at
In Java:
private static char[][] rotateMatrix(char[][] m) {
final int h = m.length;
final int w = m[0].length;
final char[][] t = new char[h][w];
for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
t[w - x - 1][y] = m[y][x];
return t;
A simple Tetris implementation as a single-page application in Java: