How To Mutate Variables Scheme - scheme

I'm trying to sum a list using mutable objects for an assignment.letis used here to allow me to mutate x the total sum and counter. I'm not very well versed with scheme hence the use if statements for each number in the list lst:
(define lst (list 1 2 3 4 5))
(let mut ((counter 0))
(let ((x (car lst)))
(if (= counter 4)
(if (= 0 counter)
(+ x (cadr lst)))
(if (= 1 counter)
(display (caddr lst)) ;test
(+ x (caddr lst)))
(if (= 2 counter)
(+ x (caddr lst)))
(set-car! lst (cdr lst))
(mut (+ counter 1))
however when I run the code I get an error
+: contract violation
expected: number?
given: (mcons 2 (mcons 3 (mcons 4 (mcons 5 '()))))
argument position: 1st
other arguments...:
However when I check (caddr lst) it returns a 3 as expected. My issue is why, when run, does caddr produce (mcons 2 (mcons 3 (mcons 4 (mcons 5 '())))) when applied to an + but when not applied it returns 3
I am using R5RS
edit: I have omitted some of the if statements for conciseness

Okay so I figured it out using a whole different implementation #molbdnilo was correct that my understanding was flawed.
here is my implementation if anyone else is struggling with this problem
(define (goMut)
(define mVar 0)
(define acc 0)
(define (accDo num)
(set! acc (+ num acc)))
(for-each (lambda (x) (set! mVar x) (accDo x))
(list 1 2 3 4 5))
Using set! we can apply the value in the list to an external variable and mutate it as we iterate throughout the loop using the function accDo. Function template taken from SICP pg 107


How to design a function that subtracts 2 from each number in a given list?

Here is my code. My test result are always wrong and I don't know where the mistakes are and how to correct them.
(define (calculator op num lst)
(cond [(empty? lst) empty]
[else (cons (op num (first lst))
(calculator op num (rest lst)))]))
(define (sb lst)
(calculator - 2 lst))
(define (calculator op num lst)
; test result:
(sb (list 2 3))
-->(list 0 -1)
(sb (list 5 6))
-->(list -3 -4)
(sb (list -1 -2))
-->(list 3 4)
The problem is caused by (op num (first lst)). When you run your code, it is essentially equivalent to (- 2 (first lst)). You are not subtracting 2 from every item in the list. Instead you are subtracting every item in the list from 2. You are doing 2 - x instead of x - 2. To get the desired results, the arguments given to - should be flipped.
You could solve the problem by defining a "flipped subtraction" function that takes its arguments in a different order. For example:
(define (flipped-sub b a)
(- a b))
(define (sb lst)
(calculator flipped-sub 2 lst))
Or just use an anonymous lambda:
(define (sb lst)
(calculator (lambda (num x) (- x num)) 2 lst))

List of lengths from list of strings using map, filter, or fold-right

You are given a list of strings.
Generate a procedure such that applying this procedure to such a list
would result in a list of the lengths of each of the strings in the
Use map, filter, or fold-right.
(lengths (list "This" "is" "not" "fun")) => (4 2 3 3)
(define lengths (lambda (lst) your_code_here))
I got stuck in the following code and I do not understand how can I use filter.
(define lengths
(lambda (lst)
(if (null? lst)
(fold-right list (string-length (car lst)) (cdr lst)))))
This seems like a work for map, you just have to pass the right procedure as a parameter:
(define (lengths lst)
(map string-length lst))
As you should know, map applies a procedure to each of the elements in the input list, returning a new list collecting the results. If we're interested in building a list with the lengths of strings, then we call string-length on each element. The procedure pretty much writes itself!
A word of advice: read the documentation of the procedures you're being asked to use, the code you're writing is overly complicated. This was clearly not a job for filter, although fold-right could have been used, too. Just remember: let the higher-order procedure take care of the iteration, you don't have to do it explicitly:
(define (lengths lst)
(fold-right (lambda (x a)
(cons (string-length x) a))
This looks like homework so I'll only give you pointers:
map takes a procedure and applies to to every element of a list. Thus
(define (is-strings lst)
(map string? lst))
(is-strings '("hello" 5 sym "89")) ; (#t #f #f #t)
(define (add-two lst)
(map (lambda (x) (+ x 2)) lst))
(add-two '(3 4 5 6)) ; ==> (5 6 7 8)
filter takes procedure that acts as a predicate. If #f the element is omitted, else the element is in the resulting list.
(define (filter-strings lst)
(filter string? lst))
(filter-strings '(3 5 "hey" test "you")) ; ==> ("hey" "you")
fold-right takes an initial value and a procedure that takes an accumulated value and a element and supposed to generate a new value:
(fold-right + 0 '(3 4 5 6)) ; ==> 18, since its (+ 3 (+ 4 (+ 5 (+ 6 0))))
(fold-right cons '() '(a b c d)) ; ==> (a b c d) since its (cons a (cons b (cons c (cons d '()))))
(fold-right - 0 '(1 2 3)) ; ==> -2 since its (- 1 (- 2 (- 3 0)))
(fold-right (lambda (e1 acc) (if (<= acc e1) acc e1)) +Inf.0 '(7 6 2 3)) ; ==> 2
fold-right has a left handed brother that is iterative and faster, though for list processing it would reverse the order after processing..
(fold-left (lambda (acc e1) (cons e1 acc)) '() '(1 2 3 4)) ; ==> (4 3 2 1)

How to use append-map in Racket (Scheme)

I don't fully understand what the append-map command does in racket, nor do I understand how to use it and I'm having a pretty hard time finding some decently understandable documentation online for it. Could someone possibly demonstrate what exactly the command does and how it works?
The append-map procedure is useful for creating a single list out of a list of sublists after applying a procedure to each sublist. In other words, this code:
(append-map proc lst)
... Is semantically equivalent to this:
(apply append (map proc lst))
... Or this:
(append* (map proc lst))
The applying-append-to-a-list-of-sublists idiom is sometimes known as flattening a list of sublists. Let's look at some examples, this one is right here in the documentation:
(append-map vector->list '(#(1) #(2 3) #(4)))
'(1 2 3 4)
For a more interesting example, take a look at this code from Rosetta Code for finding all permutations of a list:
(define (insert l n e)
(if (= 0 n)
(cons e l)
(cons (car l)
(insert (cdr l) (- n 1) e))))
(define (seq start end)
(if (= start end)
(list end)
(cons start (seq (+ start 1) end))))
(define (permute l)
(if (null? l)
(apply append (map (lambda (p)
(map (lambda (n)
(insert p n (car l)))
(seq 0 (length p))))
(permute (cdr l))))))
The last procedure can be expressed more concisely by using append-map:
(define (permute l)
(if (null? l)
(append-map (lambda (p)
(map (lambda (n)
(insert p n (car l)))
(seq 0 (length p))))
(permute (cdr l)))))
Either way, the result is as expected:
(permute '(1 2 3))
=> '((1 2 3) (2 1 3) (2 3 1) (1 3 2) (3 1 2) (3 2 1))
In Common Lisp, the function is named "mapcan" and it is sometimes used to combine filtering with mapping:
* (mapcan (lambda (n) (if (oddp n) (list (* n n)) '()))
'(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
(1 9 25 49)
In Racket that would be:
> (append-map (lambda (n) (if (odd? n) (list (* n n)) '()))
(range 8))
'(1 9 25 49)
But it's better to do it this way:
> (filter-map (lambda (n) (and (odd? n) (* n n))) (range 8))
'(1 9 25 49)

Scheme problem (using a function as a parameter)

I'm a Scheme newbie and trying to make sense of my homework.
I've a function I made earlier called duplicate, and it looks like this:
( DEFINE ( duplicate lis )
(IF (NULL? lis) '())
((CONS (CAR lis) (CONS (CAR lis) (duplicate (CDR lis))))
A typical i/o from this would be i: (duplicate '(1 2 3 4)) o: (1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4), so basicly it duplicates everything in the list.
Moving on:
Now I'm supposed to make a function that's called comp.
It's supposed to be built like this:
(DEFINE (comp f g) (lambda (x) (f (g (x))))
Where I could input '(1 2 3 4) and it would return (1 1 4 4 9 9 16 16)
so f = duplicate and g = lambda.
I know lambda should probably look like this:
(lambda (x) (* x x))
But here's where the problem starts, I've already spent several hours on this, and as you can see not made much progress.
Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards.
Use map:
> (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (duplicate '(1 2 3 4)))
=> (1 1 4 4 9 9 16 16)
or, modify duplicate to take a procedure as its second argument and apply it to each element of the list:
(define (duplicate lst p)
(if (null? lst) ()
(append (list (p (car lst)) (p (car lst))) (duplicate (cdr lst) p))))
> (duplicate '(1 2 3 4) (lambda (x) (* x x)))
=> (1 1 4 4 9 9 16 16)
One way to do is as follows:
(define (comp f g) (lambda (x) (f (g x))))
(define (square x) (* x x))
(define (dup x) (list x x))
(define (duplicate-square lst)
(foldr append '() (map (comp dup square) lst)))
Now at the repl, do:
> (duplicate-square '(1 2 3 4))
'(1 1 4 4 9 9 16 16)

Do iterative loop in scheme

New to scheme here and I'm having some trouble learning do loops. I am attempting to make a function that will take in an object and a vector, and then iterate through the vector until it find that object. When the object is found, it would then return a list containing all of the items in the vector before the object. My code is below. All it will return is how many iterations the do loop went through, instead of the list I want it to. If anyone could help me with the syntax, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks! ( ideally this would return (1 2))
(define(vector-test-iterative X Vector)
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) (< i (vector-length Vector))
(if (eqv? X (vector-ref Vector i))
(= i (vector-length Vector))
(cons (vector-ref Vector i) (ls '())))
(vector-test-iterative '4 #(1 2 4 3 5))
If you're using Racket, then there's no need to use do, which was never popular among schemers anyway. There's a whole range of iterators -- look for for in the docs, and things that start with for. For example, your code boils down to
#lang racket
(define (values-before x vector)
(for/list ([y (stop-before (in-vector vector)
(lambda (y) (eqv? x y)))])
(If you really want to use do, then you're missing a pair of parens around the test, and you should add a binding for the accumulator.)
A solution that uses a named loop. Cleaner (in my opinion!) than the do version and should work on any R5RS Scheme:
;; Extracts the sublist of `lst` up to `val`.
;; If `val` is not found, evaluates to an empty list.
(define (upto val lst)
(let loop ((res null) (lst lst))
(cond ((null? lst) null)
((eq? val (car lst)) (reverse res))
(else (loop (cons (car lst) res) (cdr lst))))))
;; Adapts the above procedure to work with vectors.
(define (vector-upto val vec)
(list->vector (upto val (vector->list vec))))
;; test
(vector-upto 6 #(1 2 3 4 5))
=> #0()
(vector-upto 5 #(1 2 3 4 5))
=> #4(1 2 3 4)
(vector-upto 3 #(1 2 3 4 5))
=> #2(1 2)
(vector-upto 1 #(1 2 3 4 5))
=> #0()
